Yi Fan’s words fell, and his glasses around him immediately said solemnly: “Don’t worry, I have been holding this matter…!”

“Within two months, Tianyan The fortress must be completely completed…!”

Hearing the words of the glasses, Yi Fan lightly said with a smile: “Well, if you urge me, I will be relieved…!”

“As for the second, you don’t have to worry about it.”

“At present, in the entire Tianyan City, only I can reach Tier 9 in a short time. ..!”

“So, in the next period of development, you may not see me…!”

“Because I have to retreat and fight for When the opponent discovers our existence, we break into the ninth order…!”

“And only in this way, my rock alliance will not be passive all the time, and it will be possible to master this sea and land Strive for the initiative…!”

“Of course, during this period, I hope that everyone can work together and make concerted efforts to achieve Tianyan’s goals…!”

“So, everyone understands…!”

Yi Fan’s words fell, and there was a tidy voice in the conference hall: “Understood! Follow the order of the Emperor… !”

In such a state of unity, Yi Fan’s mouth was once again chuckled: “Okay, if so, let’s end the meeting…!”

The words fell, he She didn’t stay there anymore. She immediately pulled Fina and Ruoxue and walked out of the Conference Hall first…

I just came back and had to retreat. At this moment, Yi Fan felt a little self-blame…

Because both of them are pregnant, but I am always too busy to be alone with them…

At this moment, Yi Fan’s heart is full of debts. ..

Holding Fina and Ruoxue, and walking on the brightly lit street first, Yi Fan said emotionally: “Fina and Xueer, will you blame me…!”

After hearing what Yi Fan said, Fina, who knew his mood, immediately said softly: “Brother Fan, what are you talking about..?”

“How can we blame You, you are our husband, we will only love you…!”

“Since the catastrophe, we have been carefully nurturing us and have been running for our family…!”

” p>

“It’s us who really should be ashamed…!”

Fina tone barely fell, Ruoxue said: “Yes, Brother Fan, I really have a shame It means us…!”

“Because, at such a critical moment, as your wife, we can’t stand by your side. It’s so incompetent…!”

The feelings between husband and wife were originally mutual. At this moment, the three of them seemed to be connected, and each other was filled with each other…

When they heard these words, Yi Fan immediately held his arms The two of them stroked their slightly swollen belly with both hands and murmured: “At this time, if you still stand by my side, I, Zhu Yi Fan, would be too unmanly…! “

“What you have to do now, and even for a long time to come, is to protect our Little Darling…! “

“As for everything outside, leave it to me for the time being..! “

“Whether it is Sea Clan or the so-called Tier Nine, it’s all over to me…! “

Hearing what Yi Fan said, Fina and Ruoxue were both gentle and peacefully nodded…

Under the moonlight, the three slowly left, only The rest of the shadows are drawn to the old…



Night, moonlight and starry night, But the Sea King Island at this moment is still very lively…

Except for the sitting Yu Shu, Zhang Ping, Hollydia, Moss, and the sea snake patriarch kiss the sea snake king, all quite restrained Standing at the very center of the island…

In fact, they have just been taken to…

“Sit down…! “

Looking at the extremely restrained people, Yu Shu was very kind, he even greeted everyone to sit down without any pretensions…

Such behavior made Zhang Ping a little surprised.. .

However, he was not very polite. After all, the boss spoke in person, and immediately sat in the first place under him…

As for Holidia and Moss , And the Long Kissed Sea Snake King, naturally he sat down tremblingly…

Seeing the three people sitting down, the Yushu-sama didn’t seem to read the memory of the three people, and even did it. It looks like a long conversation with them…

“You don’t need to be nervous, in fact, I came to you this time, just to understand the situation that’s all…! “

“To put it simply, since the Sea Dragon Emperor can keep you, it proves that you are just pawns in his eyes, and there are no pawns entering the opponent’s core at all…! “

“Then let’s start with Holidia, and talk about the story between you and the Sea Dragon Emperor…? “

Yu Shu’s words are quite gentle, and even some of them are gentle beyond Haldia’s expectations…

In fact, even as the emperor of the Bei clan She only learned today that the seemingly chaotic Sea Clan has been secretly controlled for a long time…

Even under this person’s deliberate intentions, the entire Sea Clan will be so chaotic. Various…

This person, that is, the Master Yu Shu in front of her, the whale clan emperor in her eyes…

At this moment, I heard his question, Holitia said solemnly: “Yes, Master Yushu…! “

“Speaking of this one, then I have to talk about the status quo of my Bei people. Due to the huge ethnic group, there is no constant space for this clan…! “

“After the cubs made their voices, the mortality rate was as high as 90%, or even more…! “

“Even, with the advent of the catastrophe, the Bei people have become extinct dozens of hundreds of species…! “

“So, I want to get a large and constant space that belongs to me…! “

“This Sea Dragon Emperor used this as bait to lure me to the bait of the Bei Clan, and then step by step to lure me to the bait…! “

“Finally, in an array similar to a constant relic, I finally saw the Sea Dragon Emperor…! “

“In that array, the eighth-order high-level existence, the powerful and unmatched Sea Dragon Emperor, easily subdued me…! “

At this point, Yu Shu suddenly interrupted: “Wait? You mean eighth-level high? Are you sure he had only eight high-level strength…? “

Haolidia hearing this, immediately said solemnly: “OK! Because I took dozens with the same clan emperor at the time, and their increase allowed me to reach that level as well…! “

“So, even though I knew he was better than me, even with the increase in the opponent’s array, I was subdued without the slightest backhand…! “

“But I can clearly perceive his extreme point, he is an eighth-level high…! “

As soon as these words came out, Yu Shu’s eyes were gloomy, and the corners of his mouth opened up immediately said with a smile: “hehe! This is interesting, eighth-order advanced…! “

“You continue, and then, from the time you meet, don’t miss the smallest details…! “

Haolidia hearing this, immediately replied solemnly: “Yes..! “

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