1309. Chapter 1280

    Chapter 1280

    On the air between the feast, Ye Futian and the choice were opposite.

    A descendant demon who emerges from the equatorial dragon community, and a revenge from the distance of the kingdom.

    This option, he came here from the kingdom of the Prime Minister, hitting peach feasts all the way, and his innate talent power is naturally unquestionable.

    Today, official challenge Ye Futian.

    Who’s better than the two people who are aware of the words?

    “By the way of the emperor, the Lord of Ye City, summon exaggerated me to kill the nephew of the Emperor’s City, whose name today is finally able to see what kind of storm Lord is.”

    But everyone can hear the provocation in his words.

    The killing of Nicholas is the ultimate disaster for many batteries, even for people like the Crown.

    As a result of the meteor of Niño, Vietnam had to leave the Pope City and go to the Crown Facilitator.

    So he showed up here.

    “In the past summer, when the Crown and the Great War were disputed, people of the South came to me in the city of Chiba, claiming to watch war, like I wanted the resources of cultivation, I delivered a lot, but it did not seem possible to meet the appetite of His Highness, Tim of Great War between the two sides and the Prince’s City.”

    Ye Futian responded: “Later, the war in Chiba City, the city Lord Mansion, was at stake on the eve of the evening, and His Highness Nanjing was so unhappy as to kill the city with the people of the Nine Tribal Communities, and before I was under the palace of the Prime Minister, I was not only asking for nothing but for a complete and non-payable gift to satisfy the appetite of the British City, but to fight against it, how to talk about the wind fluid, much worse than the emperor of the Crown.”

    Neither of them was flattered, nor did they have a half-ignition.

    This option, however, seeks to depict his own Prime Minister’s city as a victim, as if he was Ye Futian who had deceived the Pope City and could laugh.

    Ye Futian’s simple rhetoric will expose both sides, and many people at the end of the day saw a slightly ironic view of the crowd on the palace, particularly in the south of the country, who was also a very high musician of war in the equatorial river, and now looks like a clown.

    Indeed, it is ironic that the death of the Crown Niño be described as Ye Futian’s responsibility.

    Alternative expression is also a little less impressive, and Nanjing has said to him that nature and Ye Futian are different and some are out of the way.

    Who’s not standing in his own perspective talking?

    But at this point, it’s not much to think about, and he looks to Ye Futian, saying, “Please teach YeCity Lord.”

    “Please.” Ye Futian responded.

    There’s a lot of laughing at this scene, cutting down consultations, why do you have to say that crap, that’s a choice, and some don’t get hurt.

    A glorious light blossoms, steeply surrounded by the chosen body, and there are many alphabetical prints.

    In a moment, this space is covered.

    Many were surprised to look at the eye and to reveal the colors, which were ancient prints, as if they were the ancient ones in the meteorite.

    A lot of words are flowing, like hidden an intangible pressure and matching up with Great Dao of the World.

    Wind clouds, force of Great Dao oppressed and surrounded Ye Futian.

    A lot of people think, with each other’s choice, are you so strong?

    It is not surprising, however, that some of the people who know the kingdom of the Prime Minister, which is a strange ability to inheritance themselves.


    look at Ye Futian in front of you, with superficial temperatures, and you have no self-confidence in your eyes.

    Ye Futian was behind a path of sword print, like a charcoal sword.

    Ye Futian, when he remembered the words, felt that he had a great deal of work with the carpet sword, like the perfect evolution of the charcoal sword, but not just the sword, but also the rules of the road.

    Much stronger than the Kagame sword.

    However, this does not prevent him from sticking his sword in the form of a charcoal sword.

    A charcoal sword throwing out terrifying’s sword came together and integrated around the earth.

    Each sword print seems to contain extreme terrifying pressure.


    thirtieth clip of the Jay sword, surrounded by Ye Futian’s body, has sword light moving forward, making this space look like a sword river.

    The two have not yet done so, and they are implicitly highly aggressive, and peach feasts appear to be highly repressive.


    opposite hand stretched out and threw a voice in the forehead: “Go.”

    Doesn’t sound like a lot of ancient prints come out at the same time, covering the day, moving towards Ye Futian.

    Say what you want.

    “chi chi…” the sound of the sharp sword blows out, and Ye Futian has a strong sword around his body, and at this point, an ancient print directly suppress and kill comes down, roaring.

    Ye Futian waved, screamed out of a camel in Kathmandu and bombed it directly through the crust of the bombing.

    But then the second print came down, and the noise became more distant, making it sound like a jar sword.

    People can only see a storm of extreme terrifying before each other’s choice. Those ancient prints cover the day and fall down, and if the rules of trans-shipment, the heavens and the earth appear to be crushed and repressed.

    “There is a shape, and there is a will.” Ye Futian sees a selective attack secretly said in one’s heart, and the means of the choice really have the shape of a metaphoric attack, and there is also a hidden intention, a pressure on terror and a growing intensity.

    Clearly, this option is much greater than it is south of each other.

    The Jail sword continues to be stabbed, one is going on, the sword is getting stronger, a sword is being organized in front of it, formidable power is getting stronger and the ancient prints ripped.

    On the top of Ye Futian’s tile, the thirtieth calf sword is a tornado of terrifying, shattering all the resistance.

    He looked at the ancient prints of the heaven’s hidden day, and thought that if this option were to be brought to light, I’m afraid it would be possible to break down the day, and he could not stop it.

    But even so, the choice is already very strong.

    He stretched his hand to the forefront, with a slight sense of mind, and the many ancient and insane moves that came under the roar’s repression at the time of Downton made a precious shape, with Metal True Dragon roaring on it, screaming, shaking the blade of the sky, shaking the sword of the sky and shaking the sword, as if it were to vanish.

    Ye Futian also stretched his hand and shot in the air, and the sword was stronger when it came together like an invisible sword, blocking the repression of that force.

    Choose coldly snorted, he walked forward, and a very powerful force of will came, and then there was a lot of ancient prints, like a giant silhouette, if the Emperor phantom was.

    the crowntom hand-held moved to the bottom of the empty button, directly erasing the endless words, bringing together many ancient words, turning them into a giant unfettered handprint, five fingers beneath the bottom, the hectare, and Ye Futian’s space is like being suppressed by a pride.

    The “hong long long long” massive masturbation, with a very terrifying repressive intent, was born out of each and everyone’s ancient symbols, and when those words came up, they were directly bombed at those swords, as was the case with a large pattern.

    Thirty-three swords collapsed in the middle of the hour.

    “This choice is so strong.”

    Surprise colours are shown, and the choice is not only to connect and derive from ancient attacks similar to those contained in the meteorite.

    At this juncture, even if the Emperor comes, shoot Great Dao Palm.

    Moreover, all of this seems to have been brought together by ancient symbols, even with his own strong will, but there is still no way to get away from the consciousness of the word.

    That incomparable gigantic mask covered a day, and even far away people could feel the strength of that pressure.

    And if Ye Futian had just gathered 33 swords, it had all collapsed, almost failed.

    He wanted to see how Ye Futian turned over.

    When the heavens and the earth were blown up, the masterpiece had been downtown, Ye Futian had many ancient prints before.

    This time it’s not a sword print, it’s a fist.

    A terrifying street fist came together, making boxing a huge fist.

    Ye Futian lifted his arm, moved towards Void.


    A big noise, a boxing bombardment under a masterpiece, was not able to shake.

    Step one step, Ye Futian’s body starts in the sky, and a straight body, like a flash, is integrated into his arms, travels through Void and bombs above the air.

    “Bombing, bombardment, Bang…”

    a The path of the fists of successive bombardments, one fist and the more powerful, led to the emergence of a huge fist under the masterpiece.

    As if those boxes were duplicated.

    With a loud sound, more than 10 boxes were fired, and the mask stopped.

    The boxing shadow under control has become immense, and the fuzzy boxing seems to break everything.

    Moreover, it has not ceased, it was a path of the boxing, and it was integrated into that tunnel fist, and when Ye Futian was physically exposed, many boxes appeared to be completely melted into the fist, and once incomparable gigantic boxing appeared, it directly collapsed the mask hole, and then continued to go up, crossing the crown phantom and crushing it.

    The opposite face is flattered, and only Ye Futian’s body is floating out of the air, bending on him.

    A terrifying fist covers the heavens and the earth, and on his fist it still has the shadow of incomparable gigantic, as if it had been gathered by many boxes and not completely dispersed.

    “Wah.” Ye Futian looked towards each other, and his arm stretched out, boxing out, blowing out on the other, making his robe swallow with wind and screaming.

    “Do you want to try?”

    Ye Futian’s fist speaks to each other, and that tone and eyes are like contempt for him below.

    The space came down quietly, and on the mountain, countless eyes looked at that silent space, and a strong sense of humiliation could be seen from the opposite face.

    Ward’s not true.

    His war of consciousness of the mystery stone has been a terrible failure!

    (This chapter is over)

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