Everything went smoothly…

The burning angel personally controlled the god armor. After taking all the protective measures, he planted the young buds on the bottom of the lake…


Finally, under the operation of Yi Fan’s rock power, nine rock pillars were directly erected on the bottom of the lake, and a simple gravity array was placed to firmly guard the area where the young shoots are located…

Soon, the entire Moonlight Lake will become another blessed place under the power of this little bud…

At this point, this little bud will be settled, so next , The thing that Yi Fan should consider is a matter of retreat…

Since this matter is planned to be done here, Sister Sha must explain a few words. ..

Looking at Sister Sha next to her, Yi Fan opened the mouth and said softly, “Next, I may enter a state of death. This dark moon small space may have to let you Bother…!”

Hearing what Yi Fan said, Sha Yanyun immediately said solemnly: “Don’t worry, leave it to me…!”

“Don’t I dare not say that in this small dark moon space, there will never be anyone to disturb you…!”

Yi Fan hearing this nodded, and then briefly explained to Sister Sha. Immediately under the leadership of the burning angel, head towards the sacred angel battleship…

Holy angel battleship, crystal pattern cultivation room…

Yi Fan looked at the strange cultivation room at the top of the battleship, and asked quite expectantly: “How do you say Xiaozhi, don’t introduce it? Is it…?”

Hearing what Yi Fan said, Xiao Zhi immediately said solemnly: “Master, Xiao Zhi is about to introduce…!”

“Here is After the angel’s battleship is full of energy, the dark energy molecule amplification room is formed…!”

“According to the master’s understanding, this can be regarded as one, densely packed with thousands of Spirit Gathering Arrays. The small space…!”

Yi Fan hearing this lightly said with a smile: “Well, there are thousands of Spirit Gathering Arrays, this is too exaggerated…!”

“Although the dark energy here is quite rich, it is not as exaggerated as you said…!”

The burning angel hearing this immediately said solemnly: “Starry sky cultivati on mode-turn on…! “

The burning angel tone barely fell, the style of the whole space changed suddenly, and the sci-fi style that was full of metallic feel completely disappeared…

It was replaced by a more mysterious starry sky. A sky full of colorful starlight…

However, when Yi Fan was a little surprised, all the colorful stars in the sky bloomed with extremely bright starlight, projecting on Yi Fan’s body… .

In this brief moment, Yi Fan finally felt the horror of the so-called starry sky cultivation mode…

This beam is not a simple beam. , But one after another condensed terrifying crystal energy, gathered into…

At this moment, even if Yi Fan did not deliberately run the cultivation technique, the crystal energy within the body has already absorbed it extremely quickly. The horror crystal shining on his body can come…

However, it was only a moment, but Yi Fan stopped Xiao Zhi again…

As for the reason? Because Yi Fan is not yet fully prepared…

The difficulty of the eighth-level Peak reaching the ninth-level is not pure crystal energy, it can be stacked…

Well, Yi Fan paid great attention to this retreat…

Not to mention this environment, in other aspects, he himself is still somewhat prepared..

Burning Angel is actually quite clear. After all, she knows that Yi Fan still has a shard of sacred stone in his hand, which has not been absorbed yet…

So, almost at the moment when Yi Fan spoke, the starry sky was Under the control of the burning angel’s mind, they disappeared completely…

Yi Fan slowly sat down and slowly took out three things from the space ring…

The first one is a yellow golden vial, which contains half a bottle of golden creamy liquid. Although the mouth of the bottle is tightly capped, it is still fragrant and extremely bright, which makes one’s index finger move…

This, of course, is undoubtedly the bee jelly gifted by the queen bee…

The second thing is that it is complex in form but has strange rules, just like the legend can bring auspiciousness The first of Divine Beast Qilin, the color is red, yellow, green, white and purple fuse together…

Undoubtedly, this is what Yi Fan bought from Wolf King. “Colorful Qilin” is a treasure of the end times.

As for this The last thing is nothing to be surprised. Naturally, it is the seventh shard of the sacred stone from Moss…

Looking at the three treasures in front of me, even the burning angel, He was also quite amazed: “Master, there are so many good things in your hand that even Xiao Zhi is jealous…! “

“With these two wonders, coupled with the sacred stone, and the catalyst of my’starry sky’, the master’s promotion to the ninth rank can be said to be firmly established..! “

Yi Fan immediately said solemnly: “Well, this retreat is very important, but there shouldn’t be any ambiguity. Control the God Armor and help..! “

The burning angel hearing this, immediately said solemnly: “Yes…! “

His tone barely fell, and Yi Fan’s armguards flew out at a rapid speed, and then quickly assembled around him to form an angel armor…

Also at this At time, Yi Fan also started the 1st Step of the promotion, which is also his best step…

That is Body Refinement!!!

Yi Fan’s Body Refinement, Since the end of the world, it hasn’t been slack for a day, and because of this, its battle strength will be invincible at the same level…

In fact, the current Yi Fan, Tianyan original magnetic battle body Already on the edge of breakthrough…

The Tianyan original magnetic warfare is divided into three stages…

1st Stage, the original magnet.

Magnetism is to control its own magnetic field and achieve the effect of affecting a certain area…

At this moment, Yi Fan is at the 1st Stage Peak…

2nd Stage , Stellar magnetism.

The so-called stellar magnetism is that after its own magnetic field is strong enough and condensed, it integrates the individual magnetic field into the entire planet’s magnetic field, and even controls the entire planet’s magnetic field…

3rd Stage, celestial magnetism.

legendary realm, which can influence the magnetic field of celestial bodies and even the entire galaxy by virtue of the natural magnetic field…

In the body refinement, due to Yi Fan’s insistence Perseverance, coupled with the increase in the god stone, is already considered an extraordinary natural talent…

But in a short time, he has cultivated to the self-magnetic Peak, and even touched the point of the star magnetic field. It is not strong…

In terms of physical strength, among all creatures of the same rank in Earth, Yi Fan is definitely worthy of anyone…

Promoting to rank 9 is a breakthrough The first level of the limit, so the requirements for physical strength are naturally extremely high…

After all, whether the strength of the evolver is strengthened or not, it means that he can integrate crystal energy Total…

On the other hand, since the physical strength is Yi Fan’s advantage, he will naturally continue to maintain it, making him a more terrifying trump card…

Huangji Jelly, this is the body refinement top grade, and it is also the top grade that Yi Fan has been reluctant to use…

At this moment, at the critical moment of the breakthrough in the magnetic field, Yi Fan has nothing to bear…

Immediately he opened the cork and took a small half bottle of Beeji Jelly. Pour it into your mouth…

As such, if the queen bee is here, she will definitely startled to fall the chin…

You must know that this bee is very poultry for her When I handed it to Yi Fan, I said that one drop at a time should never be used indiscriminately…

Yi Fan is so nonsense, it is simply cracking a joke of his own life…

Sure enough, the next moment, Yi Fan’s body started to smoke…

“Boom…! “

With a loud bang, under his deliberate burst of crystal energy, the armor directly scattered ashes and smoke dispersed…

Yi Fan, naked, almost in a flash, the skin of the whole body appears deep red, like a cooked prawn…

However, at this moment, he seems to have expected it, almost red and smoke all over his body. At the moment, the black lines that were originally hidden under the skin appeared…

At the same time, his left hand shook, and a huge strange three-color magnet suddenly appeared in front of Yi Fan …

Before the magnetism of this three-color magnet, even the burning angel on one side had to control the god armor as much as possible to resist the terrifying suction…

As for Yi Fan, at the moment the magnet appeared, clinging to the three-color magnet without any trace of ink…

Then, under the surprise of the burning angel, Yi Fan began to slow down. Into this magnet…

But in a moment, the magnet has completely softened and deformed and turned into a round three-color ball…

It is also at this time , Zhi Angel heard the voice of Yi Fan extremely suppressed from the pain, from the mental level: “Xiao Zhi, start the augmentation Formation, fast! ! “

Get Yi Fan’s order, how can the burning angel dare not neglect, and immediately activated the dark energy element amplification array with his mind…

The bright starry sky reappears, Dao colored light shines , The whole three-color ball, in an instant, burst out with extremely dazzling color…

“Ah…! “

However, at this brief moment, Yi Fan, who has been integrated into the colorful magnetic ball, suddenly howled miserably…

“Master, are you okay!” What the hell is this! “

Yi Fan’s screaming naturally caused the burning angel to pay attention. She immediately shouted in Yi Fan’s consciousness space…

At this moment, the overall pain reached the extreme, and the whole body was In the unconsciously trembling Yi Fan, how can I have the energy to reply to him…

In this case, the Burning Angel is anxious to death, but this is her place anyway, seeing that Yi Fan did not respond…


The red light flashed on both sides, already swept across the sphere at extreme speed…

In the next second, he saw in his consciousness space that he was suffering from extreme pain. Every cell in the whole body is trembling unconsciously. Yi Fan…

And on his body, the black lines that are completely fuse together with his body…

At this moment , She finally knew why Yi Fan did not respond to him, and finally understood what he was suffering from at this moment…

In this state, Zhi Angel naturally shut up immediately, and no longer wanted to affect Yi Fan. , Just watching him silently, waiting for him to summon at any time…

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