Except that I don’t have a rock tiger knife in my hand, everything is exactly the same as myself…

Even speaking, voice, everything, without exception…

Even the right arm that was clearly beheaded by Yi Fan before, under the true content of blood, it seems that you should not completely repair it…

This…It’s really scary. Up…!

“old ghost, didn’t expect you to have such an amazing trick, it seems that this battle is stable, haha…ha…!”

Zhang Tianze Copying the sharp metal synthetic sound, laughing wildly, in the words, it is already a win-winner look…

If not, my broken arm is still being repaired. I am afraid he is going to attack directly…

Actually, the Masked Corpse King can make the appearance and appearance exactly the same as Yi Fan. He is not surprised at all, and there is nothing to horror.. ..

What really surprised Yi Fan, and even horrified it, was that this guy was able to completely change his crystal power and even elemental attribute in just over ten seconds. One…

This is Yi Fan, shock, horror, and the roots of the list just now…

In past and present, Yi Fan has never seen anyone, Or I’ve heard of what kind of mutant creatures can change their own power attributes…

But today, in this brief moment, the Masked Corpse King broke this taboo in Yi Fan’s eyes. …

Let him know that in this world, there is nothing impossible anymore…

The ability attribute is not that it cannot be changed. He may not have much vision in his previous life. High…

Recalling my performance just now, it was too poor, relying too much on past life memories…

However, Yi Fan is still Yi Fan, facing Such a scene, after the initial shock and even horror, quickly calmed down in self-organizing…

After feeling that the opponent is not weaker than himself, or even surpassed his own crystal power fluctuations, A rather self-deprecating smile, he made a judgment…

“It seems that this is the so-called true face of blood, and it should be considered the ultimate disguise…!”

The guy exactly the same as Yi Fan, the Masked Corpse King, immediately said with a smile slightly crazy: “haha…ha, yes, the ultimate disguise…!”

“haha…! didn’t expect your power to be so perfect…!”

“How about, Zhu Yi Fan, think about how to die under your own power Are you there?”

The tone barely fell of the Masked Corpse King, the silver “ten” in his eyes flashed with the word rune, his hands were dark red, and the rock force spit out, and a black flash flew from behind him. Out…

“Huh…! “

The wind screamed, and the black dagger of the previous Masked Corpse King shot away from the chaotic bamboo behind him…

“Boom…! “

“God stick, do it quickly…! “

The earth quake, has completely turned into Yi Fan’s masked corpse king, stepped under his feet, turned into a dark red flash, and shot Yi Fan at high speed…

” Om…! “

The sound of a huge flapping of wings, the blue azure metal-like bizarre giant peaks, at the moment when the Masked Corpse King bursts out, they have already shot out at a rapid speed…

The goal, of course, is Yi Fan standing next to the huge pothole…

In fact, Yi Fan’s unique Xuanjing Batong on the opposite side appeared in another identical fellow. When he sees it, he has to know that the trouble is big…

This guy can even use the Xuanjing Domineering pupil. This blood is too abnormal, even the bloodline. The mutation ability brought by force has been copied?

“When…! “

The black glow flashed, the swords fought fiercely, and the violent sword of the Masked Corpse King Yanli made Yi Fan fly back out at an extremely fast speed…

“Boom… .! “

Just taking a step back, a cross-shaped electric light has already swept over at extreme speed, Yi Fan stomped under his feet, but there was no panic…

However, it was not There is the slightest meaning of counterattack. At the moment when the cross electric light strikes, it is already the Liuyeyan Xuanyi unfolding, and it soars into the sky…

Obviously, Yi Fan chose to avoid it temporarily. There are two main reasons why he chose to avoid him for the time being…

First, his own ability, he knows himself, after swallowing the crystal nucleus of the same level and opening the true face of blood The mask of Zhang is already worthy of self in every aspect, plus an insectized Zhang Tianze, who hits hard from the front, too much to lose….

All the cards are out, it’s not necessarily something that can be obtained. What are the benefits…

Second, from the words and actions of the Masked Corpse King after his transformation, it is not difficult to see that the true content of his extremely powerful blood must have a time limit. It’s…

And this is Life and Death Battle. It’s not a battle. Yi Fan won’t be so stupid that he has to fight with them…

And now, the masked corpse Wang and Zhang Tianze, the situation of this worm and a corpse is naturally the opposite of Yi Fan…

“Huh…! “

When the masked corpse king saw Yi Fan began to dodge, he immediately started to dodge the Liuyeyan Xuan Wing, and chased out very quickly…

“weng weng weng. ..! “

The insectized Zhang Tianze, naturally without the slightest trace of ink, chased him very quickly…

At this time, Fina sounded in the spiritual world of Yi Fan The voice of;

“Brother Fan, give me half a minute, come and support right away…! “

Yi Fan, who was soaring up into the air, turned his head and looked at the moment he heard this. Fina, who was already wrapped in a strange triangle Formation, smiled indifferently and said: “Okay Fina, But don’t be too reluctant, I can hold it…! “

“Huh…! “

While the wind whistling, three red flashes lifted into the sky, Yi Fan, Masquerade, and Zhang Tianze all disappeared from the field in an instant, making Fina in Formation look frosty…

Obviously, she is quite annoyed by her situation right now, she is trapped by a special Formation…

This is a blend of red, yellow, blue, and three-color crystal power Formation of energy, looks like a huge “birdcage”…

Countless three-color silk threads are intertwined into a birdcage, an unusually strong birdcage…

And this birdcage, or this three-color Formation, is the Mitsubishi realm that Zhang Tianze ordered the three gods to open when he just supported the Masked Corpse King…!

The so-called Mitsubishi realm , Can be considered to have some background…

The so-called Mitsubishi world is actually one of the ultimate Formation in the Naka insect race inheritance that Zhang Tianze received.

Or, it is the ultimate Formation The foundation of Duoling Formation…

Doling Formation, Naka insect race, one of the most mysterious ultimate Formation, the main purpose is to kill the enemy, the second use to trap the enemy…

Doling Formation, up to twelve lings….

The so-called Mitsubishi Formation is just the weakest and most basic formation of doling Formation…

As for the so-called Ling, it is actually one attribute crystal power, which is the Formation secret technique of the Naka insect race, and it is also the most commonly used formation by the four gods…

However, the sad wind god So, I was seckilled at the beginning of the battle. It should have been Mitsubishi Formation, but now it has become Mitsubishi Formation…

Mitsubishi, which also represents the blend of three crystal powers, and the composition of Mitsubishi , Naturally they are the three major gods on the field. They are respectively;

Vulcan envoy Lu Mu.

Water god envoy Fu Sheng.

Earth god envoy Muyu.

At this moment, the three great envoys all entered the sixth rank with crystals, and with the help of Formation, Fina and Hualin were trapped in front of them…


As for Mo Yi, as a variant eagle that goes up and down, before the formation of the opponent’s Formation, it has rushed out…

In fact, if it wasn’t for the flower edge, Fina I’m afraid I won’t be trapped by this Formation, and won’t even be held for so long… .

Although Hualing is a queen ant, her strength is still the fifth-order Peak after all. Even with the increase of rune at the center of Fina’s eyebrows, it is only a pseudo-sixth rank…

Such strength, in this level of Peak duel, is still weak…

Of course, the main purpose of Yi Fan calling them out is to deal with those endless thunderscales. Worms, instead of these guys who have already entered the sixth rank…

If Hualin was not covered by Mitsubishi Formation for a while, plus these three gods found that Fina was quite concerned about Formation After the life and death of this queen ant…

The main target of the attack has been placed on Hualin, which caused Fina to bind his hands and feet in order to preserve the Hualin. In addition, this Mitsubishi Formation seems to be With the ability to stabilize the space, Fina’s entry and exit phase space consumes a lot of time. This Mitsubishi Formation should have been broken long ago…

“dang dang dang…! “

“Huh, huh, huh…! “

The sword and claws fought, the three divine envoys, once again under Fina’s long sword, flew back extremely fast….

“Master, don’t worry about the flowers. , Go to the big master…! “

The creature of the so-called Fina Soul Contract, the queen Hualing feels that she is very useless at the moment. If she doesn’t help much, she also restricts the owner’s fighting space. His words are a little frustrating, and even some are determined. ….

Fina is naturally very clear about the character of her Contract Beast, and immediately said with a smile: “Hua Ling, don’t think about it, you have helped me and the master a lot. .! “

“Preparing to break through, remember that after the master broke the Formation for a while, you immediately dived into the ground, understand? “

Fina tone barely fell, Wind Element’s crystal power soared into the sky, taking advantage of the three divine envoys’ rapid retreat, knuckles together, gently stroked, the wind phoenix sword body, fine silver purple rune , An extremely sharp indigo cyan ray blooms in an instant…

“Sharp…! “

“Bright…! “

“Vanous…! “

“The three patterns gather together, the wind and phoenix dance…! “

Following Feina’s whisper, gently swirling under her feet, two separate shadows were formed in an instant, and the long sword in her hand was slowly handing out…

“xiū xiū xiū…! ”

A sword came out, the sky was surging, and there was the sound of phoenix screaming in the depth of one’s soul ..

In Fina and the two split shadows, the long sword was handed out for an instant, Throughout the Mitsubishi Formation, the wind screamed everywhere. Thousands of sword shadows, with the potential of breaking through Heaven and Earth, came out of their hands very quickly…

These sword shadows are like angry birds and like The violent sharks, densely packed, flew in at a rapid speed under the horrified eyes of the three great gods…

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