The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 241: : Prelude

When it was close to five o'clock in the afternoon, in an ancient county town in the southwestern city, a somewhat tired Chen Fangqing sat on a chair expressionlessly, and took a sip of warm water slowly.

The winter days are long and the twilight gradually covers the sky.

The cold wind blew in from the open door of the main hall, and there was a chill. The somewhat old but still wide courtyard looked very cold. After the funeral, there was dead silence.

Chen Fangqing was sitting facing the door with a dull expression.

Behind him was an empty ice coffin. The room was filled with the smell of burning paper money. He sat motionless on the chair, looking a little gloomy.

Today is the day when his daughter Chen Lijuan is buried.

Chen Fangqing returned to his hometown in a low-key manner. The funeral was never half of the time. It seemed extremely simple. As for the parliament, Guo Wentian, who was also the banner figure of the Prince Group, attended the funeral. In addition, there was a secretary-general and deputy city in Southwest City Long to be there, and then some relatives who are not far away.

Chen Fangqing lowered his head, his eyes were a bit sullen, but more often he laughed at himself.

As the Prime Minister of Central Continent, this funeral has become a little shabby.

This seems to prove his position in the Prince Group.

If it was during the period when he was most influential, even if he repeatedly stated that the funeral would be simplified and refused other officials to be present, there would never be fewer people present, even if those officials knew that they would be criticized by him. , They will still come.

The most obvious example is that when Guo Wentian’s old mother died the year before, Guo Wentian was also a funeral, but the scene at the funeral was grand to the extreme. Guo Wentian’s hometown was in an ordinary city in Tianfu province, and on the day of the funeral, Tianfu province. There were six directors, including the speaker of Tianfu and the governor. In addition, the speaker of the neighboring Southwest City was also present in person, and the leaders of the city were even more persistent. Although Guo Wentian severely criticized those people afterwards, But neither the critics nor the critics were unhappy.

Now, Chen Fangqing is also briefing the funeral.

Then it really became Jane.

This incident alone is enough to show that Chen Fangqing's current status in the Prince Group has reached a precarious point.

The Haoyue Group’s scandal is now uninterruptedly exposed every day. From Nanyue to Tianfu, it has now become a serious case sweeping four or five provinces, involving real estate, entertainment, securities, insurance and other industries. The countless dark sides are completely shocking, and they also represent incredible benefits. Even Chen Fangqing did not expect that his nephew would make so many outrageous actions in collecting money. Haoyue Group's stock price has been fluctuating violently. In a short period of time, several provinces have added up to hundreds of tribal horses. The Central Continent Supervision Department took the initiative in person. The case was handled quickly, but Chen Fangqing knew very well that although all this seems extremely bad at the moment, the Supervision Department has obviously not really They are working hard. They are collecting more evidence. Before the election, the Southeast Group, which had been holding back for more than two years, obviously wanted to make a big news. Faced with such a favorable environment, the other party obviously did not intend to make a move easily.

Several large state-owned groups controlled by Chen Lijuan have also found numerous problems.

And the treason case of the special warfare group also has clues that it has a slight connection with Chen Fangqing. This connection may not be too serious, but at such a critical moment, if such news is confirmed, it is destined to be another huge disturbance.

The storm was precarious and precarious.

The bottom of Chen Fangqing's **** is like an active volcano that will erupt violently at any time, and every minute and every second, he may be broken into pieces.

Under this circumstance, countless people in the prince group quietly distanced themselves from Chen Fangqing, including the two provincial speakers he personally promoted.

Chen Fangqing remained silent.

He can only remain silent, waiting for the opportunity to fight back in silence.

Such opportunities are getting closer, and his situation is becoming more and more dangerous.

In the fading sky, Chen Fangqing gritted his teeth and stood up with a water glass.

The cold wind blew across the room.

Guo Wentian with a white flower on his chest walked into the courtyard from the gate and sighed as he watched Chen Fangqing walking out of the main hall.

"It's time to go back."

Guo Wentian said slowly: "The comrades in the southwest have already prepared the plane. There may be a meeting tonight, so we must prepare early."

He took out a cigarette and handed it to Chen Fangqing, lit one himself, and took a deep breath.

Chen Fangqing nodded silently.

Today is destined to be a very special day.

Not the daughter's funeral, but for the dark world, today is a very special day.

Three days ago, Li Tianlan received a letter of engagement from a mysterious strong man in the Eastern Palace.

The time for the appointment is today.

Two super masters who have surpassed the peak invincibility.

And it is very likely to be the best super master in the dark world.

Everyone is watching this battle, including the Central Council.

At this moment, there are less than four hours left before the appointment.

The different results of this battle mean different situations. Not to mention the mentality of the parties involved, countless people in the dark world have already begun to get nervous.

"Are there any movements in Xuanyuan City?"

Chen Fangqing asked.

"Nothing much."

Guo Wentian shook his head: "The representatives sent by the major forces have entered the East Palace headquarters. Xuanyuan City has stepped up its guard. They are all normal actions."

On the second day after the battle was issued, the various forces in the dark world had already contacted the Eastern Palace.

The Eastern Palace also did not reject the requests of the major forces, allowing any force to come to the Eastern Palace to personally watch the peak battle of this dark world at the specified time.

As if showing off their strength, and as if they were extremely confident, the Eastern Palace's every move in the past three days had an extremely ample confidence. From top to bottom, none of them seemed to have thought about the possibility that Li Tianlan might lose.

"What do you think of the outcome of this battle?"

Guo Wentian asked suddenly.

Chen Fangqing turned his head and glanced at him silently.

"This result is very important to us and even more important to you."

Guo Wentian's tone was extremely calm.

Chen Fangqing laughed suddenly.

"I do not know either."

He said lightly: "But maybe this is my only chance. It's hard to say how the outcome of this battle is. Li Tianlan may win, but I won't lose."

Li Tianlan may win the battle.

But the victor in the decisive battle in the North Sea can only be him and the Prince Group.

In the communication between Chen Fangqing and His Majesty and Li Kuangtu in advance, as long as Li Tianlan appeared in Beihai, the probability of his fall was over 80%.

So the outcome of this battle tonight is not important.

The decisive battle in the North Sea, which started at the same time as this battle, was the most important.

Guo Wentian looked at his smiling face and was silent for a while before he said hoarsely: "We have been very passive in our work during this period of time, and the voices within the group are also a little confused. I have discussed with some comrades."

He raised his head, looked at Chen Fangqing's suddenly sharp eyes, and said flatly: "Old Chen, if the result of this Beihai decisive battle is not satisfactory...then you should stay behind the scenes and take care of your body."

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