The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 928: : dead girl

For Qin Weibai, on a very ordinary day, he suddenly received news from Wang Yuetong...

This was definitely a 'surprise' that made her feel mixed.

Nearly three years have passed since Li Tianlan swept across Beihai after the chaos in Snow Country ended.

From then on, Wang Yuetong left Emperor Bingshan, left the Wang family in Beihai, and left everyone's sight.

She cut off everyone's contact information, like a drop of water that merged into the ocean. There was no news at all. No one knew where she was, what she had been through, and whether she was doing well or not.

The Beihai Wang Family and the East Palace were looking for someone regardless of the cost. They had used countless resources over the past few years, and even the intelligence power of the East Palace had expanded a lot because of this incident.

But it is obviously difficult to find the target in such an aimless search.

When he was in the Beihai Wang Family, the master of the Beihai Wang Family who had the best relationship with Wang Yuetong was Enchantress.

Enchantress is not the strongest in the echelon of Beihai Wang's Thunder Realm masters. She cannot be considered at the top. She is barely in the first echelon, close to the peak of the Thunder Realm.

But in terms of disguise and disguise, she can be said to be top-notch even in Central China.

Wang Yuetong and Enchantress also learned a lot of real skills in this area.

A person who is not weak in strength, is proficient in disguise, is vigilant, and does not cause trouble, and wants to hide himself, even the gods can't find him.

It's just that neither the Beihai Wang Family nor the Donghuang Palace gave up. On the contrary, the intelligence of both parties even reached cooperation in finding Wang Yuetong. Even during the period when the relationship between the two parties was the most tense, the intelligence elites of both parties were responsible for this area. Relationships are all manageable.

Although there are occasional speculations about whether Wang Yuetong had an accident from time to time, neither the East Palace nor the Beihai Wang family paid much attention to this point.

Because neither Li Tianlan nor Wang Shengxiao believed that Wang Yuetong would have an accident.

Wang Yuetong's strength is not bad. When he left Emperor Weapon Mountain, he was already at the peak of Burning Fire Realm. This strength may not be anything in the eyes of Li Tianlan and Wang Shengxiao, but outside, the gold content is real and definitely not for anyone to manipulate. Small role.

She has strength and means. Neither the Beihai Wang Family nor the Eastern Palace can find her, and it is even less possible for other forces to find her.

Now as the end is approaching, the Beihai Wang family and the East Palace are becoming more and more frantic in their efforts to find people. Li Tianlan talked about this topic with Wang Shengxiao a few days ago.

After the construction of all the main cities is completed, if Wang Yuetong is still not found, Li Tianlan has planned to use the power of the parliament to directly issue a missing person notice, and make it clear that the Wang family in the East Palace and Beihai has become his 'own' Go ahead and dispel Wang Yuetong's concerns and ask her to come back quickly.

As for the impact of using this channel, it doesn't matter now. Next is the Xi Dynasty that belongs to Li Tianlan. He can be silent, and he can also do whatever he wants.

What Qin Weibai didn't expect was... Before the missing person notices for Li Tianlan and Wang Shengxiao were sent out, she had already received a call from Wang Yuetong without any psychological preparation. No, it was Wang Yuetong's best friend. phone number...

Li Mutong.

This name is too directional.

How do you sing that song?

"Sudden news, that person is you. There has been no news from you for so many years..."

This sentence really suits the occasion.

Qin Weibai felt a little emotional. She noticed the silence on the other end of the phone. She raised her eyebrows and said again, "Why don't you speak?"

"We are on Qindao..."

The voice on the other end of the phone suddenly paused.

There was a burst of noise on the other end of the phone, accompanied by a voice that sounded like someone was calling Tongtong. After about a few seconds, a choked voice said on the other end of the phone: "Sister, it's me."

The voice was a little hoarse, a little panicked, a little helpless, and even a little panicked. It was mixed with a lot of grievances and vulnerability, which made Qin Weibai's heart soften for no reason.

Qin Weibai laughed at himself.

In her knowledge, there was only one sister that Wang Yuetong called her. In fact, there were two of these so-called sisters.

And Wang Yuetong, who calls herself sister...

There is only one now, but in Qin Weibai's knowledge, there are two.

Two time and space, two people.

In this time and space, Qin Weibai and Wang Yuetong had no conflict. Even when she approached Li Tianlan, Qin Weibai played a guiding role to a certain extent, such as asking Wang Yuetong to call her sister and acquiescing to her. The position next to Li Tianlan.

The motive for doing this may be out of guilt for Li Tianlan, or compensation or something. It is also the reason to use Wang Yuetong to disgust the Beihai Wang family. As long as the Beihai Wang family hesitates a little bit to deal with Li Tianlan, they can do this All have value.

But this is all a matter of this time and space.

In fact, in another time and space, Qin Weibai and Wang Yuetong were at odds with each other. In another time and space, Li Tianlan and Wang Shengxiao were merged into the Beihai Gemini for a period of time, and later they were called the Gemini together with Wang Xiaoyao. Star, finally came out on top...

And Qin Weibai in that piece of time and space was snatched away by Li Tianlan in the most forceful way.

So in that situation, Wang Yuetong himself had the best time, place and people, while Qin Weibai was at a disadvantage everywhere.

There was a lot of intrigue between the two, and Qin Weibai also suffered a lot, but slowly regained his disadvantage and suppressed Wang Yuetong, Dongcheng Ruzhi and others.

Now that Qin Weibai's authority has recovered, she is looking at these things from a supreme perspective. Qin Weibai doesn't know how she feels. Listening to the suppressed sobs on the phone, no matter what she thinks in her heart, she still has to show her sister's attitude. of.

The option to sit back and do nothing simply does not exist.

Li Tianlan has long recognized Wang Yuetong's identity, so whether it's Wang Yuetong, Dongcheng, Huangfu Qiushui, or Han Xinyan...

Qin Weibai can tear these sisters apart, and tear each other apart at will. Whoever suppresses whomever is suppressed depends solely on his ability. Even if they fight, Li Tianlan doesn't bother to care.

But forget about making trouble on weekdays. Even Qin Weibai didn't dare to go against Li Tianlan's wishes when it came to issues of principle, let alone others.

Qin Weibai understands this even better than others.

From the perspective of the neutral camp and the supreme status, as an emperor's woman, when it comes to business matters, she must consider issues from the emperor's perspective, not from her own perspective.

From Li Tianlan's perspective, he has been looking for Wang Yuetong, and now that he has news about Wang Yuetong, it is a surprise.

As for Qin Weibai's own feelings, she could only put them aside. If she concealed this news that was destined to be hidden, Qin Weibai didn't dare to think how angry Li Tianlan would be.

Qin Weibai sighed, tried to make his voice gentle, and said softly: "Yue Tong, tell me your current location, and I will be there soon.

"I'm at the Second Affiliated Hospital of Qindao University."

Wang Yuetong gave the exact address.

Qin Weibai nodded and said hello. While holding the phone, her mental power kept fluctuating, and she began to imagine that she was not in Tiannan now, but in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Qindao University.

A second later, Qin Weibai opened his eyes and frowned slightly.

She found that she was still where she was, not moving at all. Not to mention appearing directly next to Wang Yuetong, she didn't even appear on Qindao.

Qin Weibai suddenly thought of Wang Shengxiao and Li Tianlan's several searches.

If the current intelligence strength of the Eastern Palace is still relatively conventional, then the intelligence-gathering power of Wang Shengxiao, who has been transformed by Xuanyuan Wushang and has become a mechanical life, can be said to be far beyond this era for countless years.

But even he couldn't find Wang Yuetong's location.

Either Wang Yuetong hid it too well.

Either Wang Yuetong also has authority-related powers around him.

If it was the first situation, as Wang Yuetong told her address, she and Qin Weibai had established the most direct connection. Qin Weibai should have appeared next to Wang Yuetong by now.

But now Qin Weibai is still where he is...

Qin Weibai is also supreme.

Although the state is incomplete, the Supreme is the Supreme.

What kind of power can be exaggerated enough to restrain Qin Weibai?

"Sister, Little Tide is in danger now... The hospital can't cure it. A professor I know told me that genetic medicine may have hope to solve Little Tide's problem... Save her, save her..."


Little tide...

Qin Weibai's expression became stiff little by little, and he tentatively said: "The little tide is..."

Wang Yuetong was silent for a few seconds and said softly: "It's his daughter. His daughter and I, Li Chaoxi, is less than three years old this year."

The daughter who is less than three years old...Li Chaoxi.

In an instant, Qin Weibai seemed to have thought of something.

She once saw a little girl who called her mother in the East Palace.

Regardless of age or gender, they all match.

But the scary thing is...

Qin Weibai clearly experienced all this, but afterward, she didn't think much about it at all.

The appearance of that little girl seemed to be a pure accident to him.

After the brief encounter, she quickly and naturally forgot about the incident.

Until Wang Yuetong mentioned it now...

What does this mean?

This shows that the series of consciousnesses he had originally seemed to have been collected.

Lie authority.

And why couldn't Wang Shengxiao and Li Tianlan find Wang Yuetong?

Even Li Tianlan, who had the power, could not be found.

This can only explain one problem...

Wang Yuetong was also affected by authority.

The incomplete authority caused Wang Yuetong to fall into an unknown incomplete state.

Feng Qingwu has not yet mastered the authority, but borrowing a small amount of authority is enough for her to completely shield a person from the eyes of the Supreme Being.

That dead girl...

But why is she by Yuetong's side?

If that dead girl is causing trouble...

She didn't come to find him, but went to Yuetong. What was she planning?

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