On the night of the semi-finals

, Tezuka and Kibe sat on the same helicopter in the clothes of different teams, and Tezuka looked at Kibe with a cold gaze, "Kibu! It's finally going to begin!" and Kibe looked straight ahead, "yes... It's time for the show!" "

This is another battle to bet on the prestige of the country, and it is about to begin!"

I don't know when Irie, who was mixed into the broadcast seat, happily started the broadcast." This is the live broadcast seat, and tonight at a special venue in Melbourne, Australia, people from all over the world who claim to be the king of big stomachs have gathered one after another! They all gathered together to have a battle of staking the prestige of eight countries. "

A man with a mask" We can't hide the joy in our hearts. Next, let's introduce the 8 countries that have signed up. First of all, Germany, the team of kings with 3 professional players led by Polk, can they maintain a constant victory in terms of food consumption?!"

"Next is Switzerland, with the main player Amadeus as the center, gathering many talents, and they are about to start a revenge war here

!" "France is a group of unique gourmets, and I have a hunch that they will bring a new wave of revolution to this barbecue competition!"

The American Republic, under the leadership of the main general Reinhardt, united and used the strength of the team to accept the challenge!

" "Greece is like a mysterious god descending on earth, and Lord Zeus is omnipotent!"

"As the host, Australia has excellent men who have been reborn after reconciling with the gifted children Gorgia brothers!" "

Alamennonma is still a religious country with many mysteries! "

The last one is the Japanese team that will show the world the soul of the samurai!

After introducing the participating countries, he immediately began to talk about the requirements of the first round: "The first round is [Tetris roast meat] from the top of the meat of any shape, on the grill net from the bottom to the top, if you line up horizontally, you can eat, the score is recorded as one plate! If you make 2 columns in one go, you will get an additional 5 plates, 3 columns can add 10 plates, and 4 columns will be added 40! The time limit is 15 minutes, this is a game of wisdom and appetite, and whoever has the most sets in the end will be the winner!"


Seyfried roasted the meat with great interest: "Tetris, I'm the best at it~" Tankumaru swallowed: "We have to eat it quickly! Sige?" "Ah! Tankumaru don't get in my way!" Seyfried looked at Polk who was doing it himself with some anger, and he didn't care about the captain or the captain, "Polk player, please don't barbecue without permission! Anyway, you don't understand Tetris barbecue, right?!"

Players from various countries, including Germany, are in a bitter battle.

Dashi couldn't stand it, sat in the broadcast seat, and said with a gloomy face, "I can't stand it, everyone is like this... Can you roast it quickly? First, it's almost mushy..."

"Japan's [yakiniku office] suddenly took over the broadcast seats, showing anger at the actions of other countries and expressing their own dissatisfaction. And

Amadeus also said with an ugly face, "What do you think GRAVY is!!"

and Polk and Kurosawa, who didn't know when they got together, looked at Amadeus with a grim face, Kurosawa calmly took out his mobile phone and gave Amadeus ten consecutive shots, and then sent it to the four people. "Bobo, Sisi still hasn't changed~ But Sisi's barbecue skills are really superb~ Or let's go and let him give us barbecue to eat

~" Polk sighed and said, "Ah Yan, it's still a game, so your idea is not realistic..." Kurosawa slapped his hands regretfully, "Huh~ It's a pity~ Then I'll go find Phoenix~bye~" After speaking, he went to find his boyfriend.

Soon the first leg was over, with 10 points for first place in Australia, 7 points for second place in France, 5 points for third place in Greece, 3 points for fourth place in the United States and 1 point for fifth place in Japan.

Liu and Qian appeared in front of everyone wearing tuxedos and carrying three glasses of dry juice, and Liu said "Enjoy your drink~" in English, and everyone in Japan exclaimed, while Germany, Switzerland, and Alamennonma, who did not know the power of dry juice, sent three people out to drink the dry juice in one go.

And the three unlucky eggs who drank the dry juice went directly to the arms of the sea and fell unconscious. Kurosawa ran over with great interest and poked the three of them separately, and slowly reported that "Epsilo A. Lame of Alamennonma has no vital signs~ Germany's A. Frankenstein is unconscious~ Switzerland's Lakulaka Ryutian can't stand up~ The dry juice is really terrible~ I kind of want to drink it~

" "No! Ayan!" I only heard Byodoin, Polk, and Amadeus say this sentence at the same time, and Kurosawa could only do it.

And the other players have already entered the mode of serious fighting.

"The second round is [bowl barbecue]! In short, this competition is to keep putting meat in bowls, to see who eats the most meat, and finally counting the number of bowls, and the person with the most bowls is the winner. There

were a lot of bowls piled up in front of him, and he touched his stomach with his hand and said, "Ahhhh Kirihara shouted, "Tanejima-senpai, please don't disappear!"

Duke looked at Nioh, who had been chewing on the cow's stomach in his mouth since the beginning, and Nioh, who had been punctured, stuck out his tongue and didn't speak.

"The third round [roast lamb contest]!" Maori

looked at the junior high school students happily, "The junior high school students have to eat a little more lamb, otherwise they won't be able to defeat other countries!"

At this moment, Yukimura stood up and looked serious, "I'm going to take the five senses of other national players... No, it's to rob them of their appetite. Seeing Yukimura passing by other countries as if he was wearing a cashmere coat, Pete couldn't help but cry.

Soon it was time for the next round, and it wasn't until the sixth round that the rankings were as follows: Greece, France, Japan, Australia, Germany, Switzerland, Alamennonma, and the United States.

The final round is a falling roast. Everyone scrambled for the barbecue that had fallen, and the strange painting of Oishi and Amadeus called the tears of the brothers, "The gravy is crying...",

and finally Greece won this alternative game.

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