The King of Rock is back…!

The King of Rock is back with a high-tech battleship of an unknown civilization…

With the return of Yi Fan, the news spread throughout the Rock League within a few breaths.. .

In fact, countless city residents saw with their own eyes a giant Archangel statue flying into the rock city surrounded by many elites in the Rock League…

But the strange thing is After entering the center of Tianyan City, this huge angel’statue’ disappeared without a trace…

Of course, this so-called disappeared is just the thought of most ordinary people. ..

Most people in the Rock League still know that this battleship must have entered a constant relic space called the Dark Moon Space…

It’s just that, The specific location of this space, and everything in it, are the top secrets of Tianyan City. Most high-level officials do not know that’s all…

Of course, for most ordinary people, the return of the Rock Emperor It’s just a topic that’s all after dinner in their lives, because they don’t have access to…

For the high-levels in Tianyan City and Yi Fan’s family, this is a first-rate The major event…

The order of the entire Rock City is even more orderly. The construction workers of each city are also working hard, seemingly to welcome Yi Fan in this different way. The arrival of…

Supporting those high-level staff, they are all pretending to appear in their respective offices, seeming to be waiting for Yi Fan’s summons at any time…

The strange thing is that most of them The morning passed, Master Yanhuang has not yet summoned anyone since his return…

In fact, Yi Fan is actually quite at ease with many things in the entire Yanmeng, because he has already explained it before he left. All right…

With glasses, Fina, Ruoxue and the others watching, he didn’t worry at all…

So, after coming back, he didn’t He did not immediately gather all the senior leaders of the Yanmeng to meet all kinds of government affairs, but buried himself in the family…

After all, after a long time, he also wanted to take a break from the busy and accompany him well. Concerned relatives and lovers…



Tianyan City, City Lord Mansion, Yanhuang temple.

In a spacious kitchen, what are Yi Fan’s parents and several maids busy in…

Of course, the two elders at this time are mostly commanding more than hands-on …

After all, there are currently no fewer than a hundred maids in this palace of rock emperor. Naturally, they don’t need to do these things personally…

In this case, obviously the two elders already know When Yi Fan came back, he even started to prepare delicious food…

At this time, when the kitchen was busy in a frenzy, the maid Insects Wake rushed into the kitchen eagerly. : “Old Master, come out! The master is back…!”

As soon as this was said, the two elders in the kitchen rushed out and walked towards the front hall of the Rock Emperor Palace…

After a while, Fina, Ruoxue, Xing Jie and Yi Fan finally met in the front hall with their two elders…

“Yi Fan, you This smelly brat, after walking for more than two months, you still know to come back…!”

Looking at Yi Fan who is healthy and alive, Mother’s eyes are red, but her mouth is insincerely reprimanding …

Yi Fan seems to have been used to it for a long time, and glib tongue is used to it, immediately opened the mouth and said: “Mother, am I not coming back? You miss me… !”

The voice fell, but she couldn’t help but gave her a big hug…

“I’m such an adult, why are you still like a child, just come back, don’t I’m standing in the front hall, let’s go in…!”

“Ready to eat, Mother just explained that the kitchen is all your favorite dishes…!”

A simple hug, the scolding behind Mother was blocked, and all that was left was gentle…

Yi Fan’s father, immediately said with a smile in his glasses:” Yes, Xiao Fan, just come back, just come back, go in for dinner…!”

Yi Fan said with a smile very happy: “Well, thank you Mother..!”


Mother said with a smile happily: “Okay, the family is hypocritical, Miss Jie has worked hard this time, let’s come in and have a light meal…!”

When it came out, Xing Jie made a big red face. Under tension, she didn’t even know how to answer…

At this moment, Yi Fan started the punishment generously. Jie Xiaoshou said softly, “Mom, Xiaojie will not count as of today. It’s a guest. From today onwards, she will move into the Yanhuang Palace and become a part of our family..!

When these words fell, Xing Jie’s heart suddenly surged in heat. At this moment, she seemed to forget to be nervous…

I immediately opened the mouth and said quite officially: “Xing Jie has met my uncle and my aunt…!”

In this case, the two elders could not help startled…

In fact, Xing Jie would enter the house. The second elder has actually heard about it…

Especially Mother, she even hit Fina side by side, and learned part of the situation from her…

It’s just that, This thing about noses and eyes was really dragged on for so long that the two elders almost forgot. This Xiaojie, who has been in the dark all the time…

However, the reactions of the two are quite similar. Hurry up, especially Mother, immediately responded with a laugh: “Ai, good! This is all a family now, what’s the name of Auntie, I should change my name to Mom…!”

It was quite kind to pull Xing Jie over, making the thin-skinned girl Xing Jie make a big red face…

Father whispered on the side: “You, why are you in a hurry? The girl is still young, you think you all look like you…!”

“Come slowly, don’t change your words…!”

Mother pulled Xing Jie from Yi Fan’s hand , The more I look at it, the more I like it, and immediately speaks: “I know, I’m not happy…!”

“Xiaojie, don’t be afraid of life, our family is very easy to get along with…”

Then, there was no longer paid attention to Yi Fan, and he immediately took Xing Jie and walked towards the back room, even while walking on this side, the other side had already begun to talk…

Seeing this situation, Yi Fan’s mouth also showed a faint smile, and immediately led Fina and Ruoxue to the restaurant…

The dishes are exquisite on the dinner table. Everywhere, as Mother said, they are all Yi Fan’s favorite dishes…

Since they have all gone home, Yi Fan also satisfies the desire to speak, of course, this side As I ate, I chatted…

“Xiao Fan, how is it going out this time, is everything going well…?”

Mother asked softly, it seems I’m kind of concerned about Yi Fan’s progress…

Yi Fan hearing this, immediately swallowed a mouthful of delicious food, and said slightly vaguely: “Um…! Not bad…!”


As soon as the words came out, Mother immediately said ill-humoredly: “What is okay? Listen to what you mean, this thing seems to be endless…!”

“You You should also know that both Nana and Xiaoxue are pregnant, and they both need your company Companion, don’t you want to go out…! “

Yi Fan hearing this startled, and immediately said resolutely: “Mother, I understand what you think, don’t worry, I know…! “

The words fell, but Fina smiled lightly and said: “Mom, we are not ordinary persons, and the month is too small right now. We are almost the same as normal people and don’t need company…! “

Sister Ruoxue immediately echoed: “Yes, Mom, where are we here? Besides, Brother Fan is going out, there are indeed very important things…! “

Hearing what Feina and Ruoxue said, Mother didn’t say much, but sighed: “Xiaofan, there are girls like Feina and Ruoxue, and I am willing to have no complaints. Following you regretfully is really a blessing you have cultivated in your last life…! “

“Okay, since you know everything, I won’t talk too much…! “

“However, please listen to me. Now the situation is stable, and I know you are busy. Forget it at other times, but when the child is born, you must personally accompany you…! “

Hearing this, Yi Fan immediately said solemnly: “Well, rest assured, I promise to do this…! “

When these words fell, Fina and Ruoxue both felt warm, especially with Fina…

She had no relatives, and even thought this I will never have a relative in my life…

But after meeting Yi Fan, whether it is a lover or a relative, she has both…

Although she I have long regarded Yi Fan’s mother as my own mother, and I have been completely integrated into this family…

It is still very touched to hear that she puts herself in such a position for their sake…

The Xing Jie on one side was also infected by the atmosphere on the dining table. My heart is warm and hu hu…

This is the atmosphere, this kind of enjoyment, put yourself in place and think about each other The atmosphere makes her seem to be back before the cataclysm…

At that time, she also had such a warm home…

However, going around, she Seems to have good luck. Even after the cataclysm, he once again had such a warm home…

At this moment, Xing Jie only has a single thought in his heart, to integrate into this warm home and protect this warm Family, become a part of this…

The next time, the family didn’t talk about any business matters anymore, and started to make a family routine…

After a warm lunch, Xing Jie returned with the two maids. She needed to pack some things…

As for Yi Fan, she took Fina and Ruoxue who had not been with her for a long time. I went out for a walk…

I have to say, this noon, Yi Fan is quite comfortable…

He can go back to his comfortably, but he can’t ignore this big stall in Yanmeng. …

So the first order of the King of Rock after his return was immediately spread among all the directors of the Rock League and the high-level circle of Tianyan City…

Yes, it’s a dinner!!

Yi Fan’s first order after returning was to invite all the directors of the Rock League and the top officials of Tianyan City to the Rock Emperor Hall.. .

Of course, this gathering is probably not just a meal. A small meeting after a meal is definitely indispensable…

In fact, dinner at the Rock Palace , It’s not the first time…

Yi Fan is usually easy-going. In the calm days before going out, he sometimes gathered…

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