The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 221: : Limit equilibrium

At that moment, it was like a sudden hearing of huge bad news or disaster, and the body of the saint suddenly shook.

He looked straight at Li Tianlan with a hoarse voice: "Wang Tianzong?"

This is destined to be a character who will not be forgotten in a short time.

But it is also a person who has rarely been mentioned in the past two years.

Invincible in the world, one person shocked the world, supreme.

The pinnacle of Wang Shi in the North Sea and Wang Tianzong's personal glory are so short-lived. At the moment when he was truly supreme, the eternal sword over Murmans directly ended all.

That was the real end date.

Less than two years have passed since the chaos in Murmans, but at this time it is mentioned, but it seems that it has really become a thing of the last era.

The saint's heart was ups and downs and he couldn't calm down.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to admit that when Wang Tianzong, who appeared in Murmans, was enough to become a nightmare for most people in the dark world, including Lin Fengting, including Li Kuangfu, and naturally also saints.

He is now invincible and the top master in the dark world.

However, compared with Wang Tianzong at that time, he was really very small.

It is truly supreme, the pinnacle of the dark world for centuries or more.

Glorious, invincible in the world.

Perhaps, with the exception of Li Tianlan, no one can treat Wang Tianzong in that state equally.

What is Wang Tianzong's current state?

After more than two years of silence, did he recover a certain strength so quickly?

Like a shadow that once existed once again enveloped the sky, the saint's heart was a bit cold, and even the tone became a bit cold: "It's impossible so fast! Absolutely impossible!"

"What are you excited about?"

Li Tianlan glanced at him.

The saint opened his mouth and did not know what to say to express his emotions. It took a long time before he smiled bitterly and said: "Why does your majesty think that the sword emperor has recovered?"

"Restoration is not enough, but after all it is the supreme arrogance. For such a long time, it is impossible to have no means to kill at all."

Li Tianlan shook his head: "The Beihai Wangs are too confident, I can't say what it feels like. The game between Beihai and Zhongzhou, at the beginning, Beihai can be said to be giving back step by step, but I don't know when to start, there is no specific time.

The entire North Sea suddenly became tough externally. For example, Wang Shengxiao’s original speech on the whole North Sea, such as the large-scale conscription of the North Navy Regiment, that thing was like a dividing line. The North Sea before and after are two very different things. attitude. "

"It was precisely because this attitude was beyond Chen Fangqing's expectations that he felt that many things were beyond his control, so his actions will become more and more radical, and eventually promoted the end plan. All this looks even a bit like being Guided deliberately."

"If I guessed right, before and after that speech, Wang Tianzong's state has changed. I don't know the specific changes, but when he reaches that level, his recovery ability may not be much worse than his fighting power."

"You remind me to pay attention to the status of Li Kuangtu. Li Kuangtu may get better. Why is it impossible for Wang Tianzong?"

"Not the same thing."

The saint smiled bitterly: "Li Kuangtu's injury is far worse than that of Wang Tianzong. We all know the power of that sword. Wang Tianzong's death is already lucky. In our estimation, the most optimistic result, Wang Tianzong is also within ten years. It is difficult to recover from the injury, and it has been only two years since it should be unlikely."

Li Tianlan shook his head slightly and said nothing.

What he just said was speculation, but what really allowed him to determine that Wang Tianzong's state was gradually recovering was actually the carefree information Lin You leisurely told him.

Worry-free You may be able to suppress ruthlessness in a certain state, but when no one in the entire North Sea can determine his current state, why dare Wang Shengxiao dare to make ruthless ideas?

Because worry-free?

In this case, it looks like a gamble.

The Beihai Wangs are indeed crazy, but at this stage, they simply cannot afford to gamble.

So the only answer is that the Wangs in Beihai don't care about his condition.

Even if his present state can suppress the ruthless and carefree, the Beihai Wangs do not care.

The only reason for Wang Shengxiao to have such confidence is that, except for the so-called compensation, only Wang Tianzong.

"I have a hunch."

Li Tianlan smiled gently: "This North Sea decisive battle will definitely give everyone a huge surprise."

"If that's the case..."

The saint hesitated.

"If this is the case, it would be most appropriate for me to go by myself."

Li Tianlan said indifferently: "At the very least, even if something is impossible, I can at least guarantee that

I have been able to retreat completely, even if Wang Tianzong recovered some, but as long as he did not have the standard of heyday, there is nothing to worry about. People, but stepped back 10,000 steps and said, even if I can't beat, no one can hold me if I want to go, you go, maybe it's another situation. "

"We are going back to Tiannan today. I will call Du Hanyin and Xu Chu who are in the Beihai back. The East Palace concentrates all its strength into the East Island. I go to Beihai by myself. This is the safest way."

The saint's mouth twitched, and he smiled bitterly: "Sure, okay, safe."

He hesitated and whispered: "It's just your current state..."

"Your guess is indeed correct. I want to maintain the limit state now. It is indeed vitality. My physical strength is currently difficult to bear absolute strength and sword energy, so I can only overdraw. From this perspective, the limit state I didn’t make a sword, I hurt my body first, so it takes a lot of vitality to make up for the injury. It is not wrong to say that the overdraft life is not wrong."

Li Tianlan's voice was very calm: "But speaking of this, in fact, I was not as seriously affected as you think. The huge vitality of the Nakasu Dragon Vein may not be able to fully support my unscrupulous waste, but don't forget, relative In the direction of the martial arts of the Wang Family in the North Sea, what is the best of the martial arts of the Li family."

Li's strongest is the sword.

The strongest in the North Sea Wang is also a sword.

The strongest of the two are swords, but the directions are not the same.

The direction of the martial arts in Beihai is an extreme outbreak.

And Li's...

"It's extreme equilibrium."

Li Tianlan calmly said: "So I can maintain this state at the moment, it will have an impact, but it will not be very large. Perhaps it is a longer sleep and more food. It requires more rest and adequate nutrition. As for the follow-up The impact can only be reflected in a few decades, but after a few decades, my physical strength is enough to support me to enter a higher state, so the problem of all this is not very big."


The saint hesitated for a moment and used the tribute again: "You are not an invincible body now. Even if you balance it, it should be difficult to control the power beyond the peak invincibility."

"you are wrong."

Li Tianlan's tone is ordinary: "At least so far, the power I have exerted has not exceeded the pinnacle of invincibility."

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