The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 214: :end

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The phone hung up in Li Tianlan's laughter.

The night of Xuanyuan City was brilliantly illuminated.

Clean and tidy streets, exquisite and atmospheric buildings, green grass, blooming flowers, neat trees.

The lights came on, and the whole city seemed to be covered with a colorful coat.

The night here is not so hustle and bustle, but a vitality that emerges from quietness and beauty.

Qin Weibai quietly looked at the scene outside the window.

She said nothing, but just watched silently.

"Why did you suddenly go back to the Lin nationality headquarters?"

The knight drove and suddenly asked in a low voice.

"Really beautiful..."

Qin Weibai looked at the window and muttered to himself, and then laughed a little self-deprecatingly: "I'm afraid it's not mine."

The knight frowned, somewhat puzzled.

"I saw Jiang Jiangyu just now."

Qin Weibai lowered his head and said softly.


The knight responded, and she saw it too, although she didn't know what Jiang Shangyu talked to her boss.

"When I met Jiang Shangyu, Tianlan also saw Jiang Shangyu."

Qin Weibai's voice was deep and quiet.

The black Rolls-Royce flew abruptly while driving.

Qin Weibai's body shook slightly forward.

Huo Ran, the knight whose face changed dramatically, looked back at Qin Weibai in disbelief.

Qin Weibai is in Tiannan.

Li Tianlan is in Youzhou.

The two saw Jiang Shangyu at the same time?

"how can that be?!"

The knight raised his voice subconsciously, somewhat unbelievably.

"Nothing is impossible."

Qin Weibai said indifferently: "Like now, I am in Tiannan, but I am also in the headquarters of the Lin nationality."

The knight breathed violently, and at that moment, the whole person was ignorant.


The knight frowned tightly, his face dignified: "He and the palace master..."

"Probably the same, it is difficult to explain what is going on, but I can come back, and naturally he will come back."

Qin Weibai said softly.

The knight's brain was a little confused, and after a while, she realized what it meant.

"We have enemies."

The knight took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "An unimaginable enemy."

There are twelve kings in the reincarnation palace.

But the status of Uranus is also high and low.

In the real situation, the burning of the Twelve Heavenly Kings is naturally the most important, and was once the only king invincible.

Followed by military divisions and saints.

And then it is not a duke and a general whose strength is second only to the saints of the military division, but a knight whose strength may not be top but absolutely loyal.

Several of them knew the origin of the palace master from the beginning, and knew the inside story of the initial rise and rapid development of the reincarnation palace.

Twelve high-profile kings in the dark world.

Hidden in the dark, the sword of Nakasu.

The military division holding the absolute economy.

The Shengshi Fund, which can sweep the world with its funds, certainly has the capacity of Han Donglou, but also has the information of the prophet of the palace owner.

For more than ten years, they seized the opportunity again and again, and the reincarnation palace completed the accumulation at the fastest speed.

The core of all this is the reincarnation of the palace master.

It is the reincarnation master who knows what will happen before it happens.

Now, the state of the reincarnation palace is extremely poor, and it almost has fallen.

Jiang Shangyu appeared.

Like the reincarnation of the palace master, the unforeseen prophet Jiang Shangyu appeared.

The knight could not imagine how powerful the Jiang Shangyu had cultivated in the dark.

He can appear in front of Qin Weibai and Li Tianlan in a magnificent manner, which has already demonstrated an attitude in itself.

That kind of self-confidence can almost fear nothing.

"Not that serious..."

Qin Weibai shook his head: "His condition is a little special. When I came back that year, my righteous father wasted a lot of strength to stabilize my injury. Then, at the earliest time, I found myself. Jiang Shangyu didn't do that. Fortunately, he has been in a poor state over the years and cannot do much."

"But... since he dared to appear in front of me, indicating that he was indeed ready, things were a bit troublesome, but it was not impossible to solve."

The knight was silent for a long time before he whispered: "What strength is Jiang Shangyu at its heyday?"

"Break through the pinnacle of invincibility, only half a step away from the true supremacy, or even half a step away. He is the person who truly exerts the king's heart to the extreme. His will is indestructible, he practiced a thousand miles, and he can make up for himself while making progress. The defect is not the same as the waste in Kunlun City, which is also king-like but ultimately not invincible."

"In that era, Tianlan in its peak state could ignore everything, and after Tianlan, Wang Tianzong reluctantly stepped into that realm, but it was not satisfactory. Then, the closest to that realm was Wang Shengxiao. After that, it was Jiang Shangyu, followed by the Lin leisure of the Lin tribe. If we talk about the fighting power in the heyday, Jiang Shangyu in the peak state is stronger than the current Mr. Lin and Li Kuangju. It is really better than, probably It's similar to the robbery at the peak and Wang Tianzong who left Leiji City."

"If there is no ruthlessness, I couldn’t kill him and Wang Shengxiao at the beginning. Oh, the ruthlessness at that time was not a full-out eruption, but real self-destruction. It wanted more than Wang Shengxiao and Jiang Shangyu, and me, it It ruined everything before it became what it is now."

"Then now..."

The knight kept talking.

"He has Suzaku blood and Xuanwu blood that have evolved to the last level. Toxins of this degree have not been solved by anyone in the world at present. At most, they are reluctantly suppressed. He cannot return to the peak state, and Tianlan is now, far from The supreme state is only the accumulation and the final transformation. With mercilessness, he cannot threaten the safety of Tianlan, but since he dares to appear, it shows that he should also have the ability to protect himself."

Qin Weibai's voice gradually became a little deeper: "I don't worry about what Tianlan will do. Now, except for himself, there should be no one to hurt him. Jiang Shangyu is a little tricky, but in the future there will be time to deal with..."

Her voice became lighter and weaker: "I am worried now, how should I tell Tian Lan about this..."

"This...shall tell your majesty?"

The knight was slightly surprised.

"How could it not be said?"

Qin Weibai smiled bitterly: "It is meaningless to conceal such a serious matter. You must let Tian Lan know the possible consequences of Jiang Shangyu and his current strength. How can he not say it?"

The knight was silent.

"and so..."

She was silent for a long time before hesitating and said: "You are going back to the Lin nationality headquarters, do you want to see the situation of the palace master?"

"It's not."

Qin Weibai shook his head, leaned on the seat, and closed his eyes.

"I'm really tired."

She whispered: "Stay beside Tianlan, very happy, but also very tired, I know I am

Me, we have common thoughts, common behaviors, and even when we stand together, we all feel the same way. Can you understand? I am with me, it is not that I know what you are thinking. It’s what I’m thinking, what I’m thinking, thinking, senses, movements, everything, all exactly, without each other. I am who I am. "

"I'm with her. At close range, I don't need to read the deepened notes at all. I can directly read from my mind those pictures that I haven't experienced in that era, but I have experienced."

"We are a person. I firmly believe in this, accept this, and even firmly believe in this."

"But it's still very tiring... When I don't see Tianlan, I can take it for granted that we are alone. But when he is by his side, every time he looks at me, hugs me, and even presses on me At that time, I thought he was looking at another person, that person is me, but not me... such a feeling..."

Qin Weibai's voice was somewhat desperate: "Do you understand?"

The knight remained silent for a long time before shaking his head slightly.

"Actually...whether or not I am...maybe different in Tianlan's eyes? This is true in the mind of the military division, this is true in the heart of the fire, and it should be the same in his , Jiang Shangyu said I was a fake."

"Oh, I really can't really fake goods."

"In fact, before this, we knew the existence of Jiang Shangyu..."

"Just not sure who he really is..."

"I thought about the day when all this was exposed, but I didn't expect that it would come so fast..."

"Jiang Shangyu is the enemy. His majesty may not believe what he said."

The knight gave some pale comfort.

"I'm not sure if this is deception, but things have reached this point, maybe it's not deception, it's deception..."

Qin Weibai muttered to himself: "It's really tiring, you don't understand that feeling. I love him as much as I do, and I love him as much as possible. It's a strong feeling that is completely consistent, but In his heart, I and I may be different..."

"I don't want to go on like this."

She whispered: "Every time I see myself in the Lin clan, I will make sure that we are alone, so I want to go back and look at my own state. Anyway, at the right time, I will tell Tianlan all."

"I am her woman, not my substitute, I want him to accept a real me... nothing else."


The knight was silent for a long time before calmly speaking.

"I can understand what you don't understand."

Qin Weibai smiled: "So, I feel very tired."

"in case..."

The knight hesitated: "I mean if, if your majesty does not accept your identity? If he thinks you are not you, just like a fire, what will happen then?"

"No way."

Qin Weibai's eyes were calm and empty: "There is rain on the river. This seemingly seamless secret has a day when the truth will come to light. Tianlan will know sooner or later. The difference is only if I tell him, or someone tells him."

"Long pain is worse than short pain."

She whispered: "After returning from the Lin, I will confess everything to him."

"even if..."

The light outside the window shone on her face.

The delicate and perfect dream face is pale and almost transparent.

She shook her head vigorously and said softly, "Even if it was my end."

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