1563. Chapter 1529, step in.

    Chapter 1529, step in.

    Those women saw Ye Futian coming directly into the Springs Water, and a slaughtered slaughter came out of there, and the entire spring water was destroyed by a strong Dao Intent, as if it was swimming from White Silver in the Spring Water, and moved towards Ye Futian’s body sheet.

    “Bomb.” Ye Futian erupted an extremely pound of breath on his body, turned into Metal, and the craziness of violence came to a sharp ear, where Ye Futian stood, where he was a great shore, like an angel, couldn’t shake.

    “Get out.” Forward, the most beautiful woman looks cold, staring at Ye Futian.

    “The divine spring, where Fairy can bathe, why am I going out?” Ye Futian, the power of Spring of Life, the power of moving moved towards four limbs, the world’s archaeological incarnation Divine Tree, shaking in Life Palace and absorbing external divine spring.

    Dao Fruit, who had hidden his life in water far beyond the depression of Dao Intent, was able to get all refining into the body, and what was his chance of life, even if fleshy body was destroyed.

    To think about this, the world’s ancient trees are absorbing this force for a while, his body looks like a frightened vortex, which brings the spring Water Crazy moved to him.

    In a moment Ye Futian was drowned by a depressed life aura.

    the woman in divine spring showed her color. What’s going on?

    They bathed in divine spring and gradually absorbed the hidden Dao Intent, who, after entering divine spring, became like a turbine to swallow the entire spring water.

    If they show the same color, this guy… he’s going to swallow divine spring?

    “Stop him.” That’s the first woman to say, “The woman in divine spring was walking towards Ye Futian, all of a sudden Daoist magic, and moved towards Ye Futian.

    Ye Futian, which was casted by Huang Metal, was swept out of the gloomy Thunder Light, and the body inner Qi pounds, stretched across the polar point, although it was only a holy place, it was definitely a nil breath under the atmosphere.

    “This…” for the first and last months, they see how strong this guy is in this vein?

    Before they saw Ye Futian get Dao Fruit, they swallowed it directly, and at this juncture, Ye Futian was really good at these capabilities, and it seemed that he would not only have a piano and a sword.

    However, despite the many attribute capabilities shown, the attack that Ye Futian had released at that time was still a sword, and he had incarnation Shi wells, built for a swordsman, the natural master, both of them, and the others were only complementary.

    See many attacks on moved towards himself, Ye Futian pointed to the forefront, where he had a horrendous cyclone, wrapped all the attacks from all the bombardments in it, and, more importantly, terrifying the power to attack Divine Soul with the intent of cutting the sword, and saw only one way out of Silhouette, many Fairy was directly injured, and there was a scream, and the crowd blew red-clothed shirt into his mouth.

    Ye Futian, there’s no tender at all, protective feelings for the fairer sex.

    “Gentlemen Fairy, this divine spring harbour, which was used for God Palace’s evidence, can anyone blame me for forcing Fairy to commit an act that would not let anyone touch his fingers.” Ye Futian said, “Ye Futian, he stepped on his foot, sword 1988 was killed, covered by divine spring.

    Even more terrifying is the fact that the spring water in divine spring has been declining and is still being swallowed by Ye Futian, whose body is like a bottomless pit to dry up this divine spring.

    Divine Tree breeds this Wang Life Spring Water, unable to move it away, absorbing only Dao Intent, but Ye Futian, who wants it to be completely swallowed, is to move divine spring completely into his body?

    And is he planting the path of swallowing?

    It doesn’t seem like he swallowed grand daos aura, so how did he do it?

    That’s the first woman to see Ye Futian look so cold, she’s breathing, she walks forward, and says, “You know that God Palace is in charge, and here it should have been God Palace disciple.”

    The place of proof, which was owned by God Palace, was preferred to give people outside the country the opportunity to compete.

    For that reason, many of God Palace’s disciple has a slight word, but there is no way that, in addition to a few of the most sophisticated people, others can only come here and compete with extremes, which, according to the elders of God Palace, is also a powerful test of God Palace disciple.

    The woman was called Yankee, God Palace, a big shot channel of disciple, and saw her walk only in divine spring, the body walked out of divine spring, a long cloud fibre dust attack on Silver White, a huge pound of dao prestige in the sky, the hectare of which frozen the world, all of which was frozen.

    She looked at her hand and body, snow White’s cold attack, and the sword intent around between Heaven and Earth was tightened, like frozen, and all perception ability on the outside was reduced, like entering an independent space world.

    Ye Futian is equally aware of the slow flow of his blood, the cold Dao Intent intrusion into the body, the influence of the sensor, who feels that he no longer divine spring, and that in a frozen world, the sense of the outside world is becoming retarded.

    “Great cultivation technique, which affects people’s perception and access to fantastic space.” Ye Futian secretly said in one ‘s heart, how powerful people at such a level can be, less prudent is life and Death, and it will be very tragic once the perception is restricted.

    Outside of the world, where the blue eyes are staring at the front, her eyes seem to have been snow White, long skirts flowing, moving forward, frosting in the heavens and the earth, and space has become snow White, and everything’s getting slow, and Ye Futian’s body is being covered by the white cream, and this Dao Intent is able to invade Ye Futian in the body continuously until he loses all consciousness.

    But that’s when she suddenly felt what it was like, and the eyebrows slipped down, and she looked up and looked at the empty eye, like knowing that there was an invisible Dao Intent in between Heaven and Earth, in that bloody cold Dao Intent.


    A loud, cold world seems to collapse, and countless sword intent suddenly erupts, tearing everything apart.

    She saw a slight change, Lower looking towards Ye Futian, and she saw a pair of extremely terrifying swords, as if there was a bullshield sword directly through her eyes, into her eyes, through that heavy frozen world, stabbed towards Divine Soul in the depth of the world.

    In her cave, Ye Futian’s silhouette appears to be getting closer, seeing each other cut off, pointing, like a sword, to the moment when the time was stabbed, the time seemed to be static again.


    A groaning sound passed out, the snow world, with blood flowing down the corner of the blue mouth, dropping on the white skirt, and a very strong life Dao Intent wrapped her body to repair her wound at the fastest possible rate.

    While seeing this scene, God Palace disciple flies to the edge of the landscape, it’s still staring at Ye Futian in divine spring, with very cold eyes.

    “This divine spring has some water, and Fairy is very welcome to shower together.” Ye Futian said that his body is still devouring life Spring Water in divine spring, as if Divine Tree’s Spring of Life for many years of pregnancy was to be moved into his body.

    “Who are you?” Landing on Ye Futian Road.

    “Unknown Generation, Shi.” Ye Futian responded.

    “Shi well.” She did not hear the name, but at this point she remembered that divine spring was drying at the speed that Naked eye could see, and she didn’t go on, but looked there.

    She doesn’t believe in the famous generation of Shi ‘i, who can break Daoist magic of her God Palace cruiser disciple?

    And a few people behind him are out of the ordinary, together with the Sword Art he used earlier, probably from Supreme Profound Mountain.

    Not long ago, life Spring Water was completely dry and absorbed by Ye Futian, but at that time Ye Futian was wrapped up by an abundant life aura, and then Dao Intent, like Ye Futian, felt at that time that the body had nothing to do with the body’s life.

    Ye Futian closed his eyes, and that Spring of Life Dao Intent was enough to support him up to Human Sovereign realm, provided, of course, that he was able to break up in other areas, and that Dao Intent, the body flourishing at the time of the discount, was not under Nepala today if he were many refining these forces.

    “By the way, do you have Dao Fruit on Fairy? I have a friend, too, who wants to borrow two Dao Fruit uses.” Ye Futian saw God Palace, who hasn’t left yet, felt in the body pound of Dao Intent, and he thought of Sha Qi, a little bit of a good for her, even if he didn’t.


    The guy in the back looking at Ye Futian, who swallowed a Spring of Life, now wants to continue robbing God Palace disciple?

    And that terrestrial power, and the release of Dao Intent just now, they feel the strength of each other, looking at her status, is likely to pass on disciple on God Palace.

    Ye Futian swallowed Spring of Life and then robbed Disciple Dao Fruit to his friend?


    That’s too much!

    Can’t even look at the moon. Do you really know that tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex?

    If she knew Ye Futian was going to rob the current God Palace beauty for another woman, she wouldn’t know what it would be like.

    Clexion azure-white on the ground, around the sky, with the ice cream on the roof rolling.

    As God Palace channel disciple, she can’t say that Ghost Invincible, but she’s also a sink, and she’s always natural proud daughter, and when has she been so humiliated?

    Ye Futian felt this cold whisper: “Fairy, if he really wants to do it, is afraid that Fairy is not a opponent, and that it’s a sin to hurt Fairy.”


    God Palace common disciple, surrounded by Hiroshima, also knows and everyone’s faces are ugly, and they have not seen so thick as shameless.

    (This chapter is over)

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