
As Yi Fan’s words fell, and the sharp chirp sounded again, the’Phoenix Bird’ dancing in the center of the aviary also tweeted Under the song, a terrifying ice attribute crystal power suddenly burst out, and his figure was completely submerged in an instant…

After a while, the birds were still there, but the ice phoenix disappeared without a trace, and a colored wing appeared on his back. The evil blue-eyed handsome guy appeared in the eyes of Yi Fan and Xing Jie…

This man is tall with silken eyebrows and star eyes, with a tall nose and pure white. Although he is a man, he gives People have an extremely glamorous sense of sight…

Just a glance, whether Yi Fan or Xing Jie, almost instantly believes that this cold and evil man in front of him must be That ice phoenix is ​​undoubtedly…

Obviously, the owner of the rolling iceberg seemed to understand what Yi Fan said, and decided to show up…

Under the guardianship of the birds, the ice phoenix moved forward quickly, but in an instant, the distance between the two sides was less than two hundred, and it seemed that there was a possibility of peace…

In fact, Bird mutants are the race with the most sources of information. Because of their biological characteristics, even after the cataclysm, many races still retain the migration habits before the cataclysm…

With the advancement of evolution and the awakening of spiritual wisdom, this migration and convergence will naturally converge into a huge intelligence network…

They carry and transmit this information, so The message mode on the entire world is no longer completely blocked…

So, even the ice phoenix in the polar region still knows that China exists…

Of course Ah, although it knows the existence of Huaxia, it is limited to knowing the location and the approximate distance that’s all. It doesn’t know much about it. After all, it is too far away from itself…

Really let this ice The reason why Feng chose to meet each other is naturally the strong aura fluctuations of Yi Fan and Xing Jie, as well as the attitude they conveyed…

Yi Fan had a big voice just now, but there was no overbearing. On the contrary, it is somewhat humble, which makes the Ice Phoenix King quite useful…

In fact, at the moment when the Ice Phoenix King perceives the fluctuating breath of the other party, he already knew quite clearly that if these two people wanted If you want to break in, the many powerhouses under his command can’t stop it…

But the other party did not break in. Even after they came, even if they took the initiative, their attitude was still quite humble, as if just Neighbourhood visits are normal…

Looking at the two men with terrifying auras ahead, the Ice Phoenix King is also quite surprised…

Because from these two People look and dress, they really don’t look like Nordic people, they seem to be humans from the Eastern countries…

Humans in the Eastern countries, this identity makes the Ice Phoenix King even more confused. ..

Hua Xia, it’s several thousands li away from here, why do these two people appear here…

Although I am in the bird family, it is considered There are a few unfamiliar names, but they are far from enough to allow people to come and take a look…

You know, after the changes of Heaven and Earth, this World has long been completely different, and mankind is already. Not the only overlord in this world…

If the opponent is a bird, there are many people who come here, but they are humans. How can they be boring and come here? A look…

Thinking of this, the Ice Phoenix King immediately opened the mouth and said: “Zhu Yi Fan from China…? I’m the True Phoenix in your mouth. I don’t know if you are not far away from ten thousand li. I found it here since Huaxia, what is the so-called…! “

“Don’t talk about nonsense that is really coming to see, this kind of talk can’t coax me, tell your real purpose…! “

Although he did not approach immediately, the Ice Phoenix King already responded to his Yi Fan with a fluent dialect…

I heard what the Ice Phoenix King said, Yi Fan Immediately he said solemnly: “Haha, the Ice Phoenix King is really nice indeed, this trip just to see the Ice Phoenix King, we are all considered worthy of this trip…! “

“As for the main purpose of our coming here, it is only to retrieve something from the Ice Phoenix King. I hope the Phoenix King can accomplish it…! “

Yi Fan’s words fell, the ice phoenix king’s body tightened, and then solemnly asked: “Find something, do you want to say that I have you Huaxia, or your own Want something…? “

“Impossible, although I know Huaxia is such a place, I have never been to Huaxia, and even since I was born, I have not been out of the Nordic region of human beings. I think you must be mistaken…! “

Hearing that the other party asked for something for ten years, and he looked confident, the Ice Phoenix King naturally denied it…

As he said, since his birth, I haven’t traveled to the Nordic realm, how can I get the important things of China that are far away from ten thousand li…

But at the moment when his voice fell, Yi Fan immediately said with a smile: “Ice Phoenix King Farewell I was anxious to deny that when I came, I was naturally sure that something must be on the Ice Phoenix King, or in the iceberg behind the Ice Phoenix King…! “

“Because I have clearly perceive it…! “

“Dare to ask the Ice Phoenix King if he organized an invasion of Drew’s Holy City in October last year…! “

Yi Fan is not in a hurry. When the Ice Phoenix King denies it, he still talks and laughs, not even a little anxious…

It is the Ice Phoenix King. After hearing this, it was obviously started, but it was only an instant, and he immediately returned to his senses and solemnly said: “Yes, in the Holy City, Drew has repeatedly sent evolver to spy on my home, and even tried to confine the king…! “

“In October last year, I did lead my department to teach them once and robbed them of some supplies…! “

“Listening to what you mean, it won’t be to tell me, the important things of China you said are in this batch of materials…! “

Yi Fan smiled indifferently: “Yes, no, I can only say that it was during this lesson that my lost property in China fell into your hands…! “

“I wonder if King Ice Phoenix still remembers the several spiritual medicine potted plants you swallowed in front of Drew’s Holy City red-clothed bishop residence…? “

As soon as these words came out, the Ice Phoenix King was complexion greatly changed: “What do you mean…? is it possible that those few spiritual medicines are China’s lost property…? “

“That was eaten by me, how do you still want to get it back…? It seems that the two are here to find the difference…! “

The words are reversed, the crystal power of the ice phoenix king that had been quiet, blooms again, seems to be ready to blend into the flying birds at any time, and deal with Yi Fan and Xing Jie… .

Yi Fan at this moment, but chuckled and waved his hand: “Ice Phoenix King is not anxious, those spiritual medicines are naturally impossible of my Chinese relics. The two of us came here not far away, naturally. Not to have fun…! “

“The real lost thing is a small stone in the flowerpot. If I don’t perceive it wrong, this thing should be in the belly of the Ice Phoenix King, and it has even brought you quite a bit. I’m troubled…! “

When Yi Fan’s words fell, the ice phoenix king’s expression was startled, but he converged back in an instant, and then said with a slight sorrow: “This…you know it, it’s the same as that of brown sugar The thing, is it really lost in China…? “

“This thing has made me suffer a lot. Do you know what kind of effect it has…? “

“What kind of effect is worthy of your search…! “

The words of the Ice Phoenix King fell, and Yi Fan’s eyes also flashed a ray of light…

He knew that the Ice Phoenix King at this moment seemed to have moved a little Thoughts…

It seems that I want to get back the sacred stone without bloodshed. It is still a bit too ideal…

Thinking of this, Yi Fan immediately said solemnly: “Since it is lost, We know one or two…! “

“As for the effect, I would advise the Ice Phoenix King to ask less, know less, and be less interested in this aspect. So the Ice Phoenix King understands…? “

Yi Fan’s words fell, the ice phoenix king’s crystal power suddenly swelled, but he immediately retracted, and immediately responded: “Yes, it seems that this thing is for both of you That said, it seems very important…! “

“As you said, the thing is in my womb now, but it has been fuse together with me. I wonder how the two of you plan to take it out…? “

“Could it be that you can just make a crack…? “

During his secret luck, the Ice Phoenix King Jingli has already expressed greed in his words…

Yi Fan is still just indifferently smiled and said: “As long as the Ice Phoenix King is willing to cooperate, We can guarantee to take out the lost property without hurting you…! “

As soon as these words came out, Yi Fan was also in a faint smile, bursting with trembling breath fluctuations…

With this breath, the Ice Phoenix King felt that He, and the so-called All Birds Paying Looking Up to the Phoenix picture, under this horrible atmosphere, is just a joke…

Because the two sides are simply not on the same level, he has a hunch , If you really want to keep this thing, maybe you will die on the spot in the next second…

Under such circumstances, the Ice Phoenix King sighed immediately: “It seems that this thing is really It’s very important. If so, let me talk about it. I want us to cooperate…! “

Yi Fan was quite surprised when he heard the words of the Ice Phoenix King. It seems that after all, this guy has not been driven by greed…

, It also saves the trouble of hands-on, Yi Fan immediately said with a smile lightly: “Ice Phoenix King is righteous, after successfully taking out the lost item, we have our own thanks…! “

“As for the method, it’s actually quite simple. Please come to the front of the battle to gather…! “

The other party was soft, and Yi Fan naturally returned to a pleasant appearance. Even the horrible aura suddenly disappeared without a trace, as if it were an extremely ordinary ordinary person…

But this is such an ordinary person, but at the same time as the voice fell, he was already moving towards the center of the two sides, slowly drifting away…

As if looking at thousands of mutant birds ahead Nothing, at this moment arrogant like the King of Ice Phoenix, I have to admit that compared to the human being in front of me, I am already more than half way behind…

Seeing this behavior, listen to his words, There was no ink on the Ice Phoenix King, and immediately after whispering to a semi-transformed subordinate next to him, he also slowly drifted towards the middle…

For a moment, this bird was alone , Has gathered in the center…

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