Moreover, today’s protagonist on the girl’s side has also changed…

Because the usual two protagonists Fina and Ruoxue are now pregnant, naturally they will not drink anymore. Therefore, the task of greeting everyone also falls on Xing Jie…

Plus, Song Yixin, Song Yiyi, Ling Wanyao, and even Su Yuxin and other girls’ bluffs, little girl today It’s a fight…

“Come on! Let’s continue drinking. I must respect Jie’er for this cup. Congratulations to her for finally winning the Great Demon King and taking the third place in Tianyan. …!”

As Ji Ruoxue’s best friend, Ling Wanyao, who has always been outspoken and unobtrusive, yelled drunkly, with a little jealousy in her words…

In fact, Ling Wanyao thought about Yi Fan’s thoughts. The high-levels in Tianyan City are almost well known…

Now, after hearing this, Song Yixin, the elder sister of twin sisters , Immediately reddened his face and said: “Yes, Sister Wanyao, the third place, we must go one…!”

All the elder sisters spoke, and the younger sister Song Yiyi also Immediately put the cup and tune said with a smile: “Congratulations to Jie’er, besides, sister Wanyao, you have to work harder…!”

Hearing this, I have always been quite For the supple Su Yuxin, she immediately tuned said with a smile: “Haha, I see, it is not just sister Wanyao, you two little girls have to work harder…!”

When these words came out, it made the twin sisters single-mindedly flushed a little bit, but they did not refute…

Xing Jie also let go today, or at this moment She was already a little drunk, and when she heard this, she immediately said nonsense: “haha, come on, let me do what you do, come again…!”

“Go on.. !”

The voice fell, a few girls smashed their cups together, and gu lu lu poured it out…

To be honest, if this woman really drank it , Compared to men, that is worse than men…

No, just take a cup. Ling Wanyao immediately preached domineeringly after hearing everyone’s teasing…


“Oh, it seems that my old lady has to come back tonight, what do you think…!”

As soon as this is said, it’s not too much to watch the excitement. The guy who started booing…


“I support this…! “

“You must choose to support it, but it’s not beautiful for you to go alone. I think you should bring your sisters together…! “

“It’s best, some medicine or something else, if not, Brother Fan is afraid that you won’t be able to get down…! “

“Haha, from my point of view, Wanyao is just slurping…! “

“At that time, I guess I can’t even speak the words when I’m nervous, so I can reverse it…? “

While pushing the cup and changing the cup, including Fina and Ruoxue, you all started to tease you one sentence and one sentence…

“Yes, wait and see I behaved tonight…! “

Hearing everyone ridiculed, Ling Wanyao immediately stood up quite formally and announced loudly… After this speech, Yi Fan at the next table also staggered…

I thought to myself, this woman went crazy with a big drink, she really didn’t have anything to do with a man…

Of course he also knew that Ling Wanyao must have drunk too much today…


Otherwise, when she is with Ji Ruoxue, it’s okay to get a little skinny. She will never say anything in front of Fina and Xing Jie…

Of course, At this moment, Fina and Xing Jie also knew that Ling Wanyao was drunk, so naturally she wouldn’t care too much…

And, at this moment, Ling Wanyao’s curious propaganda just came out. She fell softly towards the table…

If Jiang Qing and Su Yuxin beside her were quick-eyed, she was afraid that she would just pull to the bottom of the table…


The barbecue banquet is almost there…

Yi Fan and their side are better, so Qiangzi got himself drunk…

Fina and Ruoxue’s table is a bit interesting…

In addition to Ling Wanyao being directly drunk, the twin sisters, who have always been cold, seem to be reaching their limits. …

They glanced at Yi Fan from time to time, with deep affection and a trace of resentment in their eyes…

In this case, naturally they could not escape Fina , Ruoxue’s eyes…

However, she didn’t have any overreactions…

After all, as Yi Fan women, no one is more Clearly, how attractive is this seemingly ordinary villain…

Together with the sisters Hua and Ling Wanyao, they are all their comrades who came along all the way. Naturally, there is no reprimand, just Invite the maids and send them back…

At this time, the time has already come after two midnight, and the barbecue banquet is naturally over…

In the next few days, Yi Fan will almost always gather with different high-level officials in Yanmeng. He seems to have deliberately divided them into several parts…

Of course. , Yi Fan not at all means to divide them, but the people of the same period, get together and are more open…

Take the Academy as an example. If everyone else is present, they will naturally I can’t ignore my identity and call Yi Fan the brothers and sisters, all kinds of nonsense…

In this way, the atmosphere and taste are also missing…

As for the Academy faction, Yi Fan gathered a group of high-level military officials for a formal lunch…

Next, he invited Taihua in the Rock League and Wh. ite Tiger, Qingfeng, white jade, the councillors of the four human cities, as well as the heads of the monsters and demons, three ridges and one domain…

The entire rock league seniors, except for the first time in the rock palace. In addition, the Emperor Yan had a small meeting with all of them separately…

Such action was naturally enough to show them that Yi Fan attaches great importance to them…

Of course. During this small gathering, Yi Fan, who arranged everything, also revealed again that he was ready to go deep into Sea Clan alone…



The first year of Magic Crystal, Seven Moons Seven Suns…

Tianyan City, upstairs in the South City, Yi Fan, Feina, Ruoxue, Xing Jie and Xing Zhan are standing on the wall, seeming to be looking at the sea thousands of miles away…

Behind them, there are also Sean, Tasha, Anna, and Li Yi who are keeping quiet out of fear. , Irene and the others…

Fat for more than a month, and finally waiting for the key message of cauliflower, Yi Fan is finally about to set sail…

As for Sean and the others, it is naturally only Yi Fan’s temporary accompanying. Their destination is different from Yi Fan…

Because their destination is the hot spring blessed land, but Yi Fan The rewards that I promised to them before…

Don’t talk about them, this time to travel, Yi Fan’s plan was originally to act alone…

Both Xing Jie and Xing Jie are just taking care of Xiao En and the others to the blessed land, and will not follow Yi Fan into Sea Clan…

Looking at the people behind them, slowly put down Fei. With the little hands of Na and Ruoxue, Yi Fan said softly: “I’m leaving, things in the city, there are brains and glasses, you don’t work too hard, understand…! “

Hearing Yi Fan’s words, Fina immediately nodded and said: “Don’t worry, we know how to take care of ourselves, and we are a big rear, nothing will happen…! “

“It’s you, in the Sea Clan dangerous land, you must be careful, don’t forget, there are still us waiting for you at home…! “

Sister Ruoxue immediately responded solemnly: “Yes, don’t worry about us Brother Fan, take care of yourself, we will wait for you at home…! “

The two concerned words, like the same warm current flowing in Yi Fan’s heart, made Yi Fan a kind of reluctance…

However, this trip can be said to be inevitable. Sure, now it’s definitely not the time when children’s love is long, Yi Fan nodded slightly, and said solemnly: “Go…! “

“xiū xiū xiū…! ”

As Yi Fan’s words fall, the people who have been prepared for trouble have already turned into glare and disappeared on the city wall…

Above the castle tower, only Fina and Ruoxue were left, and they were reluctant to leave for a long time…


… …

Near Sea Territory, Mingpu Island…

Snake Hiss Insect Cry, mutant Ant Race, snake clan, almost everywhere, have been completely occupied here…

On this small island, apart from Ant Race, snakes and plants, there are no other mutant creatures…

The reef hill at the entrance of the hot spring blessed land has disappeared. , Replaced by a strange peach forest…

This peach forest is not simple, but Yi Fan asked Su Yuxin to take the seedlings, plant them and give birth…

The peach forest that is so hard-working, naturally, will not only cover and admire…

In fact, this peach forest contains several kinds of lost forms. If you don’t understand Formation Entering it, let alone find the entrance to the heaven-defying blessed land, can you walk out of the maze full of snakes and ants, or two more…

In the center of this big array, that is At the entrance of the heavenly blessed land, two translucent silhouettes are lying on their sides on two crooked-necked peach trees, watching the surrounding movement closely…

Today seems to be bright sun and a again A day of gentle breeze is also a day of calm and tranquil…

Two elites in the dark, looking bored at the white clouds under the clear sky…

“xiū xiū xiū. .! “

At this time, in the sky, in the distance, there was a sudden wind of fine crumbs…

Then, under the dumbfounded eyes of the two dark parts, count the various colors The light has already lased towards Mingpu Island…

This made the two immediately stand up, and secretly warned…

Although, look at these. The direction from which the glare came, and the aura on them, seemed to be Tianyan City’s own people…

Before they were determined, they still maintained their vigilance…

The two dark luck crystals, integrated into the Peach Blossom Array, if something is wrong, they will immediately start Formation and come out…

However, this time, they did I have been thinking about it, almost at the moment when the two of them lifted the crystal power…

“xiu 咻..! “

The sound of the wind suddenly rang, hiding in the eyes of the two Tao Cong, there are already a few more people…

“Come out, it’s me…! “

Under the low voice, the two immediately appeared and saluted: “I have seen Lord Yanhuang…! “

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