There is no flight trajectory or trajectory at all. The silver arrow almost immediately penetrates the space and appears in front of King Xingluo Crab…


a light sound, without giving the latter any time to react, the silver arrow has been shot into his huge left eye like a laser…

“Ah… !”


There was an arrow in the left eye, and the whole body of Xingluo Crab King shook, because as the arrow shot in, the terrifying sharp crystal in it Yes, it has completely bloomed in his eyes…


In the sound of the horrible roar, the crystal energy combined by the formation mark completely broke out. Under the violent and sharp energy blooming layer by layer, the corners of Xingluo Crab King’s eyes and crab armor burst open…

in an instant, flesh and blood are rolled, blood is splashed, and its original body that climbs quickly, They all had a sudden, even twitching. It is enough to see that Zhou Xin and the others this arrow’s formidable power and the painful damage caused to Xingluo Crab King made him suffer…

“shua~ shua~ shua~…!”

However, this is not over yet, his body has just eaten, and the pentagram golden light in his right eye that makes him extremely frightened reappears …

The golden light flickered, like a streamer, like the dead Blue Devil Crab King. It was not until this moment that he finally saw the twelve-wing Seraphim in these golden lights…


Of course, the twelve-winged angel Mecha controlled by the burning angel Zhinao, but whether you see them or not…

Almost the moment the star is shot down, The crab claw and sickle feet on King Luo Crab’s body were already separated under the sharp giant sword, and four pairs of sickle feet were lost, and the King Xing Luo Crab completely fell…

He is at this moment, let alone Fleeing, I’m afraid I don’t even have the basic self-defense ability…

The golden light flashes again, and the dust settles. The five Seraphim Mechas are still foolproof and divided into five directions, and the stars that have basically lost their resistance King Luo Crab is in the middle…

Under this situation, King Xing Luo Crab, there is no possibility of a comeback…

Or, it should not be said that it should Saying that there is no possibility of getting off…

“haha…! Finally this arrow is really fucking happy…!”

At this time, one The strong son who didn’t hold back any kind words finally spoke openly…

This guy walked up to Xingluo Crab King. Bian began to talk full of words: “Little crab, I will have to give you back what you said before…! “

“Take the initiative to explain the crab clan’s battle this time. If you save us some time, if nothing else, I can give you a way to survive…! “

“Of course, if you still have a fluke, you might as well try it. I don’t guarantee anything else. I can only guarantee that you will be perfectly clear before you die. ..! “

“How to say? Are you consciously confessing? Still ready to be read after suffering a certain amount of torture…! “

Of course, if you talk about Sao, you are not stupid. Qiangzi is not stupid. He is almost controlling Mecha by Zhi Angel, leaving his life behind. This guy knows its purpose…

At this moment, although this is a shame, it can be regarded as an idea…

Because of this, Zhou Xin on the side immediately tempted: “Yes, good It’s better to die than to live. You have a wise higher being. As long as you don’t die, you can even use it for my Tianyan, everything is possible…! “

As for the Xingluo Crab King at this time, he has already accepted the change of identity at the moment, and immediately said quite staunchly: “Human, my Sea Clan warrior is not afraid of death, and will never succumb to humanity. Torture…! “

“Die with me…! “

In the excitement of roar, the crystal energy on Xingluo Crab King suddenly began to riot. He seemed to want to explode…

However, just In an instant, the crystal energy that began to agitate within the body quickly subsided…

On his back armor, a golden light shining pentagram, blooming dazzling golden light, It seems that it is absorbing and blooming the crystal energy of the Xingluo Crab King…

In fact, in this situation, it is the Xingluo Crab King who thinks too much…


With the meticulous degree of the burning angel, since I plan not to kill him for the time being, how can he expose such a low-level weak spot and let him explode…

As for the pentagram on his back Yin, that’s the angel crest that Sunburn converted after studying the star pattern burned by Yi Fan, which is similar to the Yi Fan star pattern…

Not only can it monitor the opponent’s crystal energy , When necessary, it can also draw the opponent’s crystal energy within the body to a specific place, and in the same way, it can directly dissipate the crystal energy…

Seeing this star Luo Crab King actually thought If you want to explode, Qiangzi really appreciates…

“Oh, I really didn’t see it, you little crab is quite staunch, so I want to fulfill you. …! “

In a very surprised voice, but a little disappointed in his expression…

Because he already knows that under such circumstances, he naturally cannot really fulfill the other party. And this king crab will definitely not be able to recruit at this moment…

The words of the strong son fell, and Wang Yang, who had been silent on one side, opened the mouth and said: “Okay, don’t fake it. Holy Mother, we have to go on to work, let’s leave it to Lord Burning Angel…! “

As soon as these words fell, Zhou Xin immediately echoed: “Yes, according to the previous plan, our task here is not over yet…! “

Hardson hearing this waved said with a smile: “Okay, I have such a Holy Mother, such a glass heart…! “

“What the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve over …! “

“Lord Zhizhi Angel, if you have nothing else to do, then we can withdraw first…? “

As soon as Qiangzi’s words fell, Burning Angel immediately spoke with one of the twelve-winged angels, Mecha…

“Well, team leaders, they are still in the fight at this moment. , I just need to take this guy back. You can continue to follow your plan and stop the other crabs coming up against the current…! “

Hearing the words of Zhizhi Angel, Zhou Xin immediately said: “Don’t worry, since there are strange things left by the Queen of Dreams, those so-called elites are not afraid… ! “

Sunburn Angel lightly said with a smile: “It’s so good, if you need it, feel free to contact me through the communication watch…! “

“I am the center of the entire battlefield. Whatever happens, I must give immediate feedback to me…! “

“This is conducive to our control of the entire battlefield, and it can also bring great benefits to our battle situation…! “

“Understood…? “

Hearing the words of Zhizhi Angel, Zhou Xin immediately said solemnly: “Understand…! “

The words are over, Zhou Xin no longer inked, and immediately left this abandoned stadium with Qiangzi and Wang Yang, and flew towards the long river…

At this point, the crab clan has invested in the high-end battle strength clan king in the two water lifelines, which is basically removed. The next thing to do is to slow down the opponent’s travel speed and kill the other party in the process…

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