The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 892: :

After a long silence, whether it was Guo Wentian, Wan Qingyun, or Zhou Yunhai, their expressions began to look dull.

Li Tianlan's attitude was so clear that now that the matter was at this point, their opinions were actually not important at all.

Moreover, Li Tianlan's series of actions seemed to fully illustrate the authenticity of the doomsday. After all, if the doomsday was just a scam for Li Tianlan to gain power, there would be no need for such a big deal.

Six super main cities that can accommodate at least 300 million people, as well as at least 30 acropolis, resource city clusters, painstakingly abandoning the surface and settling everyone underground.

Abolish science and technology and make full use of other abilities that can replace science.

If this was a scam, the price Li Tianlan would pay would be too high. The most important thing is that with Li Tianlan's current strength, he doesn't need to go through such trouble at all.

So, at this point, they can only choose to agree or oppose? They didn't even have any objections anymore, only some doubts remained.

"You...Your Majesty..."

Guo Wentian finally spoke. His voice tried his best to remain natural, but it still sounded a bit awkward when he listened carefully: "In less than a month in the future, you can really build all the main cities and acropolis underground. What?"

This is the city.

A true megacity.

Not to mention the six super main cities, according to the city size mentioned by Li Tianlan, Guo Wentian knew after a moment's thought that even an acropolis would probably be about the same size as Youzhou today, and the main city would be several times larger than Youzhou. .

Including the main city and the acropolis, such a city would require dozens of buildings, and it would be built from scratch in less than a month.

Urban planning, architecture, residential areas, streets, all kinds of things, not counting resource urban agglomerations...

How much work is this?

Strictly speaking, even if all the infrastructure in Central Continent were mobilized at this time, it would be impossible to build so many cities within a month. It would not be possible on the ground, let alone nearly a hundred meters deep underground.

"It's going to be tiring."

Li Tianlan glanced at him: "But this is my business. If I say I can do it, I can do it. The example of Isenbul is already in front of me."

"So, you are planning to steal other cities, uh, no, I mean..."

Only after Guo Wentian said this did he realize that he had used the wrong word, but that was really what he was thinking. He didn't know the truth about Isenbul's disappearance, but the fact was that this city was now in the hands of Li Tianlan. What was he hiding? He didn't even know. The only explanation was that Li Tianlan stole Isenbul.

"When it comes to collectors, is that called stealing? That's called collecting. Don't accuse someone of their innocence out of thin air."

Li Tianlan retorted to Guo Wentian without changing his expression, and then he shook his head and sighed: "But I won't collect other cities, I will build them myself."

Building a city from scratch. Currently, only Li Tianlan and Qin Weibai have the ability to build a city. Xuanyuan Wushang can only count half of it. His utilization rate of energy here is too low, which means that he basically can’t build a city from scratch. Any powerful mechanical legions that can appear here are basically all miscellaneous soldiers.

Xuanyuan Wushang can only be responsible for a few acropolis at most, which is already the limit.

As for the rest, part of the city can be completely handed over to Qin Weibai, allowing her to use the Creator's ability to imagine it.

For the rest, Li Tianlan will simulate the spatial structure of the city and replicate this spatial structure underground.

Huating and Youzhou are different. This difference is not only a matter of region, but also on a spatial level. The space of Huating and the space of Youzhou are different.

The appearance, stability, and operation of every building in the city will bring subtle changes to the city's spatial structure.

Just like the changes a person brings in space, by completely simulating the impact of the other person in this space, Li Tianlan can directly and perfectly copy all traces of that person, which is also deformation.

The same goes for the traces SimCity leaves in space.

What kind of impact does the entire city of Huating have on the space where it is located? Because of the existence of this city, Li Tianlan will use his super fast thinking speed to completely analyze how the basic particles are arranged, and then in the underground space, he will place Huating in the surface space. All the traces left behind were simulated and copied without any defects.

The reason why Huating on the surface has the current arrangement of basic particles is because Huating has different architectural traces in different areas. As long as any building is missing, the arrangement of basic particles in Huating will not be the same. Like this.

Therefore, as long as Li Tianlan rearranges the basic particles and fixes them underground, he does not need to build a city. He only needs to rearrange the air particles at the spatial level, and a city exactly like Huating will appear in the underground space.

This ability is very magical, and can even be said to be a bit nonsense, but this is the charm of lies. As long as Li Tianlan wants to do it, all nonsense lies are the truth to him.

Isenbul's second main city is planned to be built in Zhongzhou. By then, Youzhou, Huating, and the north will be completely spliced ​​together to form a new super main city.

This takes time. Just as the population migration in Central Continent also takes time, when the people from Youzhou and the north gather together and the first batch enters the underground city, Youzhou and the north will be empty on the surface. Li Tianlan can combine these two Collect in one city and release the collection at the location of the third super main city to form the basic framework of the third main city.

First clear an area, place people underground, and then relocate the vacated surface city to other places.

Going back and forth like this is still a great test for Li Tianlan's thinking speed, but relatively speaking, this is the most labor-saving way. Combining Qin Weibai's fantasy ability and Xuanyuan Wushang's miscellaneous army, a This city can be built before the end of the world. This is the most important project. Only by completing this project can he use his authority to blockade the City of Miracles for the second time.

"still have a question."

Guo Wentian hesitated for a moment and continued to speak.


Li Tianlan nodded.

"If everyone in Central Continent moves underground and we abandon the surface, and the super main cities underground are far apart, does this mean that people in different areas of Central Continent will completely lose contact in the future until... "

He recalled Li Tianlan's words: "Can we continue to contact you until we have the authority and can set foot on the surface?"

"In the Xi Dynasty, technology will be completely replaced."

Li Tianlan said calmly: "In terms of transportation, I will arrange teleportation arrays between various cities. No matter where you want to go, you can reach your destination instantly. The teleportation array can replace technological transportation.

In terms of communication, Xuanyuan Wushang is already making personal terminals for the people of Zhongzhou, and in the final debugging stage, personal terminals can use the signals provided by Xuanyuan Wushang to replace mobile phones and computers, and communication will be more convenient.

This is my dynasty, and I will use my own methods to keep the cities closely connected. "

Guo Wentian was silent for a moment.

At this moment, he gave up all his rhetoric, slowly leaned back on the chair behind him, and said softly: "The Prince Group will support all of His Majesty's plans, whether it is propaganda or population concentration, we will take action as soon as possible."

His voice was soft and slow, without any fluctuations, as if he had given up all struggle.

Li Huacheng glanced at Guo Wentian and suddenly laughed: "Wentian's ability is sufficient. The Xi Dynasty needs a new order. The most important thing is the code of conduct of the people of the dynasty, what should be done and what should not be done. What kind of consequences you have to bear for what you do, rewards and punishments, and a series of guidelines..."

He looked at Li Tianlan and said slowly: "In this regard, in the entire Central Continent, it is probably difficult to find anyone more experienced than Wen Tian. Your Majesty, I suggest that Wen Tian form a team of his own and serve as Shangshu in the Xi Dynasty. Order’s duties.”

Shangshu Ling of the Xi Dynasty.

Shangshu Lifa (fa) is a position second only to Li Huacheng. His responsibilities are very pure. Because of his purity, the power in his hands is absolutely concentrated.

Shangshu Ling belongs to the system of sages, and its height is equivalent to that of Donghuang, or Da Siming and Shao Siming around Huang Xi. For Guo Wentian, this is definitely a position worthy of surprise. If he can sit on Shangshu Ling position, his status is equivalent to just changing from a giant to a parliamentarian. Considering his relationship with Li Tianlan, this result is already very good.


Li Tianlan nodded casually. In the system of sages, Li Huacheng has a great say. It doesn't matter who he recommends to Li Tianlan.

Guo Wentian's eyes suddenly lit up. He was obviously a little excited, and his face turned red. The surprise came so suddenly that even with his power, he couldn't help but express his position on the spot: "I will be responsible for this matter seriously. , after I return, I will immediately form a team, and after establishing the draft, I will..."

He hesitated for a moment and glanced at Li Tianlan and Li Huacheng.

"Just report to the sages. In addition, you can communicate with Da Siming or Shao Siming."

Li Tianlan said casually.

Guo Wentian took a deep breath and nodded vigorously, but he was thinking about the meaning of Da Siming and Shao Siming.

Zhou Yunhai and Wan Qingyun looked at Guo Wentian with a little envy in their eyes.

Guo Wentian's ending can be said to be the best. His status seems to have dropped a bit, but his responsibilities are not much different from those in Zhongzhou. They are more pure and the power in his hands has actually increased.

Zhou Yunhai has also learned about some positions in the new era during this period. At present, if he also wants the same treatment as Guo Wentian, then the most suitable position for him is the Taiwei under the Shenfeng system, with the same responsibilities as now Basically the same, and for him, absolutely perfect.

As for Wan Qingyun, it would be difficult for him to find his place in the system of Zaixi Dynasty. As for his old friend Ji Wen Zhang, he has been in charge of supervision for many years and is very suitable for the Yushitai under the insight system.

The first person in the dynasty to have insight was Wang Shengxiao.

Ji Wenwen was originally from the Southeast Group, and Wang Shengxiao was insightful, so there was basically no suspense about Ji Wenwen's control of Yushitai.

In this way, Li Huacheng's sage and the academy behind him.

Guo Wentian's Shangshu Ling, and the Prince Group behind him.

Wang Shengxiao's insight and the Southeast Group behind it.

As for the wealthy group, even if Dongcheng Wudi does not hold any position, because of Li Tianlan's relationship, his status will be the most transcendent in the future.

Li Tianlan himself also represents the new group.

As a result, there is uncertainty for the northern group and itself.

Zhou Yunhai thought silently and said at the same time: "The Northern Group is willing to support all of His Majesty's plans..."

If you want to plan the position of Taiwei, this statement is necessary, but I don't know if the Northern Group has enough weight.

Li Tianlan nodded and said calmly: "After you go back, you can talk to Shen Feng about your position."

Zhou Yunhai's face relaxed slightly, and he subconsciously showed a smile.

Li Tianlan also smiled.

special period.

In this way, he had a clear explanation for the major groups.

"Go ahead and take a look at the brand new Isenbul outside. No, it's a super main city. At least you have to be aware of it. I'll leave the subsequent publicity and relocation to you."

Li Tianlan said calmly.

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