The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 244: : The Appointment of the Peak (2)

Moray raised his head and looked at your majesty.

His eyes were a little confused, and he stopped talking, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Others may not know the origins of your majesty, but Morad is his confidant and disciple. In contrast, he is completely different from Jiang Guochu and Liu Shengcangquan.

The latter two are more often in cooperation with your Majesty. Although your Majesty occupies a dominant position, the essential ally relationship has not changed.

Only Moray worshiped His Majesty as a true leader.

He knows the history of His Majesty, and even knows many things that he has not experienced in this era, knows Li Tianlan, knows Dongcheng Huangtu and Guxianyan.

Could it be that in the story that didn't know whether it was the future or the past, your Majesty didn't know the weakness of Li Tianlan?

As if noticing Morayd's gaze, His Majesty said in a calm voice: "I haven't fought him."

This sentence sounds a bit inexplicable.

But Morad understood his majesty's meaning in an instant.

In that story, His Majesty had never fought Dongcheng Huangtu. All he knew about him was summed up from limited information, combined with some of his own speculations.

When Dongcheng Huangtu fell, his Majesty was forced to take action and returned here.

Moray was silent for a while and laughed.

His smile was a bit hideous and insidious. I don’t know if it was thinking of your Majesty’s helplessness and sadness in that story on the screen, or something else. His voice was extremely firm: "Your Majesty, rest assured, you are in Tiannan, Beihai, and give me!"

His Majesty nodded and glanced at Wang Xiaoyao.

"It's already arranged."

Wang Xiaoyao nodded: "Call the call I gave you. As long as you can get out of the battlefield smoothly, he will answer you outside Xuanyuan City."

"Are there no accidents?"

Your Majesty's voice is cautious and serious.

"There is no accident. He and the helicopter have landed at the predetermined location. The only uncertainty is whether you will be able to escape the battlefield smoothly. As long as you don’t have an accident, the helicopter will take you out of Tiannan at the fastest speed, up to 30 minutes. You will appear at the Nanyun No. 2 Air Force Base, and you will be able to reach Liaodong within an hour, and then someone will arrange for you to reach Beihai as soon as possible."

Wang Xiaoyao's voice was flat and casual.

The commander of the Tiannan Free Army Corps is Ning Zhiyuan. Ning Zhiyuan cannot betray the Eastern Palace and the Li family, but this does not mean that Li Tianlan's members are all in the Free Army Corps.

Ning Zhiyuan was a member of the Southeast Group before Li Tianlan appeared.

And Dijiang had also received the Tiannan Freedom Corps, and it was not easy for Wang Xiaoyao to plant some people in it.

His guarantee is strong enough.

As long as your Majesty can leave the battlefield, within three hours, he can appear in Beihai from the south of the sky and participate in the next decisive battle in the Beihai.

This speed is extremely fast.

At the very least, it can be guaranteed that it will not be slower than Li Tianlan.


His Majesty nodded: "That's it."

He slowly raised his hand,

Calmly said: "The meeting ends here, everyone, I will abide by my promise, and I hope everyone can go all out. It's 8:25 Central Time."

In the faint darkness, he showed an extremely arrogant smiling face, flaring his teeth and claws: "Twelve hours later, the dark world will officially usher in our era."

Before hanging up the communication, he said calmly: "See you in Beihai."

The screen became pitch black.

Your Majesty is offline.

Wang Xiaoyao stood up and came to the window of the conference room, quietly looking at Beihai outside the window.

This is still the hotel where he and Jiang Guochu meet.

This five-star hotel and 202 branches all over the world are the adult gifts Wang Tianzong gave him when he was 18 years old.

Wang Xiaoyao could still remember the scenes back then, but he could no longer remember the excitement at that time.

The night outside the window was quiet.

Goose feathers are in heavy snow.

It was windy and snowy.

Wang Xiaoyao squinted tightly and was silent for a long time.

"let's start."

He said lightly, turned around, bowed slightly to the other four invincible masters present, and said flatly: "Everyone, please."

Twelve hours later, he will become the new patriarch of the North Sea Wang Clan.

The new era and new history are getting closer.


The dark cloak floated in the dark hall.

Two rows of guard-like armor stood quietly, as if eternally unchanged.

The crisp sound of footsteps echoed in the hall, looking extremely empty.

Mochizuki Xiange walked to a piece of armor, stretched out his palm expressionlessly, and pressed it against the chest of the armor.

A medal on the chest of the armor was pressed down by some pale, long fingers.


The sound of objects falling to the ground rang in the silent hall, and it sounded extremely harsh.

The armor swelled in a circle at the moment the organ was dispatched, and countless black objects fell out of the armor and scattered at the feet of Wangyue Xiange.

Mochizuki Xiange's expression remained unchanged, and he bent over to gather the things on the ground little by little.

That is a lot of black solid matter.

Like some kind of rubber, but also like some kind of alloy, piece by piece, the whole body is pitch black, looking like pieces of pitch-black muscle in the dark.

The expressionless Wangyue Xiange squatted down and covered one of the black muscles on his shoulders.

Then came the elbows, forearms, back, waist and abdomen, legs, knees, and ankles.

This alloy code-named VX is not the top technology of the dark world. The alloy has been researched for more than ten years. The formula has been leaked a few years ago, but there have been not many people willing to use this alloy. .

The biggest function of VX alloy is to absorb a small amount of external force and reduce shock to the greatest extent. This function can be said to be a **** function on single armor, but its flaw is also extremely prominent, that is, the weight that can affect flexibility.

VX together

If gold covers the whole body, its weight is close to 130 kilograms, and the cost is extremely high. Even the thunder-thunder masters are unwilling to have such a heavy burden when fighting.

Invincible masters can already ignore the weight of VX alloy, but every invincible master in the dark world is a real big man, and their combat equipment is not comparable to VX alloy.

But Mochizuki Xiange has always liked this alloy.

The Lord of Samsara also liked it very much.

What they like is not the performance of VX alloy, but its camouflage function.

Pieces of alloy strengthened the body.

When Mochizuki Xiange stood up again, she had changed from a slender and tall and beautiful woman to a tall, slightly fat and even a burly figure.

In the darkness, she stretched out her palm, the sword aura surged, and the black cloak floating in the hall fell into her hand.

Mochizuki Xiange slowly put on a large cloak.

Her figure moved forward slowly and walked out of the hall.

Outside the hall, two figures with extremely strong auras stood quietly.

The figure on the left is tall and burly, with bulging muscles, and every move is extremely aggressive.

The figure beside him looked a little thin and quiet, but the danger to others was no worse than that of his companions.

The black cloak walked out of the hall.

The two men of different statures standing in front of the door were obviously stunned.

The picture that seemed to have been sealed in the deep memory of the dust rushed up in an instant, the bodies of the two were stiff, and they subconsciously murmured: "Palace lord..."

The figure under the cloak gave a faint hum.

Everything is like yesterday.

The thin figure took a deep breath, and the emotions became extremely intense in an instant.

"I will enter Ulan Country secretly from here, and then I will cross the Snow Country from Ulan Country into the North Sea."

Under the cloak, Wangyuexiange’s voice was faint and hoarse. It is beyond doubt: “Even if the Jiang family in South America has hidden power, it is now dragged by Mr. Lin in South America. As for the sanctuary and temple, most of their power is They have entered the North Sea, and now they want to come back too late, so before the end of the North Sea decisive battle, you are the top combat power in Europe."

An extremely fierce killing intent came out from under the cloak: "Here, give it to you, the sanctuary and the temple, and also give you."


The two figures tensed their bodies and said solemnly.

"Go ahead."

Mochizuki Xiange said lightly.

The two looked at each other, quickly turned around, and left the hall.

These two people are Mochizuki Xiange's trump cards to resist external pressure.

Under such circumstances, the top half-step invincibility is enough to decide everything.

And these two people are the top half-step invincible masters.

They were silent for a long time.

But no one is unknown.

Reincarnation Palace, Duke.

Reincarnation Palace, General.

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