The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 926: :elder sister

Liu Qin's words are very contradictory.

As a doctor, especially one who has almost reached the ceiling in a certain medical field, Professor, the conclusions she draws to her patients should not be so vague and contradictory.

On the one hand, this shows that she does not regard the He family and Li Mutong as outsiders, but on the other hand, it also shows her inner confusion.

After living for most of her life and working as a doctor for decades, she had never encountered such a situation.

Because of Mrs. He's relationship, it can be said that she paid close attention to Li Chaoxi.

This so-called close attention is not only experienced when checking the patient's laboratory test sheets. When she is not busy, she will come here several times a day. When Li Chaoxi is awake, she even plays with the little guy for a while.

She had an inference that she didn't even believe: she felt that the little guy was not sick at all.

But having a high fever without any reason is obviously unexplainable.

But if this is a disease...

What disease is so outrageous that even the cause cannot be found?

The two examinations done by the little one can be said to be the most detailed, but no matter from every aspect, there is nothing wrong with her. She should be a healthy child, but she started to have an inexplicable fever...

The He family was originally not superstitious, but this incident was so outrageous that Mrs. He even specially invited a well-known expert from her hometown to see the so-called 'deficiency disease' for the little guy. This already involves metaphysics.

After the master came, he said a lot of words and gave instructions without realizing it. Not only Mrs. He, but also Li Mutong, who knew very well what metaphysics consisted of, tried it with the mentality of rather believing it. .

Needless to say, the result is natural.

The eccentric approach is useless, and orthodox scientific examinations cannot find the cause...

Seeing that the old sisters he had known for most of his life were getting more and more anxious and haggard, and seeing Li Mutong becoming more and more helpless and numb, Professor Liu Qin couldn't hold it back in the end, and took the initiative to use his personal favor and invited a girl from Youzhou. A special person.

This time she invited two experts from Huating and Youzhou.

A true expert...

The one from Huating is indeed a top professor in the field of pediatrics, and the other one was also in the field of pediatrics in his early years, and could even be regarded as Liu Qin’s teacher, but later he gradually faded out of this field and went to another extremely mysterious path. On.

And this Liu Qin's teacher is Liu Qin's biggest hope at the moment.

"Is there still a way... Is there a way... Lao Liu, you said, it doesn't matter. Are there any medicines that haven't been used yet? Or something else, as long as they are useful, we can use them for our children. We have the money. of..."

Mrs. He held Liu Qin's hand tightly. Before Li Mutong could react, she had already heard the turning point in the words of her old friend. In excitement, she even grabbed Liu Qin's hand so hard that she felt it was rising. Without any notice, he just kept repeating: "We are rich..."

"Don't get excited yet."

Liu Qin used some strength to pull her palm back.

The He family is rich, she naturally knows this. The entire He family may not be considered a deep-rooted wealthy family, but the He family is really not short of money. It is precisely because of this that Liu Qin decided to use that Favors, her favors plus the He family's money should hopefully save this child's life.

In sight, Li Mutong's slender figure stood up. She took two steps forward and murmured: "Aunt Liu..."

"Calm down first and listen to what I have to say..."

Liu Qin raised her palm and said slowly: "To be honest, with the current level of the hospital, and even my level... there is basically nothing we can do about this little guy's illness.

Personally, I even tend to think that she is not sick at all, because her test results are so normal, and they don't look like a sick child at all.

But the child has started not eating, which is a big deal, so I said it’s not optimistic...

But the problem now is that we can't find the cause. The current medical level in Zhongzhou can be said to be the most advanced, which means that if we can't find the cause here, we won't be able to find the cause in any hospital.

So I was wondering if there was something wrong with this child that our instruments and equipment couldn't detect...

Even hidden genetic problems..."

"Aunt Liu, we have already done the inspection in this regard."

He Yishui spoke softly. Her voice was extremely hoarse. Every time she said a word, her throat felt like a knife was being scratched.

During this period, Li Mutong and Mrs. He were guarding their children all day, and they were undoubtedly under the greatest mental pressure, while He Yishui was the busiest and most tired.

She has her own company in Qingzhou, and she can't live without people on weekdays, so she travels between places all the time. She is almost breathless from all aspects of fatigue.

"I'm not talking about genetic testing like the hospital, but..."

Liu Qin wanted to use a more accurate adjective, but found it difficult to explain clearly. She could only say: "It is the deepest detection...

You should know that some of the most advanced equipment is in the hands of a few people, and some cutting-edge equipment is even less likely to appear in hospitals, but will appear in some highly concealed laboratories..."

Li Mutong suddenly raised his head and glanced at Liu Qin.

She already knew what the other person was going to say.

"So, I contacted Teacher Zhou Qiming and Professor Xu Lin from Huating. You may not be familiar with the name Zhou Qiming. He is now one of the main leaders of a certain laboratory..."

Zhou Qiming.

Mrs. He and He Yishui were both a little confused.

Li Mutong's eyes moved, as if the name seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had heard it.

"Xiao Li, have you ever heard of Teacher Zhou Qiming?"

Noticing Li Mutong's expression, Liu Qin asked in surprise.


Li Mutong hesitated slightly and shook his head.

Liu Qin didn't think much and continued: "Teacher Zhou Qiming will come to confirm the child's condition. If possible, he will take the child to Youzhou and his laboratory. Professor Xu Lin and I will become his Temporary assistant, participating in the treatment process together...but..."

Liu Qin's voice paused and she carefully observed Mrs. He's expression.

"Go on...don't have any worries...what's the but?"

Liu Qin smiled bitterly: "The entire treatment process will be very expensive, very, very expensive. I can't be sure how much money it is now, but it will definitely not be small.

Let's put it this way, Teacher Zhou Qiming's laboratory can even be regarded as confidential to a certain extent. The equipment and even some special drugs needed to treat children are very exaggerated in price. In the end, The important thing is...

I can't be sure, and I can't guarantee that I can treat this child well. In other words, if the worst result occurs, you will spend a lot of money, but..."

There is no need to say what follows.

She only needed to explain the interests and risks to the He family and Li Mutong. She knew that the He family was rich, so the large sum of money Liu Qin mentioned was entirely based on the financial resources of the He family.

Liu Qin wasn't sure how much it was, but it would at least be eight digits, and it wouldn't be an eight-digit number starting with 1. That's all, it would have to be Liu Qin's favor.

"We'll take care of it."

Mrs. He said without hesitation: "How much money is needed, we will find a way, but you need to worry more about the little tide."

Liu Qin glanced at her and whispered: "This number may be exaggerated. Are you sure you don't need to ask Lao He?"

"No matter how exaggerated it is, it won't break the bank."

Mrs. He shook her head: "I can make the decision on this matter. Money is not an issue. Lao Liu can arrange the rest."

Liu Qin took a deep look at her, nodded and said, "Then..."

"Aunt Liu."

Li Mutong suddenly spoke.

Her hollow voice suddenly became calmer, and a smile appeared on her face.

Her somewhat weird and abnormal behavior made He Yishui and his daughter feel their hearts sink at the same time. They instinctively thought that Li Mutong wanted to die after hearing that it would cost a lot of money to treat her.

He Yishui pulled Li Mutong over and covered her mouth.

Mrs. He even pushed Liu Qin out: "Let's talk about the next thing. Money is not a problem, it really is not a problem..."


Li Mutong was stunned for a moment before he realized what was happening. He stretched out his hand and pulled He Yishui's palm away.

Although He Yishui had exerted great force, Li Mutong still easily put her arm aside.

"Aunt Liu, I just want to ask a question."

Li Mutong spoke again.

Liu Qin and Mrs. He were stunned at the same time.

"You're so frizzy, why are you still the same as when you were young?"

Liu Qin glared at Mrs. He and walked back: "Xiao Li, what's your problem?"

"The expensive, special medicine you are talking it the kind of medicine that will be used on a very small number of groups, or even a very few individuals, and has a relatively simple but extreme effect?"

Li Mutong asked softly.

She was almost sure what kind of medicine Liu Qin was talking about.

What kind of medicine would strain the He family's financial resources? Drugs worth tens or millions of dollars are really nothing to the He family, and there is no such thing on the market.

Combined with words such as laboratory, confidential...

Li Mutong was almost certain that the medicine Liu Qin was talking about was a genetic potion with different effects.

For example, Beihai Wang's immortality potion...

Only this kind of thing is worthy of the price Liu Qin said.

"Xiao Li, how did you know?"

Liu Qin looked at Li Mutong with a surprised expression: "Do you know someone in this field? Or do you have a relationship in this field?"

Wang Yuetong looked a little hesitant and struggling, and involuntarily looked at her daughter lying on the bed out of the corner of her eye.

Liu Qin looked at Li Mutong very intently.

She was undoubtedly extremely curious about this young woman. According to the He family, Li Mutong joined He Yishui's company by chance. The two became best friends and then gradually came into the He family's sight.

But this statement itself is a bit strange. This kind of strangeness will be felt by almost everyone after seeing Li Mutong.

To put it simply, given Li Mutong's conditions, she doesn't look like the kind of person who would look for a job in another company.

The kind of temperament she possesses is simply not a girl that an ordinary family can raise. To put it more bluntly, when she and He Yishui are walking on the road, she even looks more like a young lady than He Yishui.

How could an ordinary family raise such a girl?

There is a secret about Li Mutong. Not only Liu Qin, but even the He family knows this. She has a dignified temperament, got pregnant out of wedlock, and is a single mother. She never mentions her family or the father of her child...

Everyone can see that there is a story behind Li Mutong.

If an ordinary person mentioned gene potion in front of Liu Qin, she would just think that the other person had watched too many science fiction movies.

But Li Mutong proposed...

Liu Qin instinctively thought that before Li Mutong came to the He family, she could have access to such things at her level.

That would be a level far beyond the level of the He family...


Li Mutong pursed his lips.

She actually understands the efficacy of genetic potions better than Liu Qin. At least based on what she knows about the efficacy of genetic potions, it seems that there is no potion that can treat Li Chaoxi.

The effect of gene potion is single and extreme. It is a trump card used by a small number of combatants in extreme environments. It greatly stimulates life potential and is used to save lives.

But Li Chaoxi just kept having a fever.

Gene potions are not antipyretics.

Among the gene potions she knew, the only one that could barely alleviate Li Chaoxi's condition seemed to be the immortality potion.

The immortality potion...that is the core foundation of the Beihai Wang family.

She was in the He family. The old couple of the He family completely regarded Xiao Chao Xiang as their granddaughter. They were willing to spend a lot of money to treat Xiao Chao Xiang at any cost.

But this is just the He family.

It is difficult for the Beihai Wang family to do this. No one would agree to use the immortality potion on a child. Even if it were used, I am afraid that the child would be used to threaten the father who controls the little tide...

And because of a series of reasons, Li Mutong knew very well that there was not much immortality left in the Beihai Wang family. Those were all used to save the lives of the core characters in the worst circumstances, especially during the Summer Solstice...

She is now going to the Beihai Wang family to get the immortality potion. To a certain extent, it is tantamount to strangling Xia Zhi's life.

Li Mutong's body trembled slightly, and he whispered: "Aunt Liu, can you find the kind of medicine that can increase the vitality of Xiaotide?"

Her tone was extremely complicated.

The first is that she doesn't think Liu Qin has such connections.

the most important point is...

Even if Liu Qin could really find a genetic potion similar to the immortality potion, the He family would not be able to afford such a price.


Liu Qin was stunned, then looked at the little guy on the bed, and smiled bitterly: "What kind of vitality does this child need now? She has been in such good spirits despite having a fever for so many days. I have never seen anyone with more vitality than her. This thing is of no use to the little guy.

If you need the kind of medicine that increases your vitality, I simply won't say anything.

Because none of us can afford it.

The cause of this child's current problem still needs to be found out first, and then some leftover materials left over from making special medicines can be used to give her targeted treatment. After all, she is still too young. If the medicine is too powerful, she won't be able to handle it. So everything is uncertain now. The specific situation can only be determined after Teacher Zhou Qiming comes over and takes the child to his laboratory for an in-depth examination. "

Li Mutong fell silent again.

It is impossible for her to take Xiao Tide back to Beihai Wang Family.

Leaving aside the issue of whether she can get a potion of immortality, given the relationship between Beihai Wang and Xiao Chao Xi's father, if she takes the child back, there is a high probability that it will be a tragedy no matter how things develop.

But Beihai Wang's is the best choice.

With the background of the Beihai Wang family, even if the immortality potion cannot save Xiao Tide, as long as the gene potion can save her, then she can find a way in the Beihai Wang family.

But Xiao Chao's identity completely blocked this best option.


What about the other option?

Li Mutong's body felt as if she had been stung by a scorpion, and she shivered slightly as a conditioned reflex. She bit her lips tightly. During this period, a certain thought that had been flashing in her mind became unprecedentedly strong at this time. But she suppressed him firmly.

The Beihai Wang family was a choice, but she couldn't choose this choice.


What about another option...

If the Beihai Wang family can find a way to save Xiaotide...

Xiao Chao's father will definitely find a way.

Go back?

Go back to him?

So what's the point of everything I did in the first place?

If I go back...what identity should I use to go back?

And Liu Qin made it very clear.

Gene potion may not be able to save Little Tide, that's just a hope.

If the genetic potion can't save it, then take the child back, just in case...

Li Mutong shook his head violently.

"Xiao Li..."

Liu Qin looked at Li Mu Tong, her eyes becoming somewhat meaningful. She had a feeling that because of the child's illness, she would soon be exposed to Li Mu Tong's secret.

Li Mutong took a deep breath and glanced at the child again. After a long silence, she said softly: "I'd like to trouble Aunt Liu about this matter."

Liu Qin took a deep look at her, nodded, and said nothing more.

She patted Mrs. He's arm, turned and left the ward.

In the ward, He Yishui and his daughter looked at Li Mutong at the same time.


Mrs. He hesitated and called softly.


Li Mutong raised his head and forced a smile.

"You... godmother knows, godmother knows that it's not easy for you... what happened in the past, I mean... I mean..."

Mrs. He was a little cautious and expressed her meaning incoherently: "I mean... before, um, we didn't ask... Godmother can tell that you are either a daughter of an ordinary family, or... um, What I mean is...if you knew some people or had certain relationships in the past that could be useful to Little Tide...can we take a small step back?

After all, the child is still young..."

Mrs. He lost control of her emotions, her eyes became redder and redder, and tears began to pour out of her eyes: "She is your biological daughter...she is still so young.

Godmother can tell that although you, Aunt Liu, have fought for such an opportunity, it is difficult for you to speak up on this matter, let alone make a decision...

You need to understand this relationship...

Let’s save the child first, okay? Godmother, the child first, okay? "


Li Mutong stretched out his hand and wiped away Mrs. He's tears with a soft voice: "Chao Tide is my daughter, I will definitely save her... I won't be angry or run away, I will save her."

She helped the old lady sit down on the sofa, silently took out her mobile phone, turned on the screen, and then started dialing digits one by one.

The number was pieced together bit by bit, and the moment he was about to dial it out, Li Mutong immediately deleted all the digits, and while hesitating, he changed to another number.

"Whose phone number?"

He Yishui looked at his girlfriend who was extremely confused and even a little scared. He endured the discomfort in his throat and asked hoarsely.

Wang Yuetong looked down at the number on the screen, hesitated for a long time, and then whispered: "It's my sister's..."

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