The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 217: :parents

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Although the sudden appearance of Li Xi is a bit strange here, for the Dongcheng invincible couple, the other party is not an unwelcome guest of bad luck. After being surprised, Bai Qingqian put on a coat and walked quickly to the door at the same time. Instructed Wusao to make tea.

Li Xian stood quietly at the door, perhaps because of the long time, she was contaminated with a lot of morning dew, and she looked a little hazy and seemed to be more cold.

In the dark corners around the manor, a line of sight fell on him intentionally or unintentionally, observing her every move with no malice or goodwill.

As the No. 3 person in the name of Zhongzhou, Chen Fangqing's military minister has even been overpowered in terms of real power. The invincible guards in Dongcheng are undoubtedly the best in Zhongzhou. Eight guards, working in two shifts, protect 24 hours a day The safety of Dongcheng is invincible. The eight guards are all the pinnacle masters from the Frontier Corps. Whether they are courage or professionalism, they are undoubtedly. They left the Frontier Corps and entered the Zhongzhou Shadow Gate. They learned from Li initially. Several sets of sword arrays handed down from the Shixuanyuantai, a group of about four or five people, a group is a small sword array.

Sword array is not too offensive, but it is unparalleled in defense. After hundreds of years ago, Li's ancestors used to refer to South America's Jiang's defense of the world's first invincible territory after becoming the **** of war in Nakasu. Hongchen created two sets of guardian sword arrays with slightly different functionalities, and became a master of the hidden dragon sea bodyguards who practiced at that time. For hundreds of years, the chiefs of the Li clan and the head of the Beihai king clan will fight against the sword. The array is fine-tuned, and the various combinations of the sword array have become more and more delicate. In terms of the guard forces around the invincible Dongcheng, the sword array composed of the four peaks of Thunder Realm may be far from the opponent of the invincible master, but ordinary The invincible realm will not break this sword array for a while.

Li Xi also knows this guardian sword array without a specific name.

Throughout the past, the Zhongzhou God of War has fine-tuned the sword array. For the past two decades, Kunlun City has undoubtedly been responsible for this work.

Kunlun City is in charge.

Instead of Gu Xingyun being in charge.

In fact, in the final analysis, even before reaching the pinnacle of invincibility, Gu Xingyun, who was barely close to this level, could not make any fine-tuned opinions on this sword array. This work has always been the pinnacle of invincibility. Lili is doing.

Li Xi knows the Jianzhen naturally very well. Her position at this time is to stand at the most convenient place for the guards to observe. Every move is full of sincerity, so after a short exchange, the guards hesitated, and No choice to expel.

The black car came from deep inside the manor.

Li Xi's brows moved slightly.


The car hasn't been completely stopped yet, and Bai Qingqian has opened the door, approaching a trot like a trot.

"Welcome to Baijia as a guest, Ms. Li Xi."

Bai Qingqian's smile is impeccable, gentle and gentle, but the look in Li Xi's eyes is a little complicated to hide.

She draped the other coat she was holding in her hands and wore it very thinly, and said softly: "You should call in advance, as long as you come, it doesn't matter if it's too late."

Li Xi's mouth moved, as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it for a while.

She wore a warm coat and her stiff body seemed to be gradually warming up.

Her eyes passed Bai Qingqing, and she looked at Dongcheng invincible coming out of the driver's seat.

Dongcheng Invincible nodded with a smile, without speaking.

Li Xi leaned back slightly.

Her movements are slow, but the amplitude is getting bigger and bigger, and eventually she turns from awkward to a deep bow.

Incomparably quiet and silent.

Bai Qingqian was a little overwhelmed, subconsciously reached out to hold Li Xi, a little dazed.

She knows Lixi, but it is not a cognition at all. The few times they met in memory, or when they were very young many years ago, as the most outstanding young woman of that era, Wang Tianzong by the summer solstice, Li The desolation of the lunatics, the white and shallow side of Dongcheng Invincible, everyone has their own style, and occasionally meet, just simply nodded even if they said hello, remember when Dongcheng Invincible once talked to Li when he was young The madman hits, and Dongcheng Invincible has suffered a little. Since then, Bai Qingqian seems to have no good face for Li Kuangtu and Lixi...

Bai Qingqian's mind was chaotic for a moment, and the memories flew farther and farther.

Li Xi's hoarse and dry voice sounded: "I have been thinking for a long time..."

She said quietly: "Maybe you will not accept it, but in any case, I should say thank you to you."

"Thank you for taking care of me for so many years, and taking good care of her...Thank you."

Even though most of the news was blocked in Kunlun City, but in a few meetings with Xuan Xuanzi, she was still able to know the situation of Dongcheng, after all, it was her biological daughter, and Li Xi had always kept her attention .

The baby who was supposed to be the descendant of the Dongcheng family was handed over to Li Honghe by Dongguang Hanguang and Dongcheng invincible, and the girl who was the princess of the Li family was handed over to the Dongcheng family.

It's just that Bai Qingqian, who has hurriedly seen his son's side, almost completely collapsed. The loving couple, filial daughter-in-law, all beautiful relationships were completely broken at that moment.

Bai Qing

Qian and the Dongcheng family almost broke up completely, but after the initial time, Bai Qingqian who couldn't find her son began to pay attention to Dongcheng. She didn't return to the Dongcheng family in these years, but she still showed a name for Dongcheng. Mother's care and love.

Dongcheng has been comatose for two years.

But two years ago, in the past two decades, she never felt that her mother Bai Qingqian did not like herself.

Based on this alone, Li Xi can determine Bai Qingqian's attitude towards Dongcheng over the years.

The situation in Dongcheng is not very good now.

But the grace of nurturing in the past so many years, Li Xi has no way not to remember.

Bai Qingqian's complexion changed slightly, and he didn't speak.

"Do not misunderstand."

Li Xi whispered: "I have no intention of robbing you like this, she will always be your daughter, I..."

"That was not what I meant."

Bai Qingqian waved his hand embarrassingly, then pulled away and smiled: "It's a bit cold, come, let's go in and talk."

Li Xi was pulled into the car by Bai Qingqian.

The vehicle starts slowly.

Dongcheng Invincible, who drove in person, kept looking at Li Xi through the rearview mirror, hesitant to speak.

Bai Qingqian seemed to know what her husband was thinking. She hesitated for a moment and said softly: "I heard... um... I heard that you saw Tianlan immediately after waking up?"


Li Xi nodded.

Bai Qingqian glanced at the Dongcheng invincible driving in front of him, and then seemed to make up his mind and said carefully: "What did you talk about?"

As soon as the words fell, she already spoke again, barely laughing: "Of course, if we shouldn't know..."

"You are his parents."

Li Xi said softly: "Nothing shouldn't be known. Your Majesty thinks so."


This simplest and most common vocabulary seems to smash all the defense lines in Bai Qingqian's heart in an instant.

Her body was stiff in the seat and her face was pale.

Li Xi lowered his eyebrows and said softly: "We talked about his life experience with him."

"It's time to tell him, I told him all."


(I have also said what I should say. Even if Tianlan’s parents don’t write this chapter, there shouldn’t be too many people who don’t know. However, if they don’t write it, it’s estimated that some people will struggle with the problem when they write the ending. I don’t fill in the pits...just write something...this chapter counts to 10th, um, see when I can drag it~)

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