1383. Chapter 1353 Up (recharge)

    Chapter 1353 Up (recharge)

    Many people on the mountain also noticed Ye Futian, because at this moment he was the only one who was still up.

    The thunder Divine Bird and the bamboo are all halted, and will give up and leave the land feather alone.

    Now, what does this man do?

    Murphy, there is also a need to challenge the landlord.

    That sword, can he bear it?

    “Who is this man?” Many people think, or even ask.

    “Unknown.” Many people shake their heads and don’t know Ye Futian.

    Prince Zi’s son was blessed to meet, and he looked at Silhouette of Ye Futian, hiding some concern.

    Ye Futian’s innate talent, honored as one genius in the equatorial dragon line, is just that the sword was so amazing that Ye Futian would pay a very heavy price if Ye could not bear his sword.


    mountains of the gods, they can’t play, they want to step on them, they can’t wait.

    A lot of people think that Moube, is an unknown saint?

    Ye Futian did not care about people’s thoughts, and the thunderstorms fell, and he was still walking up and approaching the mountains.

    He’s fast, not long ago, and he’s gone from the thunder Divine Bird.

    This screen makes the thunder Divine Bird shine a cold mind in his eyes.

    Ye Futian, just so simple to his front?

    He has taken a step back and intends to be here because of the sword of former landlords.


    admitted, however, that Ye Futian, just walked in front of him?

    “Stop there.”

    At this time, the mountains of the gods, the feathers of the land, who were silent, had no feelings to stop Ye Futian from the bottom of the mountain.

    His sword swept above the sky and guided the thunder, as if Ye Futian continued to hold up, he led the thunderbolt and bombed.

    It is at this point that the sound of the bombardment spreads out, the landing of the thunderstorms and the bombing of Ye Futian’s body, which shocks Ye Futian in the body, but seems to have been used long ago, and Ye Futian remains calm and has not had too much wave on his face.

    “Go on.” Ye Futian, look for the land feathers, whisper, say, “What kind of fanatic attitude is it to see Ye Futian?”

    Not just him, but even the people on the Mountain are stuck.

    When a sword like that is cut out by landlords, Ye Futian still hates land feathers, and this is how strong it is.

    Even the thunderbolt Divine Bird, besides him, looks at Ye Futian, and those eyes look at it.

    “Get lost.” Thunder Divine Bird spits, eyes are invisible.

    Demonic Beast, even if he enters the sacred, remains intolerable, especially for the demons, who are not reintroduced.

    This thunder Divine Bird was defeated to land feathers, which is a low head.

    And now Ye Futian wants to cross him.

    Ye Futian’s eyes swept to Divine Bird, released terrifying’s cold light from his eyes, and a strong and extremely extreme channel was going into the eyes of Divine Bird, and Ye Futian’s twins, like two gods, seemed to be out of the giant caves of Divine Bird, and only Ye Futian silhouette.

    His spiritual will is volatile, as if he did not belong to himself, and the great body can’t stand to shake.


    A long scream, only to see this thunder Divine Bird scream sharply, as if it was suffering.

    He struggled crazy, but saw Ye Futian moving into her eyes with Thunder Light.

    “Kneel down.”

    Ye Futian throws a cold sound in his mouth, like a paper order, and the people on the mountain don’t even know who Ye Futian is talking about.

    On your knees?

    Ye Futian, who is he talking to?


    Rawi blew up, the divine Bird’s eyeballs became unknown, and even his legs were slight beneath Ye Futian, shouting loudly, as if they were really going to kneel.


    It was also a path of purple lightning in terrifying that Void, and the thunder Divine Bird’s eyes released a flashlight ray of light, but he seemed to wake up a few points, and he was shaking his head, and his mind just stopped, and his head was a little short.

    Anyway, it was almost on Ye Futian’s knees.

    In a moment, his face became infinite.

    Just that brake, he was almost under control, and that was totally unforgivable.

    Ye Futian, are you humiliating him?

    Just as he builds his mind in his head, a silhouette in those huge caves is rapidly spreading, and his eyes are flattered and wings open, and he wants to close, but that silhouette is too fast, and a boring sound is spreading out, and thousands of tribulation thunder rushed into the body of Divine Bird, making Ray Divine Bird tremble, and his body was blown out by forcibly.

    Thunder Divine Bird fell down on the ground and left on the mountain, and Ye Futian ignored him directly and continued to move forward, and looked to the mountains.

    The torpedoes rolled out, the suffocating destructive power surrounded everything, the land feathers and Ye Futian felt the strongest, and they were surrounded by their bodies everywhere, not by thunder.

    The landlord watches Ye Futian’s body up and down a few points of contempt.

    Ye Futian just defeated the thunder Divine Bird in such a short moment, and he didn’t even see how Ye Futian did it.

    Clearly, the human being is weak.

    But even so, what do you want him to do?

    This Mount of God opened, and this silhouette, standing at the Mountain of Earth, can only be his landlord.


    He must be.

    The two hands, the sword, the sky, the sky above his head, the nine swords, the sky, Nine Heavens, the clouds of the clouds, the thunderbolts, the roaring, and every sword, there are real ways of destroying the thunderbolt.

    Ye Futian saw his actions as usual, and he stretched out his hand, in his hands, in his hands, in a fashion of time.

    此戟似以大道雷霆凝聚而成,在Ye Futian within the body ,Life Spirit 古树之内,种下的道印此刻尽皆亮起夺目之光,使得古树璀璨至极,有无穷道意流经Ye Futian 的身体,随后流动至long halberd 之上。

    Not only so, the thunderbolts on the Mountain have gone completely and turned into a dragon snake, madly moving up to Ye Futian’s body, and Ye Futian at this moment, as if the Mountain Rivers were integrated, with companion refining, moved to long halberd.

    This moment, the earth and the earth were drowned by Thunder Light, which was too beautiful.


    The terrestrial feathers spit cold, the word falls, and the earth kills.

    The clouds of the clouds on the roof of the earth, which came down, gathered above the sword, and killed, and sought to exterminate all things in the world.


    Almost on the same brake, lightning on the hills is shining at the same time, stabbing the eye, and at this moment only one flashlight goes across the dome, and Unmaker on the Avenue is the only one.

    The crowd saw two lights in the heavens and the earth colliding together, followed by a ravaged light, which could not be opened to anyone’s eyes, which was drowned by white light.

    lightning shined in the heavens and the earth, and people died staring at that side, and after a long time, everything was finally clear, and a silhouette was standing on the hills, and quiet stood there, as if he had always been there.

    And when you see this silhouette, many of the visions are stuck there.

    Whoever stood up on the mountains of the Earth was, Ye Futian.

    “cough cough…”

    One cough came out, and many people noticed that there was a silhouette down the hill climbing up, bleeding and low breath.

    This man is the land feather that just cannot be born.

    As if, for a moment, the heavens and the earth will be hell.


    Many thought they were wrong, and landlords were defeated.

    “Who is he?”

    Someone looked forward to asking Ye Futian silhouette.

    Ye Futian, who is it?

    Land feathers display an invincible gesture to select the war God Mountain, yet another person appears to expel him directly from the Mount of God.

    This screen is too powerful for people.

    “On top.” And watch this scene for a long time, and finally, Ye Futian is on top.

    Under the mountains, the feathers were extremely wolf and coughed out of blood, and he looked at Silhouette of Ye Futian, where there was just no pride, and at that time he had only fallen.

    He thought his opponent was not here, in other gods, on record.

    On top of the mountains, Ye Futian White clothed floats, and his expression appears to be extremely calm, and, although on top, there is no joy at all.

    Even, his heart is not too big.

    He wants more than just the roof, and he wants the U.S.A. to notice his existence.

    Deep breath, Ye Futian, look at the sky, and that rolling cloud, as if it were on top of his head, could touch his hand.

    Enjoy the thunder, nine hundred?

    See nothing but his hands standing up, above the sky, and a thunderbolt is sent down, and he has not taken refuge, and He has left it above his body by a thunderbolt.


    一声巨响,Ye Futian 身躯沐浴神雷,惊世绝代,只见他负手而立,岿然不动,于山巅之上傲然而立。

    “Bombing, bombarding, Bang…” 10,000 lightning down, covering the mountains, bombarding Ye Futian on every silhouette, the mountains, every time he was the first to bear Prestige of Heavenly Thunder, but he was like a sculpture, quiet.

    See that silhouette, a lot of people have made a mistake.

    This man, maybe it’s really possible to break the record!


    (This chapter is over)

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