Three days, saying that the length is not long, and that the short is not short…

When Shaun, Tasha and Anna appeared again in the house where Yi Fan was located, they were already full of confidence. …

Beside them, there is an extra black man in a suit and leather shoes. This man has a restrained expression, obviously a little scared…

Yes, Dennis Terry is very Fear, as the boss of the largest underground market in Dulundu, he has never encountered a guy more terrifying than the three in front of him…

Never thought that in this world someone could use manpower It’s incredible to fight Mecha against the crystal energy…

It’s only two days. These three people are almost by the strength of oneself, stirring up the entire Duolundu Two Great Influences, and completely He was overwhelmed…

He almost watched these three people with his own eyes, starting from the inside, turning upside down Heaven and Earth that Two Great Influences had stirred up, and finally getting the whole process of Luke’s ultimate baby…

The most incredible thing is that even if it is as powerful as them, it is only a subordinate of the people in this house…

This Dennis is very curious, three What kind of existence is such a powerful boss…

After that, he asked the three of them to let himself meet their boss…

The three people who are immersed in the joy of completing the task are not too embarrassed. After all, this kid is still cooperative in their task, which brings them a lot of convenience. This scene in front of me…

Before entering the door, Sean, the head of the three, once again solemnly said: “Remember, after entering, you should say what you want to express. Don’t do anything. Speak to death…!”

“Once the emperor angers my emperor, we will never save you or help you out, understand…?”

Dennis hearing this immediately nodded and said: “Three don’t worry, Dennis will never talk nonsense…!”

However, at this time, the house is already not far away The door suddenly opened…

Dennis saw that a man and a woman were sitting in the living room of the house, seemingly waiting for them…

Everyone is extremely young, Dennis was shocked again…

Could it be that these three terrifying existence superiors turned out to be those two guys younger than them…


Without waiting for him to think about it, Sean, Tasha, and Anna are already slow Step towards the house…

Since they have gone, Dennis is also immediately followed along…

“I have seen Lord Rock, I have seen Master Meiwu…! “

The three of Xiao En and others immediately knelt on one knee and saluted respectfully. As for Dennis, naturally they also salute together in a manner…

Seeing this situation, look. With Xiao En and the others confident, Yi Fan was also quite happy and said: “Get up, looking at you like this, things seem to be done…? “

Sean hearing this immediately stretched out his hands and revealed a silver ring, opening the mouth and said: “Fortunately, it is only one Space Secret Treasure, which has already been obtained.” .! “

Yi Fan said with a smile: “Okay, I know, you won’t let me down…! “

“shua…! “

The voice fell, Yi Fan right hand clicked on the void, the space ring was already flying into his hand at speed, and the divine force entered the ring at speed, and he found what he wanted in the ring. ..

“hahaha, ok, good, things are inside, this time you guys have done a great job…! “

“Make arrangements and prepare to go back with me…! “

Hearing Yi Fan’s words, Sean, Tasha and Anna responded with great joy: “Yes…! “

Until this time, Yi Fan also paid attention to Dennis next to them, and asked: “This black man should be the clue figure before…? “

“Do you have any meaning in bringing him here…? “

Hearing Yi Fan’s words, Sean immediately said solemnly: “Reporting back to Lord Rock Emperor, this person claims to know the secret of the shocking world, so he brought it…! “

“Dennis, please tell Master Yanhuang about your amazing secret…! “

“Yes…! “

As soon as these words came out, Dennis slowly lifted the head while responding…

He saw the rock emperor who looked like an ordinary person, and tried his best Master Phantom, who has shrunk aura but is still extremely terrifying…

Yi Fan is in a good mood, but he also raised the slightest interest, and immediately opened the mouth and said: “Dennis is it, your amazing secret Aside from mentioning it, let me talk about the purpose of your initiative to see me..! “

As soon as Yi Fan said this, he choked this guy…

However, it was only a moment, this guy was in the middle of his expression and opened again the mouth and said :”Reporting back to Master Rock King, the little one wants Master Rock King to help the villain get this amazing secret…! “

As soon as these words came out, Sean, Tasha, Anna and other three people looked towards Dennis in disbelief…

Isn’t he naked Isn’t this guy so stupid? Under such circumstances, he said such incredible things…

Sean really wants to remedy it, but Yi Fan happily said: “Listen to you What the words mean, can I understand that you want to borrow our hands to get your so-called amazing secret, is that right…? “

When I heard Yi Fan, Dennis nodded again…

“hahahaha, I have to say, you guy is very courageous, let’s talk about what you think A bargaining chip that can make me tempted…! “

Yi Fan is so smart. Almost after this guy’s first sentence, he has already figured out this guy’s thoughts, but he was not angry, but showed great interest…

As for Dennis, he immediately said ecstatically: “Master Yanhuang is as wise as a god, many thanks, you can listen to me…! “

“Then, with your identity, you must have heard of Alien Space…! “

Yi Fan hearing this lightly said with a smile: “Of course, it’s just that we don’t add alien space, but simply relics…! “

“Relics, the name is apt…! Dennis replied, and then he opened the mouth and said: “Since Master Yan Huang knows the ruins, he must know the constant space, no, the constant ruins…!

At the moment when he heard the constant ruins, Yi Fan immediately put away his indifferent expression, and asked, “The constant ruins, of course, putting it that way, your so-called stunning secret is related to the constant ruins. Huh…?”

When these words fell, Dennis immediately said solemnly: “Yes, it is indeed related to the constant ruins…!”

“hahaha…!” Yi Fan hearing this laughed: “The constant relic, such a precious thing, why do you think that we will not be tempted, but will let you pick up this cheap…!”

” I know, just the three subordinates present, reading your memory is already a matter of minutes, and then we can take it for ourselves…!”

The atmosphere couldn’t help condensing, and Dennis’s fear in his expression became deeper, but he still responded: “Because space is an immovable thing, and you are even more Asian, you must always return to your own country…!” p>

“There must be someone who takes care of this space…!”

“Furthermore, in Dennis’s opinion, compared to the constant space itself, the things inside That’s where the essence is…!”

“Dennis is a businessman, much the biggest underground businessman, but when I think this sale is very likely to be done, I can’t help it. …!”

After hearing Dennis’s words, Yi Fan fell into a moment of contemplation, but only for a moment, said with a smile: “Haha, I have to say that you have a good business vision. ..!”

“If I’m not mistaken, I am afraid that this stunning secret is already a master, and the guys in it are still some pretty tricky guys. ..!”

Dennis nodded and said: “Master Yanhuang is wise, there is indeed someone who catches the worm in this constant space right now, but the villain can guarantee the core area of ​​this constant space. Those people haven’t touched…!”

“Or, they haven’t been able to touch. As for the tricky, it may be a little tricky for the villain, but for Master Yanhuang, But clay chickens and pottery dogs that’s all…!”

Hearing this, Yi Fan lightly said with a smile: “What a clay chickens and pottery dogs, then talk about your so-called surprise The secret of the world, I would like to see what kind of core it is, and we will be tempted to make you so sure…!”

Hearing this, Dennis solemnly said: “It’s the mastermind, the complete intelligent mastermind…! “

“What! ! “

The moment Yi Fan heard this, he almost immediately bounced off the sofa…


Smart mastermind, this thing is quite Rare and precious!!

At least, in Yi Fan’s past and present life until now, I only knew or heard of the intelligent mastermind of the “Tianjing” in the Apocalypse Ruins…

Furthermore, when the main brain of the Tianjing was’unearthed’, it was still in a damaged state, and it did not fully recover until three years later…

It was the Tianjing in the damaged state, still in The field of dark energy application has made great contributions to mankind…

For example, “Twelve Standard Channels”, “Eight Extraordinary Meridians”, etc., countless basic training techniques, and even Space Secret Treasure production methods, All are out of the hands of the’Tianjing’…

Even, as Yi Fan has seen in the past, Huaxia can survive extremely severe disasters. The role of the Tianjing’s main brain is absolutely vital. Of…

So, you can see the preciousness of the intelligent mastermind…

Yi Fan didn’t expect to listen to it in such a small rear city in North America. When it comes to the information about the mastermind…

It seems that even the absorption of the god stone must be put aside, this mastermind must be taken, no matter what the price is paid, it must be taken…!

After Mou Ran bounced up, Yi Fan immediately opened the mouth and said solemnly: “Dennis, can you be sure of the authenticity of your message…? “

“Are you sure that there is an intelligent mastermind in this constant space, and it is still a complete intelligent mastermind…! “

As soon as this was said, Dennis, who was still a little nervous and afraid that Yi Fan would not know the goods, quietly relaxed, because he knew that he had won the bet…

“Yes, I’m sure…! “

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