The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 896: :trade

As a wealthy family with the highest comprehensive strength today, the Artes family may not have as many masters as the Beihai Wang family, but other than this, the power that the Artes family can use is no less than that of the Beihai Wang family. Under special circumstances, it can even Can be more.

As the patriarch of the Ates family, Tony Ates naturally understands what trade-offs mean. He may still not completely believe that the world is about to erupt into an apocalypse that most people cannot resist, but he is willing to make adequate preparations for it.

Therefore, both parties can be said to know exactly what the outcome of this exchange will be.

But Artes still has to be pretentious.

He stood stiffly in front of the screen, his face changing, his body stiff, his breathing rapid, his voice trembling, and his whole person seemed extremely tangled.

Li Huacheng quietly watched the 'actor' on the other side of the screen performing vigorously.

If Li Huacheng's question just now was heartbreaking enough, then Artest's performance now is equivalent to saving some face.

This is not a waste of time, to be precise, it is a process.

Li Huacheng waited silently for him to complete the process.

"Is there really nothing we can do?"

As if unwilling to give up, Ates asked again with some pain.

"terribly sorry."

Li Huacheng made a regretful expression. He was cooperating with Artes, but he was also really regretful. This was not a show. With such a large territory, Xi Dynasty would not give up if there was even a slight chance. This issue cannot be solved. Think deeply, otherwise it will really hurt.

"Can you save more people? One million or one hundred thousand."

Ates's voice trembled even more.

Li Huacheng looked silent and silent.

In the coming time, population will undoubtedly be extremely important to Li Tianlan, but Li Tianlan's attitude seems somewhat contradictory to the facts.

Li Huacheng is still helping Li Tianlan with his personal affairs.

The so-called private affairs are undoubtedly to clean up some people with special positions. To put it simply, they are those who think that the outside of Central Continent is a good place, and there are beautiful mountains and clear waters everywhere. Once they go out, they are unwilling to come back. Some of them have already left. Go out and run for freedom.

Similar people, no matter what their status, Li Huacheng will send these people out during this period.

Want to go to Europe? Want to go to Snow Country? Want to go to Star Country? Or the Southern Hemisphere? It’s all fine. Zhongzhou will help you. Isn’t that enough face?

This is sending people out.

There is also a saying for taking people back.

For those who already have a formal status with other forces, unless they are truly selfless to a certain extent, they basically have no chance of coming back, and no excuse will work.

For those who are studying abroad, traveling, and have plans to return to China, and are still citizens of Zhongzhou, Zhongzhou will send a special plane to bring them back as soon as possible. As for the group of people who are applying or planning to apply for official status from other forces, I feel sorry for them.

Based on this statistics, although Li Huacheng has just done this, a rough calculation shows that the number of people who need to be sent away in the next step is already close to six figures, and when the end is approaching, the number of people who want to come back is estimated to be even more.

Li Tianlan obviously needs more and more people, but out of his own bad taste, he doesn't need these people at all.

He is not afraid of others saying that he has no structure or anything like that. Who said that a big man must have a structure?

The dynasty has emerged, the emperor deters everything, and the sages have an overview of the overall situation. Li Tianlan only needs to protect what he wants to protect. How can such a big situation be enough to make a living?

If you think about it further, another reason for Li Tianlan's behavior of not considering his own situation is that the number of this group of people is not enough.

To put it simply, this group of people is not so large that Li Tianlan is reluctant to give up. For the increase in luck and the like, these people should be dispensable.

The saying that emperors are tyrants basically means that they don't care about any losses. Even if Li Tianlan has not returned to his peak, he will not be moved by such a small number of people.

If Li Tianlan had the ability to swallow the entire force that Ates belongs to in one go, the 300 million number would indeed allow him to eat it without hesitation, but since he couldn't eat the whole thing, he didn't bother to care about the few. It's boring, and he's not begging for food. of.

Therefore, Li Tianlan looked down upon the hundreds of thousands and millions that Artes pretended to propose, so naturally he didn't bother to care.

"I see."

Looking at the silent Li Huacheng, Artes finally spoke.

Li Huacheng twitched his lips, which means that this simple process has been completed. This process may allow Artes to give an explanation internally, but the most important thing is that the more he struggles and tangles, the more likely he will be in the next transaction. , he would be better able to bargain with Li Huacheng.

"I regret."

Li Huacheng entered the state of negotiation in a second.

In fact, he doesn't mind Artes performing for a while, and he is willing to cooperate.

With the establishment of the dynasty, Central Continent is about to enter an unknown era that seems to be safe. The living environment of everyone will change. Under such circumstances, sufficient supplies are the cornerstone of ensuring stability.

Li Tianlan is also prepared for this. With the help of his own strong strength and the shadow caused by Qin Weibai, as well as the cooperation of the Lin clan and the Dark Knights, the East Palace, no, the Xi Dynasty has now begun to frantically collect various materials and relative materials in Europe. Cherished resources.

On Artes' side, this was their second blow. This was a big customer. Even if they were slaughtering pigs, Li Huacheng had to pay attention to his service attitude.

It's just that his silence just now seemed to make Artes a little panicked, so he shortened the process sensibly. In this case, there is nothing to say.

"What exactly does the Xi Dynasty need?"

Ates said in a deep voice.

"I've made it very clear."

Li Huacheng said slowly: "All kinds of food, all kinds of medicines, clothes, and a number of rare resources including gold. Regarding the types, I will send you a partial list. What we want to talk about now is not the types, but the types. Portion.

I want 80% of your granary to be stocked, the same goes for all kinds of medicines, clothing, and gold. "

"so much?!"

Artes was a little surprised: "Are you crazy?"

"That's just a reserve."

Li Huacheng said calmly: "At least it will not affect your current stability."

This time, the change in Ates's face was no longer a disguise. If he just wanted basic supplies such as food and medicine, he gritted his teeth and gave it to him.

But Li Huacheng himself said that there is a list of rare resources at the back. The so-called gold is just one item on that list. There are also many rare resources. Artes doesn't know what they are specifically, but with gold As a reminder, he probably already had an imaginary range.

Giving 80% of all reserves within this range to Central Continent means...meaning that if, by chance, the so-called doomsday does not happen, the Star will fall into an unprecedented state of embarrassment, with scarce resources, and it will become a huge problem by then. Trouble.

If food and other things are gone, they will be gone. If the apocalypse does not happen, it will not be difficult to replenish these things, but rare resources are different. If these things are given out 80%, a large number of their internal projects in countless fields will come to a halt. The resulting consequences will even affect the future decades later.

Of course, all of this is based on the fact that the end has not happened. If it does, it will be meaningless.

Now Artest's mentality is very subtle. He basically believes in the doomsday that Li Huacheng said, but... what if? What if there's a **** chance? !

"Gold and oil..."

Artes spoke hesitantly, but before he finished speaking, Li Huacheng interrupted him: "It's gold, not oil. We don't want that thing either. Do you want it? If you want it, I can give it to you. Treat it as part of the transaction, used in exchange for supplies, we only need it for a short period of time, a month's supply, and the rest will be given to you as much as you have."

In the calmest voice, he said the most ridiculous things in Ates's opinion.

Ates was stunned.

Does Xi Dynasty’s future not require oil? Is this a **** joke?

Li Huacheng's attitude doesn't seem to be fake, but this is one of the most important things in this era. Zhongzhou, no, the Xi Dynasty, just say you don't want it, just don't want it?

Such an attitude undoubtedly once again proved the inevitability of the end from the side. Artes's heart kept sinking and the pressure became increasing.

"If you need this thing, just ask and receive it as soon as possible. I can call you now for the oil resources that are outside of Central Continent but belong to Central Continent. All the personnel in those places will be withdrawn in the near future. No one will care about it. You We can take it over directly, but if you don’t want it, there will probably be a fight in the local area, but that’s not important anymore.”

Li Huacheng shook his head. What he said was undoubtedly the truth.

Oil is important.

This is true for both Li Huacheng and Artes. This is a concept caused by their own thinking limitations.

But in the Xi Dynasty, Li Tianlan is going to cancel the technology tree. What else can he do with this thing? ignition?

Another reason is Xuanyuan Wushang's evaluation of this thing: low-grade energy.

Look, low-level, energy.

Not even energy, not even low-level energy.

It is low-grade energy.

And even if this thing is in low-level energy, it is not that high-level.

Xuanyuan Wushang is currently lacking in energy, which is directly related to the role that his technological authority can play, but even in this state, he does not like oil.

This thing is indeed a non-renewable resource, but not all non-renewable resources are valuable. Compared with oil, various cosmic radiation, stellar energy, and even natural wind, they are more valuable, which is almost infinite. energy.

In stark contrast to this thing, is gold.

It is also a non-renewable resource. Gold, even the entire space-time corridor, is not a cheap thing, not because its formation is related to supernova explosions or volcanic eruptions, but because of... cost-effectiveness.

For scientific and technological authorities, gold is one of the materials that can accommodate energy, build mechanical legions, and construct energy transmission channels. It may not be the best, but it is basically more expensive than it, and it is much more expensive. At this point, the importance of gold is reflected. Although Xuanyuan Wushang is very high-end, sometimes Doomsday from the Order camp and Doomsday's mechanical legion will have gold materials. No matter how high-end Xuanyuan Wushang is, it is impossible to Get out of this thing completely.

In addition to technological authority, life authority will also play an important role in ascending the life level, that is, reaching the seventh-level bishop level and beyond.

As for elemental authority, there will also be significant demand after the magician level.

Mental authority is more or less required, not much, but the need is obvious.

At least in Xuanyuan Wushang's heart, no amount of gold is enough. To him, this thing is even more important than food.

"Our main needs now are food, medicine, clothing and gold. These are the most important, so you can rest assured that in terms of rare resources, gold accounts for the majority. You don't have to worry about that list being very long. .

The other things we need are either things you don’t value very much, or you don’t have much of them, and those things you value very much will have little value in the new era. "

Some of Artes' cognitions seemed to have been subverted. Not only him, but Reinhardt, who was also communicating with Artes, seemed to have fallen into a sluggish state and could not recover.

"You...can you...can..."

Artes stammered.

"Feel sorry."

Li Huacheng's smile was flawless.

"So, do you want oil? You can take over the resources that belong to us outside of Central Continent now. I will ask all our manpower to withdraw. Within Central Continent, you can also send transport planes to transport them. Don't forget Just bring the resources we need.”

Li Huacheng smiled: "I suggest you agree. In this way, when you transport a large amount of resources to Central Continent, you can still say that you are here to exchange for things. This can stabilize people's hearts and hide other people you want to hide. It would be better to explain, but at the worst, you can also send a notice similar to that of Zhongzhou, saying that you have found a way to fight the disaster, and oil is one of the keys. This can even stabilize the mentality of most people.

After all, for you, you only need to hide it and don't need to take responsibility, right? "

He looked at Artes with some emotion: "We are different... different..."

Everyone has different situations...


Facing Li Huacheng's heart-piercing stab casually again, Artes had nothing to say. This time he didn't even bother to go through the process, and said in a deep voice: "If you are really willing to give it away, I can agree to your request. , basic supplies plus gold, in exchange for your oil."

As he spoke, he stared closely at Li Huacheng's facial expression.


Li Huacheng said nonchalantly: "You can send a transport plane over now, remember to load what we need."

It doesn't matter...

He really doesn't care.

A certain hope or fantasy in Ates's heart was silently shattered.

He wanted to send a transport plane filled with supplies to exchange resources with Zhongzhou, but he was inexplicably hesitant.

What he fears most is not the transport plane flying to Central Continent filled with things. What he fears most is the transport plane flying back from Central Continent filled with things.

That means that Li Huacheng, or the Xi Dynasty, has really given up on the core things of this era. It also means that the Xi Dynasty will enter a new era. The doomsday and disasters he mentioned will really happen, and in the new era, There is no place for them in the light.

The high-ranking Ates family may barely survive, but the feeling of going from high-ranking to barely surviving is impossible to describe without personal experience.

He was silent for a while. At a certain time, he really wanted to completely destroy everything, no matter what the end of the world or any disaster, just let them happen. He wanted to destroy Central Continent before all this happened.

Theoretically, he does have this strength.

Just grow all the mushrooms.

But after all, such thoughts can only be thought about.

He thought of the fireworks over Virginia.

Such a method is undoubtedly beyond the limit of his imagination, and equally important as such a method is Li Tianlan's mobility.

The kind of maneuver that clearly stopped when chasing Jiang Shangyu, but could instantly appear in Weiyi Prefecture across a long distance, and directly appear from Weiyi Prefecture in Fog City, and from Fog City to Wangyou Villa. sex.

At such a speed, all the mushrooms would most likely be useless. Li Tianlan could move regardless of distance, which also meant that Artes' goal of dying together would not succeed. Instead, the sky above the entire Central Continent would be filled with fireworks.

what is this? Celebrating the Xi Dynasty and ushering in a new era?

Artes was silent for one second, ten seconds, half a minute...

It was hard to tell at this moment how envious and jealous he was of having Li Tianlan in Central Continent.

But his personal emotions were meaningless.

The Xi Dynasty would not even care about the survival of the entire force.

"I promise you this transaction, I will exchange supplies with you...!"

Artes spoke slowly, as if to maintain his final dignity, and exchanged two words. He deliberately emphasized his tone, as if to emphasize in vain that he had not suffered a loss in this transaction.

“A pleasure to work with.”

Li Huacheng smiled. He has controlled Central Continent for many years, and he and Ates can be said to be veritable old rivals. The forces of the two sides have been fighting for these years. Li Huacheng can always have the upper hand by virtue of his overlord status, but for this old rival , but still couldn't crush it.

Now that the end is approaching, all the grudges of the past are no longer meaningful.

Artes and his family will barely survive.

Zhongzhou will also be alive and well.

Everything is perfect.

"Tell me about it."

Ates's voice was full of exhaustion and weakness: "I want to know the truth, what disasters and doomsdays are, and how we can continue to live in the doomsday..."

"Then let me tell you the most intuitive thing."

Li Huacheng nodded: "The most intuitive thing is that the environment is changing. Our civilization, that is, a certain kind of protection on this planet is dissipating. You don't need to ask what kind of protection it is, because I can't tell clearly. In short, That protection has begun to dissipate.

In less than a month, the overall environment of this planet will undergo huge changes. The first is the temperature. The temperature difference between day and night will be so large that it is unsuitable for human survival. It is conservatively estimated that in one month, the daytime temperature of our planet will be at least It will be as high as 70 degrees, and the night temperature will be at least minus 70 degrees, at least.

You may want to say that such a temperature can barely survive, but as the temperature changes, there are also stars, um, radiation from the sun, as well as cosmic radiation, as well as viruses that are extremely deadly to humans. No one can avoid these. "

Ates listened to all this with his mouth agape.

High temperature, severe cold, radiation, viruses, and other...

The rest is no longer important. Changes in the overall environment are enough to cause humankind to become extinct.

"So what you mean is..."

Ates couldn't help but said: "Under this doomsday, all human beings will die completely."

"People always have to face the world."

When Li Huacheng said this, his eyes were dazed for a moment. At this moment, he suddenly knew the feeling Xuanyuan Wushang felt when facing him, the feeling that I know, you don't know, I can't explain it clearly to you. To guess the feeling.

Ates's expression was one of shock and confusion.

But looking at such an expression, Li Huacheng didn't feel at all happy in his heart. All he felt was helplessness and... indifference after knowing that there was nothing he could do.

Or rather, he doesn't care.

"Someone will survive."

Li Huacheng whispered: "There are always some people who can barely adapt to such an environment, but there are very few such people. Outside of Central Continent, maybe 90%, 99%, or even 99% People with point nine will not be able to withstand the apocalypse, but there will always be remaining individuals who will try to move on in the cruel environment. Their ending..."

Li Huacheng shook his head, he couldn't judge.

"If this is true..."

Ates's voice became a little urgent: "If this is true, then what is the way to avoid the doomsday you said?"

"Hide it, hide it deep underground."

Li Huacheng said lightly: "With the strength of the Ates family, they should have their own shelter, right? It's not too shallow. At least a large amount of materials must be stored in a space nearly a hundred meters underground. In this way, the harsh environment It won't affect you, and you can live on.

What I said I can help you with is that if you are determined to save more people, I can let the infrastructure of Central Continent cooperate with Star Kingdom to build a new shelter based on the original shelter in less than a month, consuming manpower and material resources. , expand the shelter a little, but only a little. If no manpower and material resources are spared, in a space of 100 meters underground and more than 20 days, the shelter can be built into a small town size, which can accommodate some people.

Of course, if you don’t have this intention, we will let professionals come out and renovate your shelter.

For example, air filtration systems that can last for at least a hundred years or more, drinking water purification devices, and materials that can be stored fresh for hundreds of years, I can help you with these. "

Ates was speechless.

It has a service life of hundreds of years or more.

This means that if the power of Central Continent joins in and transforms the shelter into a small town, and professionals upgrade the technology here, as long as they store more supplies, they can continue to live in the shelter and even reproduce. A new underground group emerged.

What can be used for hundreds of years of technology? During this period, if they are willing, even if they cannot copy this technology, they can at least do effective maintenance to extend the use time of the equipment. This time can even be said to be invisible. to the end.

With their current technology, they can survive with enough supplies underground, but it will only last for more than ten years at most. If this time is extended to hundreds of years, it means too many possibilities.

Artes knew this, but he still couldn't help but ask: "What about a hundred years from now? Will everything be over after a hundred years?"

"It actually doesn't take that long."

Li Huacheng smiled: "If everything goes well, the end of the world will be almost over in twenty years or one generation. If it goes slower, a few decades will be enough."

In fact, the threat of doomsday lies only in its suddenness. With Li Tianlan and two Qin Weibai, Zhongzhou has the confidence to face everything.

If all this could be understood ten years in advance, then this so-called doomsday would not be a problem at all for Zhongzhou.

Of course, ten years ago, Li Tianlan was only a teenager, and no one would agree with him becoming an emperor and controlling the dynasty.

If this condition cannot be met, who will care whether you live or die in Zhongzhou, whether it is Xuanyuan Wushang or others? No one cares.

But now with the establishment of the dynasty, Central Continent as a whole begins to turn and move towards a new era.

The whole people began to have access to authority, and various authority knowledge would be instilled in everyone. Li Tianlan became the chief principal of all the schools in the dynasty. This position will be transferred to Qin Weibai in the future. Another name for the so-called chief principal is actually Tianqi.

Zhongzhou has taken control of it, and within a generation, it is enough for countless people to have the strength to set foot on the surface of the earth again, and even change the surface environment.

Once Li Tianlan integrates with the real environment and is successfully promoted, this place will become the core area of ​​the Xi Dynasty and receive direct protection from Li Tianlan. What does the so-called doomsday count now under the power of the Supreme?

Therefore, it could be as short as ten years, twenty years, or as slow as decades. When Li Tianlan recovers and completes his promotion, all the current crises will completely disappear, and the Xi Dynasty at that time will not be as fragile as it is now. The new generation, Even young people who come into contact with the authority from generation to generation will continue to climb up under the protection of the Supreme, and journey towards the stars and the sea.

"Are you sure?"

Artes questioned: "Only a few decades? What if it takes longer?"

"I'm sure that it will only take a few decades at most. If there is no success after a few decades, that will be the worst result. By then, both the Artes family and the Xi dynasty will be completely destroyed, and all traces here will disappear. Of course , such a result is unlikely to occur.”

Li Huacheng's voice became even calmer.

Threats to order are always present.

If Li Tianlan loses, he and the two Qin Weibai will return, and naturally there will be no chance of anything happening again here.

Artes said nothing.

For supplies, Li Huacheng gave the final bargaining chip: "After your shelter is renovated and upgraded, I will give you a way to survive on the surface in the future. It is a system similar to martial arts. When you meet the standards, you can Leave the shelter and return to life on the surface.”

It is impossible to change the surface environment in the future. Even if the apocalypse is completely over and Li Tianlan completes his promotion, the environment here will not change, because this is the most normal environment under the stars. Because it is within the habitable zone, such an environment can even be said to be It is the mildest. As long as the Xi Dynasty completes the instillation of authority, and after a generation, almost everyone has authority, the outside environment is not terrible.

According to Li Tianlan's estimation, after the environment changes, if you want to leave the underground and return to the surface, you will probably need second-level permissions. If you are more optimistic, maybe people with close to second-level permissions can barely survive on the surface, and third-level permissions, even more It can adapt to most surface environments in the starry sky.

Li Huacheng plans to give the Ates family spiritual authority, only the first three levels. Mental authority is not a neutral authority. It will not cause accidents and will be suppressed by Qin Weibai. In any case, even if the Artes family has experienced the end of the world , it is impossible to escape control in the future.

Ates's eyes lit up silently.

He can probably understand that the system Li Huacheng mentioned that guarantees survival on the surface, but is completely different from today's martial arts, should be similar to Qin Weibai's system of causing disasters in the fog city, or Li Tianlan's system that can move at will. Powerful and completely different from martial arts.

With this system in place, there is still hope for the Artes family.

They just have to survive a few decades in an underground shelter before coming back.

At that time, the surface of the earth might have been dominated by the Xi Dynasty, and most of their wealth had no use.

But they do not carry cash, but carry a large amount of basic supplies, as well as a large amount of gold and jewelry.

If the Artes family can survive the difficult period of the end of the world, and when they return to the surface, with the foundation they had before the end of the world, they can still become a wealthy family even if they are ruled by the Xi Dynasty.

Ates suddenly relaxed and said in a deep voice: "Then... it's a pleasure to cooperate, Your Majesty the Sage."

Li Huacheng relaxed slightly and nodded: "How do you want to renovate your shelter? Expand it, or keep it as it is and just upgrade the technology?"

Ates hesitated for a moment, his expression changing.

Expansion or simply upgrade...

The former means that his shelter will become a small town, the size of a small town, which can easily accommodate tens of thousands of people.

If it were just a shelter, there would probably be a few hundred people.

He did not give the answer immediately, but said hesitantly: "I need time to think about it."

"Times of Day."

Li Huacheng said calmly.


Artes nodded: "One day later, our transport will arrive in Central Continent with a large amount of supplies."

Li Huacheng didn't speak anymore and hung up the communication directly.

Star Kingdom, the headquarters of the Ates family.

In the luxurious and beautiful huge manor, Artes looked at the scenery outside through the floor-to-ceiling windows. After a long time, he took a deep breath and looked at Reinhardt who had not spoken or ended the communication.

"what do you want to say?"

His voice was calm, unlike in front of Li Huacheng. When facing Reinhardt, the high profile of the patriarch of his top wealthy family seemed to have returned.

"Have you really decided to send all the supplies to Central Continent?"

Reinhardt's voice was hesitant.

"You feel like you're at a disadvantage, don't you?"

Ates stood up, poured himself a glass of water, and drank it in one gulp.

He took a long breath: "But at least we got oil..."

It was as if he was telling Reinhardt, but also as if he was comforting himself: "Everything, understand, all the oil, both inside and outside Central Continent, belongs to us.

Even if we are doing serious business, we will not suffer too much if we exchange basic materials and gold for these. "

Reinhardt didn't say anything. Anyway, he felt that this wasn't too much of a disadvantage, it was a bit watery.

"At least, this kind of deal is a retreat."

Ates said calmly.

"What if... what if what Li Huacheng said is all a lie and the end of the world doesn't happen..."

Reinhardt paused as he spoke.

"Then we don't have any losses. The basic materials we paid can be replenished quickly if the apocalypse does not happen. If the apocalypse does not happen, ordinary people will not even notice that these materials are missing. Gold is a trouble, but when the doomsday does not happen, At that time, we can collect part of the emergency from other places, and we have obtained the most important energy, which is a good opportunity for us to catch up with Central Continent."

Artes said confidently, holding the cup in his hand and looking at the screen: " you really think what Li Huacheng said is false?"

The corner of Reinhardt's mouth twitched.

He wanted to say that what Li Huacheng said was simply alarmist. He wanted to say that Li Huacheng's remarks were baseless. He wanted to say...

But no matter how much you say, what's the point?

Li Huacheng has already taken action. He has given up the most important energy source and informed all citizens of Central Continent that there will be more and more big actions in the future. What is the use of talking about other things now? Who cares?

"this matter..."

Reinhardt took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Artes, does this matter need to be kept secret?"

His voice was low and respectful, very respectful.

Ates glanced at him with deep eyes.

This seemingly respectful question actually turned into another question in his ears: Mr. Artes, you don’t want others to know what happened today, right?

This can be considered a threat, but not really. It can be said to be a temptation from a subordinate. Although his intentions are obvious, his methods are very gentle.

Similar temptations often occur in pull games between superiors and subordinates, and are very common.

Therefore, Artes was not angry and nodded casually: "Keep it secret. No matter who it is, don't reveal even a single bit."


Reinhardt responded without changing his expression.

"In addition, your family should live in Artes Manor during this period. Reinhardt, you are the person I value most and you are also my friend. Let's not worry about the doomsday and the new era. You just need to remember one thing. , even if everything is at the end of the road, as long as there is still a glimmer of hope for the Ates family, then I will not give up on the friends I value."

His voice was calm, his attitude was gentle, and he spoke from the bottom of his heart.

Reinhardt blushed in response, lowered his head and said, "Sir, I'm so ashamed."


He seemed to be repenting of his temptation just now.

"I can understand that."

Artes laughed: "Next, because of the issue of material and energy exchange, we still have a lot to do internally and externally, which requires your help and cooperation. I only have one sentence, let it go, at least , we have a way out now, don’t we?”

He put a deliberate emphasis on the word we.


Reinhardt said solemnly.

"So, let's talk about the shelter now..."

Ates squinted his eyes, his eyes shining with thought: "Do you think we should expand the shelter to help more people, or keep the shelter as it is and only accept our own people?"

Li Huacheng's guess was correct. In fact, there was no need to speculate at all. The Ates family did have their own shelter, and it was not one, but two. The largest one was in line with what Li Huacheng said. 100 meters required.

It's just that the shelter is slightly smaller. Even if the comfort of the living space is not considered, the shelter can only accommodate three to five hundred people at most.

This number is more in line with Artes' expectations. It is small and easy to control. However, the disadvantage is that the number is too small, so that he has no sense of security. There are three to five hundred people. Strictly counting, even all members of the Artes family are pretending. No less, but this is not within the scope of Ates's consideration. If he enters the shelter, he will definitely only take the important people around him with him.

When the family is in a plutocratic group, there are also internal groups. Artes himself can keep his word within the family, but this does not mean that there is no one who is disobedient.

"I suggest expansion, but it doesn't need to be too large. The size of a small town is not necessary. It can accommodate two to three thousand people. A shelter of this size is enough."

Reinhardt spoke without hesitation. When he said this, his expression suddenly became a little strange: "Mr. Artes, taking refuge underground is Li Huacheng's method. Have you ever thought about what method Zhongzhou would use? Are they also going underground? There are so many people in Central Continent..."

"Li Huacheng will never give up on ordinary people."

Artes said softly: "Otherwise, his request for supplies will be meaningless. The end is coming, we will panic, and so will other places. If Li Huacheng asks for supplies from us, he will also ask for supplies from others.


Central Continent, us, Europe, and some other places do not need all the power. But the sum of these and all the food reserves can probably support Central Continent to eat for ten or eight years or even longer without any harvest. Such a large amount of supplies must have been prepared by people from all over Central Continent. "

"Where did they get such a large underground space? No matter how big a city is, unless it is a city agglomeration, and a super city agglomeration..."

There is something incredible about Reinhardt.

Artes was silent for a moment and looked at Reinhardt. After a while, he slowly said, "Is it strange that a city can suddenly disappear from the ground, so one, or many, cities suddenly appear underground?"

"Is the disappearance of Isen Bull really related to Zhongzhou?!"

Reinhardt's expression changed.

"Who knows what those Middle-earth people who talk about benevolence, justice and morality are doing?"

Artes sneered: "Of course I have no evidence, but I know the fact. The fact is that Isenbul disappeared suddenly. The city was on the ground, and then in an instant, it was taken away completely. , understand?

Since it was taken away completely, the city must be placed somewhere, somewhere we cannot see for the time being. "

He gritted his teeth with a gloomy face and finally shook his head: "Forget it, there is no point in saying this. We didn't betray anything. Reinhardt, you saw and heard it. I even prayed to Li Huacheng to be willing to become the Xi Dynasty." part, but that doesn't work, does it?

He denied my request, I struggled, but it had no effect.

Li Huacheng is willing to protect his citizens. He is a saint. He can do it. What about me? He is so noble, am I so mean? I am also willing to pay!

If I could save this place, I could die now. I could give everything, but I can't. I've tried and worked hard, but it's no use. "

Artes looked at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window: "I have to give up on them, because I have no choice. When there is no other choice, I want to live. Is it wrong? I didn't betray this place, I didn't betray anyone, I just I just want to live when there is nothing I can do. You can’t blame me for this. If you want to blame me, blame Li Huacheng. He rejected me, so he should be blamed.”

What Ates said just now flashed through Reinhardt's mind.

Full of benevolence and morality...

He suddenly smiled: "I can understand your mood. In fact, my mood is the same as yours. Sadness, reluctance, unwillingness, and intolerance, but we have no choice. After all, we are not Central Continent, not the overlord, nor the Li Tianlan.

Being able to save thousands of people is already a very good ending. This is hope and fire. Such behavior is merit and dedication. One day, we will return to the surface of the earth, and by then, this place will still belong to us. "

Ates's expression softened significantly, his eyebrows relaxed, and he seemed to feel much more relaxed.

He had just made a difficult decision. He had given up countless lives. This was the time when he needed a sense of identity the most. He needed others to tell him that he had done nothing wrong.

It can be said that Reinhardt’s words spoke to his heart.

There is nothing wrong with this.

On the contrary, it is because of his selfless dedication that he left some hope and fire.


"Why thousands of people?"

Artes looked at Reinhardt with some confusion.

"Because we can only provide less than 10,000 'orders', and this is while operating at full capacity during this period."

Less than 10,000 ‘orders’.

Ates thought for a moment before he heard what this thing was. He stood up suddenly, looking a little surprised: "There are so many?"

‘Command’ potion, this is a project they started researching about fifty years ago, and it is also a necessity that their non-top elites need.

Over the years, their top elites are undoubtedly the Angels. After transformation, they are not afraid of pain, ignore injuries, and have extremely strong combat power.

The so-called second-level elites are super elites. Their combat effectiveness is not very strong. Their average strength is the peak of the Burning Fire Realm, with a small number of Thunder Realm and even fewer Thunder Realm peaks supporting the field.

They have not undergone human body modification, but they remain absolutely loyal to their superiors.

It's because of the 'order' potion.

This is a potion that can affect people's consciousness to a certain extent. It needs to be taken three times, one hour each time. During the period of taking the potion, it can instill certain thinking concepts into the user, and the instilled concepts will be brainwashed like brainwashing. The user accepts it completely, thus ensuring their loyalty absolutely.

In other words, if all these so-called thousands of people take the 'order' and instill in them the idea of ​​loyalty to the Ates family, then these thousands of people will undoubtedly be the real dead soldiers.

Currently, they only have two such troops in their hands, codenamed 'Redemption' and 'Conqueror'. They are not responsible for combat missions, because each one is valued by big shots and treated as personal bodyguards, with generous benefits.

But even so, most people resist brainwashing, and not many are willing to take the 'command' potion.

But now, with the threat of death in front of me, I ordered the potion without fear that no one would choose.

Each person needs to take three orders.

There are less than 10,000 orders of potion, which means that he can fully control only more than 3,000 people.

Of course, Ates had to bring someone he could fully control into the shelter. As for the others, the effects of the command potion were here, and he was a little worried about the others.

"More than three thousand people..."

Ates muttered to himself, as if calculating something.

"Sir, our plan cannot be hidden from everyone. Our current advantage is that we are strong enough, so we occupy the channel to contact Zhongzhou. As long as we are still there, Zhongzhou will not choose anyone else.

But we must also prevent others from jumping over the wall after discovering the situation.

Li Huacheng's actions are very obvious, so if we want to hide it here, we can't hide it. We must win over some people first.

There are less than 10,000 copies of the order, which means that the maximum limit is 3,300 asylum quotas. For these quotas, if the other party is willing to take the 'order', we can use some to win over them, and the rest Most of them, in addition to our own needs, are best used for elites who are willing to take 'orders', and it is best to be young people, who have more potential and can serve us for a longer time. "


Ates listened silently and sighed softly.

He looked at Reinhardt with deep eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

"I would like to be the first to take the order, and in your company."

Reinhardt lowered his head slightly and expressed his attitude directly.

If he requires Ates to accompany him, then when he takes the 'order', he will have to fully accept Ates's brainwashing.

But it doesn't matter, he himself has never thought about betrayal. No matter what the situation is, the so-called potion is just a guarantee to reassure both parties.

Ates's face relaxed, and the corners of his mouth turned up a little, with a worry-free and pleasant smile: "Very good, my friend, I am willing to trust you, and thank you for trusting me completely.

I will personally accompany you to take the 'command' potion, and after that, I will leave it to you to win over the elites to take the potion. At the same time, I can also give you some small but free quotas. "

Reinhardt bowed deeply.

Leaving this matter to him means that except for the Ates family, everyone in the entire force will do things based on his face. The meaning of this is Ates's reward for being so wise to him.

"Okay, next, let's inform our old friends that we need a meeting. In addition, mobilize all transportation forces, send resources to Central Continent, and bring the oil back at the same time. Regardless of whether it is still useful, this is a Perfect reason, isn’t it?”

Ates smiled.

"I'll arrange it."

Reinhardt remained calm.


Artes nodded: "It's not that we betrayed most people, but that we chose a new era more intelligently."

He turned off the communication and the screen dimmed.

Finally fell into darkness completely.

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