“I can guarantee that within a day, even the next moment, they will retreat…!”

Cao Zhigang hearing this Jiang said: “What, are you cracking a joke? ? The news from Azure Dragon City just now, haven’t you heard…?”

“There is a decisive battle in Tianyan City, and our elites have already been exhausted. Taihua City is obviously selling on the market. Dog meat, under the guise of supporting Tianyan City, they want to take advantage of the opportunity to swallow my Qilin City, how could they retreat by themselves…!”

That name is Four Eyes Staff, which is Hao Zheng in the mouth of Cao Zhigang After hearing this, he didn’t care at all. He only listened to him indifferently smiled and said: “Taihua City is here this time, but it’s just relieving a besieged ally by attacking the home base of the besiegers that’s all. It’s not a help to Tianyan City…!”

“In addition, you seem to have forgotten one very important thing, that is, the complicated situation in Taihua City…!”


Cao Zhigang’s heart trembled, and then he said with some doubts: “Complicated situation? Han Xiaoxuan, Duan family, Sun Family? Do you mean…?”

Hao Zheng is inexplicable Laughing: “Hehe…he! That’s right, in the entire Taihua City, those who are really close to Tianyan City, or those who have a very shallow relationship, are just Han Xiaoxuan, the rootless City Lord, and a small part of it. Family that’s all…!”

“Don’t talk about this little Duan’s family, you should know Han Xiaoxuan, this woman, a discerning person can tell at a glance, this woman has already focused on it. On the King of Rock…!”

“Or maybe she is already the woman of King of Rocks. This time, the Tianyan Ceremony left the entire Taihua City and went to Tianyan alone. Duan, the grandchildren’s marriage plan, completely turned into a bubble…!”

“In other words, she has completely separated from Duan and the grandchildren’s control, which will inevitably make them intolerable …!”

“You must know that Taihua City can have today’s glory and strength, it was at the sacrifice of Sun Old General, Duan Wenxuan in the Duan family, maybe he can’t do it yet It’s too outrageous, or it’s not so obvious…!”

“But the Sun Family, the true heir’s mind, has long been revealed. Since the establishment of Taihua City, the two families may On the surface, it’s quite dealt with, the secret fighting in private, that has never stopped…!”

“So, this is the case of the Taihuacheng army coming, you don’t need to be too To be concerned, they must have loud thunder and little rain. Nothing to sin, first sell the King of Rock for a face that’s all…! “

“After all, there is still no news about the battle in Tianyan City. The one to emerge victorious is still unknown. As long as we have a certain advantage in the battlefield of Tianyan City Lord… ! “

“Then, I dare to use my head as a guarantee, Taihua City will inevitably return obediently and honestly, and even send someone to show it afterwards…! “

“Of course, if we lose on the main battlefield, even if the situation in Taihua City is 10,000 times more complicated, they will be immediately crazy…! “

Cao Zhigang hearing this, stopped pacing completely, and opened the mouth and said again: “Listening to you, it seems that there is some truth to it. It seems that in the end, you still have to look at the main battlefield. Up. “

“Then what’s the next step, your staff, how do you plan to go..? “

This time, Hao Zheng said very solemnly: “First, we must restore communication with all our strength. We must keep abreast of the situation on the main battlefield at any time in order to deal with the next complicated situation…! “

“Second, actively build a city defense. Although this Taihua City does not need to worry too much, their pressure on the territory will still bring uneasiness to the people and cause a little rat infestation in the city. …! “

“Third, prepare a foolproof back road, just in case…! “

When Cao Zhigang heard this third article, his body trembled fiercely, and he couldn’t help asking: “No way…!” “

“A combatant on the main battlefield, that is the Five Cities Alliance, and Tianyan City is already an internal trouble and outside aggression, plus a few powerhouses from Divine Race, can resist the first wave The offensive is already quite against the sky. It is impossible to win this battle…! “

In Cao Zhigang’s words, there are quite complex emotions. He is very sure that the opponent is impossible to win, but in his words, there is a trace of fear hidden…!

this time , But did not bring Hao Zheng to speak. A guy standing next to him who had the same clothes as him suddenly opened the mouth and said: “Sir City Lord, no matter it is impossible, do more preparations, it must be right. Up…! “

“You should have not forgotten what happened at the entrance of the Yang Family Research Institute in the Eastern Military Region. You must know that the rock Lord Wang, along the way in these last days, created Countless miracles…! “

“I also believe that you know better than us, once the main battlefield loses, what we and the other four Great City will face…! “

After Cao Zhigang heard this, the complexion changed, and cold glow surged in his eyes, but it only calmed down in an instant, a little happily said: “Don’t worry, I know this in my heart…! “Then he said with a little sigh, “Hao Zheng, Qiu Ze, here is the full power to you, I’m going to prepare something…!” “

“Wen Bin, you come with me…! “

When the voice fell, Cao Zhigang directly greeted his deputy, walked out of the City Lord room, and left all the staff and a messenger here…

When Hao Zheng and Qiuze saw this, they didn’t say much. They immediately turned around and fiddled with the huge sand table in the room…

On the huge sand table, city stand in great numbers, mountains and rivers are intertwined, All the key points in the distance between the two cities have been inserted with various chess pieces. The colors are tangled and complicated. There are as many as five or six kinds. The two are obviously deducing something…

However, less than five minutes after Cao Zhigang went out, Qiuzawa used urine to escape, and the second one slipped out of the City Lord room…

At this time, at the northeast corner of City Lord Mansion On the commanding heights, a sniper is lying on the ground with a cigarette in his mouth, and Thor is placed on the ground…

Looking from the outside, this Thor’s gun Mouth, facing the direction he should stare at…

“Huh…puchi…! “

In fact, Li Haoye didn’t expect, the sniper guarding this side, dare to be so slack, he squatted out like the wind, and ended his life with a dagger to death. So far, the Qilin city sniper has not even been able to hum…

Li Hao, dressed in Qilin city costumes, has taken over this post grandiosely…

And with the death of this sniper, the City Lord Mansion sniped the bottom of the promenade, five vague silhouettes, sliding through the air silently…

They are like five walking along the invisible thread Like a descending spider, it slid through the corridor and into an open window…

In fact, among the five people, there is only one spider, and that is Li Li with four pairs of sickle feet on her back, and this spider silk is naturally her masterpiece…

Spider silk, poisonous, and sickle feet like extended bones, these are the perfect bloodline Li Li’s three most primordial powers can be activated without crystal power, because these things have been integrated into her blood, and they have completely fuse together with her…

In short , These things have become her instinct…

Spider silk, highly toxic Fortunately, every excellent bloodline genetic warrior will be in the fire of fusion with the bloodline potion, deriving a There are two special abilities…

However, it’s not simple to have an extensional bone with a foot sickle. This pair of feet with a sickle foot is the most essential difference between a perfect bloodline fighter and an excellent bloodline fighter. …

This kind of powerful body mutation can only appear when the bloodline potions of perfect level or above are injected. Throughout all the perfect bloodline warriors in Tianyan City, they are given this powerful ability …

For example, Yi Fan, Feina, powerful and peculiar eyes, Zhou Xin, Song Yixin, Song Yiyi, Ji Ruoxue, Ling Wanyao, and the enviable wings of the others are all From this variation…

This extra body part that can be contracted freely is the essence of the perfect bloodline potion…

For example, Zhou Xin The wing blades of Divine Weapon are not weaker than Divine Weapon’s weapons. When fighting in close quarters, they can accidentally cut off the opponent’s head…

For example, Fina’s eyes, which are the vision and limit vision Limit…

The eight sickle feet of Li Li are naturally not to be underestimated. They must be sharp as a knife or soft as cilia, of course when necessary. , It can also release highly poisonous…

And most importantly, with these eight sickle feet plus spider silk, Li Li has the ability to travel like a ghost in any building complex. Ability, the invisible silk thread, the extraordinary balance and jumping ability brought by the eight sickles…

In less than five minutes, Li Hu, the mastiff, and the golden ring snake are already in Li Li’s spider silk Under the lead, from the window of a men’s toilet, he sneaked into the most central area of ​​the City Lord Mansion…

Qilin City, City Lord Mansion, City Lord Room.

When Qiuze came back from the toilet, Cao Zhigang had not yet returned here. Chief-In-Charge Hao Zheng of the staff and the other four staff members were still deducing the sand table.

When they heard the door opening, everyone looked towards the door. At a glance, they saw Qiuzawa with their hands behind their backs, and then they saw the four guys who had never met before, but were wearing staff costumes. …

Hao Zheng was a little puzzled, and immediately asked with a little ridicule: “Qiu Ze, who are these guys, even if they are born, they are still wearing the clothes of our staff…! “

When he heard the questioning, Qiuzawa and the four people behind him did not stop at all, and even smiled indifferently: “Uh, I don’t know who they are, Wen Bin. Let me take them to your side to report…!”

In words, Akiazawa was already smiling and brought these four faceless guys to the sand table…

From the perspective of Hao Zheng, three men and one woman, all three men are quite burly, neat and tidy, with a stiff appearance, exuding iron and blood all over the body, they are obviously real thing bloodthirsty sergeants…

As for the woman, she was quiet and soft, and her temperament was slightly feminine, but she gave people a feeling of hiding needles in the cotton…

The four of them started from entering the door, just hurriedly. The few people at the sand table looked all around curiously. Such behavior naturally made Hao Zheng a little uncomfortable…

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