The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 268: : Speculation

Three o'clock in the morning.

The North Sea is getting chaotic.

This is destined to be a night in the history of Beihai.

In the past century or even hundreds of years, the entire Beihai suffered an unprecedented blow overnight, and suffered heavy losses. The southern part of the Beihai was completely occupied. The former prosperous Queen City was in a mess. The elite of the gusty wind and the Wuji Palace were incomparable to the Beihai. Tragically strangled together in Liuli City.

There is no advance or retreat.

There is no offense and defense.

Some are just offensive and counterattacks.

The warrior who has no retreat seems to have become the sharpest cold-blooded dead soldier.

The two major forces on the East Island desperately tried to break through the defense line of Liuli City.

The elites of Beihai are fighting back almost at all costs.

No one cares about the loss.

The two sides were completely holding on, head-to-head, and neither of them would take a step back.

The sound of fighting and roaring spread throughout the city.

Everyone in Beihai counterattacked with red eyes.


Make every effort to move forward.

Fourteen minutes ago, the second person of the Sky Army, Jiang Cheng, a thunder-thundering master from the Jiang family of Canglan, had no bones left under the siege of Feng Yujianliu and Promise Palace.

Almost half of the city could see the dazzling thunder light bursting out of Jiang Cheng's desperate death before he died.

His last command resounded in the ears of every North Sea warrior in an incomparably dazzling light, his voice hoarse and he was extremely determined and crazy.

That is the final military order.

"Army of the Sky, advance, or die!"

The light of thunder spread wildly under the night sky, and Jiang Cheng's last outburst engulfed the two guest Qing Feng Yujianliu.

At that moment, all the elites in Beihai went crazy.

Everyone seems to have lost their minds and rushed forward and killed.

go ahead.

Or death.

There is no retreat, there is only a desperate counterattack regardless of life and death at all costs.

Under the extremely decisive order, Liuli City was bloodied almost everywhere.

From the moment Jiang Cheng sacrificed his life and broke out, this dispute was doomed to only have two endings.

Either the Celestial Army was the last to die in battle, and the two elite forces of the East Island rushed over.

Either the elite of the two major forces on the East Island were completely pierced, and the completely crazy Celestial Army counterattacked Queen City.

The entire Liuli City has completely fallen into an endless stalemate.

In the conference room on the top floor of the Canglan Hotel, all the high-level members of the combined forces have fallen into chaos.

In the beginning, it was just a discussion. The discussion turned into a discussion, and the discussion turned into a quarrel.

It seems that the coalition forces that have gained the upper hand are getting more and more chaotic, and even the few invincible masters have a gloomy expression.

Jiang Shangyu stood in front of the huge screen, watching the scene on the screen, and had been silent for a long time.

It is extremely lively on the big screen divided into countless scenes.

That was originally the screen that played the scene of the decisive battle in the North Sea

The picture is extremely funny.

To be precise, including Jiang Shangyu, everyone at the top of the coalition forces present was being taught, and some aspects of knowledge, some from the East Island, were being popularized.

Maria Ozawa heard of it? Haven't Aoi heard of it? Does Hatano Yuichi know who it is? You always know that angels are not cute, right? Does Da Qiao Wei Jiu know? San Shang Youya? Gotoran? Kamiya Miki? Shimizu Mari? Hashimoto? Hishima Airi?

always one option fit for you.

It doesn't matter if you don't know.

The chubby teacher Xuanyuan put all the wonderful works on the big screen in the conference room, one by one, brainwashing all the high-levels of the Invincible Realm and the United Forces, the teachers’ singing is beautiful and tact, and everyone in the conference room can hear them. Dizzy, turbulent, impetuous, the original fighting scenes were replaced one after another, and all communications were unilaterally blocked.

Jiang Shangyu turned off the big screen directly, saying that he didn't want to learn, and he didn't like to learn.

The shielding was turned off for nearly half an hour before it was turned on again.

The big screen, which was still divided into countless scenes, finally lost the conscientious figure of the teachers, but the picture that appeared in front of everyone was even more strange.

The fight continues.

In not a long time, Jiang Shangyu saw himself on the screen being killed countless times. Some died in the hands of Tianhai Wuji in Dibing Mountain, some died in the hands of Morad in the conference room, and some died in Wang Xiaoyao was killed by Wang Xiaoyao in front of the hotel. What's more, he was drowned in the toilet by Liu Shengcangquan in the toilet.

Countless screen weavers, Wang Xiaoyao, Liu Shengcangquan, Tianhai Wuji, and Morad, everyone saw their own way of death on the screen.

The quarrel seems to have started from that time.

They whose communication is blocked are now completely blackened. The fat man who claims to be the ancestor of the right and left people wants them to see what they will see. In the world of the Internet, he unscrupulously weaves all kinds of nothing. They don’t know the real situation of the fake traces.

I don't know at all.

I don't know at all!

In their position, they can feel that the fire support from the sea has completely disappeared.

Li Tianlan leaped over Canglan City.

But obviously, Dong Dao did not realize this. In the picture woven by the fat man, the people in Dong Dao may already think that they are about to win.

They have completely lost contact with all their subordinates, and there is no way to change combat orders.

With the North Sea as the center, this kind of combat radius is simply terrifying. If they rely on manpower to convey orders, their entire combat goal will become extremely rigid.

All kinds of quarrels rang in Jiang Shangyu's ears.

Some people have even begun to consider the issue of retreat.


Jiang Shangyu spoke suddenly, his voice was very soft, but he swept the audience very clearly.

There was a sudden silence in the meeting room.

"Actually, there is nothing to consider, and nothing to argue with, right?"

Jiang Shangyu squinted his eyes and scanned the audience: "It's already obvious. You said to retreat, how to retreat? Leave Beihai by yourself? Who is willing? If you are willing to abandon your subordinates and give up everything you invested in the decisive battle and want to retreat, Then I don’t have any opinion, you can go. Or, rely on your feet to walk across the North Sea and bring your men back one by one?"

The leaders of the secondary forces who were clamoring to retreat immediately looked at each other, and no one spoke.

"We all know this is impossible."

Jiang Shangyu said calmly: "So, our only option is to attack. We can only attack."

"The situation is indeed very passive now, but it is not impossible. At least before the decisive battle begins, everyone has given their men a sufficiently clear combat goal, so even if the two sides lose contact now, I think they should know themselves. What to do."

"I never doubted the execution ability of my fighters."

A tall white man stood up and said solemnly: "I'm afraid that the fat man who controls the communication network will give them wrong instructions in our name."

"This is indeed possible."

Jiang Shangyu nodded: "But it shouldn't happen until now."

"The reason?"

Tian Hai Wuji watched the rain on the river seriously.

Dong Dao has the most elite who have joined the Promise Palace, and his strength is also the strongest, much stronger than Feng Yu Jian Liu. In this case, the pressure he will endure can be imagined.

"If the fat guy came from Beihai, he would indeed do so, not to mention our desperate elite, even we are now surrounded by many, but none of this has happened..."

Jiang Shangyu smiled: "I don't think the fat man can't do this. I think he can do it, but he doesn't want to do it. Therefore, the fat man is most likely not to belong to Beihai. The most likely possibility is that he is Dong. The people in the palace have caused Beihai to suffer heavy losses but still have the qualifications to survive. This is in the interest of the East Palace."

"Similarly, this is our opportunity."

"Fatty will not attack us for the time being, because he is still waiting for the Beihai Wang family to continue to lose blood, and we have indeed lost contact with our direct line, but their combat plan should not be changed, because only in this way will Beihai follow We head to head."

"Li Tianlan should have reached Dibing Mountain by now. The only thing Wang Shengxiao can do is to use Li Tianlan to guard the safety of Dibing Mountain and send out the elite of Beihai to support Beihai."

"So if I'm not mistaken, the defense of Emperor Bingshan is very empty now."

After a pause, Jiang Shangyu continued: "If you don't count Li Tianlan."

"and so..."

Moray looked at Jiang Shangyu with hot eyes, with some expectation.

"and so..."

Jiang Shangyu said lightly: "I think it's time for us to take action."

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