The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 219: :remind

Li Xi walked quietly, and he didn't bring any extra trouble when he returned. At 11 o'clock in the morning, Li Xi, who disappeared overnight, came back again. It seemed obvious that Li Cheng, who was restless, suddenly relieved, not so much It's better to say that Li Tianlan, who accompanied Lin You leisurely and away from Alluring City, stood up and asked, "Is it alright?"


Li Xi glanced at him, his eyes soft: "Thank you."

Li Tianlan looked up at the table below and shook his head: "The route has been confirmed. We will return to Tiannan at 2:30 in the afternoon. Tomorrow, the East Palace will officially announce the news. We will welcome the third Vice-President of the East Palace."

After a moment of silence, Li Xi nodded slightly: "Okay. Your Majesty."

Li Tianlan turned his head to look at Lin Youxian, who was sitting beside Li Qingcheng. The other party noticed his gaze, but ignored it, obviously he didn't want to go. This gesture made Li Tianlan furious, and he was not familiar with Li Xi. It’s not even familiar with Li Qingcheng, but if you leave now, Lin Youxian will definitely be full of resentment. Compared with Li Tianlan, he has no reason to stay here. Li Tianlan is thinking about talking about a new topic, and the knock on the door suddenly sounds.

The sound of high heels stepping on the ground came in quickly from the door.

Holding a mobile phone, Han Xinyan said solemnly, "Your Majesty, my dad, uh, the military division has important information to report to you."

Li Tianlan raised his eyebrows slightly, thinking that although he did his best for the East Palace but had always been detached from himself, his expression was a bit strange.

Han Xinyan subconsciously lowered his voice and hurriedly said: "It is very important information."

Li Tianlan yelled, reached for the phone, and looked at Lin You leisurely again.

Lin Youxian stood up helplessly, planning to leave with Li Tianlan.

"Lin Shao will stay if it’s okay. I still have some things to communicate with you. In addition, Qingcheng and I rarely leave Kunlun City in recent years. We don’t know much about the outside world, especially Xuanyuan City. Let's talk."

Li Xi took the initiative to speak, looking at Lin's leisurely eyes with some meaning.

As a person coming over, she can naturally understand Lin Youxian's gaze occasionally looking at Li Qingcheng.

That is not a male desire to conquer females, but a simple desire and admiration.

Li Xi does not know Lin leisure very much, but after all, she knew Lin Fengting many years ago. Taking Lin Fengting as a person, the children she educated may not be saints, but to say a gentleman is not an exaggeration.

Lin Youxian himself is the best choice both in terms of genius appearance and future. If Licheng can be with him, it can be said that it is a pretty good destination.

"Uh, ah, oh, cough... Okay, okay."

Lin leisurely stuttered, and immediately reacted, her mouth gently raised: "Auntie, please call me Xiaolin or leisurely, kindly, I am what Lin Shao is, I will develop in Zhongzhou in the future, I hope you can give me more advice."

Han Xinyan glanced dumbfounded at the former heir of the Lin tribe.

Li Tianlan's mouth twitched, and he didn't speak.

Really licking the dog doesn't care what scene, licking everything in the end, no matter what the chance is, licking is done.

Shaking his head, he didn't say much and walked out of the room to directly dial the division's phone.

The military division was connected as soon as possible, obviously waiting across the phone.

"what's up?"

Li Tianlan asked directly.

"Your Majesty, did you read the news today?"


Li Tianlan was a little puzzled.

"It's morning news in Northern Xinjiang."

The military teacher said solemnly: "The Northern Xinjiang Army Corps started counting the families of the war dead overnight last night. In the morning, the first batch of pensions has been paid, in full."

"So fast?!"

Li Tianlan was shocked.

This kind of speed can no longer be described by efficiency. The families of so many victims are only statistics, and it is impossible to complete in a short time. Obviously, the so-called overnight statistics last night are just a guise, and North Xinjiang has already started secret statistics wars. The family members of the deceased determine their true identity.

"How much is the first pension?"

"120 billion."

Military division Shen said: "There are still a few batches to follow.

Li Tianlan's brow furrowed tightly: "Twenty-two billion, it will be difficult for North Xinjiang's finances to come up with this money."

"It's not difficult."

The tone of the military division is very certain: "We have investment in Northern Xinjiang, although the scale is not large, but it is only relatively speaking. I can be sure that the cash that can be mobilized overnight by the financial of Northern Xinjiang cannot be 120 billion, Not even half. The money is like it came out of nowhere."

"The most important thing is that North Xinjiang has issued a statement that the second batch of about 150 billion pensions will be issued tomorrow, and there will be a batch the day after tomorrow. They seem to have never considered the issue of funds at all."

"Are you kidding me?"

Li Tianlan laughed: "The funds that came out of thin air?"

The military division was silent for a long time before whispering: "Your Majesty, have you thought about it? In the eyes of others, our funds are often coming out of thin air."

Li Tianlan's eyes narrowed slightly and said flatly: "What do you mean?"

"I have started investigating the account sources of North Xinjiang, but there is no detailed information at present. However, according to the surface, the funds of North Xinjiang have nothing to do with overseas consortia. Although some of the money does come from overseas, this money, Not a foreign consortium, but the Jiang family’s own property. Your Majesty, we also have many industries overseas. This model is too similar."

The military division was silent for a long time before speaking lowly: "I suspect that there is also a consortium behind the Jiang family similar to the Shengshi fund, which is a consortium led by the Jiang family. Regarding the scale, they may not be as large as the Shengshi fund, but they It is enough for them to pay this high pension. The hidden financial resources of the Jiang family should be extremely strong. Their overall strength is not as simple as we thought."

Li Tianlan rubbed his forehead with one hand and slowly said: "It makes sense, but your speculation does not have much basis."

"One more thing."

The saint hesitated, took a deep breath, and whispered: "The boss specially asked me to remind you before leaving last night, tens of thousands... be careful of the rain."

"The boss seems to have received reliable news. The Jiang family seems to have a super power with a special status. The status is probably similar to yours, but it is not exactly the same. The combat strength of the other party should be beyond the pinnacle of invincibility. It has been shown that this person may have been in the rain on the river, or even the decisive battle in the North Sea, which he pushed behind."

Li Tianlan was stunned for a while: "It's raining on the river?"

He murmured to himself, thinking of the rain on the river he saw yesterday, then shook his head and determined: "He is not."

"Even if not, the other party must have a very close relationship with Jiang Shangyu."

The military division said: "Your Majesty, in the next North Sea decisive battle, he is very likely to become your opponent, and... the boss asked me to remind you..."

"Have you not paid attention to the state of Li Kuangtu for a long time?"

Li Tianlan was silent.

After a while, he took a light breath and said flatly: "After I go back, I'll take a look at the headquarters of Tiandu Purgatory."

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