Everything after that is just a matter of course…

Yu Shu read the memories of Haolidia and Moss as he wished…

However, Everything is as he expected, neither of them lied, neither did a lie…

In fact, at this time, under this situation, how dare they lie at all…

As for the last king of the Snake Clan, Yu Shu even just asked about the place where the Snake Clan was born, and he read his memory directly…

Similarly Unsurprisingly, the Sea Snake Clan’s real affair with the Sea Dragon Emperor is the original clan emperor and his dozen cronies…

This guy in front of me is just a puppet that’s all, and the most The cheap one…

In addition to a clue to Heavenly Paradise, Yu Shu didn’t get any clue about the Sea Dragon Emperor..

I definitely don’t keep my identity. I care about this little snake king…

Looking at the three in front of me, Yu Shu finally opened the mouth and said: “Haolitia, the Bei people are constant I will solve the space matter for you, but there is one condition…”

How clever is Haolidia, Yu Shu tone barely fell, immediately said resolutely: “Master Yu Shu, don’t worry, whether it is Hailong When the emperor comes to me, or if my clan finds something, he will immediately notify Master Yu Shu..!”

As soon as Haolidia said this, Yu Shu said with a smile: “Haha, what a clever and good boy…!”

“So, let’s go, three days later, the Whale Clan Huang Yushu will automatically hand over an eternal relic space to you …!”

Hearing Yu Shu’s words, Holiday happily said: “many thanks, Yu Shu-sama…!”

The words fall, Hao Lydia didn’t stay there anymore, she immediately turned into a glare, and flew away at extreme speed…

Seeing this, there was no trace of ink, and she immediately opened the mouth and said: “The eel Moss, you should know how to do it…!”

“Yes, Moss knows what to do…!

Although Moss the Eel is greedy, But it doesn’t mean that he is stupid. Under such circumstances, he naturally responds fairly well…

Yu Shu hearing this chuckles: “Then go, kiss the Sea Snake King, and you too ..! “

“Yes..! “

Hearing Yu Shu’s words, the two of them did not want to stay longer. They immediately turned into two glare and disappeared without a trace…

In a moment, the entire Sea King On the island, only Yu Shu and Zhang Ping were left…

Yu Shu looked at Zhang Ping, but he said again: “Zhang Ping, you are cautious, if you stand by me at this moment In terms of angle, what will happen to this Sea Dragon Emperor…! “

Zhang Ping startedled, but it was only a moment, and immediately said solemnly: “Uh, this…”

“Don’t hesitate, just tell me, I will ask you, I won’t blame you..! “

Seeing Zhang Ping falter, Yu Shu chuckled again…

Hearing what Yu Shu said, Zhang Ping said solemnly: “Okay, Master Yu Shu Now that he spoke, Zhang Ping was just chatting..! “

“as the saying goes, it’s not the Raptors, but Jiang, if I stand in the position of Master Yu Shu at this moment, I should adopt a soft policy…! “

Hearing what Zhang Ping said, Yu Shu immediately said with a little doubt: “Huairou…? “

Zhangping interface: “Yes, you can only be soft..! “

“At least until the opponent’s hole cards are completely figured out, you must never do it directly, otherwise you will easily fall into a passive situation…! “

“After all, right now, we are in the light, and the other is in the dark…! “

Yu Shu’s face is gloomy: “You said, although there are several points of truth, but the hidden dangers are not small, it is Dragon Race, this gentle strategy shouldn’t raise the’dragon’ for trouble… ! “

Zhang Ping continued to open the mouth and said: “This.. I’m sorry for my subordinates. No matter if Master Yu Shu chooses to be soft, or to fight against each other, the other party is already a big problem for our side…! “

“Before, Geng Jin and I had perfectly and clearly informed each other about the existence of Lord Yu Shu and the ban you imposed…! “

“But the opponent still did without the slightest hesitation. It can be seen that the opponent not only has reason, but also has absolute confidence in his own strength or ethnic strength…! “

“This also means that even if he knows that you are a ninth-order existence, he himself or his ethnic group is absolutely sure to deal with it…! “

“In this case, for us, it’s a bit bad…! “

“At this time, if Master Yu Shu regards him as an enemy, then they are dark, we are all bright…! “

“If we do something in an unknown situation, we will naturally fall into a passive state…! “

As soon as the words came out, Yu Shu thought about it for a moment, then opened the mouth and said again: “Well, what you said is reasonable, then you can continue to talk about how it works in your opinion. ..! “

Zhang Ping is hearing this, with a gleam of crystals in his eyes, and then solemnly said: “In my humble opinion, Master Yu Shu only needs to grasp the word’stable’ at this time…! “

Yu Shu startled: “Stable Word Jue?” Do you mean to sit in the Sea Clan and respond to changes without change…? “

Zhang Ping nodded and said: “Yes, under the current situation, if according to the theory of the game, whoever makes a move, the easier it is to reveal the weak spot…! “

“And the most important point is that Master Yu has mastered the resources that the other party must get…! “

“In this way, there is no need to worry…! “

“The outside is loose and the inside is tight, in order to change in the same way, it is the other party who is anxious…! “

After these words were spoken, Yu Shu immediately thought about it for a moment, and said with a slight worry: “But his elders…? “

Zhang Ping indifferently smiled: “This elder, whether there is a question mark..? “

“If it doesn’t exist, then the other party will be even more anxious…! “

“If it really exists, Master Yu Shu will no longer have any worries at this moment. I say that, adults should understand…! “

Zhang Ping is already so straightforward, and Yu Shu naturally understands…

Zhang Ping’s meaning is obvious. To be clear, if the elders of the other party are bragging, then this Under this situation…

If Sea Dragon Emperor wants to fight against Yu Shu, he must work hard on his own strength. After all, he is already an eighth-order existence. As long as he can go further, everything is different. Something…

But right now, the extremely important resources for him are in Yu Shu’s hands. Coupled with the difficulty of the eighth-level Peak’s promotion to the ninth level, I am afraid it will not be so. Easy…

In this way, the other party should be anxious to get back the strange stone from Yu Shu…

If the other party’s so-called elders exist, then follow the rules of Sea Dragon Emperor My own strength guesses, its elders must be Tier 9…

In other words, the other party already has the strength to fight against Yushu and even the entire whale clan. If this is the case, there will be no relationship between the two parties. There are these false moves…

In the first battle of Tier Nine, you can immediately separate the noble and inferior…

Of course, judging from the current reaction of the opponent’s full scale. , The so-called elders are mostly brave words when they brag…

the thoughts got to this point, Yu Shu once again opened the mouth and said: “I understand what you mean, but I can see Say, if I choose to sit in town, although the opponent is impossible to advance to the ninth rank in a short time, but after a long time, I can’t tell…! “

“Once the opponent reaches the ninth rank, then we will completely lose the initiative…! “

Zhang Ping, hearing this lightly said with a smile: “Master Yu Shu, what I just said was to win in stability. Although you are just sitting on the ground and coping with the changes, you are not nothing. do…! “

“The news that should be released naturally has to be released…! “

“The operation of the underground community naturally has to be done. As long as the opponent is forced to on the surface, under the general trend, among the Sea Clan, shouldn’t it be the master of Yushu… .? “

Zhang Ping’s words fell, Yu Shu’s face already raised a chuckle…

Obviously, for this unexpected Sea Dragon Emperor, even the entire Sea Dragon Race, Yu The book already has a comprehensive way to deal with it…

But I don’t know, after he knows that Yi Fan is just an illusory shot, will he have the urge to vomit blood…

In fact, at this time, Yi Fan and even the Tianyan forces, no one cares about you, that many, are already in the rapid development of their respective duties…

…. ..

Tianyan Underground City, the center of the Axis Hall…

A long corridor guarded by countless dark ants , Yi Fan is taking easy steps and is coming slowly…

The Axis Hall, the core place of the Tianyan Underground City, is also the site that Yi Fan personally selected in the early days of Tianyan City. Participating in the construction of a place…

For such an important place, Yi Fan naturally had extremely careful consideration when choosing a site…

Finally, since I chose this place, Naturally, there is a deeper reason…

As for this deeper reason, of course, it is the small dark moon space that Yi Fan has always regarded as the most important…

This corridor is called the Dark Corridor. Since its establishment, countless elite ant troops have been guarding it all the year round. It seems that there is something important in it that needs to be guarded by them…

In fact, there are naturally Things need to be guarded by them…

Because the depths of this corridor, which is the entrance to the small dark moon space…

As for Yi Fan to appear here at this moment, naturally or For I placed the small buds obtained from seabed…

In the dark corridor, the left and right ant army saw Yi Fan coming, all solemnly kneeling on one knee to show respect…

Yi Fan is walking with the arm lifted while discussing with the burning angel in the consciousness space…

“Xiaozhi, the strange plant, in the sacred Mecha It’s almost a day inside, what’s the matter with It shouldn’t be…! “

The burning angel hearing this immediately said solemnly: “Master, you too underestimate the young shoot, you can release such terrifying life energy fluctuations, how can it be in any condition…! “

“Don’t say it’s just a day, even if it’s a week, there will be nothing wrong with this young shoot…! “

As soon as these words came out, Yi Fan said lightly with a smile: “Yes, I have forgotten the evil nature of this stuff…! “

“Since there is nothing wrong, have you found anything after various scanning and detection…? “

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