The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 945: : road blocker

Qin Weibai was silent for ten minutes.

During the whole process, Wang Yuetong, the mother and daughter of the He family, Han Xinyan, and even the little tide in her arms unconsciously became silent and did not make any sound.

Especially the mother and daughter of the He family. They obviously had a lot to communicate. Their eyes kept looking at each other, but they both lost the desire to communicate at the moment they were about to speak. Although they were already quite anxious and anxious, they couldn't say what was coming to their mouths. By the way, I didn’t even want to say a word.

"never mind."

Qin Weibai smiled again: "Some minor accidents just happened, which have nothing to do with the overall situation."

Fatty Xuanyuan's fate was summed up by his sister-in-law's understatement of a little accident.

Time is still passing.

Qin Weibai can still recall the content about the new camp and new permissions, which can already explain a lot of problems.

Nothingness camp, memory authority.

As more and more memories were recovered, Qin Weibai gradually gained a basic understanding of this authority, at least its core concept.

Concept is not about ability, but about direction.

Every camp, no matter how much authority it has, must have the same direction.

The ultimate direction of the order camp is the world.

The world has always existed, affecting the entire universe. In this direction, the ceiling-level combat power is the authority of order.

The ultimate direction of the chaotic camp is disorder. At present, when there are not many chaotic creatures, there is no need to think too much about it.

The direction of the neutral camp is truth, which is what Li Tianlan is working hard now.

The concept of the neutral camp has always been that intelligent life is a creature between reality and illusion. Standing on this dividing line, with the promotion of authority and the improvement of life level, step by step, it will eventually become even It is a real life that the world cannot affect.

Li Tianlan was about to reach the end in this direction. He chose one authority from each of the three authorities to merge and seek the final promotion.

And the future void camp...

The direction is nothingness.

This camp also believes that intelligent life is a creature between reality and illusion.

With the same philosophy, the two camps are destined not to be enemies.

Based on this condition, the direction of the void camp is completely opposite to neutrality.

The neutral camp believes that life should become more and more real with the advancement of authority, and eventually become truly real.

The nihilistic camp believes that life should become more and more illusory with the promotion of authority, and eventually things will reverse, and the reverse will become reality, or become the most complete nothingness.

It is still impossible to prove who is right and who is wrong about the concepts of Li Tianlan and the void camp. After all, Li Tianlan has not yet taken the final step.

If he succeeds in promotion and becomes real, then it proves that the extreme of nothingness camp is wrong. The extreme of nothingness will not be reality, but only nothingness. If Li Tianlan fails to succeed, then the nothingness camp will become another mainstream direction. .

When the authority of all camps and all authorities is only two words, the three-word authority title of memory authority itself means that it is special.

Incorrect is not a mistake.

Rather, it involves the negation of a concept, including both wrong and correct answers.

The so-called error is that one plus one equals three, which is wrong, but in the incorrect concept, one plus one equals three is correct, and this is incorrect.

In this concept, any wrong can become right, and any right can also become wrong.


This means that after the memory authority reaches this level, the scope of action has no boundaries at all. In the vast starry sky, the other party can appear anywhere at will regardless of distance, or disappear from any place, or even exist at the same time.

This should involve clones, or domain-type abilities.

As for incorrect + boundless, the combination of the two powers is enough to have an effect similar to the power of lies to ignore the distance and boundaries of time and space.

Memory authority can directly affect the present from the future, which is an incorrect manifestation and is also a borderless manifestation.

As for the last authority, there is no rule...

Qin Weibai has not experienced it yet, but he thinks it should be similar to chaotic authority.

The neutral camp pursues truth, so on the road to authority promotion, all major authorities will move closer to order to a certain extent.

For example, some abilities of destiny and spiritual authority are very similar.

As for the Nihility Camp, which pursues nothingness, it will inevitably approach chaos on the road to authority promotion.

Two different directions...

Qin Weibai suddenly found that he was distracted again, and he was thinking more and more deeply about the void camp.

The most important thing is...

To this day, she can still remember what she just thought.

The core of memory authority is memory.

Regardless of the authority of this authority, unilaterally blocking the other party's memory can be said to be a basic skill.

In the East Palace, which is affected by memory authority, to put it bluntly, if the other party doesn't want Qin Weibai to think deeply about this issue, then what she was thinking about one second may be forgotten the next second.

The other party's identity, origin, appearance, and personality are now completely blank in Qin Weibai's mind.

But the information about memory permissions still exists.

Does this indicate the other party's attitude?

The supreme being from the future with memory authority has no hostility towards himself and Tian Lan?

This seems like nonsense.

After all, that **** girl has her elbows turned out to this extent, which is enough to illustrate the relationship between them.

But the relationship between the other party and Feng Qingwu is completely different from the relationship between the other party and herself and even Tianlan.

Tianlan is about to be called the father-in-law killer.

So how optimistic can Qin Weibai and Li Tianlan be about their sons-in-law?

But at least it seems to be okay now.

The other party is not hostile, and furthermore...

The other party can always remember information about memory permissions. Is this an alternative invitation to cooperate?

Qin Weibai suddenly thought of the disappeared third-floor underground laboratory.

What Li Tianlan forgot, the God of War who appeared in the laboratory, memory permissions...

The various clues seemed unrelated at the moment, but she suddenly had an intuition that everything would converge in that laboratory.

Qin Weibai took a deep breath and suddenly wanted to go to that place again.

Looking at Wang Yuetong sitting next to him and the mother and daughter of the He family a little further away, Qin Weibai smiled and said softly: "Life is destined to be full of crises, but there is no need to be too desperate, at least in the current environment. Here, it won’t be like this.”

"Tianlan will give up the world, but he will never give up on Central Continent. The underground city project has already started. He fell asleep this time because he finished building the underground main city of Youzhou and then fell into a deep sleep. That city... If we don't pay attention to comfort and make the population denser, at least hundreds of millions of people can survive.

Even if people were allowed to live more comfortably, at least tens of millions of people could survive there.

In the next period of time, there will be six such main cities, and in addition, there will be more acropolis.

You should have seen Teacher Li Huacheng's announcement. Zhongzhou will not give up any citizen, and the same is true for the dynasty.

As for the He family..."

Qin Weibai looked at the nervous mother and daughter of the He family, and said softly: "Auntie and Yishui don't need to be too nervous. In fact, it's just a change of life. I don't want to say thank you, but you have shown kindness to Yuetong in the past few years. , completely worthy of the dynasty’s deserved reward for you.

Remember, this is a natural reward, not a gift.

Even if the world ends, there will still be order in the dynasty.

Whatever the He family needs, power, wealth, status, whatever, I still say, this is a matter of course, it is what you should get, you can think about it, what you want, of course, it doesn't matter if you can't think of it. of.

Yuetong is also considered a member of your He family, and she can definitely make arrangements for you. "

She used the word "naturally" several times in a row.

In her opinion, this is how it should be.

The He family helped Yuetong, whether intentionally or unintentionally. As a result, it was impossible for her to turn a blind eye, and it was even more impossible for Li Tianlan to turn a blind eye.

Therefore, in the new order, it is natural for the He family to soar to the sky. Even if they don't accept it, Li Tianlan has many ways to make them accept it.

"I will be a little busy next time and may not have much time to spend with you."

Qin Weibai smiled and touched Wang Yuetong's short hair: "My silly sister is not an outsider, she is also the mistress of the East Palace, and will be one of the mistresses of the entire dynasty in the future. She and I have the same authority. Whatever I can do, she can do.

So let her entertain you next. Auntie, you have come to your daughter's home. Don't see anyone outside, okay? "

Mrs. He smiled bitterly, still a little cautious, and nodded.

Qin Weibai didn't say anything anymore. She knew very well that as long as she didn't leave, the other party wouldn't be able to adapt at all for a while.

"Sister, next..."

Wang Yuetong asked subconsciously.

"The construction of the Acropolis requires me."

Qin Weibai sighed: "I have to go to Youzhou to pick up that stupid thing..."

She has the ability to make dreams come true, and Xibai's life authority is equally useful. During the period when Li Tianlan is sleeping, she and Xibai will build several acropolis near the main city of Youzhou to help Li Tianlan share the pressure. .

But before that, she had to go to the laboratory.

"You have a good rest, I won't accompany you anymore."

Qin Weibai stood up and nodded, handed Xiao Chao Xi to Wang Yuetong, and walked out of the office.

The more casual her attitude is, the more it shows that she does not regard Wang Yuetong as an outsider, and Wang Yuetong can feel more relaxed inside.

Wang Yuetong did feel a lot more relaxed, but she also felt more and more panicked because of Qin Weibai's departure.

She suddenly realized that if Qin Weibai left the East Palace...

He is still sleeping, so when he wakes up, won't he be the only one facing him?

How to do this...

"It's okay sister."

Han Xinyan, who had always been silent on the side, seemed to be resurrected after Qin Weibai left. She sat next to Wang Yuetong and said, "Sister, I will be with you..."

The He family's mother and daughter stiffened and slowly turned their heads to look at Han Xinyan.

Wang Yuetong:? ? ?

Outside the office.

Qin Weibai closed his eyes and once again imagined himself appearing in the laboratory on the third floor underground.

The mental power fluctuated silently for a moment.

The next second, she opened her eyes, only to find that she was still standing there.

And there was someone in front of her who didn't exist before.


He was standing opposite Qin Weibai at this time, looking at her silently.

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