Of course, anyway, because of the terrifying power that something stimulates, Ji Ruoxue naturally can’t relax.

As for the bloody destruction in his tactical bag, naturally it quickly appeared in Ji Ruoxue’s hand with the bag.

Lin Tian fell asleep like this, the representative of Azure Dragon City, even if he was cleaned up, he was naturally dragged by Ling Wanyao to the entrance of the stairs like a dead dog.

Under Fina’s layout, the representatives of Azure Dragon City and Vermilion Bird City have been quickly controlled. At the moment, the entire Five-City Alliance, except for the Black-Turtle City Luo Yaqin who escaped from the field, Apart from Fu Sheng, only Bai Ze, Qilin representatives of the two cities, were struggling to support the game.


The glasses are thunderous, and the thunderbolt long spear dances wildly, like the thunder god descends to the world, extremely powerful, thunderbolt roars, the whole body shines with Thunder Strength , But chose to hold a lion soul gun for melee, long spear stabs, like silver lightning, violently stabs out…..

After all, this is the spear thrown by the glasses in Tianyan City. Although the formidable power is infinite, it is easy to spread to the innocent near this crowded square building.

Moreover, the glasses at this moment are not alone. Song Yixin, Song Yiyi, one light, one darkness, plus the lightning of the eyes, the three form a weird triangle battle formation, and Qilin’s support Jade, golden scales surrounded it.

Song Yixin spreads her wings on her back, and her body is full of holy light, like an angel in a fairy tale.

But the weapon in his hand is unexpected. It is a huge long-handled wing sickle, the whole is silver, and the sickle blade is like half of an angel’s wings.

There are blades inside and outside. The outer blade flashes cold light, and the inner edge of the blade, even because the angel’s feather layer is decreasing, forms a jagged shape at the end of the wing sickle, which looks extremely hideous.

The last generation of sickle handle has a long silver chain that wraps around its arm. It is really a hideous ultimate weapon.

However, such a hideous ultimate weapon, pinched in the hands of a porcelain doll-like Song Yixin, coupled with the rich holiness of her body, and the wings of the angel, there is no sense of disobedience. As the wing sickles waved, the astral qi like a round of light swayed out…..

Song Yiyi also spread her wings back, but her wings are pure black, and the whole body is even more haunting. Depressing black mist.

The weapon in her hand is a black whip of invisible material. It is more than ten meters long. There seems to be an unknown horny spike on the whip, which is full of coldness. Cold light, the end of the whip, has a short blade, which is obviously extremely sharp.

Song Yiyi flicked his arm, the astral qi surged with his long whip, like a Divine Dragon overwhelmed by the river, towards Yiyu, the center of the three people, the golden scales surged away…

At this moment, Yiyu and Jinlin in the field have already changed their appearance.

Yiyu squatted on the ground, her body lingered with pale green crystal power, her mouth and nose were blooming, her eyes protruding, and her skin also showed an abnormal cyan-green, with one after appearing on it. another The ugly skinny, his whole body seems to be swollen in a circle.

Webbeds appeared between the fingers, the nails are extremely long, with a little fluorescent on them, which is obviously very toxic, but this is not the most exaggerated.

The most exaggerated thing is that the tongue in this guy’s mouth can stretch several meters in length, and it is even more multi-colored, so patchy and poisonous.

And the golden scales around her have changed a lot at this moment, their clothes are torn apart, and pieces of golden scales like snake spirits grow up and down all over her body.

The structure of the head is elongated, the mouth protrudes and becomes pointed, the tongue diverges strangely, and the eyes protrude extremely high. There are even extremely developed eye and face tissues around, allowing her eyes to rotate extremely flexibly .

Similarly, he is also squatting on all fours, with sharp claw on it, and behind his butt, a long tail is shaking unconsciously, appearing extremely flexible.

The overall image of these two people does not look like a person anymore, but it is easy to think of two creatures, toads and lizards, or geckos, or they should be called them Frogmen, lizardmen…

In fact, these two people were also decisively injected with some kind of medicine at the moment Fina appeared on the scene, and then they became this person, neither animal nor animal. Strange existence.

Of course, after the injection, the strength of the two has already climbed to the fifth-order Peak, and their abilities in all aspects of the body have also greatly increased.

The woman named Yiyu has become extremely flexible and has extremely perfect dynamic vision, and which guy named Jinlin, the name speaks for itself, has a golden body on her After the scale armor, the defensive power has been greatly improved.

If the people of the Nara organization are here, they must be recognized at a glance. This is the effect of the prototype serum of the devil claw frog and the golden tiger.

Of course, the glasses are on their side, but it doesn’t matter what devil claw frog you are, the Golden Tiger.

Thunderbolt, light, dark, three astral qi, now on their respective weapons, rush towards the two humanoid monsters in the array.


“hong long long…!”

“ka-cha, pu chi….!”

Glasses, Song Yixin, Song Yiyi, the combination of three people, how powerful, as the main defensive power, a body with golden scales, under the endless strikes of the three, the whole body scales are already large The face was cracked and blood spilled from the mouth from time to time.

Obviously, under the impact of this fierce astral qi, the surface of the golden scales may be due to a layer of highly repairing scales, but the internal organs are not, even if the body resists the level. , Dang was still injured in the inner palace…,

It was Yiyu who used this defensive power golden scale as a cover in the battle, but it was only drawn out. During two superficial wounds, she even fought back during the second time.

“xiū xiū xiū ….!”

Yiyu, who has become a frogman with claws, lifted up two forelimbs, above her fingers, that long The nails, like Poisonous Arrows, flew towards the three of them at extreme speed.


“ding ding ding~ ..bang bang bang bang …..!”

A black lightning At the moment when these ten Poisonous Arrows just flew out, they smashed at extremely high speed, in an instant, the ten Poisonous Arrows, without any accident, were either flew away, or shot down, all of them were useless…


The whistling of the wind, and what is even more exaggerated is that this extremely flexible lightning is still not satisfied after flying a Poisonous Arrow for ten times. As if touching the vines, Yiyu’s neck rolled toward the ground just now.

That’s it, Jin Lin just pulled away Song Yixin’s wing sickle with a tail, regardless of the long spear pierced from the side by the glasses, he swung his foot under his left arm, and blocked Yiyu. Before you.


In an instant, the black lightning was wrapped around the left arm of the golden scale, and on the scales of its arm, it struck out an obvious crack.

“pu chi…!”

The lightning gun of the glasses also pierced from Jinlin’s left waist in an instant. The powerful current made him unable to help Flick…

Then unexpectedly, the long spear was clamped tightly by the exercise muscles, alleviating my pain, and at this moment, a touch of determination appeared in my eyes, turning my head to face Yiyu whispered in a deep voice: “I will help you, must escape, and let Captain not get close to Tianyan for the time being…!”

Yiyu is hearing this, without saying a word, just a head Lightly, she glanced for a week, her eyes were red, and she obviously knew that the current situation could be said to be extremely bad, and the possibility of the two of them getting out was almost infinitely close to zero.

In fact, in order to organize sacrifices, it was originally not at all. The important thing is that Tianyan Chenggao is currently operating in such a strange overall situation.

If they are here today, no one can bring out the intelligence of the city, the Five Cities Alliance, the Nara Organization, and even the Divine Race will all have a big somersault in this first city in China.

As the weakest Nara organization among the three, it is very likely that it will never recover and become annihilated in this crisis-ridden apocalypse…

So, they must desperately Escape, even if you fight for it, you must take the news out of Tianyan City, so that the organization temporarily stay away from this vortex and hide in the darkness.

In a flash, Jinlin and Yiyu completed the exchange in an instant. At the moment Yiyu nodded, Jin Lin was already bursting out loudly;

“Drink.. Come here…!”

The words fall, Jin Lin’s left hand is arrogant Pulling, stomping his feet, pulling Song Yiyi at the same time, holding Yiyu with one hand, and rushing out towards Song Yiyi’s side…

“pu chi…!”


The long spear of the glasses was pulled out by the Jin Lin forcibly running, and Song Yiyi, who felt the pulling force of the Jin Lin, showed an evil smile at the corner of his mouth. The right hand showed no signs of letting go. I didn’t even resist, and even rushed up with my feet…

Song Yixin saw his younger sister like this. How could he not understand his younger sister’s thoughts, and immediately stomp him, From his position, he rushed to Jinlin, Yiyu.

However, just at this time, the golden scales running wildly, the whole body’s scales were still swollen golden light violently, and even cracks appeared on the whole body.

After seeing the dark element little girl who was ushering in, and the side speed from the Light Element girl, immediately shouted: “haha…ha! I can also pull the two little girls back, cool. ….!”


In words, while he stomped under his feet, his right hand slammed, and he was pulled by him. The living Yiyu, like a human-shaped cannonball, blasted to the left of the three-person gap.

“The scales explode!”

Everything happens in a flash, the golden scales burst into the shout, the crystal power of the whole body swells to the extreme in an instant, and the scales are more It is made of real gold, and the blooming road is extremely dazzling golden light…..

In this case, Song Yixin and Song Yiyi naturally noticed something wrong when Jinlin laughed wildly.

The moment they heard the explosion of the scales, there was a dignified look in the eyes of the two of them. The instant eye contact seemed to make the two of them reach a consensus, almost at the mouth of the golden scales. At the same time, both of them hurriedly unfolded their wings, and paused in their silhouette….


It seemed that it was still too late, with a loud sound. In the sound, the golden light that had bloomed to the extreme on the golden scales burst out…

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