However, in this situation, it can be said that the man made a knife and I am a fish, and coupled with the other party’s problem, although it is a bit off, the words are extremely sincere…

And, Judging from the current situation, under this situation, the other party can say this politely, which shows the other party’s sincerity…

At this moment, Hollydia suddenly felt Yi Fan’s words seem to be quite sincere…

the thoughts got to this point, Hollydia has nothing to cringe, and immediately opened the mouth and said solemnly: “Cooperation? The cooperation method, like the sea snake tribe, becomes your minion…?”

Yi Fan hearing this startled, apparently this Bei emperor has already learned of his relationship with The relationship between the sea snake clan…

Of course, at this time, Yi Fan did not deny it, just casually said: “What is a minion? My clan and the sea snake clan are also cooperative. , My clan helps them develop and grow. They help me find the traces of the sacred stone, and get what I need. Where can my minions say…!”

“At the moment, I know that your Bei clan needs one A large and eternal relic, and you also know that our clan needs to find the strange stones. If you are in this way, you will benefit from both sides. Why not do it…?”

Yi Fan’s words fall, Holitia The light flashed in the eyes: “You mean, let’s cooperate with each other, my clan will help you find the god stone together, and you will help my clan find the large eternal ruins..?”

Yi Fan hearing this nodded and said “As expected of the emperor of the Bei clan, it is clear at one point, yes, that’s what I mean, how can I say, I don’t know if I am lucky enough to be an ally of the Bei clan…!”

Then, Holitia considered for a while, about 30 seconds, and asked again: “Allies, are you serious?”

“You know, look for the kind of strange stone you mentioned, although it is very It’s difficult, even finding a needle in a haystack, but it’s only a trivial matter…!”

“As for the large eternal relics of our clan, this is several times more difficult than finding strange stones of yours, even The matter of this large eternal relic can be something that involves the whole family at every turn…!”

“So two rather unequal conditions are exchanged, are you sure you still have to form an alliance with my clan…? “

Hearing this, Yi Fan felt that the Bei Emperor was even more cute, and immediately said with a smile: “Well, I’m sure, as for what you said, I naturally know …!”

“In fact, for my family, nothing can be Compared with the strange stone matter, in addition, helping you find the eternal ruins and helping you to take the ruins are two different things…! “

“If my clan can do it easily, he must stand firmly behind the Bei clan. If there is no chance of winning, there is even a danger of destruction. I believe that as the emperor of the Bei clan, you should know how to choose. …! “

“I said so, you should be clear…! “

Hearing Yi Fan’s words, Holidia immediately understood and said solemnly: “Okay! In this case, I, Holitia, will represent the Bei people and reach an alliance with you…! “

Holitia’s words fell, and Yi Fan’s face was already full of smiles, and then she said loudly: “Very well, Holitia, trust me, you will be there for you soon Thank you for making this decision…! “

The voice fell, and when Yi Fan said such nasty words, Hollydia did not refute, but echoed: “Hope…! “

In this brief moment, Yi Fan was lifted under his feet and appeared next to the Bei emperor…

“Since he is already an ally , Then I’m not welcome. I still have some clues about the Kistler Stone. Please also ask Tia Young Lady to help me see…! “

The voice fell, Yi Fan took a picture with one hand, and under the crystal energy condensed, three extremely realistic crystal energy mimicry pictures appeared in front of Haolidia…

Let this emperor of the Bei family shake his body…

Three pictures, the first is a middle-aged man with black and white hair sitting on the throne, and the second is a man The black clothed vulture youth, the 3rd is a huge warehouse…

In fact, only a glance, Holidia recognized two of the scrolls, but she did not Instead of revealing it immediately, he asked, “Mr. Yi Fan, what do you mean? Could it be said that these people on the picture scroll have your clan’s strange stones in their hands…?

Yi Fan hearing this nodded: “Well, yes, the people on the scroll, or in the scene, all have the strange stones of my clan, why? Did Tia Young Lady recognize something… .?”


When I heard Yi Fan’s words, Hollydia was holding breath cold air, which was rather solemn: “Mr. Yi Fan, I have to say that your task of recovering Kistler is really difficult…!”

“To be honest, I recognized two of these three scrolls. However, none of the characters in these two pictures is someone who is easy to deal with. I really don’t want to hit you..!”

As soon as this word came out, Yi Fan was happy and his mouth Shang is quite excited and said: “haha, Tia Young Lady is indeed a lucky star in my clan, let’s talk about it, don’t be afraid of hitting me, my clan has always been not afraid of being tough…!”

Listen When Yi Fan said this, when he saw him behave like this, Holliday sighed immediately: “Hey, since you insist, then I will tell you…!”

“Let’s talk about 1st first, This is the patriarch of the Ranked 1st whale clan in Ten Great Imperial Families, let alone you, even if your clan comes, it is probably not enough for his senior…!”

“It is said, A month ago, this one was promoted to the ninth rank with the increase of a treasure pill…!”

As soon as this is said, let alone Yi Fan, even if it’s Sea of ​​Consciousness The Zhongzhi Angels were stunned…

Level 9!

Nine-order actually appeared in Sea Clan…

What is the concept of nine-order, that is the last level of advanced evolver…

If it is Human Race, the seed crystal within the body is already Great Perfection, and can communicate the world at any time, call a large number of external and attribute dark energy, freely resist the attraction of Earth, affect a certain range of space, and create its own dominating domain ..

For Monster Race and Demon Race, the same is true, except that what they cultivate is the crystal pill, which is the crystal nucleus that’s all…

Ninth order, then They are two concepts that are completely different from the eighth level. In one sentence, they are self-contained fields…

Previous life memories let Yi Fan know clearly that all under the 9th level are ants…

Before Tier 9, there may be cases of cross-tier battles and victory. Those who can beat Tier 9 with the body of Tier 8, but there is no case…

didn’ t expect, Yi Fan didn’t expect completely. At this time, in Sea Clan, the ninth order really appeared…

The whale patriarch actually relied on a medicine a month ago pill has reached the ninth rank…! “

This is incredible, too strong…

To be honest, for Sea Clan, and even the vast sea Clan, Yi Fan is always in awe…


Even, always think of them as extremely powerful…

But we all didn’t expect, even under such circumstances, he still underestimated each other…

Tier Nine!

Sea Clan even has a Nine-Tier Sea Beast at this moment…

More importantly, Tier Nine is completely Breakthrough is bound by the Heaven and Earth, which means that this king has already had the ability to escape from the sea…

Even after he was promoted, he had already traveled to the sea on the mainland. ..

In this way, Yi Fan once again burst into a strong sense of urgency…

In fact, along the way, Yi Fan has always described himself as an evolver pioneer, even It is the well-known figure among all the evolutionary creatures on Earth at this moment…

Many opportunities have been added to him, and even he who dominates China, he suffered a lot of bad news after entering Sea Clan for a few days…

Tier Nine, Sea Clan’s most powerful house, is already a Tier Nine existence…

For a time, it took dozens of seconds before Yi Fan finally came back to his senses, but he I didn’t panic here…

After all, as long as he was given some time to remove the Holitia piece, and then find a piece of sacred stone to absorb, he will have a high probability of reaching the ninth rank. …

Thinking of this, Yi Fan immediately said very solemnly: “Tier Nine! It is indeed incomparably powerful, but our clan is not afraid of it. Give my clan a little time. Tier 9 is not impossible to cross and defeat…! “

As soon as these words came out, Holidia once again took a deep look at this rather ordinary guy next to him…

Tier Nine, that’s Tier Nine , This guy was clearly shocked just now, but in an instant, he even chop nails and sever Iron told himself that Tier 9 is not impossible to cross, nor is it impossible to defeat…

Hollydia of the United States has already developed a keen interest in the person next to him and the race behind him…

Is he and so on guy, what kind of race is behind him… .

the thoughts got to this point, Hollydia immediately opened the mouth and said: “To be honest, I am quite curious about you and your species. That is Tier Nine, you and I said don’t be afraid…! “

“Let’s say it first, if you are going to court death, if you want to provoke that person, I won’t get mixed up…! “

Hearing this, Yi Fan immediately said, “Don’t worry, unless you have to, otherwise my clan won’t be unsure about provoke this…!” “

“Furthermore, the purpose of my clan is to get things back, don’t you must do it, can’t we barter things…! “

“Okay, put aside this one, talk about the second person you recognize…! “

Hearing what Yi Fan said, Holidia knew right away. Although the guy in front of me was a bit crazy, his reason was always there. It shouldn’t be something to kill. …

Immediately opened the mouth and said: “Compared to that one, this second one may still have a little hope for your clan…! “

“The black-clothed youth is a finfish clan, eel clan emperor, and the strength is equal to me. If there is no fortuuitous encounter, it would be a middle-level eighth…! “

“It’s just that the Radiant Finfish clan has always been in groups, even among clan emperors…! “

“So, if you want to move him, you must count at least half of the other clan emperors of the Radiant Finfish clan…! “

Hearing what Haolidia said, Yi Fan startedled, but it was only a moment, and her heart already had a care…

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