Hold the grass…!

That…that turned out to be a dinosaur…!

A fire-breathing raptor! !

Next, in Yi Fan’s shocking gaze, countless seemingly familiar dinosaur creatures appeared…

The Tyrant Dragon with black-brown metallic feel scales, bone The Sword Dragon that flashes cold light like a blade, the fire-breathing raptor, the sea dragon that shoots water arrows, countless familiar and unfamiliar dinosaurs, flashing past like a slide…

You can see that, Among these guys, there are even dinosaurs who are born with elemental power…

This is simply unbelievable. This is only one year, just one year…

Uranus, how could such a terrifying change happen in just one year…

Even if dark energy is magical, it will never develop like this without external promotion. Hurry up…

This situation is too weird, too abnormal…

Although, those dinosaurs have Uranus in their appearance and skin color. The characteristics of the ontology, there is no doubt that it is a dinosaur…

Could it be that this Uranus really experienced the same long evolutionary experience as Earth in just one year, directly surpassing microorganisms Has it come to the transformation gap of the age of dinosaurs…?

To be honest, this kind of speculation, let alone other people, even Yi Fan himself feels untenable…

But if it is not natural development, who is it? With such terrifying power, it has changed the lifeless Uranus and made him a star of life…

This question is definitely worth studying…

Think of this , Yi Fan immediately devoted himself to the observation of Uranus…

However, he who is extremely focused at the moment will not know, because of his current situation, the situation outside the consciousness space But a little change has occurred…

The King of Ice Phoenix seems to be going to repent, or is planning to retort, Xing Jie is facing an extremely severe test…

Look Xing Jie raised her eyebrows while quietly shrouding the’Bird Picture’, and she opened the mouth and said in a cold voice: “Ice Phoenix King, are you sure you want to do this…?”

“Are you sure, you have considered the consequences of doing this…?”

When Xing Jie’s words were heard, Bingfeng King’s eyes rolled around, obviously he still hesitated…

Although he knows that the horror figure on the other side has already turned into a cocoon and has lost any threats, and even lacks the ability to protect himself, this is definitely an opportunity…

At the moment, I just need to solve this problem. Woman, not only does the Space Secret Treasure in the hands of the two belong to him, but the rune stone can also be returned to his own hands. It can be described as one move, two gains…

But he still hesitated! !

The reason for hesitation is that Yi Fan’s previous shock to the Ice Phoenix King was too great. He was afraid of Yi Fan’s sudden awakening in the cocoon, afraid of being killed by the opponent’s finger…

So right now, he just led his troops to approach slowly, and didn’t do anything immediately. It seems that he intends to check it out first…

Faced with Xing Jie’s questioning, he even responded with evil charm. After a smile, he said leisurely: “Beauty, what are you talking about, we are kind…!”

“This polar circle is not your human city, it is dangerous here, but I am Protecting you…!”

When Xing Jie secretly warned herself, she said lightly with a smile: “Yes, then I will do for Fan Brother, thank you Ice Phoenix King…!”

“Also, please don’t worry, Ice Phoenix King. After Brother Fan wakes up, the promised benefits will be delivered, and I will also convey your copy. Good intentions…!”

“As far as protection is concerned, it is good to have me, but you make me a little nervous…!”

“If one is not good , The misunderstanding between the two parties is not good, so please ask Feng Wang to retire temporarily…!”

Xing Jie was born in Anbu. Although she has been taken care of by Yi Fan, she should perform the task. She still performed the task without doing anything special. She was full of battle strength and courage…

So, even in this situation, she still did not have the slightest timidity, but was extremely calm. I beat the Ice Phoenix King, as if telling him that I had some holdings here, which made the Ice Phoenix King even more uncertain…

When I heard Xing Jie’s words, the Ice Phoenix King’s eyes were in chaos again. Turning, at this moment, his heart is extremely complicated…

On the one hand, greed is the cause of trouble. He feels that now is a unique opportunity, a lost opportunity to seize…

On the other hand, it was again taken from Yi Fan’s terrifying power, afraid that he would wake up when he did it by himself…

As the saying goes, indecisive, fear of wolves and tigers, nothing more than that…

But the authorities are fascinated, and the bystanders are clear. At the moment, as long as it is a clear-headed person, it is not difficult to see that the human being turned into a cocoon can never wake up in a short time…

In fact, the Ice Phoenix King knew it in his heart. It was just that he was too scared before and couldn’t overcome this psychological obstacle that’s all for a while…

At this time, there was a half-hearted person beside the Ice Phoenix King. The Xing tribe immediately spoke of comfort and said: “My king, Dang Duan will suffer from the chaos. That person should not wake up for a while. This is a unique opportunity. Don’t miss it…!”

As soon as the person spoke, Xing Jie underneath, but secretly sighed that he was broken, it seems that he was still seen through by the other party after all, it will inevitably be a battle…

Actually, if Xing Jie were alone, she would have no fear of the other party. After all, relying on her own abilities, she could not beat or keep the other party…

For now, Yi Fan There is already an unconscious state of drowsiness, there is almost no self-preservation, she needs to guard…

The most important point is that others may not know how long he will fall asleep, as Yi Fan is a close person, but she knows quite clearly that it took a full month for Yi Fan to absorb this thing last time…

one month!

Yes, it’s a whole month…!

In other words, she is likely to guard Yi Fan for a month under the bird flocks that cover the sky…

This challenge is for her , Can be said to be insignificant…!

So, almost at the moment when the semi-transformed bird spoke, Xing Jie had already taken the first step…


The moment the black thunder light flashes, several small formation flags have already shot the cocoon made by Yi Fan all around…


“Lei Shang Starlight Array…!”

The crystal power suddenly soared to Peak, a thunder dance bloodline Battle Armor’s criminal and clean room, huge rumbling sound suddenly…

In the masterpiece of thunderbolt, the five Heavenspan thunder pillars, which are in the shape of a five-pointed star, stand around Yi Fan, the thunderbolt shines, and the formation mark climbs, but in an instant, they have already converged into a bright lightning The guardian array…

Xing Jie has several sixth-rank crystal nuclei, thrown into the formation eye as if they don’t need money. At this time, the Ice Phoenix King reacted midway…

“Hurry! Do it, stop her!!”

The Ice Phoenix King knows that if I don’t do it at this time, maybe I won’t have a chance to do it for a while…

“xiu 咻…!”


Amidst its deep roar, hundreds of birds hummed, and then they thrilled like arrows It shot out, and the moment turned into a dark cloud covering the sky and the sun…

In fact, it’s actually a bit late to start at this time, because the silver cocoon that Yi Fan has transformed is already completely Disappeared, replaced by black pentagrams haunting the thunderbolt of terror…


“pu chi…!”

Outside the black five-pointed star array, a shadow of a black leopard appears like an elf in the wind and snow, just dancing…

The double-edged blades are like sharp claws and fangs. During the flight, flesh and blood stumps sprinkled, and the battle between the two sides officially kicked off…


“pēng pēng pēng…!”


Countless mutant birds attacked the Thunderman Array. Although most of them were solved by ghostly punishment, there are still many mutant birds’ sword beaks. sharp claw strikes are on top of the big array…

But this effect is unexpected. Amidst the miserable screams, those who directly touch the thunder array , All were injured by the powerful backlash of the black five-pointed thunder array…

Some of the more serious guys had their contact parts directly under the thunderbolt backlash, bursting open, making Xing Jie’s mouth, I couldn’t help but show a sneer..

However, although Xing Jie laughed at these poorly capable birds not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth, he was not idle in his hands, while a pair of short swords flew , One after another black formation flag, and inadvertently, flying all around…

Obviously, under the solitary operation, the thunder formation taught by Yi Fan has become her biggest support. ..

“Leave the Formation alone, kill the woman first…! “

“Feng Yu Bing broke through…! “

“xiū xiū xiū…! “

In the low roar mixed with the sky-splitting sound, the sky suddenly shot down pieces of ice feathers, like a sharp saber, shooting towards Xing Jie…

“ding ding ding~ …! “

“pēng pēng pēng…! “

In the sound of the rapid metal collision, Xing Jie’s two swords flew like flowers, the sword feathers fought against each other, and the ice feathers fell apart amidst the splashes of ice flowers, and failed to bring any harm to them…

Of course, this is just that’s all of Ice Phoenix King’s containment move, the real forceful move is naturally hidden behind it…

When Xing Jie blasted the last piece of ice feathers that cannot be avoided At that time, the ice phoenix king was already holding a long spear in his hand, carrying the terrifying cold current to stab it very quickly…

“Die, the phoenix wing ice flow broke…! “

“Boom…! “

In the low roar, the ice phoenix king in the fast sprint, his wings suddenly made a muffled sound, and the jet-like blue mist burst out…

His shot is faster than Peak…

Under the blue cold light flashed, this shot directed at the center of Xing Jie’s eyebrows has already penetrated within ten meters of him, in terms of current speed. , Can be said to be in the blink of an eye…

The long spear body, the cold breath, seems to slow down Xingjie’s movements by a few minutes…

But even so, face This violent shot of Xing Jie is still not at all timid, at the moment when the long spear is about to reach the body, the right hand dagger is handed out lightly…

There is no terror energy fluctuation, no crackling. The thunderbolt seems to be just a very random sting of an ordinary black short sword…

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