Hearing the words of Zhizhi Angel, Yi Fan immediately lost said with a smile: “Haha, right? That guy is really a top grade…!”

“However, let’s now The most lacking thing is time, start the positioning system, and I will support it right away..!”

Hearing what Yi Fan said, Zhi Angel immediately responded with a straight face: “Yes…!”


The voice fell, and an extremely clear map and several red dots appeared in Yi Fan’s consciousness space…


The dark red light flashed, and Yi Fan was already maximizing his speed and rushing towards Holidia…


. …..

Pacific Ocean, South America Sea Territory, a dumpling-shaped island on the beach…

A dazzling golden light, giant sword in one hand, shell shield in one hand and back With two wings-like scallops displayed, Holitia at this moment is obviously already doing his best…

On her side, shell guards with dozens swords and shields in their hands surround, forming a The golden light shining triangle-shaped battle formation stands on the beach like a pyramid…

However, around this shining’pyramid’, there are still one after another blue Heavenspan thunder pillars. …

Between the shining thunderbolt, an extremely huge thundernet is formed, which completely envelops the pyramid…

Many corpses have emerged between the thunder array and the pyramid, Judging from the dress and physical characteristics, both sides have it. Obviously, the two fighting parties have already suffered casualties to each other…

In this case, before the Thunderbolt battle, red lightning flashed…

A dark brown Battle Armor, the eel clan Emperor Moss lingering around the terrifying crimson thunderbolt, with a thunder knife in both hands and a thunder knife, stepping out frivolously slowly…

” Sister Tia, I think, you can’t be too greedy, a stone that the foreign race wants that’s all, why do you have to work hard for this…!”

“Although my strength is slightly worse than You, but under this thunder formation, our overall strength is definitely better than yours…!”

“If you don’t know anything about it anymore, I won’t care about friendship.. .!”

As soon as these words came out, Holliday became annoyed immediately: “What about greedy fuck, what about me is greedy…?”

” You have the ability, but you broke my golden light battlefield, what are you talking about? I don’t want to eat yours…! “

The words fell, the emperor of the Bei clan, Hollydia, immediately raised the golden sword, and a sharp sharp sword soaring to the sky had already shot out at Moss at an extremely fast speed…

“shua…! ”

Golden light is like a shuttle, but in an instant, it’s already in front of Moss…

The latter also immediately thunderbolt dance, blooming thunderbolt sword, inverse Rushing out…

“Boom…! “

Gold and red crystals collide, energy overflowing, sea wave overflowing heaven, a doomsday scene…

But under this extremely messy energy collision , The small angel in Holidia’s right ear suddenly said: “Tia Clan Emperor, don’t worry, the master is already on the way…! “

As soon as these words came out, Holidia, who was at the center of the energy tide, said solemnly: “Really, that’s very good…!” “

Among the miniature angels, the burning angel’s voice came out again: “Yes, if my calculation is correct, the master should be here within five minutes…! “

Holitia heard this and immediately said with a smile: “haha, very good, originally we were going to go, I was afraid it would take a bit of trouble, when the guy came, I was afraid that it would not exist What a setback…! “

The voice fell, Holitia said loudly to Moss in the thunder formation: “Moss, the greedy dead eel, thinking about our previous friendship…! “

“I solemnly remind you, go back quickly, if not, I promise you will kneel down and beg me and spare your life…! “

The dark red Leiman and the brilliant golden light shot, and Hollydia was in a good mood and still did not forget to mock Namos…

“The rotten shell with hard mouth, Don’t worry, I will definitely give you a chance to beg for mercy in a while…! “

In terms of lip service, Moss doesn’t lose to Holidia, and even wants to force her by a few points…

“haha, I hope you will be mad for a while… .! “

Hearing Moss’s words, Holidia immediately turned gloomy and turned into a golden light to join the opponent’s sword…

On the island, golden light Resplendent, thunderbolt roars, it can be described as lively for a while…

But the two emperors, bursting with crystal energy with all their strength, such a movement, I am afraid that they will provoke some terrifying guys in this deep Sea Territory. ..

On the right side of the island, a small blue light is diving at extreme speed, and in a short while it flies into a very deep and very dark trench…

“Boom …! “

There was another huge explosion, the golden light and the red power were separated, and the two emperors stopped playing again…

In this match, it was clear that True Fire was played, Holiday Ya right hand The shell shield is already full of cracks, and there is a lot of burnt black all over the body. It is obviously injured….

Of course, she is stronger than Moss. This is the eel clan Emperor Moss. , Of course not much better, even more miserable than her…

At this moment, the whole left arm of Moss has been disappeared, and there are more bones in the whole body. Sword wound…

However, although this guy was injured, his imposing manner was not weakened, and even more fierce…

“haha, happy! It’s so fun to be able to fight with the Bei Emperor with all his strength…! “

“I have to say that the golden sword and formidable power of Sister Tia are really good, but fighting has never been more than just fighting alone…! “

“The eel elite listens to the order, Leiyun strangles the formation, kill me…! “

“Holitia, feel this despair, hahaha…! “

Amidst the wild laughter, Moss roared sternly, and hundreds of soaring thunder pillars went on the power grid. Under his roar, they quickly gathered and disappeared…

“Boom…hong long long…! “

The thunder array disappeared, but a deep blue thunder cloud composed entirely of terrifying thunderbolts suddenly appeared in the sky…

“Feel the absolute…”

“Boom…! “

Under the thundercloud, Moss raised it with one hand, as if he was about to guide this terrifying thundercloud strikes down, but at this moment, an extremely strange dark red crystal light suddenly shot down. …

In an instant, I penetrated the thundercloud and shot Moss raised with one hand. The red light landed on the island and suddenly made a huge roar. Moss’ voice came to an abrupt end…

Until this time, everyone’s vision finally kept up with this fascinating red light. It was a person, and there was already one more person under the thundercloud…

An ordinary Extremely black-clothed youth, a guy who steps on Moss, but doesn’t show any breath all over his body…

“I heard that you have some bad thoughts about the strange stones of our clan.. .? “

Yi Fan’s low voice sounded. At this moment, everyone was shocked and silent…

“Dead..! “

As early as when he suffered a kick from the other side, Moss already knew that the person who came was an enemy or not a friend. Hearing this, Moss was half-trapped in the strange rocky soil, and he jumped out with difficulty. A word…

“Boom…hong long long…! “

But it’s this one, the sky rumbling loudly, the deep blue thundercloud suddenly turned into a violent and fierce thunderbolt giant eel, and came madly at the ordinary young man…

However, facing this terrifying and violent thunderbolt electric eel, the corner of the ordinary young man’s mouth raised a mocking chuckle…

Next, the right hand stood up like a knife and gently raised, Tearing the Heavens and Splitting the Earth, like a horrible knife, has already been cut down…

“Boom…! “

Below the knife, the giant thunderbolt eel, weak as paper, collapsed almost instantly, the thunderbolt overflowed, and the knife went up against the sky, dyeing the entire sky red. ..

Such a scene, let alone a group of eels and bei tribes, and even the encounter with Yi Fan and Haolidia are also in extreme shock…

Too strong!

Too abnormal!!

This ancient Sea Clan named Yi Fan is too strong and abnormal…

Last time, although his aura was extremely strong, it wasn’t that way…

How long is this, is this guy promoted…

“Yi Fan, your support came too in time, really didn’t expect, how long has it been before you actually advanced…! “

In the silence, the first person to return to God is naturally the thoughtful Holitia…

Of course, in this case, except for her, No one dared to speak up…

After all, the power of the player in the field is too great, and he has completely suppressed them. For them, it is not a level at all. They don’t want to die. Not white…

Yi Fan hearing this indifferently smiled: “haha! It’s better to come by coincidence. After all, you are in danger to help my clan, so naturally I can’t leave it alone..! “

“The things should be in your hands, take them…! “

Yi Fan is not at all polite, but Haolidia is also good at her, immediately converging her crystal power, taking out the strange stone, and stepping forward…

“Well, things are early When you get it, if it wasn’t for the guy under your feet to be too greedy, I would have even sent it to you long ago..! “

Receiving the strange stone from Holidia, Yi Fan immediately said solemnly: “Listen to Xiao Zhi, you have lost a lot of fifth-order crystal nuclei for this, then this guy will also Leave it to you…! “

The voice fell, Yi Fan lightly stepped on it, Moss, who had been trapped on the ground, was squeezed out like a catfish…

Next, Yi Fan’s right palm was gently clapped After leaving a silver star palm print on her chest, she threw it to Holidia: “Just concoct it, he has no room for a backhand…! “

Holidaya immediately caught it, and said with a smile very happy immediately: “hahaha! Moss smelly eel, what did I say before…! “

“First, let him spit out the crystal nucleus of my old lady. As for the subsequent accounts, let’s slowly calculate…! “

Holding Moss with one hand, as if carrying a salted fish like Holitia, while laughing and cursing, she felt very comfortable…

Seeing this situation, Yi Fan opened the mouth and said again: “I will leave it to you here, I will withdraw first…! “

Yi Fan’s words fell, and Haolidia said with a little doubt: “So anxious, this guy is a little greasy…! “

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