Awakening consciousness, Yi Fan gradually perceives his body, the five senses return, and the fragrant smell of earth penetrates into the nasal cavity…

The silver light cocoon shatters and shrinks, within the body galloping terrifying crystal power , Let him know how powerful he is at this moment…

In the consciousness space, the four scrolls are still at the moment when Yi Fan completely awakens, and the smoke dissipates…

Of course, at this time, he is not much lost. After all, these four scrolls are already deeply imprinted in his mind…

If it dissipates at this time, it is just lost to gain instant The opportunity for information that’s all, he doesn’t matter…

Clenched his fist and sensed that he had reached the eighth rank of medium crystal power. The corner of Yi Fan’s mouth couldn’t help but raise a chuckle… .

Knocked on the armguards of the holy angels, Yi Fan of alone, but he asked: “Angel, how many days have I been in retreat this time…!”

As Yi Fan’s words fell, on his left armguard, the red light flashed, and the miniature burning angel suddenly appeared…

“Master, you are retreating this time. God..!”

Yi Fan hearing this startled and immediately smiled indifferently and said: “Well, this is almost the same as I guessed…!”

“You didn’t always think Observe the entire process of the absorption of the god stone carefully, how about it? You can see clearly this time, but what can you find…?”

Hearing what Yi Fan said, the light and shadow of the burning angel immediately Solemnly said: “Well, it’s a bit of a gain…!”

“First of all, Xiao Zhi has determined that the so-called god stone definitely comes from a civilization higher than the sacred angel civilization…!”

“Because of the exhaustion of Xiaozhi’s computing power, I can’t figure out the formula of the god stone rune by the owner, even if it is a small piece of fixed father…!” “This is sacred The first case of angel civilization since its birth, and also the first case of Xiaozhi since the birth…!”

“So, it is certain that the source of the divine stone must be several dimensions higher than that of the divine angel civilization. ..!”

“At present, based on Xiaozhi’s entire observation and various calculations, it is basically certain that this thing is not a real stone…!”

Yi Fan hearing this startled: “It’s not a stone? What is that…?”

The Burning Angel immediately said solemnly: “Yes, that’s right, it’s not a stone, but a concrete solid composed of countless runes.. .!”

“According to the understanding of the Earth people, you can understand it as countless ru ne is a solid state formed after condensing, it just looks like a stone that’s all…! “

“Its essence and the essence of stone can be described as the difference between Heaven and Earth…! “

“In fact, when the master absorbs, its essence has been quite obvious…! “

As soon as these words came out, Yi Fan immediately remembered the hot rune flowing when he absorbed the second sacred stone, and the feeling of the rune flowing into the body just like a clear spring this time…

It seems that, as Zhizhizhi said, this god stone fragment, although it looks like a stone, is simply rune and not a stone…

However, this The answer was obviously far from what Yi Fan wanted, so he said again: “Well, that’s it, is there any more…? “

This time Zhi Angel is not so sure: “According to the situation that the master said before, plus my calculations, it is preliminarily determined that this should be the core of the rune array… ! “

As soon as these words came out, it could be regarded as a hornet’s nest. Yi Fan immediately asked: “A set of rune array…? “

“What kind of rune array?” Does it have anything to do with the time-space transfer big array I mentioned before…? “

A few questions made the Zhi-brain Angel feel very strenuous, so she had to respond solemnly…

“I don’t know this, either. But after it is completely complete, give Xiaozhi some time, and you can definitely calculate all of it…! “

Hearing this, Yi Fan immediately understood. At present, the Burning Angel has more understanding of this rune god stone than himself, but it is also extremely limited…

Finally, we return to the old road, that is collection. With the urinary nature of this rune sacred stone, maybe when the collection is complete, this thing will naturally reveal everything…

Think of this, Yi Fan wasn’t struggling, and immediately said rather casually: “Yes, it seems that it is still a collection problem in the end…! “

“At present, the level of evolution has reached the middle of the eighth level, plus the increase in Mecha if necessary, even if there is a ninth level in the Sea Clan, it basically leaves me…! “

The Burning Angel hearing this nodded and said: “Well, with the master’s current strength, the Holy Angel King Armor, and many methods, not to mention the invincible Sea Territory, at least it can be fearless of the Sea Territory… ! “

“Well, even you said so, so what else do I have to say, I will go to the sea star island and wait for the cauliflower…! “

Hearing the words of Burning Angel, Yi Fan immediately stopped the ink, and immediately cleaned up the underground space…

“This time, let’s give those Sea Clan Sovereign, let’s defeat them separately…! “

Cleared up the big array, just adjusted the state slightly for a while, Yi Fan stood by in the monster red light, fleeing towards the ground at high speed…

However, at this moment The Yi Fan in the Sea Clan will not know that when Yi Fan is preparing to give a few god stone holders in Sea Clan to defeat them separately…

On a small island in Sea Clan, one The dark silhouette is also casting his eyes on Tianyan City…



Indian Ocean , Ink Island…

A small island like ink dots, the island is dark from trees to creatures…

Even not just everything on the island , Even the sea water near the small island has different degrees of ink color…

The name of the ink island comes from this…

Judging from the waters, the small island belongs to the crab clan…

In fact, this weird and unsightly small island is not only owned by it, but also seems to be a heavy land for the crab clan. Crab clan guards all around Sea Territory heavily, which can be described as tightly guarded…

It is said that the master of this island is a Sovereign close friend of a clan of crab clan, and he can Heavenspan, can strengthen the same clan at will, short In a short period of time, the crab clan was very popular…

On the island, in a black wood house, a slightly bloated and honest-looking guy was sitting in the room…


Docile is meditating on something. The morphed crab clan with dozens and bright armor around the wood house is waiting respectfully. It seems to be ready to be sent by him at any time. It is clear that this guy is in the crab clan…

However, this guy, with this appearance, with this breath, if there is a high-level Tianyan City here, he will be recognized immediately…

Fu Sheng!

That’s right, it must be Fu Sheng!

If you can’t confirm it by just perceiving the breath or looking at your appearance, once the two are combined, then you won’t run away…

It’s him, it must be him, Dark Underworld Emperor Fusheng!!

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