The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 894: : helpless

Artest's decision cannot be said to be hasty.

Strictly speaking, his decision represents the willingness of the forces he belongs to to accept Li Tianlan's rule. This is just an intention.

Turning this intention into reality requires at least a negotiation process.

Even if they don't have much room to struggle now, even if there is no room to struggle at all, they still need to negotiate.

In this process, Xingguo can at least understand what is going on in the situation before him, and can figure out what the disaster and doomsday Li Huacheng said is.

If it turns out that the next disaster is inevitable, but Li Tianlan, and only Li Tianlan can protect them, then he will naturally turn to Li Tianlan without hesitation.

But if after figuring out the truth, they find that Star Country is also capable of facing the end, even if there is only a slight possibility, they will also make different choices.

This so-called intention is just a bait. As long as Li Tianlan and Zhongzhou can be attracted, they will have the right to know. They still need to make a choice about the future.

Reinhardt also understood this, so he didn't say anything more. He immediately bypassed Zhongzhou and chose to contact Li Tianlan. To be precise, he contacted the external channels of the East Palace. Through the channels of the East Palace, he planned to meet Li Tianlan secretly.

His communication request was delivered to Han Xinyan as quickly as possible.

The little secretary who already knew part of the truth and was struggling to adapt to her new identity did not even report the matter to Li Tianlan. Faced with Lenhardt's deliberately low posture, Han Xinyan dealt with it casually for two minutes and understood Lenhardt. After Hart's intention, he directly stated that he would transfer the call to the person in charge of this matter, and that relevant matters could be discussed with the other party.

Han Xinyan's clear voice echoed in Reinhardt's office with the energy unique to a young woman.

Artes, who had always maintained communication with Reinhardt, naturally heard Han Xinyan's response. He looked at Reinhardt with a calm expression and said nothing.

Reinhardt glanced at him and seemed to understand what Artes meant. He let out a smile in his voice, his posture was lower, and his voice was softer.

"Secretary Han, I think it is necessary to communicate with His Majesty Donghuang about this matter. After all, this is not a trivial matter, right? This will not waste too much time. In fact, except for His Majesty Donghuang, It is meaningless for us to meet anyone at this point in time, because the other party will definitely report to His Majesty, which will make the process cumbersome and waste more time."

"His Majesty is very busy, and he is not very interested in this kind of thing."

Han Xinyan's voice was very calm. Even after knowing Reinhardt's purpose, her voice was still very calm.

In fact, when Reinhart's message was delivered to Han Xinyan, the little secretary was a little excited.

The personal secretary of the master of the Eastern Palace and the young Siming of the Xi Dynasty are completely different concepts.

As the former, no matter how brilliant and prosperous the Eastern Palace develops, Han Xinyan must maintain the most basic respect for people with the status of Reinhardt.

There is no such thing as a board of directors in the East Palace, and naturally there is no position like secretary to the board of directors. Li Tianlan's personal secretary has power comparable to that of most senior executives, but in fact, she is not in the core leadership of the East Palace. on the actual list.

The Shao Siming of the Xi Dynasty is completely different. This is the position closest to the emperor in the imperial system. It is closer than the Da Siming and is a genuine high-ranking member of the dynasty.

It is even difficult to compare this position with positions in other systems.

The Grand Master and Young Master under the Sage, the Chief Censor under Insight, or the Taiwei Sword Holder under Shenfeng, these positions all seem to be on the same level as the Young Master, but that's just on the surface.

When the position of the emperor is above all else, the position of Shao Siming, who is closest to the emperor, is not clear enough and cannot be compared to the top positions in the major systems, but it will definitely be higher than the lower-level positions in the major systems.

The two commanders under the imperial system can actually sum up their responsibilities in one sentence: assisting the emperor in coordinating the relationships between major systems.

The literal meaning is very vague, but precisely because of the vagueness, the power actually held in the hand is so great that it is unimaginable.

Sage, Insight, Shenfeng, and Apocalypse, these four people are all within their coordination range.

In other words, as the Xi Dynasty stabilizes in the future, if either of the two commanders goes to other systems, such as going to a meeting in the system where the sage belongs, the sage's name will be the first in various documents in public places. The second name will definitely be Si Ming, followed by others.


From a horizontal comparison in the imperial system, Han Xinyan is now on the same level as her father Han Donglou.

The Eastern Palace became the Xi Dynasty.

Han Donglou, the former CEO of the Eastern Palace, has confirmed that he will continue to shine in the imperial system. Han Donglou will become the first adjudicator in the imperial system. This position is similar to the Great Official, adjudicating conflicts in all areas within the dynasty. .

Shangshu Ling and Judgment are two positions in the two systems. The former is responsible for establishing the plan, and the latter is responsible for precise execution. The two positions basically represent the future order of the Xi Dynasty.

This is also the height where Han Xinyan is now.

Perhaps it was because the height was too high, so it was difficult for the little secretary to adapt to it for a while. It was also because of this that she was excited when she received the communication from Reinhardt, but the lower and lower posture of the other party also made her sober. After realizing his position and his mentality naturally changed, when looking at Reinhardt, this is actually what happened.

Reinhardt obviously wouldn't believe Han Xinyan's statement that Li Tianlan was not interested in this matter.

Among the five powerful ones, they are firmly ranked second. There is no hope of surpassing Zhongzhou, but if they are overtaken by others, there is no hope for others.

Vast territory, rich heritage, and powerful strength, when Li Tianlan could possibly get all of these, how could he not be interested? But it seemed inappropriate to refute Han Xinyan face to face.

Reinhardt laughed and could only adopt roundabout tactics: "If, I mean if, if His Majesty really can't spare the time, it's okay for us to communicate with Ms. Qin Weibai and Ms. Qin. I don't know about Ms. Qin. ..”

Han Xinyan wrinkled her nose subconsciously and said solemnly: "This matter is not within the scope of Tianqi's responsibility. In fact, the sage can take full responsibility for what you said, and there is no need to report to His Majesty. You should know that the sage is Anyone, I can connect you here, or you can go and communicate with the sage yourself."

Sage? Li Huacheng?

After going around and around, he came around to Li Huacheng again.



Is this what Qin Weibai was called in this dynasty? What a strange job this is...

If sages and sages could be responsible for things like opening up new territories, what would Li Tianlan be responsible for?

Reinhardt frowned and glanced at Artes again.

At this moment, he and Ates had the same thoughts.

The person they want to communicate with most is naturally Li Tianlan, because it is easier to get the truth from Li Tianlan. He is not stupid, but various facts have proved one thing. With absolute strength, Li Tianlan has long been accustomed to being straightforward. Too lazy to have other thoughts.

If they couldn't see Li Tianlan, their second choice would be Qin Weibai.

This woman is much more difficult to deal with than Li Tianlan, but at least now in the hearts of Reinhardt and Artes, although Qin Weibai is difficult to deal with, she is easier to deal with than Li Huacheng.

Li Huacheng is the worst choice.

But Li Huacheng is responsible for what they want to do.

When dealing with Li Huacheng... you really have to think carefully about every word he says with the most caution at all times, otherwise it will easily happen that they don't know the truth until the Star Kingdom is completely annexed into Li Tianlan's dynasty.

"What if we must meet His Majesty Donghuang? Secretary Han, we are very sincere. I think both of us should have some respect for each other. Our sincerity is here. The weight of this sincerity should be worthy of His Majesty's visit in person. Just talk to us."

Reinhardt said solemnly.

Han Xinyan's voice finally became a little impatient: "What weird things are you talking about? Well, even if your sincerity has weight, I can tell you that this weight is not enough."

"Your Excellency, it seems that you cannot fully represent the East Palace, right? You..."

Reinhardt hesitated to speak, but some of his meanings were expressed very clearly.

"I am the young commander of the East Palace. I may not represent the entire dynasty, but the matters you raised are within the responsibility of the sages. This is the will of the dynasty. No matter who you look for, the last thing you see is There will only be saints.”

Han Xinyan's voice was cold. She seemed to have lost her patience. As soon as she finished speaking, she hung up the communication.

The communication ended abruptly.

In the office, Reinhardt showed no signs of irritation after being treated rudely. He squinted his eyes thoughtfully.

On the screen in front of him, Ates seemed to be thinking about something as well.

"Zhongzhou, it's obvious that something is wrong."

Reinhardt thought and said in a calm voice.

"Dynasty, Central Continent. These two words put together are very abrupt. Now it seems that the system of Central Continent has undergone some changes that we cannot see clearly yet. This should be directly related to the transformation of Central Continent into a dynasty. "

Ates said calmly.

"According to the information we currently have, it has been established that the sage is a certain position, and the same is true for Apocalypse. This is Qin Weibai's position. That is to say, within the system of this dynasty, sages and Apocalypse, They should all be very important people, even equal.

And Han Xinyan, who was just a secretary, now became... Shao Siming? "

Reinhardt's voice was filled with confusion.

His Chinese is very good, and Ates's Chinese is also very good. As the overlord of Zhongzhou, mastering Chinese is almost a must-have ability for the elites of other forces.

So Reinhardt had been communicating with Han Xinyan in Chinese before, otherwise it would have been okay for Sage Tianqi, but when Shao Siming translated it, it basically had two different meanings from Chinese, and it would be even more difficult to understand.

"We know too little information. Judging from the current situation, Li Huacheng and Qin Weibai are in different positions. The East Palace may not have swallowed up Zhongzhou. The two sides... should be merging.

Moreover, this kind of integration should have just begun, and many positions have not even been determined. Otherwise, Han Xinyan would not let us go directly to Li Huacheng. Even if Li Huacheng can take full decision on this matter, he should not be able to see him in the beginning. . "

Artes's eyes flickered slightly: "For us, this is a good thing. If the disaster is bound to break out in a way that we cannot prevent, after we join Middle-earth, we may have the opportunity to occupy more important positions. ..”

Reinhardt hesitated for a moment: " Li Huacheng?"

"Let me do it."

Ates sighed.

Perhaps it was the impending doomsday, or perhaps it was the arrogance of being an overlord. No matter what the reason was, the communication just now was enough for Ates to realize the fact that Reinhardt's weight in the eyes of some people in Middle-earth was actually Really average.

A secretary could be so rude to him, but what about facing Li Huacheng?

Maybe Li Huacheng will do a good job on the surface, but it is foreseeable that Reinhardt will not have weight in the other party's heart. Without weight, what can be negotiated?

Artes doesn't think he is smarter than Reinhardt, but his family and the resources at his disposal are enough for him to become Reinhardt's boss. On the surface, he is just the leader of a plutocrat, but in fact everyone It is clear that the surname Ates has become the highest will in this land under the current situation.

It would be at least better for him to show up in person than Reinhardt.

Reinhardt stopped talking. He sat down on the sofa in his office and looked at Ates intently.

A little pressure surged in my heart little by little.

Artes took a deep breath, finally sighed, and sent a communication request to Li Huacheng.

As an old rival, it was not as difficult for him to find Li Huacheng as it was to find Li Tianlan. It could even be said that it was just acquaintances talking to each other on the phone. Although the so-called acquaintance relationship was not very good, they were really familiar.

The communication was quickly connected.

In front of Artes, Reinhardt's figure occupying the screen began to shrink to half, and then changed from half to a small window.

Li Huacheng's figure appeared on the screen, clear and vivid.


Li Huacheng's expression was obviously surprised: "Long time no see, what do you want from me?"

Li Huacheng's surprise was not fake.

He and Artes are very familiar with each other, but most of the time they fight against each other in the air. The Artes family is a real behemoth entrenched on the other side of the ocean, with extremely strong dominance. In other words, as long as he If he is willing, he has inexhaustible chess pieces in his hand. Reinhardt, even Cade, who is about to retire, or anyone else can become Artes' chess pieces. Anyway, Li Huacheng never thought that he would contact him personally. Own.

"Actually, before looking for you, I first looked for His Majesty Li Tianlan."

Ates took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.


The strangeness on Li Huacheng's face flashed away: "Has Tianlan seen you?"

Han Xinyan could only vaguely sense some of Li Tianlan's attitude and knew that he had no interest in outside forces, at least not now, but Li Huacheng knew that was not the case at all.

It's not that he isn't interested in territories outside Central Continent, the most fundamental reason is that he can't do it.

Not to mention the power controlled by Ates, Li Tianlan wanted even an area ten times or even a hundred times smaller than Star Kingdom.

But there's nothing he can do now.

Being able to achieve this step is already Li Tianlan's true limit at present.

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