Hearing the words of Zhizhi Angel, Xing Jie on one side couldn’t help but opened the mouth and said: “Universal battleship? Holy-level cosmic battleship, what concept…?”

Hear Xing Jie asked, and Zhi Angel immediately smiled indifferently, and explained patiently: “The so-called cosmic battleship is naturally a battleship that shuttles through space..!”

“As for the so-called sacred level, it is sacred In angel civilization, all you need to know is that this battleship is the strongest battleship…!”

Actually, Xing Jie still has no concept. After all, he is not Yi Fan and has not accepted inheritance. …

Xing Jie knows almost nothing about the so-called cosmic battleship, the so-called space shuttle, and can only rely on reverie…

As for Yi Fan, it is already I just laughed and said: “hahaha, the strongest battleship, this time I really made a lot of money..!”

“And what, what about those Mecha, how many are there in total? ..!”

The burning angel hearing this indifferently smiled said: “The battleship and its sub-ships are equipped with ten thousand two-winged silver armor angels, fourteen-winged golden armor angels, and one hundred six-winged silver armor. Angels, twelve twelve-winged burnt angels, and one holy angel king…!”

“A total of 10,000 One Thousand One Hundred and 13 Mechas, these Mechas except for the four-wing golden armor , And the Holy Angel King, you have tried the formidable power…!”

“Want to come, I am not too disappointed…!”

Yi Fan nodded : “Not disappointed, of course not disappointed, even quite satisfied…!” In fact, whoever you are, you will not be disappointed, a cosmic battleship, more than 10,000 powerful Mecha, if this is If I changed someone else, I would wake up laughing if I didn’t make a dream…

“Forget about other Mecha, this deep angel king, pull it out to let me see…!”

The burning angel hearing this, immediately nodded and said: “Yes…!”

“However, to summon the Holy Angel King, you may need your cooperation…!”

Yi Fan suspiciously said: “Need me to cooperate…?”

Sunburn Angel nodded In time, pointing to the center of the space: “Yes, the holy angel king is the god armor of kings, and only the lord of my clan can summon…! “

“Now, you are the lord of our clan, please pick up the core and initiate the summon command with your mind..! “

As soon as these words came out, Yi Fan was naturally no longer polite, and immediately after holding the Recognizing Master with both hands, he was also branded with the core of the brand, summon out of his mind…

“ka ka ka…! ”

With the summon in Yi Fan’s mind, the core suddenly bloomed with magical red light and began to infect the black base on which it was placed…

What’s more strange is that, During this infestation, there was a very slight ice cracking sound…

Under the ice cracking sound, the black on the black base was slowly receding, with gold and silver divine light from among them Slowly bloom…

“shua ..! “

As the black completely receded, a beam of gold and silver light suddenly rose into the sky, wrapping the core of the burning angel in this beam…

At this moment , The coercion of crystal energy that is not inferior to Yi Fan’s, suddenly appeared in this space…

At this moment, the divine light of gold and silver dissipated. Fan’s three-color Mecha, which is almost the same in height, has already appeared in front of Yi Fan…

The main body of the Mecha is alternately combined with golden silver two colors, which is extremely powerful, with red lines on it, adding a few more Distinguishing beauty and a bit of enchantment…

Gold and silver two colors alternate sharp alloy wings, a terrifying broadsword with gold and silver inside, beautiful, enchanting, overbearing, and hideous. ..

Such Mecha is worthy of being called the most exquisite, beautiful, and powerful sacred angel king in the entire relic…

It’s just that, from the Mecha ratio, and In terms of its style, this is obviously a lady Mecha, which makes Yi Fan feel a little regretful…

Because this seems to mean that this set of Battle Armor basically has no relationship with him. ..

However, there was a momentary moment when he thought of this, and the magnificent god armor suddenly said: “Master, since it is the Holy Angel King, there is no gender issue…! “

“The reason why I appear to be a woman right now is because usually the user of this set of Mecha is me…! “

“ka ka ka ..! “

The voice of the burning angel fell, and on top of the sacred angel king armor, there was a sudden and crisp sound, in a flash. The original female Mecha has disappeared. Instead, it is an extremely masculine and overbearing one. Mecha…

In this situation, Yi Fan’s heart is already a little itchy, and immediately whispered: “God Holy War angel dress…! “

“shua…! “

“ka ka ka ..! ”

As Yi Fan’s strange order fell, Xing Jie’s astonished gaze, the god armor suddenly collapsed, and instantly turned into a terrifying tricolor divine light vortex, completely engulfing Yi Fan. ..

“Boom…! “

At this moment, the moment when the tricolor divine light touched Yi Fan, the whole light and shadow suddenly collected, but the whole space sank suddenly, and even made a huge roar…

The extremely terrifying pressure, hiding the sky and covering the earth, made Xing Jie stagger under her feet and almost fell to the ground…

“Crack… .! ”

The black thunderbolt shines, the black horny bloodline Battle Armor suddenly appears, and the full bloom of its own crystal energy and even the power of bloodline, Xing Jie, can barely be regarded as resisting this terrifying pressure…

But in this case, let alone hands, even if it’s just fingers, it is extremely difficult…

unimaginable, what level of strength is Yi Fan after putting on Mecha. ..

Xing Jie is already 7th grade, and it’s only a breath oppression, she can be suppressed in turbulence…

To be honest, Xing Jie at this moment, I don’t know. Should I be happy for Yi Fan, or sorrow for myself…

Fortunately, just a moment, the terrifying aura has disappeared, and Yi Fan, wearing the holy angel king armor, appears in front of Xing Jie…

Mighty and domineering, although it is restrained, it still has an incomparable breath. Even the weapon has turned into a sacred angel king armor with a monster and scary golden sword, which makes Xing Jie a little fascinated…

This is simply perfect. It can enhance the combat of individual units, and it can also be used in stand-alone combat. It is perfect. It is perfect…

“hahaha..! This feeling is really great…! “

After moving the body, Yi Fan’s hearty laughter came out. I originally thought that Mecha was all alloy armor. After putting it on, it would affect my flexibility a little…

But didn’t expect, nothing at all. The Mecha feels to him, completely as lightweight as underwear, which is incredible…

What’s important is that the original Mecha had crystal energy fluctuations that were not inferior to him. After he was combined, the crystal power was so strong that simply one plus one equals two, but greater than two…

At this moment, he is at least three times stronger than when he was not in Armor…

In this state, if it wasn’t for this place, Yi Fan would like to let it go. …

“Master, this is Mecha, the highest level in the sacred angel civilization, continuing countless eras…! “

“Although it has been broken countless times, and has been reborn and repaired countless times, the civilization continues to this day only…! “

“Besides the sacred angel battleship, it is the second gem that can be taken out…! “

Yi Fan’s voice fell, and the voice of the burning angel sounded…

Hearing this, Yi Fan was immediately happy and said: “haha, the two pieces of light The treasure is already worthwhile..! “

“Believe me, the sacred angel civilization will definitely be in your hands and reproduce its brilliance…! “

“Remove the armor..! “

“Yes…! “

Since Yi Fan’s last command, the brain-burning angel responded, Yi Fan’s body once again appeared three-color divine light…

in a flash, the holy angel Wang Jia has already left Yi Fan and returned to his original individual Mecha posture…

Looking at the uncommon military might Mecha in front of him, Yi Fan said suspiciously: “Is this thing carried so directly? Is it included in Space Secret Treasure…? “

Hearing this, the light and shadow of the burning angel once again appeared next to the holy angel king armor, and immediately shook his head: “Master, this is a Weibao-level Mecha, and let you use extra space to store it. It’s too bad, please stretch out your left hand…! “

Hearing this, Yi Fan was quite obedient, and immediately stretched out his left hand. At this moment, the burning angel waved, lightly said with a smile: “Back…!” “

” Click… shua~ shua~ shua~ 唰…! “

The voice fell, the left arm Mecha, which was just removed from Yi Fan’s body, was already mounted extremely quickly, and then the three-color divine light reappeared, and the rest of the Battle Armor parts had already turned into a line of divine light and shot into the armguard. Among…

Yi Fan’s fine divine force moved slightly, and he already sensed the huge space in the armguard, as well as the holy angel Wang Family who acted as the left armband, and immediately exclaimed. ..

“Heh.. Yes, this Mecha, this design, I like it, I like it too much…! “

Hearing Yi Fan’s words, Burning Angel smiled indifferently: “Where is this, space carving technology, in the entire sacred angel civilization, it is already quite common technology, not unusual …! “

“Trust me, as long as you are willing to resources, the sacred angel civilization will bring you an unimaginable shock…! “

Yi Fan hearing this Yile: “This is natural. From now on, the so-called sacred angel civilization is a part of my Chinese civilization…! “

“Don’t worry, in terms of resources, apart from the vast ocean, my rock alliance considers itself second, and no one dares to recognize the first…! “

As soon as these words came out, the Zhinao Zhinao immediately conveyed the emotion of joy…

Seeing this, Yi Fan stopped inking and opened the mouth again. and said: “Well, for now, whether it’s resources or the doubter is for future research, you have to return to the alliance and plan again…! “

“Now, it’s time for us to go out, it’s time to go back…! “

“The question now is, how can we bring such a big cosmic battleship back…! “

When these words fell, Xing Jie looked towards Zhi Angel very curiously, while the latter was indifferently smiled, quite playful: “What else is there, of course it is to let it own Fly back..! “

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