The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 223: : War Books

More than two years ago.

In other words, for many years before, when the king of Nakasu Sword Emperor was intact, every time he officially came to Youzhou, as long as the itinerary was clear, there would basically be a board member to pick up the plane in person.

There was no accident. Every time I came to pick Wang Tianzong, I was a director of the Southeast Group. Only one accident happened. The president was present in person, but the director who came with the president was still the director of the Southeast Group.

A long time ago, when Li Baitian had gossip about this with him, he said with emotion, saying that this **** is the card.

Li Tianlan didn't quite understand this at the time, but thought it was meaningless to do so, except that it was useless to pay attention to pretending to be a force.

That conversation is several years away today.

Li Tianlan, who now also has this treatment, also understands the significance of doing so.

This is the second time he has left Youzhou since he was called His Majesty.

The last time I returned to Xuanyuan City, he was sent by Zou Mulin, a director of the giants group.

And this time back to Xuanyuan City, it was Dongcheng invincible that sent him away.

This is also a small detail of Zhongzhou and East Palace jointly maintaining the stability of Zhongzhou.

Although the sending-off specifications are high, they will not be reported by the news, but anyone who knows will know.

This means that the East Palace and the group controlled by the East Palace are still under the control of Nakasu. The relationship between the two sides is still stable. The East Palace is also accepting the leadership of the Parliament.

A very simple signal, but it is an essential signal.

Li Tianlan has gradually begun to enjoy Wang Tianzong's original treatment. In the hidden Longhai conference room, he can sit opposite Li Huacheng and enter and leave Youzhou. The director will pick up and drop himself. Similarly, in the past many years, every time Wang Tianzong was When you were in Youzhou, countless modern superpowers secretly secretly aimed at the North Sea.

Now, when Li Tianlan is in Youzhou, countless weapons are also aimed at Xuanyuan City.

The subtlety among them is the true relationship between super powers like the East Palace and Beihai Wangshi and Nakasu.

"It's just right today. The comrade of the Meteorological Bureau said that there was a big snowstorm tonight. It is estimated that all flights will be delayed tomorrow. Youzhou is very busy recently. Your current identity is already very sensitive. Staying in Youzhou for a long time, to you, It’s not a good thing for Parliament."

In the cold wind in the afternoon, the sky above Youzhou Airport was slightly gloomy. The plane was doing the final check before take-off. Invincible Dongcheng stood in the cold wind with a calm tone and patted Li Tianlan's shoulder smoothly.

"Is it mainly bad for Parliament?"

Li Tianlan laughed.

Wang Tianzong rarely came to Youzhou before. If there were no accidents, Li Tianlan would have few opportunities to come here, not because of what is forbidden here, but because different identities represent different meanings. The group has taken shape, and the giants are fully supporting Li Tianlan to let him stand at the pinnacle, which also means that he can't solve the problem very few, close to Youzhou, if it is privately okay, but it is a big fan Come over, it will inevitably make some people feel that he has something to communicate and negotiate with the Parliament in private. No matter what, he will be destined to know more. As a result, the longer he stays in Youzhou Long, the outside world will be more uneasy, thinking that there is no unsolvable contradiction between the East Palace and the Parliament needs Li Tianlan to spend time here.

Even if he came over, it’s really nothing. Like this time, he didn’t meet with Li Huacheng at all, but the outside world didn’t know that it’s impossible for the parliament to issue a statement saying that Li Tianlan came here to do nothing. Let everyone not think about it. , So the momentum is too weak.

"It's the same for you."

Dong Cheng invincible Shen Sheng said something, and some serious expressions eased a little: "You are now in a different status, not only representing yourself, but you must consider more things in the future. Tianjiao, Your Majesty, the leader, cry out How nice? But where is it so good? Just say Wang Tianzong, the surface looks beautiful all these years, but the actual pressure is only known to him.

Are you angry? In fact, if they have converged a little bit over the years and exercise restraint on certain things, where can there be such a situation today? The nature of the East Palace and the Beihai Wang Family is the same. Studying them can save you a lot of detours. You are in this position and you can do anything, but you can really do not much. Slowly you will understand that when a person can really be unscrupulous, it is also when he really has nothing. The East Palace, the two major groups, has the power to oppose and prosper. It is actually the fate of countless people behind it. I really hope that you can feel their actual weight. If you want to bear this, you need more than force. There is also caution. "

Li Tianlan slowly extinguished the cigarette in his hand and flicked it gently.

The slight sword gas flew out on the fingers, and instantly broke the cigarette into powder that was invisible to the naked eye.

His smile converged and nodded slightly.

"I'm a little wordy."

Dongcheng invincible smiled at himself: "In short, you can rest assured about the things in Youzhou. Although these of us are old guys, but none of them are old, we can handle things for you here. Tianlan, my only one The hope is that when you stand at the top and look at the world, don’t forget the vast cliffs at your feet because of the beautiful mountains and rivers in front of you."

"I did some ridiculous things in my early years. Today it seems that the results are good. I have regretted for so many years, and regretted many times, but I asked myself, if I try again, even if I know regret, I should do so. But regret, I will regret it after all."

Dongcheng's invincible eyes are a bit complicated.

He looked quietly at the young man in front of him.

The emperor of the dark world.

Young Majesty of Nakasu.

Li's current leader.

In his early twenties, he has stood at the pinnacle of the world's young giants.

Own son.

Dongcheng invincibly patted Li Tianlan's shoulder heavily, seeming to cover up his sudden panic and uneasiness.

He turned his head slightly and said hoarsely: "No matter what happens in the future, you can live peacefully and safely."

Li Tianlan gave him a deep look.

"Somewhat strange..."

After thinking about it, he said softly.

Dongcheng's invincible body stiffened.

"No one seems to have said this to me in my memory. From childhood to grandpa, Grandpa kept me rushing to the highest place."

Li Tianlan said softly: "When I get to this position, Grandpa is not there. If he is still there, maybe he should also persuade me to be cautious..."

"I really like this feeling."

"I will also remember these words."

"Actually, I don’t have to regret anything, I really don’t. From childhood to age, I think I have nothing to lose, so even if I go to this day, I haven’t thought about what I have lost, what I saw, just what I got ."

"Li's is mine, East Palace is mine."

"Although it's late, more than two decades late, but father and mother, now I have."

Li Tianlan’s smile was clear and without any complaints and dissatisfaction: "Since I have parents, I don’t want to lose you."

The plane can already take off.

Li Tianlan stepped forward and gave him a hug in the stiff expression of Dongcheng Invincible.

"take care."

He whispered: "If there is time, I will go to the Central Plains to see you."


He waved his hand and strode onto the plane.

After a little waiting, the plane slowly entered the runway.

Start, sprint, dash into the sky, farther and farther away.

Dongcheng Invincible has been standing there watching, just watching all the time.


When the sixth cup of coffee bottomed out, he sat quietly in the cafe all afternoon and ate the last piece of pastry. He squinted and saw the helicopter above his head roaring and flying

In the past, I approached the nearby majestic castle like a mountain.

He watched silently, watched the helicopter lower, disappeared in sight, and finally laughed gently.


He shouted plainly.

"Sir, what's the need?"

The young waiter in uniform and dark skin came over with a respectful voice.

"I need a pen, a blank piece of paper."

He said softly.

The waiter froze, handed him the ballpoint pen in his hand, waited a moment, and turned to take a blank notebook from the background.

He said thank you and tore a blank sheet of paper from the notebook, plus a tip of one hundred Chinese yuan, and handed it to the waiter with a smile: "One is enough, I am very satisfied with your service. "

He didn't wait for the other party to respond. He already picked up the pen and looked down, as if thinking about what to write.

The waiter retreated silently.

The ballpoint pen in his hand began to slide on the white paper, and quickly turned into two simple lines of small characters.

He put the ballpoint pen down, looked at the content on the paper, and shook his head slightly: "I originally wanted to write something more compelling... The literary talent is too bad."

He seemed to be surrounded by a cloud of stars, sighed, stood up, turned his head and looked at the huge castle standing under the sky not far away.

The sunset of Xuanyuan City will be over.

Determined that he really couldn't write a powerful book, he shook his head with regret.

The sun is falling.

The lights are on.

At the moment of day and night, he flicked his fingers at will.

In the subtle sound, the torn white paper in his hand disappeared instantly.


All of a sudden, half of Xuanyuan City heard a thunderous thunder.

On the lawn in front of the castle, Li Tianlan, who took a ride from Nanzhou to Nanyun and returned to Xuanyuan City from Nanyun, suddenly turned back when he got off the plane.

In the line of sight, the sky seemed to darken in an instant.

The lights of Xuanyuan City shone and refracted in the darkness.

A solid area outside the East Palace was almost in the blink of an eye that Li Tianlan had never seen before.

The violent realm engulfed all the light, and in the distance became an exaggerated vortex thousands of meters away.

The whirlpool expanded rapidly, covering the entire East Palace in an instant.

At this moment, everyone in the East Palace raised his head subconsciously and looked at the sky.

The sky in sight is completely twisted by the majestic field.

The space was shaking madly. Under absolute pressure, a white light rushed from the vortex to Li Tianlan.

Li Tianlan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he saw at first glance that it was a blank sheet of paper.

The most ordinary white paper.

The white paper flew all the way from thousands of kilometers away, and accelerated wildly in the field where the sky was twisted, just like a meteor, directly crashing into the East Palace.

The expressionless Li Tianlan held out his palm.

The meteor hit Li Tianlan directly.


The field that enveloped thousands of altitudes suddenly disappeared.

Li Tianlan's arm shook.

The saint and Lin Youxian beside him were fled out by a huge force at the same time, and their figure was unstable.

Li Tianlan was motionless and looked down quietly at the blank paper in his hand.

The white paper that leaped for thousands of kilometers was not deformed at all, neat and tidy.

The writing on the white paper is extremely clear and extremely straightforward.

"You didn't choose to be our friend. Then, we are the enemy."

"Three days later, in the East Palace, there will be a life and death."

Li Tianlan rubbed the paper gently with his fingers, squinting his eyes, and he didn't speak for a long time.

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