The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 841: : Qin Xi

The atmosphere outside the office was returning to normal because of Li Tianlan's appearance.

The atmosphere in the office became depressed because of Li Tianlan's departure.

Neither of the two Qin Weibais who said they wanted to talk alone moved, one was lying down and the other was sitting, like a silent confrontation.

The consciousness of the two people is completely synchronized. In other words, even if they don't open their mouths, they can know what each other is thinking.

Qin Weibai was thinking about everything that had happened since the Lord of Samsara Palace fell asleep.

As for the Palace Master of Reincarnation, he didn't think about anything, he was just concentrating on accepting the message in Qin Weibai's consciousness.

The two of them didn't say anything, but they completed the transmission of information in the fastest and most tacit way.

I don’t know how long it took, but the Lord of Samsara Palace slowly opened his eyes.

She still maintained her position lying on the sofa, staring at the ceiling, in a daze.

Qin Weibai ignored her and continued to remain silent.

"So, Tianlan is not angry anymore, right?"

The Lord of Samsara Palace suddenly asked.

Her mind received a lot of information in a short period of time.

Authority and authority, starry sky and world, neutrality and order, end and restart, Huang Xi and Xi Bai.

All kinds of information severely impacted her world view, but her most instinctive thinking was still limited to this planet, the entanglement between two time and space.

For example, the sword she thrust out in another time and space, such as the deception in this time and space, these are the knots in her heart that she can't let go of the most. Those memories from Xi Bai are very clear and can be empathized with. But at this moment, Qin Weibai and the reincarnation palace master's own consciousness still dominates. Those memories can only tell them what they have done before, but there is no way to change their thinking.

"She's just not angry with me anymore."

Qin Weibai said lightly: "We have lived in dreams again and again. There is no difference between Qin Weibai and Bai Xiaobai in Tianlan's heart. As for you."

Qin Weibai raised his chin: "Let's find a way to coax him. Anyway, he is willing to accept you now. As for how to not be angry, it all depends on your performance, or if you fall asleep now, you won't have these worries."

"I saw in your memory that Tianlan has recognized that we are one person."

The Lord of Samsara Palace spoke slowly.


Qin Weibai sneered: "Maybe it was before, but now you can say that we are one person? You are you, I am me, the authority is different, what is the basis for us to be one person?"

The Lord of Samsara Palace was silent for a moment.

"Sure enough, my guess was right."

Qin Weibai continued to murmur to himself: "In another time and space, it was a very strange thing for Gu Xianyan to kill Dongcheng Huangtu. How could I kill Tianlan? Now it seems that all this is It’s normal, because in that time and space, I am you, you are life, and my presence in this time and space has nothing to do with me.”

The Lord of Samsara Palace narrowed his eyes and looked at Qin Weibai.

She herself didn't expect that the first thing she did when she woke up was that Qin Weibai was blaming her, saying, "I will only do good things for my husband. All the bad things are your fault. It has nothing to do with me. We are not the same person."

But what are you pretending to be?

What time and space are you and me?

When the story of Gu Xianyan and Dongcheng Huangtu happened in the time and space, you did not exist in this time and space, okay?

What life and control.

My spiritual power became life after you took it away.

In other words, if I directly take away your spiritual power in this time and space, then life will be yours.

Are you really not blushing for such a shameless blaming?

The Lord of Samsara Palace subconsciously moved his fingers.

"You are no match for me."

Qin Weibai's eyes immediately turned around and fell on the Lord of Samsara Palace.

Life and **** are indeed on the same level.

But now the former is in a sealed state.

But Domination has not yet begun to blockade the City of Miracles.

If the two of them were to fight now, the Mistress of Samsara Palace would be at best a priest, with at most some qualities of a Priest of Laws and Orders, because her authority was sealed.

But Qin Weibai is a spiritual lord who can use all means and even concepts of spiritual authority. She can completely press the reincarnation palace master to the ground and rub it, and even make Li Tianlan unable to notice it during the friction.

"What are you proud of?"

The Lord of Samsara Palace snorted coldly. From the moment she woke up, she and Qin Weibai looked at each other more and more displeased.

Intellectually, they know that the other person and themselves should still be the same person, but they can't suppress the displeasure. Their instincts remind them that they hope to eat the other person or make the other person disappear forever.

This displeasure quickly turned into disgust.

Disgust turned into disgust again.

The Lord of Samsara Palace felt that Qin Weibai was so ugly, which lowered his appearance.

Qin Weibai felt that the Master of Samsara Palace had a bad temperament and was as stupid as a fool.

The differences in authority are showing up bit by bit.

The reincarnation palace master who holds the power of life, even if she is sealed, her life state is flawless. This perfection will naturally be reflected in her appearance, figure, and delicate and smooth skin. Then It is truly flawless.

As for Qin Weibai, who holds the power of control, as the source of spiritual authority, there is no doubt about her temperament.

To put it simply, Qin Weibai, who holds the power of control, is not as beautiful as the reincarnation palace master, but has a better temperament.

The Lord of Samsara Palace, who holds the power over life, is more attractive in appearance, but has a slightly worse temperament.

Of course, this difference is very small, even Li Tianlan can't see it, but as the parties involved, they can see clearly when they look at each other.

It is precisely because this difference is so clear that both parties can see what makes them more perfect. What they are better than the other does not need to be changed, and what they are not as good as the other can be obtained by swallowing the other.

This kind of instinctive impulse is constantly surging, impacting their reason.

The impact on the reincarnation palace master was smaller, as her authority was sealed after all.

Qin Weibai was really uncomfortable. As a last resort, he could only perform hypnosis on himself, which was also a self-sealing, temporarily closing all his mental power.

Qin Weibai was no longer eager to make a move, and the mood of the Palace Master of Samsara became more stable. She was silent for a while and said slowly: "When you and Tianlan blockade the City of Miracles again, this impulse will ease a lot, and we can get along normally by then. "No one cares about getting along with you normally."

Qin Weibai snorted coldly and raised his chin again.

"It's okay if we don't get along normally. When the time comes to decide the winner, do you think I will be afraid of you?"

The face of the Lord of Samsara Palace also turned cold.

The two looked at each other and fell silent again.

When the City of Miracles is blocked again, their strength will remain at a normal level, but what about Li Tianlan?

By then, Li Tianlan can really take care of the two of them by himself, right?

Li Tianlan now has three kinds of authority.

If it has been used to seal life.

The two remaining powers are freedom and truth.

From the perspective of blockade, freedom is the most useful. The authority of martial arts can cut off concepts, and combined with control, the city of miracles can be blocked more stably.

So what's the rest of the truth?

The truth is used to protect Middle-earth.

Li Tianlan will use the truth to give Zhongzhou another layer of protection. In this way, the beliefs of everyone in Zhongzhou will be directly linked to the truth.

The order camp needs its own territory.

And neutrality, which has been fighting against the world since its emergence, naturally also needs its own territory.

With Li Tianlan's current strength, if he uses the truth to exert all his strength, the coverage area will be one city at most, and if it is exhausted, it will cover the entire Tiannan. This is already amazing.

It was precisely because of this that Li Tianlan asked to take control of Zhongzhou.

Because he needs the faith from Central Continent to support his authority. The so-called faith can be said to be belief, it can also be said to be luck, or it can be said to be the will of all peoples, whatever it is.

Only by placing Donghuang where everyone can see, can Li Tianlan directly connect with Zhongzhou's beliefs, and then use the truth to do his best to expand the coverage to the entire Zhongzhou.

In this way, he was relying on Zhongzhou's belief to maximize his power and give Zhongzhou a relatively normal protection.

And when more and more beliefs and authority merge, and people in Central Continent increasingly recognize the East Palace and Li Tianlan, Li Tianlan's strength will continue to increase.

To put it bluntly, when people increasingly recognize the existence of Li Tianlan, the integration of belief and authority will become deeper and deeper. At that time, what protects Central Continent will be the belief and will of everyone in Central Continent, which Li Tianlan can use , the power derived from authority will become more and more.

Maybe there won't be any noticeable changes at first.

But as time goes by, sooner or later, Li Tianlan will be able to fully utilize the power of the truth again, at least within the borders of Central Continent.

If Qin Weibai and the Master of Samsara Palace still wanted to cause trouble at that time, Li Tianlan had plenty of ways to discipline them.


We still need to get along well with each other.

The Lord of Samsara Palace got off the sofa and stood up straight.

"Where are you going?"

Qin Weibai was stunned. At this moment, the reincarnation palace master had no idea in his mind, so Qin Weibai was a little confused.

"Take a shower and change clothes."

The Lord of Samsara Palace was a little disgusted: "This is uncomfortable."

She is now without any clothes, and the clothes covering her body are all the fire of life.

When she said this, Qin Weibai suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, stood up and said, "I'll go too, no, I'll wash first."

"Why should you go first? This is my office 1

"My 1

"It's a joke, the Eastern Palace belongs to me."

"It's a joke, all your men are mine."

The two quarreled and entered the lounge on the side of the office together without giving in, and then entered the bathroom.

The Master of Samsara Palace adjusted the water temperature, looked at Qin Weibai, and said calmly: "I only have one request from you, give me your name. From now on, my name is Qin Weibai."

Qin Weibai, who was arranging the bath towel, was immediately annoyed and gritted his teeth and said: "Why?? I am Qin Weibai, I am the dominator, you can call me whatever you like."

"Then my name is Bai Xiaobai??"

The Palace Master of Samsara raised his eyebrows: "I can't keep calling him the Palace Master of Samsara, right? It sounds awful."

"Bai Xiaobai is not allowed to bark either! 1

Qin Weibai warned word for word that this name belonged to the memories of her and Li Tianlan and was the key to their reconciliation. How could it be ruined by the Lord of Samsara Palace.

"Then my name will be Qin Weibai."

The Lord of Samsara Palace nodded naturally: "Your name is Bai Xiaobai 1

"Get out! I'm Qin Weibai."

Qin Weibai's voice seemed to be screaming: "You are not allowed to scream 1

She thought for a while and suddenly said: "There is another name. How about your name is Qin Xi'er?"

The hand of the Master of Samsara Palace that adjusted the water temperature suddenly paused.

(End of chapter)

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