The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 266: : What you want and what I want

The entire Beihai province is welcoming that incomparably brilliant sword light.

The sword light took Qiushui City as its seven points, traversed the north and south ends of the entire Beihai, and formed a rainbow in the air with an unimaginable length.

The entire North Sea is covered by this rainbow.

Night, sea, snow, rainbow, lights.

The rainbow that seemed to have crossed the endless distance landed gracefully on Dibing Mountain.

This is an unimaginable picture, with a touch of thrilling splendor and shock.

The whole Emperor Bingshan is quiet.

At this moment, this situation should be the only one seen in this life.

The brilliant dazzling light kept hitting the surface of Dibing Mountain, and the sword energy kept gathering in the center of Dibing Mountain, turning into a storm.

On the syndicate stage, Wang Shengxiao watched this scene condescendingly, without speaking for a long time.

An extremely loud sword sound suddenly sounded beside Wang Shengxiao.

The Xiaoxiong Stone, which had been standing on the Xiaoxiong Platform for hundreds of years, shook severely. In an instant, the silver moon inserted on the Xiaoxiong Stone rushed straight to the place where the light converged.

The colorful rays of light slowly spread, flooding the silver moon without any hindrance.

The sword qi storm in the center of Dibing Mountain slowly stopped.

A figure was gradually drawn in the rainbow across the night sky.

Li Tianlan walked out slowly from the light, his expression flat.

Behind him, the rainbow rays of light that flooded the north and south ends of Beihai became lighter and lighter, and gradually disappeared.

Li Tianlan closed his eyes, feeling the ruthless state.

The ruthlessness in this state cannot be regarded as the true perfect body, but it has surpassed the original perfect body.

With his ruthlessness, Li Tianlan could almost feel the position of all the famous swords in the Thirteenth Floor, but he did not feel the position of broken heart.

It was here more than two years ago. After he hung his broken heart carefully on her chest, the famous sword and the woman seemed to have completely disappeared from his life.

There is no broken heart in the thirteenth floor, but there are more famous swords made by other murderous soldiers.

The ruthlessness in this posture, if his energy is at its peak, Li Tianlan's full-strength sword will completely surpass the eternal sword above Mormans.

Li Tianlan took a breath and opened his eyes.

Wang Shengxiao came to Li Tianlan from the Xiaoxiong stage.

The two looked at each other

At a glance.

Wang Shengxiao nodded, and slowly said: "Welcome to Your Highness."

It's your highness.

In the entire Beihai province, from top to bottom, there is only one majesty.

Li Tianlan twitched at the corner of his mouth, smiling but not smiling: "Beihai is very lively."

From Qiushui to Shengzhou, he passed all the way and saw endless battles.

Qiushui City has almost no power to fight back.

Canglan City has completely fallen.

The situation in other cities was not much better, with a few super powers and dozens of second-level powers. This night, almost the entire dark world was besieging the King of Beihai.

Xuanyuan Wushang did control the three fleets of Dongdao, but at this time he was in control of the highest authority of Dongdao, but he did not take care of other armed forces that joined the Promise Palace and Shifeng Yujianliu. He and Li Tianlan had never met. , There was no communication, but he clearly saw Li Tianlan's mind, or understood the situation of the Eastern Palace.

From the perspective of Li Tianlan, the North Sea Wangs naturally want to keep, and then maintain the balance between Zhongzhou, Beihai and Tiannan, but this so-called preservation does not necessarily mean that the North Sea Wangs are unscathed. In fact, keeping the next one is armed The Wang Clan of the North Sea, who was severely injured in strength, was more in the interest of Li Tianlan and the Eastern Palace.

Beihai will win the final battle, but will fall into a state of weakness. In this way, the final battle is over and the Eastern Palace will face an unimaginable feast.

Zhongzhou's interests can be used to build new groups.

The victory of the decisive battle also means that most of the major superpowers and dozens of second-level forces in the combined forces will disappear, and the entire dark world will fall into a blank period in a short period of time. The badly injured Beihai Wang family cannot take care of these. , And the Eastern Palace can take advantage of the trend to extend its tentacles to every corner of the dark world, and further tie the gap with the Wang Clan of the North Sea.

Beihai must win.

Li Tianlan must come.

Under this premise, Li Tianlan naturally hoped that the process would be beneficial to him.

The overall quality of the fighters who joined the Promise Palace and Haifeng Yujianliu from the East Island is not very high, but the number is large enough. These infinite fighters form the main force against the North Navy regiment, and the elite of the combined forces can unscrupulously display their strength. Strength, so after the fall of Canglan, several cities in the northern part of Beihai are also not optimistic.

There are also different levels of battles and battlefields in the Saint State City at this time, which is enough to explain the problem.

"It's really lively

. "

Wang Shengxiao nodded: "Each of us is mentally prepared for today's scene. Some people are destined to pay the price."

Li Tianlan squinted his eyes, "So?"

Wang Shengxiao took a deep look at Li Tianlan and then at the windbreaker on his body.

The black windbreaker seems to have become more gorgeous and exquisite because of the more and more complete relationship, the hem has also been longer, and every shining golden pattern on the clothes has an extremely sharp aura.

Wang Shengxiao looked at it for a while and laughed: "No matter what happens in the future, at least now, you are the most reliable ally of Beihai. I can trust you, and the Wangs of Beihai can trust you. So as long as you are here, Dibingshan is now You don’t need too much guarding force. When things have developed to this point, I don’t mind that Beihai is more enthusiastic."

Li Tianlan raised his eyebrows slightly.

Wang Shengxiao waved her palm in the night sky.

One after another strong aura erupted from every corner of Emperor Bingshan.

Li Tianlan saw many acquaintances.

Yao Ji, Cang Qiong, Xia Huang...etc. Wang Clan in Beihai are all well-known thunder-thundering masters.

Let the ruthless show a little longing demon army.

Zhutian troops.

Internal guards.

Countless figures continuously appeared from the dark corner.

There are so many people.

Wang Shengxiao watched all this silently.

His expression was calm, but his tone was a bit sullen: "Tonight, everyone...will pay the price."

He stared at Li Tianlan's eyes, staring firmly.

His eyes were flushed, some unwilling, some helpless, some jealous, some bitter, all the emotions flowed in his eyes, and finally became relieved.

"The dark world you want, I gave it to you."

He smiled freely and easily: "I only want my Beihai."

What you want and what I want can be fulfilled by each other.

Just tonight.

Li Tianlan nodded, stretched out his hand, and said lightly: "Happy cooperation."

Hold the two hands together.

The next moment, Wang Shengxiao's voice resounded through Emperor Bingshan: "Everyone, go!"

Perhaps for the combined forces, the decisive battle in the North Sea has already begun for some time.

But for Wang Clan of Beihai.

The real decisive battle has just begun.

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