However, it was only a moment. After searching for fruitless Yi Fan, he immediately removed his mind from the king planet that day and prepared to return to Earth…

However, it was in this brief moment , Just as Yi Fan was about to withdraw his mind to Earth, he accidentally saw a more distant Nether King Star. I don’t know when a red river appeared…

In this situation, Yi Fan was also startled, and immediately poured his mind into the dark Nether King Star…

Next, Yi Fan saw an extremely horrible picture…

The dark Nether On the King Star, the dark fog is dense, the demon wind is bursting, and all kinds of misty Spirit Physique run across the planet…

There are animals, there are Insects, and even plants. , They all live on this planet in a strange way…

Moreover, they seem to grow and grow by swallowing each other, even when Yi Fan’s mind comes to this planet Immediately on this class planet, it was embodied as an extremely terrifying solid crystal Tyrant Dragon…

At this moment, countless strange Spirit Physique creatures seemed to be swarming. Yi Fan is torn to pieces…

However, it is a pity that compared to Yi Fan, these unknown Spirit Physique creatures seem to be quite small and weak, just like a newborn…

As soon as you approach the starry sky Tyrant Dragon transformed by Yi Fan, it will immediately melt and fly away, turning into blue light spots in the sky, dissipating without a trace…

Becoming a starry sky Tyrant Dragon, Yi Fan rushes quickly, countless Spirit Physiques are still like moth flies into the flame, rushing toward Yi Fan…

There is a kind of thing that can’t swallow the other party, then blend into the opponent’s posture , But in an instant, behind the Tyrant Dragon transformed by Yi Fan, a huge blue streamer was left, which was spectacular…

However, Yi Fan is not in the mood for such a spectacular scene. I watched more and didn’t dare to stop…

After all, for these completely strange creatures and the strange state at the moment, whether it is swallowed or swallowed, it is not Yi F an original intention…

After all, his purpose at the moment is to explore that’s all…

As for his destination, it is naturally the crimson river not far away. ..

However, the vastness of this Nether King Star far exceeds Yi Fan’s imagination. It really goes towards the mountain but runs to death the horse…

Before Yi When Fan came, it seemed to be very close, but when Yi Fan really moved, he realized that the place where he had descended before was at least tens of kilometers away from the crimson river…

And, most importantly, at this moment, Yi Fan is in an extremely peculiar state. There is no crystal energy in his body…

So, a strange scene appeared, a huge starry sky Tyrant Dragon, Carrying a long’streamer’, it runs awkwardly…

In Yi Fan’s mental perception, time seems to have passed for a long time, and Yi Fan finally approached the huge red river.. .

Take a closer look, in the crimson river, there is a terrifying torrent of blood flowing…

In the torrent, countless white jade-like bones and massive Spirit Physique are in it Floating and sinking, forming an extremely terrifying picture…

The waves rolled and went strange and silent. The crimson river just roared toward the low place, staring intently, and could not see the head at a glance. ..

Stepping into the river, Yi Fan did not stop, but continued to run down along the river…

After running for a few minutes, I found all After nothing has changed around the scene, even in the crimson river, I finally decided to give up…

Uranus, Nether King Star, the two stars seem to be mutating again, but right now, it seems that they have their own abilities. still not enough, unable to detect the true core, he will not toss…

As soon as his mind is collected, the starry sky Tyrant Dragon on the Nether King Star slowly dissipates, and Yi Fan’s mind is once again Returning to the star chart…

Next, Yi Fan took a look at the surrounding galaxies. Same as before, although they are all on and all of them are marked with rune, Yi Fan Fan can’t sink his mind into it…

Finally, after a while, Yi Fan finally focused his mind on the mother star Ear th…

With Yi Fan’s attention, the mountains and rivers are in full view…

Just as Yi Fan thought in his mind, the last few pictures At the time of the scroll, three soaring beams of light have appeared in front of Yi Fan in an extremely conspicuous manner…

As soon as the thoughts were collected, Yi Fan’s attention suddenly poured into the first beam of light. …

Next, an extremely clear real-time dynamic picture appeared in front of Yi Fan’s eyes. The previous immersive feeling haunted my mind again…

It is still a beach, a beautiful beach, is Holitia in a purple bikini, sexy half lying on a wooden chair…

Beside her, on another wooden lounge chair, but There is also a person, a young vulture who only wears black underwear…

The soaring silver light that Yi Fan sees at this moment is also blooming from the hands of this young man.. .

This person is known to Yi Fan, he is the guy in the previous 3rd picture…

That’s right, this guy is one of the god stone holders, the eel clan king …

In such a situation, in such a scene, it is clear that Hollydia is interviewing this guy…

The most important thing is that Yi Fan at this moment seems to be I was on the scene, almost everything between the two was in sight…

“Moss, I know you have that stone, let’s make a price…! “

Holitia is straight to the point, it seems that she wants to try to get the strange stone without blood…

But Moss in his mouth is the eel clan The emperor is obviously not a fool. An unremarkable stone inspired the emperor of the Bei clan to show up in person, and even asked himself to make a price…

This matter is not easy to look at…

“Tia, I don’t seem to have said before. Sell this stone. How do you know that I will sell it…! “

Moss was in a flowery tone, apparently trying to get more information…

Haolidia lightly said with a smile: “Speaking clearly, this stone is for For you and me, it is totally meaningless. If you don’t believe it, you can try it carefully after you go back today..! “

As soon as these words came out, the guy named Moss naturally didn’t believe it, and immediately asked: “Since it doesn’t make sense, why did you find me yourself…!” “

Haolidia hearing this chuckles: “This is actually very simple, it doesn’t hurt to tell you, this thing is not what I want, nor is it of my clan…! “

“It’s the lost thing of an ancient Sea Clan, which is of no use to me and any Sea Clan except the ancient Sea Clan…! “

“Even for the ancient Sea Clan, the symbolic meaning is greater than the actual meaning. This clan is an ally to my clan. I know that you seem to have one, so I came across try one’s luck. Find you…! “

“I said so, you should understand…! “

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