The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 936: :the same person

He Yishui thought that the fact that his best friend suddenly turned into Li Tianlan's wife was magical enough, but at this moment, he suddenly realized that all this was just the beginning.

An even more magical development appeared directly in front of her without any psychological preparation.

The air in the ward suddenly resembled water ruffled by the wind, and pieces of transparent air ripples began to spread toward the surroundings.

At the core of the spread of the ripples, the outlines of two human figures were quickly outlined. One figure was chubby and looked like a man, while the other one had not yet seen his face, but just looking at his figure made people move. The charm of keeping your eyes open.

The tall and graceful lines are exquisite and stunning, and they are becoming clearer quickly.

He Yishui just blinked, and then the next second she suddenly realized that the images of the man and woman in front of her had changed greatly.

The chubby figure turned into half in an instant, his upper body disappeared inexplicably, leaving only two legs standing.

Although the outline of the female figure is still complete, the outline has become extremely blurred and almost unrecognizable.


A clear and cold voice sounded directly in the ward.

The majestic mental power reached its peak in a ten thousandth of a second, and then quickly fell back.

Without anyone noticing, Xiao Chao Xiang, who was lying in Wang Yuetong's arms, moved, and the shadow of her small body turned into a stunning figure of beauty.

This figure began to disappear at the same time as it appeared.

The power of incomplete authority left here was completely shattered by mental power at close range.

Qin Weibai and Xuanyuan Wushang arrived directly in the ward.

The unbelievable way of appearing made He Yishui's brain freeze. She blinked her eyes stiffly, with only one thought left in her mind: "I saw a god."

Not only was the way Qin Weibai arrived so unbelievable, it was also because of Qin Weibai's image that He Yishui instinctively had this perception.

Qin Weibai was not dressed up.

Because Li Tianlan was already asleep, this time she did not wear high heels that could speed up Li Tianlan's attack. Instead, she wore a pair of flat white shoes. Simple white wide-leg pants wrapped her legs, and her upper body was very suitable for the weather. She wears a light blue shirt in a southern climate, no jewelry or makeup, and her hair is pulled up lazily and casually.

But even so, He Yishui still felt from the bottom of his heart that he had never seen such a beautiful... no, such a perfect woman since he was a child.

It was a visceral obsession.

She was standing there, but she easily fulfilled all of He Yishui's beautiful imaginations.

She saw delicacy, laziness, elegance, dignity, purity, charm, maturity, and holiness from him...

All kinds of temperaments seemed to be perfectly integrated into her body. He Yishui wanted to see what she looked like, and the next moment she would automatically become the most perfect image in He Yishui's heart.

Without realizing it, her footsteps began to instinctively move towards Qin Weibai, her eyes full of sinking.

Xuanyuan Wushang coughed lightly.

There was inexplicable power in his voice, which made He Yishui sober up.

Cold sweat suddenly appeared on her forehead, and she avoided looking at Qin Weibai.

Gods and fairies.

Two thoughts kept intertwining in her mind.

What kind of woman is this? When he saw her for the first time, He Yishui even felt that he had lost his soul. His whole body seemed to be hypnotized. He didn't think about anything and just wanted to get closer instinctively.

She is like this for every woman...

If a man saw her, would he go completely crazy?

He Yishui had always thought that words such as "disaster for the country, disaster for the people, beauty and disaster" were a bit ridiculous. They were just an excuse for some men to evade responsibility and put the blame on women. But it wasn't until she saw Qin Weibai that she understood how valuable these words were. .

At least He Yishui felt that if she were a man, she would really do anything to get such a woman.

Xuanyuan Wushang glanced around the ward in silence, and his eyes finally stopped on Xiao Chao.

"People just left..."

Xuanyuan Wushang didn't dare to have any emotion in his voice.

Facing Feng Qingwu, she cowered.

When Feng Qingwu faced Qin Weibai, Feng Qingwu got scared, so she simply ran away.

How to describe the behavior of His Highness?

It was like a naughty child who knew that she was in trouble. Seeing that the situation was not good, she notified her grandmother that she wanted to seek shelter. However, she waited and waited. Before her grandmother came, she found that her mother had come to arrest her before her grandmother. In order to To escape punishment, run away from home first...

It sounds ridiculous, but that's really what it is.

Xuanyuan Wushang suppressed himself from laughing, looked at Qin Weibai and said, "Do you want to chase him?"

"She has to come back."

Qin Weibai shook her head, her attention had been completely attracted by the little girl in Wang Yuetong's arms.

"elder sister."

Wang Yuetong finally reacted, stood up, pursed her lips, and let out a somewhat unnatural cry.

"Ah, um..."

Qin Weibai responded hesitantly, looked at the child, stretched out his hand and said: "Give me a hug... No, not yet, I can only hold her when she recovers..."

With her eyesight, she can naturally see the conditions of small tides.

The child is not sick at all.

Her current symptoms are only due to the influence of the aura of order on her.

It should be some subtle effects left by that dead girl Feng Qingwu when she came into contact with her. Feng Qingwu was responsible for most of these effects, and some minor ones were borne by Xiao Tide. The symptom she showed was fever. , and the fever persists.

In fact, it's okay to let the little one continue to burn like this. The influence of the breath of order will gradually transform her body, and the pain and weakness caused by the fever will not be felt by the little one at all. She will be normal while having a fever. When you grow up, except for a higher body temperature, you will not be any different from others.

It is also very simple to solve this problem and does not even require any drugs.

As a neutral supreme, Li Tianlan can completely suppress the symptoms caused by the aura of order.

So now, as long as we return to Tiannan and put the child next to the sleeping Li Tianlan, even if Li Tianlan is still sleeping, under the blood induction, the neutral aura on Li Tianlan will completely erase the influence of order on Xiao Chao. The process will not take more than a minute, and Xiao Tide's body temperature will return to normal immediately.

Qin Weibai took two steps forward and completely controlled her breath. She approached Wang Yuetong and looked down at the little girl in her arms. After half a minute, she whispered softly: "It's so beautiful. "

Li Chaoxi laughed in his mother's arms and took the initiative to extend his little hand towards Qin Weibai.

"Sister...sister, do you want a hug?"

Wang Yuetong looked at Qin Weibai carefully and said with some anxiety.

She and Qin Weibai hadn't seen each other for several years, and even before she left Beihai, to be honest, the two were not very familiar with each other.

She called Qin Weibai sister, which was Qin Weibai's instruction, which was a tacit agreement that she would stay with Li Tianlan.

But being allowed to stay with Li Tianlan by default is completely different from allowing them to have a child.

And even if Qin Weibai asked herself to call her sister, that didn't mean how much she liked herself.

Wang Yuetong knew this very well. Qin Weibai was the sister she called him from Li Tianlan's point of view. In fact, Qin Weibai would definitely not be particularly pleased with her.

Wang Yuetong was very worried about what Qin Weibai would think of Li Chaoxi.

"I'd love to have a hug, but I'm not in the right place right now."

Qin Weibai smiled: "When she recovers, I will take her to play again."

Wang Yuetong wanted to say something else, but a tinkling sound suddenly sounded.

She turned her head in astonishment and looked at Xuanyuan Wushang who appeared with Qin Weibai.

She didn't know this fat man, nor his background, nor why he came with Qin Weibai.

In his sight, countless parts were falling from the fat man's body. Things similar to screws or small gadgets the size of glass **** were being taken out by him. He took out too much and couldn't hold it steadily in his hands. So he simply He threw it on the ground, and in a blink of an eye, there was a lot of stuff on the floor of the ward.

Li Chaoxi looked at Xuanyuan Wushang curiously in his mother's arms.

"Ahem, I'm going to prepare some gifts for my niece."

Xuanyuan Wushang coughed dryly and explained.

Wang Yuetong looked at the pile of screws and glass **** he took out silently, and forced a smile: "Thank you, but..."

"Can you put away your pile of rags? This is not the path this child will take in the future."

Wang Yuetong frowned.

"This is all good stuff."

Xuanyuan Wushang was a little embarrassed, but he had no confidence in his rebuttal.

Qin Weibai was too lazy to pay attention to him. The things Xuanyuan Wushang took out were indeed good things to put in the starry sky. Once the glass **** left the city of miracles, they could turn into massive stars, or other Celestial bodies with extremely strong energy, even the screws, are countless times larger in mass than the planet they live on now.

As the Apostle of Destruction with the eighth level of technological authority, Xuanyuan Wushang's profound knowledge is unbelievable. But the problem is that in the City of Miracles, where the energy utilization rate is quite limited, it is really just like rags. It is of great value. It's just useless.

"Sister-in-law, I think this child is quite suitable for this path... This is also the norm..."

Xuanyuan Wushang said seriously.

"She can choose her own path in the future."

Qin Weibai said lightly.

"But this is the best. The little guy is different from those others, and you and Sister-in-law Yuetong are also different."

Qin Weibai was silent for a moment and did not speak.

She understood what Xuanyuan Wushang meant.

Li Chaoxi and Feng Qingwu are completely different from Taihao and Li Dongcheng.

They have the same father, but different mothers.

The biggest difference between Qin Weibai's child and Wang Yuetong's child is that the latter does not have the 'protection' from order.

Qin Weibai herself is the supreme leader of the order camp. The children she gave birth to have the supreme bloodline of Li Tianlan, but they also have the aura of order from Qin Weibai.

This means that every child of Li Tianlan and Qin Weibai will not be weaker than Xia Zhi in talent, and the upper limit can reach the ninth level of authority, condensing the true brand.

Taihao, Feng Qingwu, and Li Dongcheng are all like this.

But Li Chaoxi is the child of Li Tianlan and Wang Yuetong, or in other words, Li Chaoxi's supreme heir under normal circumstances, without any influence from the mother's body. Her level is the same as Xuanyuan Wushang.

Under normal circumstances, the bloodline of the supreme heirs is equally strong. As long as they grow up, they can basically reach the height of eighth level authority.

This is not to say that as the heirs of the Supreme, they are destined to be unable to reach the ninth level of a certain authority in their lifetime, but that their own bloodline can only support them to reach the eighth level of authority. If they want to advance further, they must follow Compared with other eight-level permissions, there is no advantage. You need to rely on your own efforts and a certain degree of luck to bet on the slightest chance.

Xuanyuan Wushang is a normal supreme descendant. He has three kinds of authority, and they have all reached the peak of the eighth level. Among them, theoretically, he can be promoted to the ninth level of destiny authority. He has accumulated it for an era, but he still doesn't have the slightest bit. Grasp it and continue to settle into the next era.

His bloodline power can no longer bring him any help at this level.

Li Chaoxi will also encounter such a dilemma in the future.

So Xuanyuan Wushang chose the best path for him: technological authority.

In the neutral camp, who are the powerful people with scientific and technological authority?

I can't say all of them, but most, or even most, of the powerful people with scientific and technological authority are basically the second generation. ’

Especially the Supreme Scion.

The first authority chosen by most supreme descendants is the technology authority. There are many reasons for this, and it can also be said to be the safest choice.

The supreme heirs can reach the height of eighth level authority relatively smoothly when they grow up.

Among all the eight levels of authority, the comprehensive strength of the science and technology authority is the strongest.

The Supreme Heir will not lack the resources and wealth most needed for scientific and technological authority, and can be of great use on various battlefields while ensuring its own safety to the greatest extent.

Such a permission seems to be tailor-made for the supreme heir.

Their blood can support them to reach the eighth level of authority.

As for the authority of the order camp, the upper limit of technology authority in the neutral camp is level eight.

Technology authority requires a lot of knowledge, resources, and wealth.

These are the things that their group lacks the most.

Having reached the eighth level of technological authority, you can stay in the safest place, and you can also command your mechanical army to play a huge role on various battlefields, and you can best avoid risks.

Putting everything together, this is the best path no matter how you look at it. It can be said to be the first choice for the top second generation in the neutral camp.

Similar to Lin Jiu, similar to Lin Shiyi, those who directly attack martial arts are unconventional. After all, they are not Taihao and Feng Qingwu. Such a choice is equivalent to blocking themselves to a certain extent. of retreat.

Under normal circumstances, you should choose the safest path first. Even if you find that your potential has not been exhausted after this path reaches its upper limit, you can still have the opportunity to choose again.

This is what Xuanyuan Wushang is.

His first permission choice was the technology permission.

After reaching the eighth level of peak technological authority, his potential has not been exhausted, and he has a certain ability to protect himself. Then in the new era of the next era, he directly chooses destiny authority.

After the Destiny Authority reached the eighth level, he could not see the opportunity for promotion, and because of his impetuous mentality at the time, he chose the Life Authority again in the third era of his life.

This directly made him one of the strongest few among all eight-level people.

His choice seemed to lack some courage, but it was undeniable that this choice was extremely safe and minimized all risks.

Xuanyuan Wushang felt that Li Chaoxi could definitely follow the path he had taken. He would first choose the technology authority to see the situation. When the technology authority could not be promoted, he would have a certain strength anyway. If the potential was exhausted, there would be no discussion. If there is still potential that can be tapped, you can choose other permissions with the strength of technological permissions in the next era.

Today's world is still very young, and there are still many things they can do to adjust their paths.

Qin Weibai could also understand the reason, but she was not Li Chaoxi's mother and was not qualified to make decisions for Li Chaoxi. As for Wang Yuetong, for a while, she wouldn't understand even if he told her.

Therefore, Li Chaoxi's future path can only be decided by Li Tianlan.

"We don't talk about that."

Qin Weibai said in a calm voice: "Tianlan will arrange it."

Xuanyuan Wushang shrugged and said no more.

Qin Weibai stretched out his finger and gently tapped Li Chaoxi's chubby little hand. He looked at Wang Yuetong and chuckled: "Have you ever been wronged outside in the past few years?"


Wang Yuetong shook her head: "I live a good life here..."

Wang Yuetong paused and looked at the mother and daughter of the He family: "Sister, let me introduce to you. This is He Yishui, my best friend. This is my godmother. I have lived with them in the past few years. Together, they took great care of me.”

"Hello everyone, Yuetong is causing trouble for you."

Qin Weibai looked at the He family's mother and daughter with a smile: "I will tell Tianlan, and he will come to thank him personally."

He Yishui smiled unnaturally and looked at Qin Weibai: "I... I also call you sister?"

Qin Weibai looked too young, but her aura was too strong. He Yishui couldn't even judge her age for a while, so he could only follow Wang Yuetong and call her sister.

Qin Weibai's expression was a little strange.

Wang Yuetong's expression was also a little strange.

"No, it's not..."

Wang Yuetong wanted to explain, but she didn't know how to say it: "Yishui, just call...well...just..."

"Just call me Xiaobai, my name is Qin Weibai."

Qin Weibai smiled: "If you call me sister, you will be misunderstood."

"What's the misunderstanding? Isn't this a normal title?"

He Yishui was a little surprised: "Aren't you and Yuetong sisters?"

"Yuetong calls me sister...but we are not relatives."

Qin Weibai smiled and said: "Our husbands are the same person, so she calls me sister. If you call me sister like that, others will misunderstand me."


The same husband? !

Qin Weibai... Wang Yuetong...

The mother and daughter of the He family looked at Qin Weibai dumbfounded, and then at Wang Yuetong.

After a long while, He Yishui murmured to himself: "So...she is such a sister..."

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