The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 898: : Structure (Part 2)

In the end, Li Huacheng did not retain Xuanyuan Wushang. Watching the other person's virtual projection disappear, he took a sip of water and walked slowly in the office.

It’s a personal ritual he’s used for years to relieve fatigue.

In fact, as a spiritual lord, he is now extremely energetic and can hardly feel physical fatigue. However, at the end of the world, as a sage, he controls the survival of the entire Central Continent. This kind of psychological pressure is greater than anything else. To torture people.

The office clock is ticking.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the alarm clock set by Li Huacheng rang in advance.

After relaxing for a few minutes, Li Huacheng organized his thoughts, opened his personal terminal again, and pulled out the friend list inside.

Xuanyuan Wushang's personal terminal has been debugged, but it has not yet been released on a large scale. However, some of the core characters have been loaded.

At this moment, in the virtual list in front of Li Huacheng, those who had received the meeting invitation in advance were all online, which showed that the other party was ready to participate in the meeting.

Li Huacheng squinted his eyes, selected all the friends he had invited in advance, and then initiated a communication request at the same time.

Everyone responded immediately.

So in an instant, projection after projection appeared in Li Huacheng's office.

The office was originally very solemn and simple, but with the addition of these projections, it inexplicably gained a touch of science fiction.

Everyone's projections are lifelike. If you ignore the electronic light they emit, they are almost indistinguishable from real people. With such technology, the boundaries between so-called online meetings and offline meetings have actually been completely blurred. More convenient, faster, no delays.

Li Huacheng seemed a little uncomfortable with this kind of approach. He just said it was a meeting, but everyone came at once to drink tea, smoke, and eat fruit?

None of these small means to ease the atmosphere were used. This fierce efficiency directly made everyone feel uncomfortable.

"I won't say any more polite words."

Li Huacheng was silent for a while and said slowly: "It seems there is no need to invite you to sit down."

Each projection burst into laughter, but the atmosphere was not relaxed.

This is undoubtedly because the next meeting will be directly related to the structure of the Xi Dynasty. Even if the major groups face the list without much intrigue, there will always be normal biases. When everyone has no selfish motives, they recommend How to choose between people you think is better will test the skill of the sage Li Huacheng.

In addition to this, another reason for the solemn atmosphere is that the workload is too heavy.

The list of tens of thousands of people is constantly being sorted through the physical examination reports, layer by layer. Just thinking about it makes my scalp numb.

What Li Huacheng wants to do is to set a basic, no, a very rough framework today, and then arrange these people in batches in less than a month.

This will make today's meeting much easier.

The first thing to ensure is that after this meeting, the four positions of Sage, Insight, Divine Edge, and Apocalypse must form a clear sub-level system.

At least the most important positions below these four positions must be determined first.

In this way, the list they have can be sent to the next-level important people after the meeting, and then they can use this list to form the next-level system and team around them. One level at a time, many people, including them and the people on the list, will take action to fully implement the list.

By that time, a considerable part of the population of Central Continent will be concentrated. Not to mention the Acropolis, at least six super main cities should have been built. The Xi Dynasty will use the power of this list to match the influence of the old system. Let this group of people influence the entire Central Continent. Let those who gather first enter the underground main city and abandon the surface step by step.

So today's meeting is just a beginning, a very important beginning.

Li Huacheng's eyes swept over everyone.

The meeting was similarly small in attendance, but the lineup was somewhat chaotic.

The first is the major groups that may not have a place in the Xi Dynasty, but still maintain influence today.

Guo Wentian, Zhou Yunhai, Ji Wenwen and Dongcheng Wudi.

They appear here not because of their status as giants, but because the stability of the Xi Dynasty requires their efforts and their influence can be used to stabilize people's hearts.

In addition, Dynasty Insight Wang Shengxiao, Dynasty Divine Frontier Lin Fengting, Dynasty Tianqi Qin Weibai, and the sage Li Huacheng are also here.

If the two groups of people are viewed separately, they are basically the changes in the two eras before and after Zhongzhou and Xi Dynasty, but if they are integrated together...

Li Huacheng, Dongcheng Wudi, Guo Wentian, Zhou Yunhai, Ji Wenwen and Qin Weibai can represent the six major groups.

The ingredients are extremely complex.

This meeting can even be said to be an important beginning of the Xi Dynasty to a certain extent, and it can also be regarded as a handover between the old and the new eras.

Li Huacheng's eyes specifically stayed on Qin Weibai.

Qin Weibai was not in good condition. He looked a little lazy and looked like he couldn't lift his spirits after being overworked. Just by looking at his appearance, Li Huacheng couldn't tell which Qin Weibai this was. If it was a real person, He will feel kindness and awe when he gets close to the Dominator, but this is just a projection, and Li Huacheng can't do anything about it.

He knew that Qin Weibai and Qin Weibai had also been busy with the super main city recently. They were in charge of imagining the main city and carefully planning the city limits and imagining buildings one after another.

Qin Weibai, another person with life authority, is running around. She is responsible for more than just greening, decorating the city. With life authority, she can do many things even in a sealed state.

Greenery is only the least important of them all.

She is mainly responsible for the resource city.

Li Tianlan has opened up a huge underground space, which is the resource city cluster he envisioned. Qin Weibai's life authority can scatter seeds while accelerating the growth process of various grains and vegetables, including the growth of some animals. process, increasing the reserves of grain and meat to a certain extent.

The two Qin Weibais have been working very hard recently, and Li Tianlan has not clearly pointed out who is Tianqi among them, or whether both of them are Tianqi. It seems that no matter which Qin Weibai it is, it can mean Tianqi... .

Within a second, an idea suddenly flashed through Li Huacheng's mind.

If Li Tianlan, as the emperor, is the highest master of the entire dynasty, then the four positions below the emperor are equivalent to being the sole masters of their own systems.

But now Qin Weibai is not the only one. In Tianqi's position, he wants to form a team of his own. So if both Qin Weibai can be Tianqi, will they directly compete with each other because of different people they like? Fight?

Is this also the reason why Li Tianlan took the initiative to become the general principal of all schools?

Inexplicably, Li Huacheng thought of a sentence: Anyone who comes out to fool around must pay back.

During the Samsara Palace period, the East Emperor Palace period, and the East Palace period, Qin Weibai's existence can be said to have made Li Tianlan less worried. Even to this day, there are still people similar to Li Tianlan in the dark world who are so great, but they are just looking for Just a good wife.

This is envy, jealousy and hatred that cannot be described in detail.

Li Tianlan's ability to possess Qin Weibai really made many people's eyes turn red with envy, not only because of Qin Weibai's grace and grace, but also because she was the best and most virtuous wife, whom her own men did not want to deal with. No matter what it is, whether it is unwilling to take care of it or not good at taking care of it, such a woman can hold up the scene perfectly, which is simply outrageous.

And now, in the Xi Dynasty, Li Tianlan is getting his retribution. The two Qin Weibai are tossing around all day long and dislike each other. They are tossing from inside to outside the house. How can they save their worries? That's all in the past tense.

If it were really easy, why would Li Tianlan put the title of chief principal, which represents Tianqi's position, on himself? He obviously dislikes doing things the most.

That is to say, Li Tianlan is not here now, otherwise Li Huacheng would really want to ask his good student whether he is really happy now.


Noticing Li Huacheng's gloating eyes, Qin Weibai was a little confused and shouted.

"Huh? Ah, um..."

Li Huacheng coughed, glanced at everyone again, nodded and said: "Since everyone is here, let's have a meeting.

The physical examination results came out yesterday. What do you think so far? "

There was silence in the office.

At today's meeting, giants from the old and new eras came. Although everyone was looking at the list, in fact, there were only four people who were eligible to be nominated: Li Huacheng, Wang Shengxiao, Lin Fengting, and Qin Weibai .

What Guo Wentian and others have to do is once the nomination is approved, they use the resources they can use now to put the nominee in the appropriate position.

If I were to put it more directly...

In fact, in this meeting, Guo Wentian and others are not qualified to decide anything, and the suggestions they put forward are dispensable. Li Huacheng may take this into consideration, and for the sake of stability, use a few unimportant positions proposed by Guo Wentian and others. But that's for later.

At the beginning of today's event, any name mentioned will be the core figure of the Xi Dynasty in the future.

"I have two candidates here."

Qin Weibai suddenly spoke.

Li Huacheng raised his eyebrows and seemed not surprised. He nodded and said, "Let's talk about it."

Four positions, four systems. Except for the emperor, the other three candidates proposed by the system boss have no objection. This meeting is to determine a rough dynasty structure, and then the heads of the four major systems will be based on This structure is to build the framework of the dynasty. This is the main purpose, not to discuss whether a certain person is suitable, and there is no need to discuss it.

In Tianqi's system, as long as Qin Weibai thinks it is suitable, it is suitable.

"One is the record officer. For this position, I recommend the current deputy palace master of the East Palace, Saint.

The other one is Grand Master, and the candidate I recommend is Situ Cangyue, the current Deputy Palace Master of the East Palace. "

Qin Weibai's voice was calm.

Naturally, there are more than these two positions under the Tianqi system, but Qin Weibai only needs to confirm these two candidates at present, and the others can only be developed slowly.

Central Continent has become the Xi Dynasty. Such a change is destined to cause turmoil, and what the Xi Dynasty wants to do is to ensure the greatest stability amidst this turmoil.

There are so many talents in Central Continent. In fact, it is not a problem that there are no people available, but that the overall stability must be considered. Too aggressive a pace may not be a good thing. There will always be some power that is temporarily occupied by people from the old era and is forcibly taken back. , there might be other troubles.

This is also Li Huacheng's idea. First, hold part of the power in his hands, limit the other power to death at the highest point, and then slowly recover it, turning the rough framework of the Xi Dynasty into a rough skeleton, and then slowly perfect the details. This The process is the process of Xi Dynasty completely replacing the old era.

Now that the position of chief principal belonging to Tianqi has been taken away by Li Tianlan, Qin Weibai only proposed these two positions.

The record officer is similar to the ancient historian, but the scope of specific responsibilities is wider. He needs to be responsible for recording the history of the Xi Dynasty. All events, large and small, need to be recorded as long as it is necessary, even a sentence. At the same time, the record officer also needs to record the history of the Xi Dynasty. Responsible for compiling various teaching materials and organizing all files.

This is a team that looks inconspicuous, but is actually extremely large. There are two to three adjutants below the recorder, and then there are recorders and editors. They are laid out layer by layer. The whole is extremely large, but relatively aloof. .

This can be said to be the most suitable job for a saint. As long as the record officer system is established, he will live an easy life and have more time to study martial arts authority. As the King of Heaven who has been with him since the Palace of Reincarnation, no matter what No matter what, Li Tianlan couldn't treat him badly.

The position of the Grand Master can be said to be the assistant who assists Tianqi. Tianqi's scope of responsibilities is not only education. If it is broken down, the Grand Master is the core figure who specializes in assisting Tianqi in controlling education.

This position was given to Situ Cangyue, which was also an explanation. Sigh City did not choose Li Kuangtu but joined the East Palace. No matter what, Qin Weibai could not make people feel cold.

In fact, Situ Cangyue's younger brother Situ Wanjie will also recover in the near future. The serious injury he suffered in the Snow Country is not difficult for the life authority. When he wakes up, he will also have a suitable position.

That position is called Guardian. In the Corridor of Time and Space, this is a position belonging to the Shenfeng System. However, in the Xi Dynasty, this position belongs to the Emperor System. The Guardian is the controller of the imperial guards. It can be said that he is one of the most trusted people by Li Tianlan. .

In addition, the other position Qin Weibai wanted was the young master who also belonged to the Tianqi system. The young master was on the same level as the grand master. The latter was responsible for education, while the former was responsible for propaganda.

It's just that at this critical moment, this area is the most immovable. No matter how much you want this position, you have to wait until Zhongzhou gives up the surface before proposing it.

Taishi Situ Cangyue recorded the official guard Kunlun.

These are the two positions Qin Weibai proposed.

Li Huacheng took notes and nodded: "Is there more?"

He has no qualifications or position to object. This record will be compiled into a document by him and handed over to Li Tianlan. As long as Li Tianlan does not object, he will report it next and it will be officially effective.

It's just that the dynasty doesn't have an organization that can be reported yet, which is equivalent to the Ministry of Personnel. This is a candidate under the sage system, named Zhongshu Ling. This person has already been selected by Li Huacheng.

"Just these two for now."

Qin Weibai said softly that the situation is complicated now, and even she must remain cautious.

"I also have a few candidates here."

Li Huacheng smiled: "Everyone can discuss it after I say it. If you have any opinions, you can raise them. I will consider it carefully."

What he said was half true and half false, but at least it was an attitude, and it was very gentle. At least it gave others the qualification to offer opinions.

"Under the sage system, Shangshu Ling is responsible for Lifa. I recommend Wen Tian as this candidate. His Majesty has already agreed. There is nothing to say."

Li Huacheng said lightly.

In the office, Guo Wentian's projection fluctuated slightly. It was not until this moment that he felt truly at ease.

"In addition, Zou Yuanshan is a good position for Zhongshu Ling,"

The position of Zhongshu Ling can be said to be the key among the keys. It is equivalent to the official department in ancient times. This position is given to Zou Yuanshan, Li Tianlan's brother-in-law. It can also be regarded as an explanation for the Dongcheng family and the wealthy group. Although in the physical examination report, Zou Yuanshan's super There are not many energy genes, but with Li Tianlan here, as long as he can recover, there will be many ways to increase the concentration.

Still no one said anything in the office, not to mention that they didn't have the qualifications to object. Even if they did, no one would object to Zou Yuanshan at this time.

"Besides, Zhengyang can take the position of Grand Tutor."

Li Huacheng continued, as the younger brother who cooperated with him the most, Li Huacheng had to help him no matter what. Hua Zhengyang had always played the role of the best tool around Li Huacheng, and he was easy to use. Li Huacheng really didn't want to Give up, and Hua Zhengyang's physical examination report is also very surprising. Although he is older, the concentration of super genes is not low at all. In short, there is still a chance for everything.

The Taifu is mainly responsible for the logistics of the dynasty. The large amount of supplies that the Xi Dynasty will reserve are all under the system of the sage and are also within the scope of the Taifu's responsibility. Hua Zhengyang is such a good tool, it is perfect to be the Taifu. .

"I'll just have these three here for the time being."

Li Huacheng smiled: "If no one objects, I will write it down and submit it to His Majesty for approval."

Li Huacheng knew the result of the so-called submission to His Majesty for approval without having to guess. Li Tianlan would not object at all. No, he didn't even bother to look at it.


Li Huacheng's eyes turned and fell on Wang Shengxiao.

"I also have three recommendations here."

Wang Shengxiao nodded: "Under the insight system, Mr. Ji Wenji serves as the chief inspection censor and controls the censorship."

Li Huacheng nodded. This was the candidate who had been appointed internally a long time ago. Ji Wenwen had just changed his name. The actual work was no different from what it is now. He was indeed the most suitable candidate.

“In addition, under the insight system, Tianji, I recommend Beihai Wang’s Dijiang.

The third position is Linglong, and the one I recommend is currently held by Li Qingye from the East Palace. "

Wang Shengxiao's voice was still calm.

Under the insight system, Tianji Linglong is responsible for intelligence. The former is external and the latter is internal. Dijiang is responsible for Tianji. He may not have enough experience in this area, but the Beihai Wang family can match him with experienced assistants. In addition, his responsibility for collecting external intelligence actually has a high error tolerance rate at this time.

Because the end is approaching, there is basically no information worth collecting outside Zhongzhou. When he is really needed, he can use this time to mature.

In fact, the most suitable candidate for this position is Ye Dongsheng.

It's a pity that Ye Dongsheng was robbed. To be precise, Ye Dongsheng, known as the King God, is the most suitable in many positions.

As for the position of Linglong, Wang Shengxiao finally chose to choose someone from the East Palace. This could be said to be another show of goodwill to Li Tianlan. In fact, it was because the Xi Dynasty no longer had a clear concept of a group.

Li Qingye is the elder of the Li family. She is currently responsible for the security of Zhongzhou. She is asked to be Linglong and collect intelligence within the dynasty. From the current perspective, this position is much more important than external secrets.

Li Huacheng also just nodded to Wang Shengxiao's recommendation and did not express any opinions. He just recorded it and waited for Li Tianlan's reply.

Seeing that Wang Shengxiao was not talking, Li Huacheng's eyes fell on Lin Fengting again.

Lin Fengting is a strong person.

There is no doubt about this. Starting from decades ago, the leader of the Lin clan has been a strong man who can dominate all eras.


This strong man seems to be a little out of tune with the atmosphere of the entire office. To be more precise, he is like a husky among the wolves.

He has the aura of a strong man, but in such an occasion, Lin Fengting's whole body was filled with a sense of confusion and confusion.

Let him be the striker, from a certain point of view, it can be regarded as a duck to the shelf. He is completely an old salted fish. I didn't expect that after more than half of his life, he would actually build a dynasty system by himself. Lin Fengting has He felt like a dog in the sun. As for the position of Shen Feng, even though Dongcheng Wudi had done a lot of handovers with him, he still hadn't fully adapted to it yet.

The most important thing is...

He needs to form a divine front system!

But he is a salted fish, and he is not the only one. The people he trusts most, the Lin clan... one by one, they are all salted fish.

This also directly led to Lin Fengting...

There was no way he could find a suitable candidate from within the Lin clan.

In fact, the Lin clan's physical examination results can be said to be quite astonishing. Almost every Lin clan member has a high concentration of super genes in their bodies. But this is not a problem of super genes, but because Lin Fengting wants to give them certain responsibilities. The question is whether they want it or not.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Lin Fengting.

Under the gaze of everyone, Lin Fengting's face became a little unnatural, and he coughed slightly awkwardly: "I also have three candidates here. Under the Shenfeng system, the Taiwei is responsible for the security of the dynasty. In this position, Director Zhou Yunhai is. very suitable."

This was also an appointed position, and Li Huacheng wrote it down: "The other two..."

"As for the other two..."

Lin Fengting's tone was a bit difficult. At this moment, he really felt that his **** hurt so much.


What a shame.

What else could he say?

Could it be that for his Shenfeng system, no one in the Lin clan cares about the salty fish, and he has no candidates, but wants to grab people from other places?

It's totally off the mark.

Lin Fengting gritted his teeth and blushed. The light that formed his projection began to flicker and flicker: "For the other two, as the sword holder, I recommend the current congressman Ye Dongsheng."

The sword holder is a very critical position under the Shenfeng system. This position seems to require a lot of force, but in fact, it requires wisdom, a long-term vision and a grand structure. The responsibility of this position is to be responsible for formulating A strategy that is in line with the interests of the dynasty. Every move has great influence. Ye Dongsheng is the perfect candidate. In this position, he is similar to Ji Wenwen. Basically, he just has a different title. He still does what he should do on weekdays. .

Li Huacheng also nodded and wrote down: "Where's the third one?"

"The third..."

Lin Fengting took a deep breath: "Under the Shenfeng system, Dazhi Ge, I propose to go to Wang Tianzong."

Dazhige literally means "stop fighting". If the sword holder is the top think tank under the Shenfeng system, then Dazhige is the top force under the Shenfeng system. He can intervene in some conflicts with force and detachment. exist.

There is no news about Wang Tianzong so far, but this is not important. Under the life authority, his injury will not be a big problem. Once he recovers, he will be a top level four authority in combat power at worst. If he is seriously injured this time As for other gains, Wang Tianzong's strength may not be worse than Lin Fengting's now. He is definitely strong enough to stop the enemy.


Li Huacheng looked at Lin Fengting, whose face was red, with strange eyes.

Except for Zhou Yunhai, the appointed captain, how come the other two people recommended by Lin Fengting were all members of the Wang family in Beihai?

What about your Lin clan? You are such a big Lin Clan person, but you have no talents?

Oh, yes, there may be talents in such a big Lin clan, but there seems to be none who are willing to come out, so you really have no one...

Everyone looked at Lin Fengting with strange eyes.

Lin Fengting was breathing rapidly and wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in. He coughed hard a few times and said calmly: "Let's start with these. I will slowly add other positions in the future."

Li Huacheng was silent for a moment, nodded and said, "That's fine."

He looked at the list he had recorded.

This is the rough framework at the beginning of the Xi Dynasty.

Sage system: Shangshu Ling Guo Wentian is in charge of Lifa, Zhongshu Ling Zou Yuanshan controls the staff, and Taifu Hua Zhengyang controls logistics.

Insight system: Chief Inspector Ji Wenwen, who controls the Yushitai, is responsible for supervision, Linglong Li Qingye is responsible for the internal intelligence of the dynasty, and Tianji Dijiang is responsible for the external intelligence of the dynasty.

Shenfeng System: Dazhige Wang Tianzong, the general marshal in the conventional sense, the sword holder Ye Dongsheng, the top strategic planner, and the Taiwei Zhou Yunhai, responsible for the security of the dynasty.

Apocalypse System: Recorder Wei Kunlun is responsible for recording history and compiling various teaching materials. Grand Master Situ Cangyue assists Apocalypse in controlling the education field.

In addition, there are also the imperial system, the Great Siming Xiao Mohai, who is responsible for coordinating the above four major systems, and the Young Siming Han Xinyan, who is responsible for enforcing order, defining right and wrong, and ruling Han Donglou, as well as control The guard of the Imperial Guard: Situ Wanjie.

Compared with the initial five people of Emperor, Sage, Insight, Shenfeng and Tianqi, the current Xi Dynasty has formed a rough structure of about twenty people.

As this structure stabilizes, more than a dozen teams will appear soon.

From five shops to a class of twenty people, the class below twenty people will have at least nearly a thousand people, and the next layer of nearly a thousand people will have at least tens of thousands of people. The list of major groups is almost It's about to run out.

This will take about a year to implement, and when the people on that list appear in various positions, the basic skeleton of the dynasty will be complete...

That also means that the old days will completely become a thing of the past.

Li Huacheng quietly looked at the names he recorded. The powerful memory belonging to the spiritual lord made countless names on the big list flash through his mind, and the prototypes of the teams were flying in his mind. Outline.

"Then, that's it."

Qin Weibai, who looked a little tired, said softly and was the first to choose to log off.

As Qin Weibai went offline, there were fewer and fewer people in the office, and eventually Li Huacheng was alone again.

Li Huacheng picked up the phone and called his assistant outside the office: "Ask Prime Minister Hua Ci to come to my place."

Hua Zhengyang is the next Taifu of the dynasty, and the large amount of materials that will be shipped from Ates are within Hua Zhengyang's processing range.

After hanging up the phone, Li Huacheng stood up from his seat again.

He walked slowly to the window step by step.

The morning is coming to an end and it's almost noon.

The spring breeze in Youzhou is beautiful and sunny.

The alluring sunlight was shining down, genial and warm, but it also revealed an indescribable coldness.

Li Huacheng raised his head, opened his eyes, and looked directly at the sun in the sky.

His perception was completely released, covering the entire Youzhou City.

Different voices, different ages, different genders, different people...

The entire Youzhou seemed to be trapped in an extremely strange atmosphere, with everyone discussing the same thing.

That was the announcement issued by Li Huacheng.

About disaster, about doomsday, about unknown territory...

Li Huacheng wrote the notice in a private capacity with extreme personal influence. Every word is worthy of careful study.

This is the case in Youzhou.

At this moment, this announcement has even become the focus of the entire Central Continent.

Panic and anxiety are spreading unbridled from all sources, like a storm.

Everyone was anxious, but after reading Li Huacheng's announcement, they temporarily felt relieved. Then they became anxious again and read the announcement again. The cycle repeated, and more and more related topics began to appear.

Li Huacheng took a deep breath. The sunlight penetrated his pupils, and his eyes were dyed with a bright golden color.

His extremely complex voice, as if muttering to himself, sounded in the office: "A new world..."

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