The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 934: : mother and daughter

For the He family's mother and daughter, the whole world seemed to suddenly become a little magical.

Before Wang Yuetong's phone call, none of them thought that their lives would suddenly change so much.

Mrs. He was stunned by Wang Yuetong who walked out of the bathroom. Before she could recover from the legend of Beihai Wang's wealthy family, the hospital had already responded urgently to Ji Ankang's arrival.

Heads and heads from various departments rushed over at a trot. Professor Liu Qin, who was following the deputy dean, didn't understand what happened until he entered the ward and saw Ji Ankang.

In less than twenty minutes, the head of the city government of Qindao hurriedly arrived with his confidants. It was said that the two people in Dongshan who were still nominally ranked above Ji Ankang had left urgently and were already on their way to Qindao.

Then the entire hospital went directly into a state of martial law.

In the sight of the He family's mother and daughter, all the big shots who could probably only be seen on TV lined up to greet Wang Yuetong. As the absolute master of Qindao, He Yishui even stood in front of the man who was known for his strong skills. Speaker Qindao saw a little embarrassment on his face.

And more so-called big shots who can influence Qindao seem to have a clear hierarchy around this ward.

Ji Ankang, there was also a big shot from Dongshan who accompanied Ji Ankang to Qindao, and the two leaders of Qindao.

This qualified him to express concern for Wang Yuetong.

The MPs from Qindao are temporarily qualified to enter the ward.

Below this level, one is not even qualified to enter the ward.

But no matter what level they are, they can be said to be well-deserved big shots. This only shows that Wang Yuetong's level is a bit ridiculously high, which is why he caused such an exaggerated reaction.

The mother and daughter of the He family, who had truly felt the power of a top wealthy family for the first time, were completely stunned. They already knew Wang Yuetong's true identity. They were very sure of one thing, that is, the lineup that seemed to be extremely exaggerated was actually just the beginning.

The time is too short and the number of people who come is too limited.

If the time is extended, the levels here will probably be re-divided. By then, the two Qindao people may not even be qualified to stand in the ward.

The levels and gaps between people are vividly reflected in this ward. What makes He Yishui feel even more outrageous is that maybe it is because of the feelings of taking care of Wang Yuetong, or it may be because of other reasons. In the eyes of their mother and daughter, everyone After greeting Wang Yuetong, people who were considered important people would come to thank her and Mrs. He seriously, politely and respectfully, saying "Thank you for your hard work" and talking about "you, you, you".

The speaker of Qindao is relatively younger. He is less than forty-five years old. When he opens his mouth, he calls her aunt. He Yishui clearly saw that his mother's body trembled when she called out this title.

Although everyone who entered the ward was restraining their actions and voices, a little movement still woke up Li Chaoshi, who was sleeping.

The little one who had just woken up did not cry or fuss. He moved his little body on the bed and looked at the strangers curiously. After Wang Yuetong took her into his arms, he started dancing and laughing happily.

The little guy still has a fever, but he is not weak at all and is in good spirits.

Everyone unanimously praised this little Highness, whom they had never heard of before. Almost every word of comfort and praise could reach Wang Yuetong's heart. For a young mother, praising her child is far more important than praising her. I know it's much more useful to ask questions.

In a warm but not chaotic atmosphere, the He family's mother and daughter secretly hid in the bathroom and gently closed the door.

As soon as the door was closed, Mrs. He sat directly on the toilet lid and said helplessly: "This array is too scary, but it's okay. The bigger the array, the better. This means that the little guy will definitely get it next." The best treatment, that’s a good thing.”

"Mom, how does it feel to be called aunt by Speaker Qindao?"

He Yishui smiled and joked.

The corners of Mrs. He's mouth twitched, feeling? How could she feel? At that time, her mind was completely blank and she had no reaction at all.

"The daughter of the leader of the Beihai Wang clan is equivalent to the little princess of Beihai. Looking at her current situation, in a few hours, I would even believe that a member of the Central Continent will come over."

She said something in a daze, her eyes a little complicated.

He Yishui opened her mouth, not knowing what to say, because she inexplicably felt that the relationship was a bit confusing.

Wang Yuetong made it very clear that Xiao Chao Xi's father had a very bad relationship with the Beihai Wang family, and Ji Ankang was someone whom Xiao Chao Xi's father valued very much.

But this is what He Yishui cannot understand the most. Why did Wang Yuetong call her sister, but it was someone from Xiaochao Xi's father who came...

If the relationship between the two parties is very bad, then what is the relationship between Yuetong's sister and Chao Xi's father?

And are those people outside the door related to the Beihai Wang family or to Chao Tide's father?

Regarding that 'sister', Yuetong's attitude seems to be very subtle and her words are also very vague.

What makes He Yishui even more curious is...

Who is Xiao Tide's father?

Instinctively, he no longer dared to call the other person a bastard. He only vaguely speculated that Xiao Chao Xiong's father should be many years older than Yuetong. It was possible that he was forty years old or even older.

He Yishui has nothing to say about this. Wang Yuetong's identity means that she cannot be the type to cling to men, so even if she falls in love with a man who is much older than her, it should mean that he is indeed attractive. , rather than other factors.

"President the father of Xiao Chao, um, Yuetong said."

He Yishui said softly.

Mrs. He was stunned for a moment and asked instinctively: "Who is the father of that... little tide?"

He Yishui shook his head and whispered: "Yuetong didn't say anything, it should be inconvenient."

Mrs. He also reacted.

A person like Ji Ankang is the little guy's father...

Ji Ankang is in his forties. How old is the little guy's father? At least he should be the same age as Ji Ankang, so why is it inconvenient for Yuetong to tell?

The shock brought to her by the Beihai Wang family has not passed yet, and now there is a more mysterious father, Xiao Tide's father...

What kind of magical characters are these...

Mrs. He rubbed her forehead and was silent for a while before speaking in a complicated voice: "No matter who it is... Yuetong and the others should leave after this time..."

When she said this, Mrs. He's heart twitched extremely violently, and her voice became hoarse in pain.

Under normal circumstances, they and the entire He family might not even be qualified to speak to Wang Yuetong.

But by mistake, the little princess came to Dongshan and even joined He Yishui's company.

There is a need for fate between people.

Mrs. He firmly believes in this.

She really likes Wang Yuetong and Li Chaoxi and has no other thoughts.

Now that Wang Yuetong's identity has been exposed, Zhongzhou doesn't know how many eyes are focusing on it. This means that Xiao Chao will definitely get the best treatment in the future, but it also means that Wang Yuetong's avoidance is meaningless. , she will leave here next.

Mrs. He really felt as if her daughter and granddaughter were leaving her. Her eyes were red and she was so distressed that her breathing was trembling.

"Didn't Yuetong say that she is going to Tiannan? We will go to Tiannan together. Even the eldest brother can be transferred directly."

He Yishui knelt down in front of Mrs. He.

"What can we do?"

Mrs. He sighed: "What are the identities of those people outside? This is just the beginning. When Tongtong... Tongtong really goes to Tiannan, and when she stabilizes, the people she comes into contact with on weekdays are beyond our imagination. , I didn’t feel comfortable going to Tiannan, so I decided not to go.”

He Yishui wanted to talk about the crisis mentioned by Wang Yuetong and Speaker Li Huacheng's announcement, but after thinking about it, he said nothing.

The mother's choice was normal. She didn't want to go to Tiannan, and she didn't want others to say that the He family was plotting against Wang Yuetong after going to Tiannan. It was also because of Mr. He's character.

These are all problems, and He Yishui has nothing to do, but these are not problems in front of Wang Yuetong.

Although his best friend's appearance and identity have changed, He Yishui did not notice any changes in their relationship.

In the He family, no matter how much Mrs. He insists, no matter how stubborn Mr. He is, no matter what happens, there is nothing that Wang Yuetong can't solve by being coquettish. If there is, then go to Xiaotide.

He Yishui's 10,000 words may not be as useful as Xiao Tide's vague calls for grandparents.

The ward outside the bathroom gradually became quiet.

He Yishui listened attentively, and there seemed to be no one outside.

"They all seem to have gone out. Mom, let's go out and have a look?"

He Yishui asked.

Mrs. He nodded, wiped the corners of her eyes, washed her face seriously, and walked out with her daughter.


at the same time.

High in the sky from Youzhou to Qindao, a disc-shaped aircraft in a stealth state was flying silently.

The huge disc was at least 80-90% similar to the legendary flying saucer. The invisible energy pushed the disc, and at the same time blocked all detection signals, and set off towards Qindao with a clear goal.

Inside the disc, a huge space full of technology and indescribably luxurious, Qin Weibai was frowning at the virtual road map suspended in front of him, frowning and saying: "This is what you said you can get there in three minutes." Qindao?”

The entire Qindao is under the influence of incomplete power and false authority.

Although the incomplete authority there was incomplete, Qin Weibai's state was also incomplete.

Therefore, there was no way for her to approach Qindao in a gentle way. The best way was to ask Xuanyuan Wushang to provide transportation.

Mechanical creations empowered by science and technology are much faster than current airplanes and cars.

According to Xuanyuan Wushang, it only takes three minutes at most to get from Youzhou to Qindao.

But nearly half an hour had passed since Qin Weibai set off. She pulled up the route map and saw that the distance was less than half.

Xuanyuan Wushang on the side was sweating profusely. Hearing Qin Weibai's question, he smiled bitterly: "Sister-in-law, the space has been stretched, and it has been stretched countless times. I am solving this problem." , soon, soon."

The lie authority possesses extremely strong mobility, and a considerable part of this mobility comes from void walking, but void walking is not uncontrollable. With sufficient preparation, other authorities can completely impose restrictions.

Even if walking in the void is restricted, the lie authority can still deceive the distance to maintain their mobility. They can deceive several light years or even longer distances in an instant, turning this distance into one meter or even one centimeter.

Likewise, they can spoof a centimeter of distance and turn it into a light-year.

Simply put, it means extending or shortening a specific distance.

Youzhou is less than 700 kilometers away from Qindao.

But at this time, due to the power of lies, these seven hundred kilometers are actually longer than from here to the moon.

Qin Weibai was obviously a little absent-minded and started to be in a daze after coming up.

However, Xuanyuan Wushang discovered this problem as soon as he started the aircraft.

He instinctively wanted to report to Qin Weibai and let Qin Weibai take action, but at the moment he was about to say it...

He was scared.

Feng Qingwu said nothing, but her will was clearly conveyed. She did not want Qin Weibai and Xuanyuan Wushang to arrive at Qindao so early.

Xuanyuan Wushang mustered up the courage several times, but still didn't have the guts to speak out. He could only wait for Qin Weibai to find out on his own.

He found that he couldn't afford to offend Qin Weibai, and he couldn't afford to offend Feng Qingwu either.

After understanding what Feng Qingwu meant, he could only secretly send a message to Wang Shengxiao, and asked Wang Shengxiao to take Xia Zhi to Qindao, while pretending to work hard to repair the distance problem.

The best way not to offend anyone is to let Xia Zhi and Qin Weibai arrive at the hospital at the same time, and what happens after that has nothing to do with him.

"Is it that dead girl again?"

Qin Weibai snorted and narrowed his eyes: "Why don't you tell me and I will figure it out."

As she spoke, the distance that had been stretched was smoothed out in her fantasy.

Fantasy becomes reality.

"My sister-in-law is not in a good condition. I don't want you to take action at will."

Xuanyuan Wushang speaks righteously.

Qin Weibai glanced at him with a half-smile, not bothering to think about anything. She could probably understand Feng Qingwu's current thinking. She and Li Chaoxi merged briefly. After the cheating thing was discovered, they naturally did not dare to follow her back to Tiannan.

Feng Qingwu's current plan is to follow Xia Zhi back to Beihai, so that she can develop a relationship with Xia Zhi.

This approach is very similar to a child who dares not go home to face his parents after getting into trouble outside, but instead hides with his grandparents for shelter.

But what's the point of this?

"I know you don't dare to offend anyone, so I'm too lazy to talk to you. Now, if I arrive at Qindao in two minutes, I can accept that I will arrive at the same time as Xia Zhi, but if she gets to the hospital before me, then you have already offended me. , understand?”

Qin Weibai said lightly.

Xuanyuan Wushang's body shook and he immediately began to release energy.

The huge disk-shaped aircraft flew quickly through the clouds and entered Qindao in less than a minute.

The first second after officially entering Qindao, all the power Feng Qingwu left here was directly swept away by her mental power.

The next second, Qin Weibai and Xuanyuan Wushang appeared directly at the door of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Qindao University.

Xuanyuan Wushang was slightly startled: "Sister-in-law, don't we go in directly?"

"No hurries?"

Qin Weibai said lightly, and his mental power was continuously released with her as the center. Soon, she locked on another aircraft that had also entered Qindao at this time, and clearly saw Xia Zhi and Wang Shengxiao inside the aircraft.


Qin Weibai smiled: "That **** girl, do you think you can stop me like this?"

Silently, Wang Shengxiao's aircraft suddenly disappeared over Qindao without any warning.

The corner of Xuanyuan Wushang's mouth twitched. At this moment, he clearly felt the position of the aircraft and Wang Shengxiao.

In Qin Weibai's fantasy, Wang Shengxiao and Xia Zhi returned directly to Beihai Imperial Soldier Mountain.

Fantasy became reality again.

"Let's go."

Qin Weibai turned around and walked into the hospital. Her fantasy was not only to let Wang Shengxiao and Qin Weibai go back. In her fantasy, Wang Shengxiao and Xia Zhi would stay in Beihai for the next day and Wang family could not leave.

A dream come true.

In the next day, both Wang Shengxiao and Xia Zhi will stay in Emperor Bing Mountain for various strange reasons.

Qin Weibai didn't know what these reasons were, but she could directly determine the results.

"If you can, don't come back. Otherwise, when you come back, I'll see how I deal with you."

Qin Weibai was thinking about his cheating daughter, and gnashed his teeth secretly and muttered to himself.

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