The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 256: : Chaos Night

Due to the time difference, when the plane landed in Ulan, the time had just entered the evening.

The eastern part of the European continent was in the extreme night, and the sky was gloomy. It was night 24 hours a day. The sound of the crew on the plane descending the gangway rang, and the cold wind roared into the cabin and plunged her body into the leather sofa. Slowly opened his eyes in meditation.

"His Royal Highness, we have reached our destination."

The staff member walked quickly to her side, bent over slightly, and spoke softly.

She seemed to be in a daze, and with a slow hmm, she turned to look at the scenery outside through the small window of the cabin.

It was cold outside the window.

The sky was full of wind and snow, and it was plain white.


She stood up a little sluggishly, and walked towards the hatch with some erratic steps.

There was thick snow in the line of sight, and the pure white spread to the end of the line of sight. Directly facing the door of the cabin, dozens of men in casual clothes stood quietly behind a lieutenant general in military uniform. It's like a silent statue.

The distant lights swept across the sky, forming beams of light in the wind and snow.

Everything in front of me seemed to be a large military base.

The icy wind blew her face, and her body looked stiffer because of the cold.

Standing in front of the cabin door, she silently looked at the crowd below, without speaking for a while.

"All of them, salute!"

The loud voice pierced the night sky with the wind and snow.

Headed by the general at the front of the crowd, dozens of soldiers raised their hands in salute at the same time.

Her expression gradually eased, and she walked down the spiral staircase little by little.

"Your Highness, welcome to the Arctic Ocean Corps Air Force Base."

The Lieutenant General put down his saluting palm, took the initiative to take two steps forward, and stretched out his hand to her: "I am Cheng Huining."

Cheng Huining, commander of the Central Continent in the Arctic Ocean Corps, acting commander of the Snow Dance Legion, and the highest military commander of the Central Continent in the Arctic Ocean. He was born in the Border Forbidden Corps. A few years ago, he was the most respected general of Dongcheng Invincible and also a wealthy group. If there is no accident, after this year’s election, a gold star will be added to his epaulettes. If there is no suitable candidate then, the acting commander of the Snow Dance Corps will basically be Can be removed.

"Hello there..."

She stretched out her hand very slowly, both her expression and tone of voice were a bit stiff: "Sheng... General."

"His Royal Highness, you..."

Cheng Huining frowned, his expression a little worried.

"No...thing...I...blocked...needs adjustment."

She replied slowly, her every move seemed extremely slow.

An extremely subtle breath began to slowly recover from her body, not very powerful, but extremely powerful and energetic.

She took two steps forward, looked at the team behind Cheng Huining, and slowly asked, " it?"

"This is the elite I selected from the Arctic Ocean Legion. Twenty thunder-thunder zone, two of which are at the peak of the thunder-thunder zone. The remaining forty people are close to the peak of the fire-burning zone. I plan to let these people go to Beihai with Your Highness. , They should be able to do something."

She stood there without speaking for a while.

The subtle breath gradually became apparent, and the speed of recovery became faster and faster.

She is now very slow in receiving information, always a beat slower than ordinary people, but her heart is very active. There is no obstacle in her thinking, but it is difficult to express. Forcibly breaking through, she wants to become the only peak invincible master in the dark world. However, she failed. The injuries in her body were extremely serious, so he directly used sword energy to block most of the skills in his body, similar to a self-seal. The powerful vitality close to the peak of invincibility was always repairing her. Injury, her aura is recovering a little bit, and her fighting power is adjusted according to the situation and opponents encountered. When all her sword intent is released, it is also at her peak. The organs that are constantly repaired by her own vitality are in her full strength. She would not react at all in the short time of the outbreak, and she could maintain her peak state in a short time.

This is tantamount to cheating one's own body, and the price is the worsening of the physical injury.


"No. Stay."

She spoke softly. There are twenty thunder-thundering fighters in front of the 80 fighters. Although there is only one thunder-thundering peak, it is considered a powerful force in any case. In addition, there are sixty fire-burning fighters. Taken together, the worst average strength is already the peak of the Burning Realm.

The most important thing is that they are fighters compared to their master status.

what does this mean?

This means that they have an extraordinary tacit understanding, discipline and strong battlefield execution capabilities.

If a team of the same size in the Dark World encounters such a team, it may be crushed every minute.

The average strength of the formed troops composed of the peak masters of the Burning Realm is very few in the entire Dark World. Even in the heyday of the Samsara Palace and the current Eastern Palace, such a force cannot be produced.

The most famous of such troops is the Zhutian troops of the Wang Clan of Beihai.

Three hundred fighters with an average strength of the pinnacle of the Burning Realm can even severely damage the invincible realm masters with perfect cooperation.

The eighty people in front of him are equal to a quarter or more of the heavenly troops.

It is impossible for the Arctic Ocean Legion to have such a family background, so the 80 people in front of us can only be masters selected by Cheng Huining from various departments of the Legion. It can even be said that they are the vast majority of the Arctic Ocean Legion masters, each of them. In the legion, there are middle and high-level officers. Of course, there is no problem with the tacit understanding of this group of people. The North Sea decisive battle is a cruel battlefield destined to bury countless dead bones. The thunder-thundering realm and even the invincible realm masters will fall and throw these people into the battlefield , Even if she has nothing to do with the Arctic Ocean Legion, she is a little reluctant.

Moreover, the power of Ulan is now weaker than ever, and if these people are removed, the order of the entire Ulan may be affected.

Her voice was slow, but extremely clear.

There was a commotion among the crowd.

"They... stay... Snow Country."

It was the fire in the Samsara Palace and the voice of the Queen of the Dark Knights' Mochizuki Song with a laborious voice.

Cheng Huining was taken aback for a moment, and said softly, "Your Highness, don't worry, I have arranged enough power for the Snow Country."

Mochizuki Xiange still shook her head, her breath gradually recovered, and her tone became clearer: "Stay."

"I... and Tianlan... enough, no need, for Beihai..."

Cheng Huining was silent for a while, then smiled helplessly: "I understand."

"Ride... Knights..."

Wangyue Xiange looked at Cheng Huining with a hint of inquiry.

Cheng Huining smiled and said softly, "Your Highness, don't worry, I can guarantee that the Knights are safer than ever."

Wangyue Xiange looked back at the direction when he came.

The night sky is high and deep, the sky is snowy, and the sky is quiet.

She couldn't see the situation in northern Europe, but the sky was splashed with blood and fire in the war.

Wangyue Xiange turned around and whispered, "Go."


Europe is already blazing.

But what no one thought was that the first place where the fire lights up was not the headquarters of the Dark Knights guarding the emptiness after Mochizuki Xiange left.

It is a sanctuary that has always been recognized by everyone in Europe as inviolable.

Raging fire companion

When the huge explosion sounded, the sanctuary was already close to midnight, and the huge destructive power produced by the explosion smashed some of the ancient walls of the sanctuary. The destroyed buildings collapsed towards the interior of the sanctuary. In the deafening sound, the guards of the walls The bones of dozens of soldiers from the Holy Disarmament Corps were bombed on the spot.

The frantic roar of the engine sounded almost at the same time as the explosion. Under the night, several cars rushed into the sanctuary with full horsepower.

The vehicle ran across the delicate streets of the sanctuary, which can be said to be extremely small, with a clear and direct target, and went straight to the Holy Palace in the center of the sanctuary. After a brief astonishment, the Sanctuary Disarmament Corps reacted for the first time. The scarlet glare represents The enemy's signal flare suddenly rose to the sky, and the entire sanctuary was stained with blood under the flares.


In the roar of anger, the master of the sanctuary finally recovered from the sluggishness at the moment the signal flare lifted into the sky, and the rumble voice resounded through the sanctuary like thunder: "You are looking for death!"

How many years has it been?

How many years has no one been so presumptuous?

Everyone in the sanctuary counts as one, and this is a picture they have not experienced or even imagined in their lives.

Someone dared to attack the sanctuary directly?

are you crazy?

An extremely violent thunder light lit up in the Holy Palace. The clear thunder sound rolled across the sky, and countless dark blue electric arcs rushed straight into the sky from the ground.

Two lines...

Countless, dense arcs spread rapidly between the sky and the earth, almost instantly covering the entire nearby sky and earth.

The world is full of cold murderous intent, endless electric lights crisscrossing above the sky, and then falling crazily.

Thunder rain!

The dense electric arc smashed down like a torrential rain, hitting every car. The explosion sounded non-stop. The convoy sprinting frantically in front of the Holy Palace exploded one by one, and the front was obviously special. The modified off-road vehicle suddenly shook. The huge body swelled directly in the process of crazy driving. A layer of extremely heavy armor appeared on the body. A large amount of energy-absorbing material was placed on the armor, like a rainstorm. The thunder light almost directly overturned the entire convoy, and the vehicles exploded one by one. Amidst the fire, masters who did not hide their aura accelerated the charge, while the vehicle in the front stared at the thunder light like a rainstorm. accelerate.

Accelerate, faster and faster.

Thick smoke came out of the thick exhaust pipe of the vehicle, and the seemingly cumbersome car went crazy and madly at a distance of less than two hundred meters from the Holy Palace, and its speed more than doubled in an instant.

Carbon monoxide accelerates.

The huge car body almost rose into the air under extreme acceleration at the cost of destroying the vehicle itself, facing the sky of thunder, directly ramming the gate of the Holy Palace.

A figure sprang out of the car and stood in the air.

Amidst the earth-shattering explosion, a vehicle containing high explosives slammed into the gate of the Holy Palace. The vehicle disintegrated and the fire blazed into the sky. In the distorted space, the sturdy Holy Palace buildings seemed to be severely distorted and bombed. There was a huge gap of tens of meters.

At the last moment, a thin old man rushed out of the car. Standing in the air, a light blue light curtain appeared on the surface of his body. The rain of thunder in the sky kept falling, but the moment he fell on him was light. The curtain melts.

Tuxedo, trousers, clean and kind leather shoes, neatly combed gray hair, the meticulously dressed old man squinted his eyes at the front entrance of the blasted holy palace, and laughed softly: "It really is the tortoise of the holy palace. The shell is really hard."

The high explosive in the car is a new product researched by the Dark Knights. Although there are not many in the car, it is enough to successfully blast a whole building under normal construction, but it only blows the Holy Palace out of a range of tens of meters. The gap did not even cause any casualties. The defensive power of the Holy Palace’s building is indeed a bit exaggerated.

"It's you!"

In the thunderstorm, a burly figure in light armor suddenly rose to the sky: "Sin?! You are looking for death!"


The old man smiled faintly: "Xiao Er, can you kill me?"

The burly figure in the armor suddenly tightened its body, killing intent to the sky.

He hates the name "Little Er", but the **** is that the entire continent seems to know his name, and the culprit is the old immortal who is the code name in front of him.

Xiao Er is not a Xiao Er. In the San Disarmament Corps, he does not have a name, but he has a number.

Number two.

The second adjudicator of the Holy Disarmament Corps, if this position is placed in other forces, it is equivalent to the top real power guest guardian or elder. The position in the entire continent is extremely high, and the people who can sit in this position are the worst. Top half-step invincible masters, the most glorious period of the sanctuary, there are even examples of invincible masters serving as the second adjudicator.

The sin in front of him is the chief butler of the Dark Knights. Before the Dark Queen joined the Dark Knights, his status can be said to be second only to the leader of the Dark Knights Rafael. His code name is sin, and in Europe But there are a lot of nicknames, the hand of judgment, the dark gospel, the shadow assassin, the dark knights have always been an alien in the eyes of Sanctuary that they can’t get rid of, their high-level code names have always been carried in the eyes of Sanctuary A strong breath of heresy, such as sin, such as arrogance, such as desire, such as rage, such as laziness...

If you want to go back to the source, long years ago, the original purpose of the Dark Knights was to fight against the sanctuary, so they used whatever sanctuary didn’t like. They were always provoking the bottom line of the sanctuary, so in the huge Europe Compared with the Throne of Shadows and Rothschild that threaten the status of the Sanctuary, the friction between the Sanctuary and the Dark Knights is the most.

No. 2 has dealt with Sin more than once. The name Xiaoer is a nickname given to him at will after he lost to Sin.

Hand of Judgment, Gospel of Darkness, Assassin of Shadow...

There are a lot of nicknames for sin, majestic.

As the second adjudicator of the Holy Disarmament Corps, he also has his own nickname.

Little two.

Number Two gritted his teeth, and a gloomy voice squeezed out from between his teeth: "Desecrate the sanctuary, you guys..."

The endless thunder light swelled crazily on him, one piece after another, the faint blue light shining crazily in the air, getting brighter and brighter: "Damn!"


A violent break through the air suddenly sounded, and No.2's body suddenly leaped into the air, slamming a punch to the face of Sin.

The sky's thunder light instantly condenses.

In the blink of an eye, the body of No. 2 rushed over a distance of tens of meters.

All the lightning is concentrated on his body.

The rain of thunder suddenly disappeared.

The number two, which was covered in thunder light, seemed to be the only light source in the night.

Sin-faced mocking, standing motionless in the air.

"Be careful, number two!"

The roar suddenly sounded from behind the Holy Palace.

At the moment when the thunder light condenses, the sky full of thunder converges, and the sky and the earth change from bright to deep.

Light and dark are intertwined.

When everyone's eyes were in a trance, a thin figure appeared in front of Number Two like a ghost.

There is only sin in No. 2's eyes.

In the past ten years, in the constant friction between Sanctuary and the Dark Knights, he has fought against sin three times, defeated twice and once failed miserably, and No. 2's resentment for sin has reached the level of overflowing.

Sin can be said to be one of Europe’s strongest half-step invincible masters. Although his state has declined with age, he is still a European player.

The top half-step invincibility.

Under normal circumstances, No. 2 will still not be his opponent.

But here is the sanctuary.

This is his home court.

He has accepted the coronation of the Pope. In this state, his combat power is comparable to that of the invincible class.

Number Two was a little angry, but also a little excited.

This may be his only chance to kill this old immortal.

The thunder light between heaven and earth gathered into his body in all directions.

No. 2's body suddenly shook.

The nearby space within a distance of hundreds of meters is suddenly distorted, and a pseudo-domain is about to be formed.

An incomparably shining light burst out from around No.2.

At this moment, there was a warning behind him, and the thin ghost-like figure appeared beside him at the moment when his pseudo-domain was about to take shape.

The cold light flickered.

The world turned abruptly.

In an instant, No. 2 felt that the whole world was his own body.

His body flew in all directions and seemed to be everywhere.

this is...

No. 2 has never experienced this kind of feeling. Under normal conditions, he cannot be crowned with the spirit of the Pope.

Is this the feeling of invincible combat power?

His spirit was in a trance, and his vision suddenly became dark.

"Number two!!"

A hoarse roar came vaguely from behind.

The light in the air that was about to rush to sin instantly dimmed and disappeared.

A large cloud of blood spattered directly from the front of sin.

The thin figure disappeared in a flash, and the harsh cold light seemed to be poured into Number Two's body for an instant.

Silently, No.2's body was shattered into countless pieces of flesh and blood in an instant, and the torso, limbs, and head were completely decomposed and spilled in all directions.

The thin figure disappeared.

Sin stood quietly in the air.

The body of Number Two was scattered on the ground.

There was a deathly silence before the Holy Palace.

Sin squinted and looked at the holy palace in front of him quietly.

On the street behind, the sound of vehicle remains exploding intermittently, one after another, figures are gathering together and sprinting in the direction of the Holy Palace.

The Holy Palace did not react excessively.


Sin smiled softly.

"The Duke!"

A hoarse voice sounded from the inside of the Holy Palace, and another high-ranking officer of the Holy Disarmament Army appeared in front of the Holy Palace. He looked at the thin figure beside Sin with solemn eyes.

The Duke laughed, seeming a little happy.

In more than two years after leaving the dark world, someone will remember his name, which feels very good.

Reincarnation Palace, Duke.

Europe's top assassin.

Among the twelve heavenly kings in the reincarnation palace, if not counting the fire, the duke ranks second only to the saints and military divisions.

In terms of combat effectiveness, the duke, who is half-step invincible, is no worse than the military division.

When the saints and military divisions rarely take action, the dukes and generals represent the top combat effectiveness in the external affairs of the Samsara Palace most of the time.

The chaotic footsteps sounded from inside the Holy Palace.

Countless soldiers of the Holy Disarmament Corps are rushing towards the gate of the Holy Palace.

The senior Disarmament Corps officer who had recognized the Duke looked away from the Duke and looked towards the street ahead.

The crowd is showing more and more clear decline in the night.

The crowd is not large.

About a hundred people in their early years.

But quite a few of them are acquaintances, even though most of them cannot be named, they are all very familiar.

All are the advanced combat power of the Dark Knights. In the past countless frictions between Sanctuary and the Knights, these people are all old friends who have dealt with Sanctuary more than once.

His eyes fell on the front of the crowd.

The tall and burly figure at the front of the crowd slowly moved forward.

His face was expressionless, but a pair of eyes full of tyranny and cold like beasts were firmly locked on him.

His breathing stagnated, and he took a half step back subconsciously.

Samsara Palace, General!

Another top half-step invincible.

The Samsara Palace has been destroyed for more than two years, but at a time that no one thought of, at a very critical time, the two kings who once represented the top combat power of the Samsara Palace for most of the time were together with the Dark Knights. Appeared at the gate of the Holy Palace.

Duke, general, sin.

Three top half-step invincible masters.

Together, the three are enough to entangle the ordinary invincible realm.

And now the sanctuary...

He lowered his head, his heart full of bitterness.

The current Sanctuary, the current Holy Disarmament Corps, not to mention the invincibility, even the top half-step invincibility is gone.

The crowd of the Dark Knights is approaching the Holy Palace step by step.

A large number of masters exerted their strength at the same time, and the streets of the whole sanctuary were trembling slightly.

More and more Saint Disarmament Corps gathered at the gate of the Holy Palace, but from beginning to end, no one took the initiative to attack.

Sin watched this scene quietly.

He laughed cruelly.

"It seems that what the intelligence said is indeed correct."

His voice carried the night breeze across the holy palace: "The famous sanctuary, now it really is a few cats and puppies, are your elites really all sent to the East Island?"

"The intelligence of the Samsara Palace never goes wrong."

The Duke muttered a little dissatisfied.

The high-level Saint Disarmament Corps at the forefront of the Holy Palace clenched their fists subconsciously.

Sanctuary has been in an extremely empty state for more than two years.

In the chaos of the Snow Country, the Sanctuary lost not only Arisis and Morad who took the temple, but also thousands of the most elite and powerful sage warriors in Mormans. , Thousands of people and Arisis were all trembling in despair under the shadow, and they were all slaughtered by the robbery, and the strength of the entire Holy Disarmament Army group declined seriously.

In more than two years, although the Holy Disarmament Corps has recovered some strength, most of the masters were drawn out by the pope and loaned to Moreed. The group of masters who went to the East Island included the Sanctuary in An invincible master and the No. 1 adjudicator of the Holy Disarmament Corps only trained two months ago.

The pope crowned the two, which can temporarily help the invincible masters to stabilize the realm, and at the same time give the No. 1 adjudicator the invincible combat effectiveness.

At the Sanctuary Headquarters, the Pope crowned the second adjudicator again, allowing him to temporarily possess invincible combat effectiveness.

The successive coronations put the Pope into a period of exhaustion.

The comprehensive strength of the sanctuary is at its lowest point tonight. Relying on the power of the No. 2 Adjudicator, several thunder-thunder masters and the adjudicating legion, they can only defend the sanctuary and cannot do anything outside.

Under such circumstances, he encountered a surprise attack by the Dark Knights. To make matters worse, the adjudicator No. 2 was killed in seconds after the Duke’s sneak attack. The strength of the entire Saint Disarmament Army has dropped again.

In the chaotic night, Sin stood in the air and smiled and raised his palm.

The master of the Dark Knights on the street began to accelerate.

"After tonight..."

His voice slowly echoed between heaven and earth: "The entire sanctuary will become history."


A dazzling thunder light lit up on the old man, getting brighter and brighter: "Charge!!!"

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