The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 264: : Return to One (Part 2)

The ethereal voice reverberated in the ancestral hall, and the entire ancestral hall was filled with killing intent at the moment the sound sounded.

Liu Sheng Wuji suddenly turned his head, his face changed drastically.

In today's dark world, there is more than one majesty.

Jiang Shangyu claimed to be His Majesty.

The old man in the sanctuary who has reached the transcendent state is also your majesty.

Can claim to be me, after Wang Tianzong, there is really only one in the entire dark world now.

Donghuang Li Tianlan.

Just how is it possible? !

The air in the line of sight oscillated and twisted slightly, and an almost invisible shadow was drawn out from the front of the ancestral hall.

As he changed from illusion to reality, the sky sword inserted on the ground began to tremble violently.

The sharp and clear sound of swords rushed out of the ancestral hall, almost resounding across the top of Lingtai Mountain.

Liu Sheng Wuji's face was pale, and his eyes were full of horror and disbelief.

"you you..."

He subconsciously stretched out his finger to point at Li Tianlan, and put his hand down completely out of instinct.

"How are you going to take my weapon?"

Li Tianlan looked at him and asked.

"You and I..."

Liu Sheng Wuji shook his head in confusion. He had only observed the situation at the base in the suburbs of Qiushui City only two minutes ago through his mobile phone. There was a lot of artillery fire. Li Tianlan was struggling in the endless fire and seemed to be seriously injured.

No one would doubt this.

Li Tianlan is not a Tianjiao now, even if he really stepped into that supreme state?

Three large fleets, countless heavy artillery, and dense fleet.

This kind of artillery fire that could easily destroy a large city was covered. Even if Li Tianlan was Tianjiao, he would have to escape, and he couldn't run too slowly. Now Li Tianlan was seriously injured under that degree of firepower, which is not surprising.

However, in the mobile video, Li Tianlan, who was still vomiting blood and struggling two minutes ago, appeared in Lingtai Mountain intact.

They are also the suburbs of Qiushui City.

But there are two completely different directions.

how can that be?

At this moment, he did not answer Li Tianlan's question, but subconsciously took out his mobile phone and dialed quickly.

Li Tianlan watched all this silently, squinting his eyes.

The call was quickly connected.

Liu Sheng Wuji's body was trembling. When facing his own person, all the panic in his heart turned into extreme anger. This seemed to be the characteristic of this nation. His eyes were red and he roared hoarsely: "Report Li Tianlan's situation! !!!"

Countless artillery fire rang vaguely on the other end of the phone, and at the same time a calm voice rang: "Li Tianlan has been seriously injured, everything is under control."


Sheng Wuji's arms trembled, and there was no blood on his face.

He was familiar with this voice.

This is the voice of Ke Qing Tianyu, the chief officer of Shifeng Yujianliu.

A chief guest who is extremely loyal and even sickly fanatical to Shifeng Yujianliu.

He has no possibility of betraying Haifeng Yujianliu.

what does this mean?

In the winter in Qiushui City, Yanaguraizumi is almost suffocated with coldness.

This means that at least in Tian Yu's sight, Li Tianlan is indeed still under the attack of countless artillery fire.

Who is Li Tianlan in front of him?

This could also mean that it was not Tian Yu who was talking to him at this time, and he had already lost contact with the other party.

So who is "Tianyu" on the phone?

"Prefer not to say?"

Li Tianlan raised his eyebrows and asked again: "How are you going to take this sword?"

Liu Sheng Wuji shook his whole body suddenly. He wanted to be harder, but the ubiquitous swords in the ancestral hall were densely surrounded by him, and the sharp edges were directed at almost every pore on his body. The extreme fear and During the suffering, his will completely collapsed within one second: "I... Higashishima, no, there has always been a proven theory in Hayate Yukenryu. This theory comes from my father, Yagyu. Canghe, the so-called sword qi and domain, and the destructive power displayed by any martial arts master can actually be regarded as a special magnetic field. I brought a lot of equipment this time, which can interfere with or even completely suppress the magnetic field. It is tantamount to suppressing Tianguang’s sword aura. This is also our chance to take it away. Your Majesty...My uncle is Kurizumi Yanagyu, and I am the heir of Hayate Yujianyu. We didn’t mean to take your weapon. It’s just that my uncle hopes to be able to observe the sword intent of the sky light and enter the peak invincibility... Regardless of success or failure, we will return the sky light thing to the original owner and send it to the Eastern Palace, so..."

"magnetic field..."

Li Tianlan's mouth twitched.

"Yes, it's the magnetic field. I can give the theory we researched to the Eastern Palace completely. I can do it now, I..."

Liu Sheng Wuji said hurriedly.

Li Tianlan has no interest in listening.

The fine sword energy slowly penetrated Liu Sheng Wuji's body, infiltrated every pore of his body, blood shot out, and the distorted screams screamed wildly in the ancestral hall.

The ubiquitous sword energy flows slowly.

Everyone in the ancestral hall was crushed into powder in the surging sword gas.

Li Tianlan stood blankly.

The densely concentrated sword aura gushed out of the ancestral hall, covering the top of Lingtai Mountain like a stream of water, and then shining, the sword aura flowing unscrupulously, the sword aura intertwined like a light curtain.

The huge light curtain completely covered Lingtai Mountain, and then slowly disappeared.

The world is quiet.

The voice outside the ancestral hall disappeared.

The sound of the mountain top disappeared.

The sound of the mountainside disappeared.

No corpses, not even blood.

Sword Qi surging all the way, all the East Island elites on the entire Emperor Soldier Mountain disappeared completely.

Only Li Tianlan stood alone in the ancestral hall, and slowly stretched out his palm to the sky.

Tianguang's sword body kept shaking, vaguely conveying an extremely obvious emotion of excitement.

Li Tianlan hooked his finger.


Tianguangjian suddenly rushed out of the ground and rushed towards Li Tianlan.

The black windbreaker opened completely at this moment, covering the light sword of the sky, and the windbreaker danced in the air, creating a harsh sound of metal rubbing.

Li Tianlan slowly turned and walked out of the ancestral hall.

He sneered at Liu Sheng Wuji's theory of magnetic fields.

It's not because what the other party said was wrong.

It's just that this is not new in his eyes.

In the past two years or so, Wang Clan of the North Sea has also used the device to suppress the magnetic field to pull out the magic weapon he left in the North Sea, but he has not succeeded so far.

At the beginning, Li Tianlan inserted the divine soldiers in the Thirteenth Floor into the Seven Sword-Holding Families and Emperor Bing Mountain in Beihai. Naturally, it is not meaningless. The seven sword-bearing families and Emperor Bing Mountain are arguably the most vibrant in Beihai. The place, a little bit more profoundly, is the place where the aura is the strongest. The **** soldiers cannot absorb these vitality, but they can accelerate the energy storage speed in this vitality.

After two years, Li Tianlan came to Beihai again, the soldiers were unified, and Xuanyuanfeng, who had become complete again, was destined to be even more terrifying than before because of the addition of a few more murderous soldiers.

If the current Xuanyuanfeng had enough energy, there would be no chance of Wang Tianzong surviving the eternal sword above Mormans again.

The flying black windbreaker slowly calmed down.

Li Tian Alan squeezed the cuffs, felt the residual energy of Xuanyuanfeng, and squinted his eyes.

On the quiet Lingtai Mountain, his figure slowly lifted off.

The black windbreaker was dancing in the cold wind.

Li Tianlan's figure rushed to the north under the relentless drive.

Take Lingtai Mountain as the starting point.

A colorful sword light flashed across the sky in an instant, flying towards the north at an incredible speed.

The night may be quiet or gorgeous.

The rainbow passed across the sky, unscrupulous, and dazzling in the night.

From Qiushui to Tongtian, passing by Canglan, Queen City, Floating Island City, Liuli City, Shengzhou City...

Under the night sky, the rainbow that crossed the entire North Sea flew farther and farther and brighter.

A rainbow spanning the entire province.

It's like the most shining miracle in this era.

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