The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 852: :underground

Li Tianlan quietly looked at the deserted city in front of him.

Isenbul is completely a thing of the past. The most populous city in Europe has now completely appeared nearly 100 meters underground in the Eastern Imperial Palace. In the next new era, it will serve as one of the core areas of the southern region of Middle-earth. carry out its responsibilities.

The entire Tiannan currently has a very small population, less than a few hundred thousand people in total. It can be said that it is more than enough to fit them all into Isenbul. Not only that, it can even concentrate the population of several cities, villages and towns in Nanyun. It's no problem if you put them all in there.

In Li Tianlan's idea, starting from Tiannan, he would go all the way north, running through the east and west, and build a large-scale underground city in several major areas of Central Continent.

This so-called super-large city is a city that can accommodate at least 50 million people.

In the territory of the Eastern Palace, such a city would be called the main city.

The distribution of the main city will form the main skeleton of the East Palace. Around each main city, Li Tianlan will build acropolises one after another in the surrounding area.

The acropolis will protect the main city and further fill in the skeleton of the Eastern Palace in detail. At the same time, a resource city cluster will be created between the main city and other main cities to produce various resources and hoard them to supply each main city and the acropolis. It sounds like a huge project.

In fact, the total number of main cities, acropolis, and resource city clusters that Li Tianlan needs to create is not too many.

The Tiannan area already has Isenbul, and Isenbul still needs to be expanded and expanded. At the same time, an acropolis needs to be built to gather people from Nanyun, Xiyue and Tiannan here.

Next, the super main city of Tianfu will have one and at least six acropolis. With Tianfu as the core, everyone in the southwest, Qingzhou, Yunzhou, Fan, and other regions must gather in the main city and acropolis in the Tianfu area.

After that comes Qinzhou. The super main city of Qinzhou will be centered on Qinzhou and concentrate the population of Yongliang, Grassland, Ningzhou, and Northern Xinjiang.

The fourth super main city is in the Central Plains, Jinzhou, Dongshan, Beihu, Jianghuai, Wuyue. Everyone will converge towards the Central Plains. It is foreseeable that the super main city here may not be the largest, but the acropolis must be the most. , because there are the most people in this area.

Then, the fifth super main city, Nanyue, will concentrate the power and resources of Nanhu, Jiangnan, Minnan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Xiangjiang and other places.

The sixth main city is in Youzhou, which concentrates the power of Yanzhao, Liaodong, Longjiang, Beihai, and Jiangzhou.

In addition, the resource city cluster envisioned by Li Tianlan will take root in Yunzhou, Yongliang, Jinzhou and Jiangnan.

Six super main cities, four resource city clusters, and at least twenty acropolis are the space that Li Tianlan will develop underground next.

The surface area of ​​Zhongzhou will not decrease, but underground, all people will be concentrated together to the maximum extent. This kind of living space is very tight, but this is the limit of what Li Tianlan can achieve.

He collected Isenbul and then returned Isenbul. It seemed like it was only for a moment. If he could keep doing this, it seemed that he could walk around the world in nothingness. He could collect it in every city in the New Testament and the Fog City. , and then returned in the underground space of Zhongzhou.

But in fact he couldn't do it at all.

Whether it is collecting a city or exchanging the city back, it is an almost unbearable burden for him.

He now holds the power, even if it is not restricted, but his real strength level is only the peak of the fourth level authority. The huge consumption of collecting an Isenbul almost slows his thinking speed to the bottom. It depends on getting the 'what if' The authority was temporarily replenished. This may be due to the influence of life authority, but at least it shows that at this stage, Li Tianlan is not able to collect whatever he wants.

Today's Isenbul can be said to be the easiest half-super main city to build. The subsequent development of underground space will only become more and more difficult.

Li Tianlan stretched out his hand and carefully drew a pattern in the air with his fingers.

Gray mist slowly surged around him, and the patterns he drew were clearly imprinted on the ground.

A trace of light began to flicker on the pattern, and the traces outlined by Li Tianlan were constantly changing.

Li Tianlan suddenly frowned, thought for a while, and erased the pattern he drew.

"Teleportation array?"

The air fluctuated slightly, and two figures of Qin Weibai were outlined beside Li Tianlan at the same time. Qin Weibai looked at the subtle traces of the pattern and asked softly.


Li Tianlan nodded: "But there is something wrong with my thinking..."

Lie's authority is essentially to study space, and he can be said to be a true expert in building teleportation arrays.

Li Tianlan wants to cancel the technology tree, so using teleportation arrays to replace the current means of transportation is the best choice.

A super main city is destined to be very big. The size of any super main city is several times larger than a metropolis on the surface, so the transportation requirements will be higher.

Moreover, in Li Tianlan's expectation, each super main city and acropolis cannot be closed alone. Even if they live underground, communication with each other must remain smooth.

Therefore, Li Tianlan needs to leave at least two or three teleportation arrays that can span the main city and the acropolis in each main city and acropolis to replace the current airport to ensure that no matter which city people are in , as long as you walk into the teleportation array, you can go to any city according to your own wishes.

So this requires detailed coordinates. Different coordinates correspond to different places. To build a space channel, the structure of the entire teleportation array will become extremely complicated. The changes in the internal lines must correspond to different locations and various spatial combinations. Start , transmission, stability test...

In addition, using teleportation arrays to connect various cities is obviously not enough, because it only replaces airplanes and trains. The huge area of ​​the super main city destined people to have a strong demand for urban transportation, so Li Tianlan still needs to use different models. The teleportation array is used to build the city's transportation network, each station, each key point, and different regional locations...

Li Tianlan's scalp was numb, and the irritability in his heart was uncontrollably increasing.

If he were at his peak, perhaps he could just sketch out various types of teleportation arrays at the door of every household, allowing everyone to travel as they pleased, but now he has limited authority over lies. Knowing that he was severely deficient, whenever he thought about his workload, he felt suffocated and almost breathless.

The construction of the super main city, the construction of the acropolis, the distribution of resource city clusters, long-distance transmission arrays, short- and medium-distance transmission arrays, fixed-point transmission, transportation networks...

Li Tianlan's breathing became rapid subconsciously.

If this were normal, he would definitely be too lazy to bother with it. Wouldn't it be nice to leave the things at hand to the people below to handle? Isn't it uncomfortable for the shopkeeper to do this?

But now, no matter how much Li Tianlan dislikes these things, he still has to do what he has to do. Even if he wants to be a hands-off shopkeeper, he has to wait until these things are dealt with.


Beside him, Qin Weibai hesitated for a moment and subconsciously wanted to help. This was a habit he had developed long ago and was even engraved in his bones. No matter what Li Tianlan did, as long as it was something he couldn't solve or didn't want to do, Qin Weibai Baidu would do it instinctively.

She is the supreme creator with authority. Under her will, everything she fantasizes about can become a reality, including the teleportation array.

It's just that the teleportation array she imagined requires mental power to be used. From this point of view, anyone who can use the teleportation array she imagined will have their spirit connected with the control authority to some extent. It can be regarded as Qin Weibai's puppet. This is the effect of the authority itself, which is the embodiment of the so-called order. Li Tianlan is obviously unwilling to accept a teleportation array of this nature.

But she could imagine a material that could carry Li Tianlan's teleportation array and let the teleportation array drawn by Li Tianlan correct itself. This would save Li Tianlan a lot of trouble.

She even planned to speak, but when the words came to her lips, nothing came out.

For Li Tianlan, solving the problem of the teleportation array by himself is the process of getting familiar with the authority of lies, which is indispensable.

"I want to help you, but it's best if I don't take action. Just relax a little... The problem of the teleportation array is a very simple one for you..."

Qin Weibai stretched out his hand and smoothed Li Tianlan's frowned eyebrows.

When she spoke, the whole Isenbul shook again.

The majestic spiritual power that could shake everything surged above Isenbul.

The entire city began to change at a speed visible to the naked eye.

On the city roads, neat shops began to move forward, occupying the sidewalks and driveways. The shops moved forward, and the vacant positions began to change rapidly. Buildings rose up silently, and finally The building was just a shadow at the beginning, but in a blink of an eye it had completely transformed into a solid entity.

The end of the city spread out rapidly, streets extending in all directions began to extend in all directions, various buildings and residential areas grew from scratch, and the entire area of ​​Isenbul doubled.

This is the will of fantasy.

In the mighty power of faith, Qin Weibai imagined a new Isenbul, and her fantasy became a reality. The two Isenbuls merged together and became a new super main city.

Xibai looked at Qin Weibai who was so prominent in the limelight and was obviously a little dissatisfied, but she couldn't do this kind of thing now. All she could do now was some auxiliary work.

Pieces of plants and greenery began to appear suddenly in the super main city, and vitality surged everywhere in the city. Pieces of lush plants began to appear continuously, adding just the right embellishment to the main city.

Li Tianlan watched all this quietly.

In order to expand the living area and increase the habitation rate, this new super main city has undergone tremendous changes in Qin Weibai's fantasy, especially the streets. The roads and streets that used to be used for vehicles have become narrow, like a It was obvious that Qin Weibai had no intention of leaving space for cars in this super main city.

All this requires Li Tianlan to build a more convenient teleportation array.

"You should be familiar with capturing spatial traces. You don't need to practice."

Qin Weibai smiled and said: "So I can help you build the main city, but after the main city is built, the people above have to come down, and the teleportation array is still needed..."

Qin Weibai kissed Li Tianlan's face and whispered: "You have to work hard, dad..."

Li Tianlan's breath froze, and his whole body suddenly became energetic.

Qin Weibai was a little proud and turned to look at Xibai provocatively.

Xi Bai's face darkened, and he immediately rushed towards Qin Weibai angrily.

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