The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 202: : Stealers (4)

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At three o'clock in the afternoon, Li Tianlan walked out of the Hidden Dragon Sea meeting room in silence with Dongcheng invincible.

The meeting is over, but the result is extremely weird.

Jiang Shan assumed all the responsibilities, and the parliament gave him the power to deal with everything. This power was fully exerted to the limit in his hands.

The chaos of the legion's station has completely subsided. The people in northern Xinjiang began to count losses. The bodies of Huang Tong, Yang Shaoqing and others were sorted out. In front of the bodies, Jiang Shan once again gave a long speech, summed up, And commitment.

On behalf of Northern Xinjiang, he promised to all his family that the Northern Xinjiang Parliament will be responsible for the pension of the war dead and provide various care for his family.

Jiang Shan said a lot.

From beginning to end, the council members almost watched the whole process, but whether it was Li Huacheng or Li Tianlan, they never spoke.

When Jiangshan's speech ended, the meeting in Youzhou also ended.

There is no way to not end.

Jiang Shan did all the things he should not do, gave all the promises, and assumed all the responsibilities. There was no more detailed and more comprehensive treatment than this. When he was finished, the council members found that they even Not even North Xinjiang has to go.

The same is true in fact.

Until the end of Jiangshan's speech, which cut off communication with the parliament, Jiangshan did not mention the matter of sending the giants of the parliament to North Xinjiang, nor did they mention any financial subsidies to the parliament.

It was totally a feeling of being really counted, all emotions were sullen in my heart, and from the beginning to the end, Li Tianlan's expression was extremely cold.

"Jianshan's hand is a little sudden."

Sitting in the car, the driver started the car, and Dongcheng Invincible, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke.

"No one can take my stuff."

Li Tianlan's voice was light, but the words seemed to be mixed with a gust of ice.

My stuff.

He emphasized the tone in these words.

On the first night out of the desert prison, to be precise, when he was still arranging the bodies of the members of the East Palace on the desert, he already valued Northern Xinjiang.

It is approximately equal to one-sixth of the area of ​​Zhongzhou. The largest province in Zhongzhou has a large area and sparse population, with unlimited possibilities.

So when he talked to Dongcheng invincible that night, he made a request.

The war dead of the Northern Xinjiang Corps cannot receive the title of Martyr, nor can they distribute pensions.

For Zhongzhou, the former is more important, and for the families of those who died in battle, the latter is more important.

Moreover, the North Xinjiang Army has set off a desert war, but the report to the military is an exercise. This is completely an act of self-assertion. It involves hundreds of billions of pensions. It is basically impossible for Nakasu to get the money out of the finance, let alone The money may be drawn from military spending.

But without this amount of money, the families of tens of thousands of war dead will certainly not give up, and the soldiers surviving in the Northern Xinjiang Corps will also have ideas in their hearts.

But this is not to blame on Zhongzhou nor Li Tianlan.

Because of the actions of the Northern Xinjiang, the initial report was the exercise, only the exercise.

Without a pension, all family members and surviving soldiers of the North Xinjiang Army will vent their hatred and resentment on Huang Tong and the North Xinjiang Army.

This is undoubtedly the result Li Tianlan wants.

Huang Tong’s end is destined to be extremely miserable. Hundreds of thousands of hundreds of thousands of family members, the resentment and hatred of countless soldiers at the right time are enough to smash Huang Tong’s body.

This same

This is the result that Li Tianlan wanted.

Everything started with the death of Huang Tong, the loss of control of Northern Xinjiang, and the hearts of the Northern Xinjiang Army, all of which can tear a huge wound inside the Prince Group.

And when the authorities become precarious, the East Palace will come forward to solve the problem of Nakasu pensions.

Although this astronomical figure is not small for today's East Palace, it is far more than a broken bone.

The death of Huang Tong caused countless people to vent their grievances, and the East Palace began to contribute money regardless of the losses of the desert war.

A large amount of money was pulled out, and Li Tianlan’s purpose was clear, that is, to buy people’s hearts. At least once the money was in place, at least the North Xinjiang Army would fall completely under the control of the East Palace. After that, the East Palace also had a series of means to continuously strengthen the control of North Xinjiang. .

Just like Chen Fangqing said.

When the money was spent, in conjunction with some other actions, Li Tianlan bought the entire province of Northern Xinjiang for hundreds of billions.

By then, the Central European Army will still not be the martyr of the war dead of the North Xinjiang Army.

However, after taking control of Northern Xinjiang, Li Tianlan will give the treatment to the families of martyrs of war dead within Northern Xinjiang, not the standard of Nakasu, but the standard of the Eastern Palace.

This will be a huge attraction. It is entirely possible that the families of more than one hundred thousand to hundreds of thousands of war dead will stay in Northern Xinjiang and contribute to the future development of Northern Xinjiang.

Stealing the country?

Li Tianlan doesn't think so, but he has to admit that once this idea is realized, the future North Xinjiang will indeed be more free, more sensitive and highly weighted than it is now.

Li Tianlan originally planned to promote this plan after the decisive battle in northern Xinjiang.

Today's East Palace is not short of talents, and the Giants Group is also no lack. The cooperation between the two parties to promote this plan will be absolutely smooth.

This plan is no problem, the layout is no problem, the financial resources are no problem, and the resources are no problem.

But Li Tianlan never thought that such a serious problem occurred in time.

Almost exactly the same plan as him.

But it was not the East Palace that carried out the plan.


The Yangtze River Mountain in northern Xinjiang.

No one can think of the other party being so crazy and radical.

Li Tianlan didn't expect anyone other than him and the Beihai Wangs to dare to play such an idea.

But there is no doubt that when everyone is unprepared, Jiangshan's gamble is successful.

He was originally the Speaker of the North Xinjiang, and has a natural advantage over the East Palace. Nowadays, Li Tianlan thinks of all the steps that have been almost completed by Jiangshan.

This seems impossible.

At this stage, no one can really stop Jiang Shan from doing so.

This time the matter is too sensitive. It is no longer a matter of northern Xinjiang, but a matter of concern for the military mind of the entire Zhongzhou. Anyway, it must be resolved quickly.

For Li Tianlan, this is a complete failure, but it is ridiculous that such a failure is not a loss to strategy or resources or strength.

It was lost to time.

That's all.

The plan and ideas are almost the same. The only difference is that Jiangshan used his identity as the speaker, so he moved faster, more decisively, and more fiercely.

Li Tianlan leaned on the back of the seat of the vehicle, took a deep breath, and suddenly said: "Minister."

"You said."

Dongcheng invincible hum.

"Where did North Xinjiang get so much money?"

Li Tianlan asked slowly.

Jiangshan's speech repeatedly emphasized that if Zhongzhou does not give pensions, then North Xinjiang will pay the sum.

This sentence has appeared many times, which is equivalent to pushing yourself and North Xinjiang to the opposite of the Parliament. However, family members who were originally desperate and out of control will undoubtedly recognize North Xinjiang Province.

Just because of the financial situation of northern Xinjiang, how can hundreds of billions of pensions be paid at once? The normal operation of a province requires money in all aspects, countless projects, salaries of public servants, research funds, funds of various departments, various, and varied. The reason why North Xinjiang has such a special map on Zhongzhou The status is not because of economic development, but because of the sensitive situation. For North Xinjiang, it is theoretically impossible for them to get the money. After all, they only look at economic development. North Xinjiang and Wu Yue, Huating and Nanyue, There is no comparison with places like Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

"This is exactly what we can't figure out."

Dongcheng Invincible shook his head slowly: "But since Jiangshan can give a promise, there must be a way, maybe...maybe it is foreign funds."

His voice was a little cold: "Jiangshan..."

He murmured to himself, and Dongcheng Invincible sneered: "I really underestimated him before, the biting dog is not toothy, this time it is a long experience."

"Check it."

Li Tianlan said in a low tone: "I will let the Prosperity Fund cooperate to figure out the source of his funds first. It is impossible that Jiangshan is behind him."

"If you are right, it is overseas funds..."

Li Tianlan thought of Chen Fangqing's evaluation and smiled: "Jiangshan is a real thief."

Dongcheng invincible nodded, thought for a while, and slowly said: "Beside the northern border, don't act lightly."

Li Tianlan yelled.

Invincible Dongcheng was relieved, he was afraid of Li Tianlan's youthful spirit, not reconciled to this defeat.

This kind of failure is somewhat inexplicable, and there is no problem in itself, but a cross-legged mountain directly occupies the right place and the right people. This is undoubtedly the most suffocating place. If Li Tianlan can’t stand it, he can make a point. What is going on, the situation in northern Xinjiang is bound to be even more chaotic.

"Can't I do anything?"

Li Tianlan smiled: "I am afraid that the president will not support me to do anything. Before I figure out who is behind the river, I can only look at it and talk about it."

"The timing of the other party's choice is a bit strange, don't you feel a little hasty?"

Li Tianlan thought deeply, and finally shook his head: "Is it estimated what are you planning? But..."

He narrowed his eyes: "Since the other party has the courage to get North Xinjiang, even if it is planning something, it should be at the final stage. If it is not determined to go to the front desk from behind the scenes, the other party's behavior will not be so crazy."

"So the people behind Jiangshan will definitely appear in front of everyone in the near future, and just look at it."

"I still say that."

Li Tianlan said calmly: "No one can take my things."

Dongcheng Invincible reached out and patted Li Tianlan on the shoulder, without speaking.

"What are your plans next?"

He asked.

Li Tianlan was silent for a while, watching Dongcheng invincible.

His eyes are a little complicated.

"Li Xi will join the East Palace and should return to Tiannan with me."

Li Tianlan said quietly: "Bring their mother and daughter back, and then go to Beihai. This game has been going on for so long, it should be over."

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