The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 232: : Mochizuki

The severe pain lasted a long time before it calmed down.

On the platform with almost no light, the queen slowly straightened her body, her breath has become extremely weak.

There was silence in the dark hall, the armor on both sides of the carpet stood silently, and in the box of the long table, Milos's head had his eyes open, looking at her faintly.

The queen took a few deep breaths, wiped the blood from the corners of her mouth and the cold sweat on her forehead, gently raised her head, and the extremely illusory sword aura quietly enveloped Milos's head.

The icy flesh and blood was quickly worn away under the sword qi, quickly melted, and finally disappeared.

She really liked this gift from the assassin.

Only half a month ago, the Dark Knights and the Jiang family of South America had a very fierce conflict. After all the forces in Europe received the news, the Dark Queen personally took action. Milos united with another half-step invincible master with all his strength. Go ahead.

The battle was intense and short.

Tens of seconds.

Milos and another half-step invincible master were injured and escaped.

The Dark Queen was unscathed.

Such a record is naturally extremely powerful in the eyes of others who don't know the details of the queen.

After all, Milos can completely match the ordinary invincible master in the short time of the full burst. The queen can wound him and another half-step invincible, which has shown that the strength of the opponent at least surpasses the ordinary invincible.

But in the eyes of the superpower who knew that she was burning, the weakness of the Dark Lady could be clearly seen.

After all, at the end of Snow Country's chaos, Burning Fire showed strength that was infinitely close to the peak of invincibility.

With such strength, if at the peak of the burning fire, not to mention a few tens of seconds, a few breaths, Milos and the half-step invincible master who is good at defensive code-named steel will be seriously injured, whether he can survive or not. It depends on luck.

But in this battle, although Milos and the steel skeleton were injured, they basically retreated completely.

The dark queen's poor state has become a fact in the eyes of other superpowers.

Therefore, the South American Chiang and Sanctuary tacitly mobilized a part of the northern European power and invested this power in the North Sea decisive battle. Only a small part of the power remained in the hinterland of the Dark Knights to contain the fire. Among them, Milos and Steel bone is the leader.

The Dark Queen may not have a good impression of the Eastern Emperor, but she is undoubtedly more annoyed about the actions of the Sanctuary and the Jiang family in South America. This also means that in the eyes of the two powers, her value is equivalent to two top halves if she is not at her peak. Step invincible.

How can the arrogant Queen of Darkness who has been following Qin Weibai with this bird's air? But this breath can only be held in my heart for the time being, silently waiting for the chance to find a place back.

This gift from the assassin made the queen feel a lot more comfortable.

She sat quietly in the dark seat, waited until her breath calmed down, and waved slowly.

There was a touch of wind in the magnificent hall.

In the faint sound, the door of the dark hall slowly closed in silence.

The queen reached out and pressed a button under the long bronze table in front of her.

The long table moves to the left.

The lights came on from underground.

In front of the queen appeared a long passage for one person to pass through.

The queen went on silently.

The Dark Hall is the iconic building of the Dark Knights. It is the palace of Rafael, the leader of the Dark Knights. In fact, the underground area is where the queen and Rafael live in daily life.

Orange lights covered the long corridor.

The queen in a rose-colored dress walked quietly.

The soft light fully showed her exquisite figure, which seemed to be influenced by the person she admired most. Her temperament was also calm and cold, but even after two years, there was still a touch of helplessness in her eyes. And desolate.

At the end of the corridor is a metal gate.

The queen entered the password to verify the fingerprint.

As the door opened, what appeared in front of her was not a base full of icy mechanical styles, but a comfortable and warm decorated living room, sofa, coffee table, TV, kitchen, dining room, and bedroom...

This is her and Rafael's home.

She is willing to stay here, but still feels a little regretful home.

The slight noise in the kitchen kept ringing.

Opposite the leather sofa, the large TV is on. As the top big figures in the European continent, the only invincible couple, the TV in the two's home is not showing European news or speeches by core politicians, but enough The stunned cartoon "Cat and Mouse", the queen sat on the sofa and watched quietly, her eyes in a trance.

She doesn’t actually like watching cartoons very much, but this is the boss’s favorite TV show. Every time she gets tired or before making an important decision, she likes to watch it quietly for a while to relax herself. Over time, Burning fire has slowly got used to this feeling.

"Xiange, I cooked Zhongzhou cuisine today, ah, I'm not very proficient, but the taste seems to be good, let's try?"

Amid some hearty laughter, the kitchen door was opened, and Rafael, who looked younger than his actual age, walked out of the kitchen with a warm and soft voice.

He has not changed much from more than two years ago, except that his handsome Eurasian face looks very pale, and his breath is weak, but it seems that he is in a good state of mind because of the queen's presence by his side.

The queen glanced at him and gave a gentle hum.

The dark queen now.

Once burned.

A master close to the peak of invincibility.

Few people in the dark world know her real name, and even the twelve heavenly kings of the reincarnation palace few people know her real name. They only know that she is from Dongdao. After following Qin Weibai, she has been called Ran. Fire, slowly, burning fire seems to have become her name, not a code name.

The queen herself is not even comfortable with her real name, but only Rafael insists on calling her that. He once said jokingly that only when she calls her name can he be sure that she is his woman, not a woman. An invincible master who is stronger than him.

The queen has a nice name but hardly anyone knows.

Mochizuki Song.

This surname used to have a glorious history in the martial arts of Dongdao, but now it has long since become unimportant for the queen.

"The assassin's person contacted me."

Mochizuki Xiange walked into the restaurant and sat down, seemingly casually speaking.

Rafael's movements were slightly stagnant, and then he nodded thoughtfully: "That small force that must have been formed? I have also paid attention to them in the past two years. Their organization is not large, and their involvement is not too wide. But the structure is reasonable, and the quality of the personnel is pretty good. At least in terms of establishing the assassin, I was very sober at that time."

"Occasionally wake up, but unfortunately still a fool."

Mochizuki Xiange was a bit disdainful.

Rafael smiled and whispered softly, "What did they contact you for?"

"Take refuge in me."

She lowered her head and took a sip of the soup, and said calmly: "Becoming a peripheral force of the Dark Knights, I agreed."

"not bad."

Rafael smiled and gave her a chopstick, her favorite mushroom, even in Europe, because of the song of the moon, most of the time here is Chinese food, but Rafael cooks it himself Time is relatively small.

"They are very useful."

Mochizuki Xiange raised her head and took a serious look at Rafael. Her eyes were clear and pure: "I originally planned to sweep out the power of the Chiang Clan and Sanctuary in South America directly these few days, but the assassins acted first. Now, they killed Milos, which is regarded as a nomination. And they have always cooperated with Jiang and Sanctuary in South America before. The assassin must know this information well. The assassin said that they can participate in the decisive battle in the North Sea, but. .. I intend to keep them in the continent. Although the overall strength of the assassins is not strong, staying here can make up for the strength of the Dark Knights to a large extent. Even if they cannot complete the cleaning afterwards, they will definitely give the sanctuary It has caused great losses with the Chiang Clan in South America. These forces have been completely crazy for the North Sea. The strength deployed in various places has reached the limit. Such a balance is fragile, and the assassins can completely break this balance."

"and so..."

She lowered her head to eat, and whispered softly: "For the time being, with the assassin's participation, even if I am not here, there will be no power in Europe that can threaten the Dark Knights for the time being."

Rafael looked at her quietly: "So you are going to Beihai?"

Mochizuki Xiange was slightly startled, his eyes were complicated.

She was silent for a long time before she whispered: "His state may not be as invincible as he showed. The decisive battle in the North Sea is critical and sensitive..."

She bit her lip: "I didn't continue to do the fire of the Eastern Palace, now...I can't just watch him fall and ignore..."

"If a person like the Eastern Emperor is likely to fall, how much can you do? Your injury has not recovered."

Rafael shook his head.

"I have found a way to temporarily suppress the injury."

Wangyue Xiange said softly.

In fact, the outside speculation is not wrong, but it is not entirely correct.

She did have injuries.

But the injury suffered in Mormans two years ago was not as serious as outsiders speculated.

, Her injuries in Mormans had been fully recovered about a year ago, that is, at that time, she officially took over the Dark Knights and became the Dark Queen.

And her current injury is a new injury, a new injury she caused.

Six months ago, Burning Fire forced a breakthrough and wanted to officially enter the peak invincibility, but at the most critical moment, she fell short. This breakthrough brought her closer to the true peak invincibility, but the forced breakthrough was to give her body It caused an extremely serious burden, so that in the conflict some time ago, she could not even help the two half-step invincible.

Only now, she has found a way to keep herself in her peak state temporarily.

Rafael sighed softly.


Mochizuki Xiange smiled.

"No, just worried..."

Rafael shook his head: "This time the North Sea decisive battle is so simple."


Mochizuki Xiange said softly: "At my peak state, in any case, there is no problem with self-protection at least."

"I'm afraid you will be stupid..."

Rafael shook his head and placed a black ring in the Mochizawa singer.

"Can barely use it once."

He spoke slowly.

Mochizuki Xiange frowned and looked at the ring in his hand.

This is the murderous soldier of the Dark Knights.

The dark saint.

It has been less than three years since the chaos of the Snow Country, and under normal conditions, the Dark Sacred Judgment simply cannot fire again.

It’s just that if you don’t care about the state of the murderer itself, this time can indeed be used barely once, but after it is used, the Dark Sacred Judgment is basically in a half-waste state. Forcibly stimulating the energy of the murderer is equivalent to directly hurting the core of the murderer. , It is foreseeable that once the dark sage squad fires forcibly in the North Sea decisive battle, the gunshots of the dark sacred squad will not sound in the dark world again for at least a few decades.


Thinking of the consequences, Mochizuki Xiange was a little irritable.

"It's ok."

Rafael laughed: "Even if the Dark Lord is abolished, there is nothing to feel bad about. It will be handed over to the Eastern Emperor at that time. It can make the ruthless stronger, and the friendship between us, I believe that the compensation he will give is also It will be rich enough to make up for our loss of the Dark Sacred Judgment. He will never come to my account. In fact, the Dark Sacred Judgment has deterrent power, but it will not be able to influence everything. If my condition is better, I myself I want to go with you."

Rafael smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Wangyue Xiange lowered his head and looked at the ring in his hand.

After a long time, she put the ring away and said softly: "When I come back, let's get married."

Rafael was taken aback for a moment, then laughed: "I have waited for this day, it has been too long for this sentence."

Mochizuki Xiange promised her several years ago that after marrying him, she would have a child for him.

Rafael touched his hair with some emotion, and sighed: "If you say this a few years later, then I will almost become the grandfather of a child."

Mochizuki Xiange's face blushed slightly and glared at him.

Burning fire is thirty-five years old this year, and Rafael is 47 years old. Judging from his age, Rafael, who is twelve years older than Mochizuki Xiange, really can't wait.

Mochizuki Xiange gathered her hair and said softly, "Wait for me to come back."

After the destruction of the Samsara Palace, she did not stay in the Eastern Palace, and even in the two years since she came to the Dark Knights, she had not contacted the Eastern Palace.

But in any case, she couldn't really watch Li Tianlan encounter danger and ignore everything.

While being dragged in the northern part of Europe, she has been studying ways to suppress her injuries. Originally, her plan was to forcefully suppress the injuries and directly destroy the power of the South American Chiang and Sanctuary here, and then let the Dark Knights shrink. Get up, she goes to Beihai, go and go back quickly.

But now that the assassins join, everything becomes very simple.

Beihai, she must go.

A large part of this is because of the friendship between her and Qin Weibai, but also part of the reason is because of Li Tianlan.

Mochizuki Xiange raised his hand.

A sword light appeared at her fingertips to the extreme.

Real and illusory.

Day and night.

Tianjiao's martial arts.

In fact, she is also qualified to be called a saint, and even more qualified than a saint in terms of strength.

Because like the current saints, she can become an invincible master, and she also learns Dongcheng Huangtu's kendo.

With only one line from the Peak Invincible Realm, she needed Li Tianlan's guidance.

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