As Liu Shixiong’s words fall, Baiyun City’s city defense is considered appropriate…

Next, there will be other secondary defense cities…

These cities, except for the Monster Race three cities on the east, are considered to be’close’ to one of the lifelines of the water source, and may face some pressure, the other cities should be relatively safe…

After all , Sea Clan is still Sea Clan. Before it is completely dehydrated, it is quite difficult to organize such an invasion. I am afraid it is a little bit close to encircle the Yanmeng…

….. .

The next day, China Offshore, South Sea Territory Mingpu Island…

dozens have bright armor and a strong breath The generation, standing on it, looking at the north…

At this time, such behavior, these guys are naturally assigned by the sea king, ready to take down the many crab clan kings of Eastern Continent…

Dozens of people stand, only one person sits on a stone throne, which is obviously the emperor of all crab clan.

As the emperor of the crab clan, Jing Sha’s mood at the moment is not so good…

After all, in the original shrimp and crab battle, he already had an absolute advantage. However, he was asked to stop the war immediately and set off for Eastern Continent…

In such a situation, whoever will not be in a good mood, let alone the emperor of a family…

Even his emperor is dissatisfied. The clan emperors who were fighting fiercely underneath are naturally more grieving…

At this moment, although they are standing in two rows of solemnity, they are all standing together. Whispered, the scene finally calmed down after a blue golden thick-armored man flew and landed…

As for this blue golden thick-armored man, he walked and worshipped there as soon as he landed. Under the throne, he said respectfully: “According to my emperor, after inspection by his subordinates, all the 37 strongest battle races of my clan have been assembled, only waiting for the order of my emperor…!”

As soon as these words came out, the majestic man above the throne finally showed a little smile…

“Okay! Finally the assembly is complete…!”

” I know that you are all holding a sigh of breath. This is also the reason why I am striving to conquer Eastern Continent in front of Master Haihuang…!”

“It is rumored that there is a man named Yan on Eastern Continent. The forces of the alliance, among which there are many treasure secret techniques, are of great benefit to our clan…!”

“I won’t say anything too much, thorns, thorns, I will leave the battle to you It’s…!”

“Within a week, I will go to the center of Nayan League and have a drink to celebrate…!”

“Any problem…? “

The crab emperor Jing Sha speaks domineeringly, his words are full of contempt and arrogance…


As soon as they fell, many clan emperors present were startled, only the blue golden thick-armored youth who had just spoken, and the red-armored youth on the right side of the throne responded very solemnly…

Even the red one among them A young man said more rampantly: “My emperor, this small human force can send out one or two crab clan, no matter how hard it is to move the crowd, 37 Battle Clan is all out, and Jing Mang can easily win the spider and crab clan. …!”

The words fell, and the field was started again, but this guy seemed to have several points of majesty in the whole crab clan, even if he said so, no one opposed him.. .

Such a scene made his heart very proud, and he was about to speak again, and got the consent of the crab king…

On the one hand, the blue-clad youth immediately retorted: “Jingmang patriarch, It is undeniable that the spider crab clan is indeed powerful, whether it is a group or individual strength..! “

“But patriarch seems to have forgotten that we are all Sea Clan, impossible to stay on land for a long time, and I have received a tip before, the other party’s treasures are correct, but the strength is quite good. …! “

“In this crusade, our emperor is pursuing do it quickly to win with one blow. If you rely on the power of a clan, you must be incapable…! “

“Jingmang patriarch still don’t do it blindly…! “

The blue-armored youth spoke solemnly, but there was not a good word in the words, which made Jing Mang’s face condensed, and immediately said with a slight anger: “Well, you are a thorn, let alone cowardice. Don’t everyone thinks like you, I…”

“Finally, Jing Mang is right. This battle has nothing to do with bravery and weakness…! “

“In a spurt of energy, winning this rock alliance is what the emperor meant…! “

“Let go of your personal heroism for the time being. As long as you win this so-called rock alliance, the power gap between the shrimp clan and our clan will inevitably widen…! “

“By then, if you fight with the shrimp clan, you will be very easy…? “

“Think about this, don’t worry about the obsession in your heart, and the thorns, let’s split the army..! “

Jing Mang has yet to refute, but he was interrupted by the crab emperor Jing Sha, and in terms of words, it is not difficult to see that this emperor is almost completely on the side of the thorns at this moment. ..

In this case, Jing Mang is so reckless, he should know that his proposal is absolutely impossible to be adopted…

After a bitter look at the other party , This is nodded and said: “Yes, the subordinates know…! “

Hearing what Jing Mang said, the crab emperor Jing Sha said solemnly: “Well, if this is the case, you will lead the 19 races with an odd number of battle strengths. Invaded and landed from the southeast Oe and the southern beach..! “

“Jing Mang, you rate the 18 races with even-numbered battle strengths to land and invade from the east river and the east coastline…! “

“After landing, first jointly destroy the so-called rock alliance, then the thorns will go north, and Jing Mang will push down all the way to the south, and take Zhen’s entire East Continent, is it clear…? “

Under such circumstances, how dare the two of them seem to be negligent, and immediately shouted in unison: “Clear..! “

Hearing the two respond, Jing Sha’s face showed a chuckle again, and then said with ease: “Okay, now that everything is clear, let’s go…! “

“Yes…! “

As soon as Jing Sha’s words fell, the two responded in unison…

“Battle strength is a collection of odd-numbered clan emperors…! “

“A collection of even-numbered clan emperors in battle strength…! “

Then, amidst the shouts of the two, the whole island was completely lively…

However, it was just in a flash, along with two colorful jade belts. After flying out of the island in two directions, the entire island calmed down…

The island is quiet, but the entire South Sea Territory is completely lively…


In the turbulent waves, countless beast-shaped crabs of various colors, as well as morphed crabs in various armors, are like the same waves, rushing towards the lifeline of the two major water sources of East Continent. …

As the Burning Angel said before, if there is no accident, at most two days, the crab clan will come to the city…

Of course, this situation, and More than just happening in Eastern Continent…

On a small offshore island in the Nordic continent…

Sovereigns of the shrimp family are also discussing conquests. …

Only listen to the central area, a middle-aged man with seven-colored hair and a fierce aura, quite playful opened the mouth and said: “Everyone, the task assigned by the sea king is Is to win the continent of Europe and Africa…! “

“According to the information we have at present, among the Human Race, the fattest should be the Human Rock League on Dongda Road…! “

“What do you think about this…? “

Being in the center and holding the imposing manner, this is obviously the emperor of the shrimp clan. As soon as he said this, the audience was started, and then they began to whisper…

However, it was only a moment, and the field was calm again…

Someone spoke. As for the guy who spoke, if the cauliflower is here, he will definitely be recognized at a glance, because he is azure clothes The lobster clan emperor…

I heard him quite solemnly: “Reporting back to my emperor, according to Aoki’s humble opinion, we must not give up the idea of ​​entering East Continent, because of this It is the big head among human beings…! “

“According to the exact information of some affiliated races in our clan, the rock alliance in East Continent is the most human beings. Among them, the secret technique that can be used by our clan must be everything… ! “

“With such a good opportunity, how can my family give up…! “

As soon as the words came out, everyone was shocked…

Of course, since it was a discussion, then these clan emperors all have a say…

Also, if there are supporters, there will naturally be those who don’t…

Qing Mu Clan emperor tone barely fell, a white-haired emperor immediately agreed: ” Well, Aoki patriarch has opened another daoist sect for our race. If the Yanmeng is really the best of human beings, you really can’t give up easily…! “

” After all, everyone, don’t forget, the crab clan who conquered East Continent now is the crab clan. If you give him this opportunity, my shrimp clan’s status in Sea Clan will always be lower. To the crab clan…! “

“My opinion is the same as that of Mu Clan Emperor. I must not give up easily. I must try my best..! “

However, this white-haired emperor tone barely fell, a clan emperor with a deep azure armor said with contempt: “Lao Bai, I think you are always confused. What’s the most…! “

“Since the cataclysm, humans have long been reduced to gophers, and you are expecting something good from this’gopher’s nest’. It’s ridiculous…! “

Obviously, this deep azure clan emperor does not catch a cold to the so-called strongest human force, even the entire human race…

However, his words fall At that time, a female clan emperor next to him said softly, “Shentu, you! It will always be so one-sided, humans may be weak, but the land area is there, and the ruins are regardless of strength…? “

“If you let me say it, our best plan should be to solve our own tasks as soon as possible, and then quickly act as the last fisherman in the name of support…! “

The female clan emperor’s words fell, and the audience was started, but just for a moment, the clan emperors sounded a lot of echoes…

“Jiaomeizi here That’s right, there is a human saying how to say, what two tigers are fighting, the fisherman catches both, let’s be fisherman..! “

“Good idea, this way, not only will the risk be avoided, but also the benefits will be obtained. It is perfect…! “

“In this way, we have a great chance to make the crab clan lose out. With this alone, we have no reason to refuse, right…? “

“Don’t tell me, I think this is also feasible..! “

Everyone, you and me, started talking, most of the clan kings still don’t want to let go of this opportunity…

Only a few conservatives and arrogances choose I ignore it or oppose it…

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