After the first set and the coach's reminder, Alex adjusted his mindset to play against Kurosawa as a pro.

"Positive or negative?" professional players act as referees.

Alex asked Kurosawa to choose first, and Kurosawa didn't politely choose "heads." "

The referee turns the racket and when the racket lands on the ground, it is face up" Kurosawa serves.

Kurosawa didn't choose any stunt serve, but a normal serve, and Alex hit it back with great ease.

When Kurosawa's racket touches the tennis ball and hits it back, the tennis ball that hits back is accompanied by a golden dragon shadow from ancient Chinese mythology.

When Alex's eyes touched the pupils of the golden dragon shadow, it was as if he was being targeted by the dragon. I can't move a single step.

When the ball landed in bounds, Alex came to his senses. For Kurosawa's mysterious move, he no longer reserves the right to directly open the so-called selfless realm in the original book.

Even if you open the selfless realm, you can't fight back against that return ball. Kurosawa saved his serve with that move.

When it was Alex's turn to serve, Alex seemed to serve easily on the surface, but when he came to Kurosawa's racket, it was like a thousand pounds and directly knocked Kurosawa's racket away.

Kurosawa, who rubbed his wrist to pick up the racket, had a hint of red light flashing in his clear blue eyes. "Since you can't catch the tennis, then let him go out of bounds~"

So, then, as Kurosawa said, every heavy artillery serve of Alex went out of bounds.

"Game won by taku2:0" was surprised by Kurosawa's strength, but kept his senses.

Alex, who had dropped two points in a row, was a little sluggish, pulling his towel over his head in deep thought.

When Alex returned to the field, a white fog filled the field. Kurosawa, who was not surprised by the appearance of this white mist, served calmly.

And Byodoin and the others, who saw this phenomenon for the first time, were very curious, but they also knew that no one would help them explain if they asked questions now.

After all, everyone present was watching the match between Kurosawa and Alex intently.

"Game won by Alex 2:1" Alex, who took a point from Kurosawa, was also not happy, and instead completely immersed himself in another dimension.

By the time he served, the white fog behind him had lifted. The ancient god 'Hercules' appeared clearly in front of everyone.

'Hercules' punishes evil and promotes good, and dares to fight. It is the Hercules of the ancient gods.

Looking at Alex, who was forced out of another dimension on the field, the coach couldn't help but sigh, "Sure enough, taku already has professional-level strength, if it weren't for the factors of age and his seldom participating in international competitions, it is estimated that many clubs have begun to grab people." The talent of young people is terrifying.

Looking at Alex's alternate dimension, Kurosawa felt excited instead of scared. He's always wanted to force his way out of another dimension, but he hasn't been able to do so. I don't know if this time under Alex's stimulation, there will be a prototype.

As soon as the other dimension appeared, Alex's strength level rose even higher. reached the strength of the professional level, and Kurosawa was only the first to enter the professional level, and soon Kurosawa fell into the disadvantage.

The score came to 3:5, and if Kurosawa hadn't evolved on the court, then he would have lost this game.

Kurosawa, who was sweating profusely from running back and forth, tied his hair up with a headband and put a towel over his face. There was a low mood all around him.

The six people who were about to step forward to comfort Kurosawa were stopped by the coach, "If you go up now, Taku will not only fail to break through, but will also cause his strength to decline." In

this regard, Byodoin and others can only hold back their feelings. Stay where you are and secretly cheer for Kurosawa.

Kurosawa, who was sitting in a chair, recalled his tennis career in his previous life and in this life, and Kurosawa, who was more proud than Byodoin and others, didn't want to lose like this, and didn't want to let himself stay where he was. In the end, Kurosawa had only one thought: 'I want to win!' A fog of black and red gradually appeared around Kurosawa.

Looking at Kurosawa, who finally broke through his heart and successfully possessed the prototype of another dimension, the coach's heart was very satisfied. Secretly said: "It's worthy of being a little monster~ Ha, I won this bet, hum a group of stinky old men waiting to give me money." "

Fortunately, Kurosawa and Byodoin didn't hear the coach's words, otherwise they would have beaten the coach to death.

Kurosawa, who awakened the prototype of another dimension, quickly caught up with the score of 6:6 and came to the tie-break game.

Kurosawa, who continued to master a different dimension in these games, tried his best to win 7:6.

“Won by taku 7:6。 Taku won the three-set, two-game 6:4, 7:6, two-of-two. Hearing

the news of the referee's victory, Kurosawa fell directly to the floor with his strength, and Byodoin, who reacted very quickly, rushed up and hugged Kurosawa.

The coach hurriedly came up to inspect Kurosawa's situation and found that he was just overusing his mental power and exerting too much physical strength, and fell asleep.

Waving his hand, he asked people to take Byodoin to take Kurosawa to the lounge to rest.

We let the professional players and quasi-professional players in the club play coaching matches with the two brothers of Byodoin, Oni, Kimishima, Tono and Mutsu one by one.

Under the oppression of professional players, Byodoin and Oni also have a different dimensional feeling at the beginning. But it has not yet reached the rudiments of another dimension.

The two Mutsu brothers learned the meaning of doubles - the same tone under another set. Even if you comprehend the tone, you can only win a few points in danger, and you still can't win.

And Kimishima and Tono looked at the partners who comprehended the different dimensions and the same tone, and their hearts began to become anxious, and they even faintly touched the threshold of the same tone.

Finding that they are about to evolve on the court, the opposite player directly increases their horsepower to stimulate them, prompting them to evolve successfully.

Until Kurosawa woke up, Byodoin and the other six people were beaten repeatedly. But it wasn't without its benefits to be beaten, and all six of them were stronger than when they first came to Spain.

"Eh, why are they all lying down? Looking at the Byodoin and the others who were tired of lying on the ground, Kurosawa asked the coach beside him.

"Ah, taku. My players have helped your buddies improve their strength a lot~So~" The cunning coach tried to get a good deal from Kurosawa.

"Coach~ It's good if you contact my father directly~ I'll explain it to him. Kurosawa, who knew what he wanted, put him in touch with his father.

Receiving Kurosawa's promise, the coach left with a grin. Kurosawa, on the other hand, walked towards Byodoin and the others.

He poked them in the face one by one to make sure they were still alive. When he poked Byodoin, he was just about to take his hand away, but he was caught.

"Rested, is there anything uncomfortable?" Even if he is lying on the ground in embarrassment, he has to care about his little boyfriend's equality house.

"I'm okay~ What about you?" Kurosawa, who didn't break free of Byodoin's hand and sat on the ground with his strength.

Everyone responded that it was just a loss of strength, and it would be good to rest for a while.

Because of the coach's invitation, Mu Zhiteng and the others stayed here until the new semester of the third year of China was about to start.

The seven people who returned to Japan were in a hurry to review and prepare for the exam, and it would be miserable if they failed.

Fortunately, the seven people are all college tyrants, and even if there are those who are not good at it, they will be taught by others, and in the end, all seven of them survived with excellent qualifications.

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