The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 850: :

The aroma of barbecue is still floating on the rooftop.

Li Tianlan took out the list compiled by Han Xinyan again.

The list is very long, not a piece of paper, to be precise, a thick stack of documents.

The content on the list is also very boring. Most people only have a simple name, and only a few people have relatively detailed information, such as simple resumes and so on.

There are approximately more than 6,000 people on the entire list, coming from major groups and involving various fields.

In other words, at least from the standpoint of the six major groups, they believe that in the worst situation, as long as they can ensure that these more than 6,000 people play their respective roles, then Central Continent can barely stabilize the situation.

The end is approaching, and this list is equivalent to the list recommended to the Eastern Palace by the six major groups to maintain the stability of Central Continent during the end of the world.

Governance, technology, propaganda, security, education, medical care, research and development...

In different fields, all classes required by a normal civilization are included in this list.

The time was too short, so it was impossible for Li Tianlan to meet each of them, and it was impossible to get to know everyone face to face. All he could do was write down the names of everyone on the list.

In fact, for Li Tianlan now, remembering the names on this list is more meaningful than having face-to-face communication with everyone.

He now has three kinds of authority and authority.

Indomitable, basically does not need much description, it is just a reckless martial arts.

An extremely complex lie that seems to have only one core ability, but is ever-changing and can be combined into countless abilities at will.

The last one is the destiny authority of the logic of opportunity in all things.

The ninth level of destiny authority is called destiny.

The ninth level of spiritual authority: Creator, the ninth level of martial arts authority: God of Killing, the ninth level of life authority: Angel, the ninth level of lie authority: Dominator, the ninth level of technological authority: Doomsday.

The ninth level of destiny authority: destiny.

Li Tianlan holds the power within the authority of destiny: If, even though he is sealing life, Li Tianlan has not yet begun to seal the City of Miracles, at least before sealing the City of Miracles, he is still in a state of being suppressed but uncontrollable. At the supreme level, without if, he could still exert some power of destiny through lies.

This list may be just names in the eyes of others, but in Li Tianlan's eyes, he can directly see the fate of each person through these names, and thus silently arrange, influence, and change everyone. destiny trajectory.

The abilities, personalities, and final results of these people will basically be presented to Li Tianlan. Through these, coupled with Li Tianlan's modifications, these people can be placed in appropriate positions to further stabilize Zhongzhou. He even You can find more suitable people through the fate lines of these people, and expand this list several times.

His level is here. As long as he appears in the City of Miracles, everyone's destiny will become closely related to him, which is equivalent to controlling everything to a certain extent.

Now Li Tianlan is not taking action to change the fate of these people, just because the physical examination results provided to him by Xuanyuan Wushang have not yet been sent. The medical examination results contain the most important super gene indicators.

The number of superpower genes in their bodies also determines their respective upper limits in the future.

It's just limited to the City of Miracles, with limited resources. Even if Li Tianlan changes his destiny, he can't change this. After all, all resources are limited no matter how they are changed. Without being able to determine the super gene, he hastily modified these Once a person's destiny appears with extremely strong abilities but very few super genes, it will be difficult for Li Tianlan to arrange it and cannot modify it because it is illogical.

"The **** fat man is moving too slowly."

Li Tianlan flipped through the list in his hand and shook his head helplessly.

His thinking speed is extremely fast now and he can accept a lot of information.

There are more than 6,000 names, pages and pages of paper. Li Tianlan only needs to glance at them to remember everyone's names, observe everyone's fate at the same time, and then use his extremely fast thinking speed to process all the information.

Just the fate of thousands of people, the intensity of this information was even far inferior to any memory picture that was constantly reviving in his mind at this time.

So Li Tianlan has read this list several times, and added a lot of names to the list, and then continued to optimize according to each person's destiny, excluding some people on the list, and adding some more to form an initial list. list.

As for how to arrange the people on this list, it depends on the physical examination results sent by Xuanyuan Wushang.

Based on the results of the physical examination, the classes were divided layer by layer. In Li Tianlan's view, this was almost a third of his tasks before the end.

"He also has a lot of things to do, and he always has to do one thing after another. Maybe he hasn't done this yet, so there's no point in rushing."

Xibai looked at Li Tianlan lazily: "At least now, the most important position has been determined. This is a good start. You can eat..."

She motioned to the barbecue in front of her.

Li Tianlan randomly added a piece and put it in his mouth, and said thoughtfully: "You can build your own system by then..."

Sage, insight, divine edge, revelation...

On the surface, there are only four highest positions. In fact, these are the four future systems of the East Palace. Each of these four positions is a system that operates independently. It is difficult to interfere with each other. The four major systems operate at the same time. Responsible to Dong Huang.

Li Tianlan also has a big system under him, but if he wants to be lazy, he doesn't need to build it himself. One of the two Qin Weibai is doing Tianqi, and there will always be one who is free. Even if neither of them is free, he still has one under him. There are big Siming, young Siming, big housekeeper and little secretary who are enough to attack Li Tianlan's system layer by layer.

Under such a system, Li Tianlan has a large number of talents at his disposal. After the so-called qualifications and connections are completely cleared, everyone only needs to focus on one thing or a few things, and the selection of talents will become Very convenient.

"You lent the Creation Book to the little fat man?"

Li Tianlan suddenly looked at Qin Weibai: "Did he bring it here himself?"

"I gave it to him."

Qin Weibai recalled: "The Book of Creation... contained a massive star sealed in it. Qingwu gave it to me at that time. She even called me mom, which made me confused. And that thing was very dangerous to me at that time." Even though it was just a piece of paper, I didn’t know what its use was, so I gave it to Fatty, and now it seems that it is still very useful.”

"It's useful, but that girl didn't bring the book of life and death."

Li Tianlan shook his head. Since various permissions exist, there will naturally be artifacts related to various permissions. The so-called artifacts basically involve concepts.

The Creation Book is an artifact with spiritual authority directly related to the level of the Creator. It is condensed with a large amount of faith and turned into fantasy will. All kinds of fantasies can basically come true. In Qin Weibai's hands, he can even create the sun, moon and stars out of thin air.

The so-called book of life and death is an artifact with destiny authority. If Li Tianlan had the book of life and death in his hand now, he would not need the results provided by Xuanyuan Wushang at all when looking at the list in his hand.

Qin Weibai seemed to have thought of something and said softly: "Is she still in the City of Miracles? It seems that I just met her some time ago... It's a pity that I didn't know her at the time."

Li Tianlan shook his head: "I can't find her where she is, she is very close to the incomplete... If she is still in the City of Miracles, I can't see her unless she is within my sight. ..”

He now has two sons and a daughter.

After a long period of silence, the eldest son Taihao finally took control and became the youngest supreme leader in the neutral camp.

The second son, Li Dongcheng, chose martial arts and has only begun to grow now. The future is still unknown.

Daughter Feng Qingwu also chose the lie authority at the beginning, but the progress was much slower than Tai Hao, but now she is also a top master, and she is still one step away from mastering power, but it is only one step away.

The lie authority has three authorities: lies, truth, and incompleteness.

The first two are now on Li Tianlan and his son, and the last incomplete one is where the daughter is constantly trying to get closer.

The so-called incompleteness can also be called secret.

Feng Qingwu is already very close to the secret. Even if she is not the Supreme, it will not be easy for Li Tianlan to find her.

"If all goes well...she doesn't know how long it will be."

Xibai thought for a while, feeling a little helpless.

"It depends on luck..."

Li Tianlan said calmly: "If she is lucky, she will have a chance after the world restarts. If she is not lucky, she will probably have to experience the end..."

It is not easy to master the power and become the Supreme. The distance from the peak authority to the Supreme is infinitely longer than the distance from the first level to the ninth level. Even the preparation time is so long that it makes people despair.

But now it seems that although Feng Qingwu still needs time, he can still look forward to the future. At least in Li Tianlan's perception, in the current starry sky, Feng Qingwu has no direct competitors in terms of lie authority. Others are far away. She was still a little short of that.

"I need to get the Genesis Book back first. I plan to use it temporarily."

Li Tianlan said.


Qin Weibai nodded. She created the Creation Book, and all she needed to get it back was a thought.

"You said..."

Li Tianlan suddenly smiled: "I completely abandon all the towns in Central Continent and turn Central Continent into a small planet inside the Miracle City, allowing the real environment to be completely concentrated here. Is this feasible?"

If the real environment is completely concentrated here, it seems more convenient for him to eat the real environment when the time comes.

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