This night, although Li Yi and his girlfriend Irene stayed up all night, they are full of energy…

Li Yi is energetic, but Lao Xing is tired. …

He and Xing Jie took one by one, but the kid he was holding in his hand was nothing short of talking…

It’s like a rare treasure, but it’s irritating him…

It’s Xing Jie’s side, the girl Irene, due to her limited Chinese ability, plus her unfamiliarity with Xing Jie, almost There was no communication throughout the whole process…

Of course, under the bombing of Li Yi’s 100,000 people and so on, Lao Xing told Li Yi of some basic information about China…

Good guy, if this kid listens like this, it’s worth it…

China is almost unified, and the rock king in front of us is China’s most powerful powerhouse and a well-deserved leader…

In addition, the Huaxia evolver all implement autonomous evolution, and external forces such as crystal nuclei are only auxiliary. This question can make Li Yi envy the end…

He originally thought, Yihua Xia Country has a land area and a terrifying population base. Compared with other countries, the disaster situation is probably much more serious…

Completely didn’t expect, the current China is about to be unified, look. Looking at the not-forgiving back figure in front of him, Li Yi once again cast a respectful look…

From this moment on, this young Chinese student has already regarded Yi Fan as an object of worship…

Know that even if it is as powerful as the Heavenly God church, it is far from the so-called unification…

Even if they were in the ice country before, they are far from unification. It’s just a division of the city to govern that’s all…

The so-called Heavenly God Church plays a monitoring role. There is no subordinate relationship between the two…

How can it be compared to the monolithic state of Xing Gekou Zhonghua Xia, not even just the national conditions, even for the cultivation and application of dark energy, there is no comparability between the two parties, which is completely beyond his imagination…

Hua Xia’s understanding of dark energy is based on the human body. From the strength of the body to the strength of the divine force, the overall overall evolution, the swift and sturdy combat power, and the variety of forms, Li Yi has just seen. ..

To tell the truth, Xing’s cultivation state and fighting form are much stronger than the church side…

The church side is still engaged in collection The belief system, and the development and application of crystal power are quite rough, with Li Yi’s level, after a little contact, it is already clear The pros and cons of the two…

On the church side, the main emphasis is on’God’. This so-called God is naturally divine force, or divine force…


However, although their development of crystal force is not very good, the development of fine divine force has formed an extremely large and unique system…

Called the archmage system, the battle method mainly uses singing to mobilize the divine force to control the external dark energy to form a magic array to attack or defend…

This kind of battle method usually has an amazing formidable power. But the weakness is quite obvious, that is the time needed to sing and deploy dark energy in the space…

But even so, this battle method is still the mainstream battle method in the entire church.. .

In the entire Heavenly God church, the divine force evolver is the mainstream, the fundamental, and the elite…

Especially the dual evolver of the spiritual and elemental systems, Generally, they are directly given the title of Chosen by God, and they have a high status in the church…

Even because of their weakness, Knight came into being…

Knight, of course, is played by the strengthening system or even the element system evolver…

They are all significantly lower in status than the divine force cultivator, and they belong to two classes compared to the chosen ones. ..

In the church, only those without divine force, that is, Knight, will rely on the body to stimulate power…

didn’t expect, Huaxia went so far as to combine the two This road, and has gone quite far on this road…

Especially the cultivation technique in the mouth of the criminal surname Old Brother, which makes Li Yi very yearning…


However, right now, he can’t do anything except being messy in the wind…

Just as Li Yi was about to open his mouth to ask questions, a continent appeared below. Looking from the sky, it is a picture full of blue water drops…

The orchid known as the country of a thousand lakes is here! !



The first year of Magic Crystal, May 4th, morning.

When Yi Fan, Xing Zhan, and Xing Jie, together with Li Yi and Irene, appeared in Drew Holy City, the Great City of Fenlan, Li Yi felt that he was dreaming… .

Drew Holy City, you know by hearing the name, this city should not exist before the cataclysm, because the name is related to the supervisor Andrew Archbishop here…

Moreover, looking at the construction style in the city, it is obvious that it was built after the catastrophe…

Drew Holy City, a lake city, is currently the most beautiful lake city in Fen Lan …

The so-called Lake City is actually a city built on Lake Heart Island…

One night that’s all, they even flew directly in from the ice country Fenlan, set foot in Drew’s Holy City, all this is crazy in Li Yi’s eyes…

In fact, he would not know that this is not the extreme of Yi Fan and the others. speed …

After all, Xing Zhan and Xing Jie have brought their husbands and wives these two oil bottles, Yi Fan, who leads the way, is impossible to consider…

In addition, because of the night, the light is too weak and the line of sight is blocked, so the speed will naturally slow down a lot…

After all, it is the end of the world. Even if it is high in the sky, it is inevitable that you will not encounter night hunting. Birds…

However, they weren’t affected at all this evening, because Yi Fan took the initiative to let go of the crystal power. Under the awe of the 7th grade medium crystal power, let alone the birds, I didn’t even touch a living thing all night…

This also made Li Yi and Irene dumbfounded, the kind of breath on the Master Rock Emperor, they have never been on anyone I have felt it…

Obviously, this kind of power has exceeded their horizons. This is the reason why Li Yi, the kid, was excited all night…

At this moment, he is happy for his good luck, or for his cleverness…

He doesn’t care about it. Starting today, he will stick to them. Anyway, he said before To be loyal to the other party, I will directly rely on Yanmeng after returning to China…

Of course, right now, Yi Fan, but didn’t expect, this Little Brother is so active in thinking. This is all about returning to China. …

In fact, even if he knew it, he would welcome it, because under Yi Fan’s domineering pupil, this kid and his girlfriend’s innate talent are not too bad…

Next, but between several breaths , Yi Fan entire group dispatched the owner of a European-style small western-style building in the center of the city, making this small western-style building a temporary foothold…

Just clean up a little bit and stop eating. After the things in the Rock Ring, Yi Fan, who was sitting alone on the sofa, spoke…

“Xiao Li, among all the people here, only you have seen this Lord Andrew. Next, I can see you. show…! “

“At present, tell me, where are they most likely to be…? “

After experiencing such a fantasy journey and seeing the many abilities of the entire group of the Rock Emperor, Li Yi’s attitude towards them has long since changed, and he immediately responded with a solemn expression. ..

“Reporting back to Master Yanhuang, at this time, according to church habits, he should appear in the main prayer room at nine o’clock in the morning..! “

“This is the system of the entire Heavenly God church. The higher the level of the faculty, the more they abide by these dogmas, because they must show their loyalty to the faith…! “

Yi Fan hearing this a joy, and then lightly said with a smile: “Is the main prayer room? If I remember correctly, the main prayer room should be one-on-one…! “

Li Yi hearing this said with a smile: “Yes, the so-called main prayer room is actually the place where people in the city petition…! “

“red-clothed Archbishop, in the Heavenly God church, already has the role of servant of God, they will also convey their wishes to Heavenly God on behalf of the people, so that Heavenly God will show mercy and drop Divine Vestige for help They fulfilled their wishes…! “

“Of course, not anyone can enter, it must be a piety and faithful, and this prayer petition is not free, the church will charge a certain magic crystal as a reward…! “

” Therefore, this advanced prayer mode will be set to a one-to-one advanced mode…! “

Hearing what Li Yi said, Yi Fan was immediately happy: “Well, so to speak, your year in this church is not for nothing. It seems that you should Quite clear, and should be able to handle it easily…! “

Hearing this, Li Yi said very solemnly: “If you just deal with it, it will be no problem, but the red-clothed Archbishop is quite powerful. I am afraid that I am too weak… ! “

“hehe ..! “Yi Fan indifferently smiled: “Come on, you don’t have to worry about strength. “At this point, Yi Fan opened the mouth and said to Xing Zhan: “Old Xing, you and Li Yi have a trip, and invite our red-clothed Archbishop…! “

“Attention, the other party is Archbishop anyway, and it is on the other side’s territory, don’t be careless..! “

Yi Fan’s words fell, Xing Zhan immediately responded: “Yi Fan, don’t worry, if I am at the same level, I can’t attack these guys…! “

“Furthermore, I talked with this kid last night. They are called the legal battle mode, but I feel quite clear…! “

“Singing for a long time, formidable power is just like that. The cultivation technique is still the most primordial breathing cultivation technique. It’s too backward, so don’t worry about it. Make sure it’s very easy…! “

Hearing this, Yi Fan immediately said with a smile: “Well, since you have done your homework a long time ago, I won’t say much, just go and quickly return.. .! “

The words fall, Lao Xing immediately grabbed and whispered something to Irene Li Yi said: “Go, don’t worry, wait a while, we will be back soon…! “

The voice fell, and the two of them had disappeared thoroughly in a roll of black dust…

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