The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 839: : panic

Li Tianlan's heart is undoubtedly extremely complicated.

His current memory has begun to revive with the recovery of authority. Many things that he did not remember before but experienced personally are entering his mind in the softest way little by little.

However, no matter how real the memories belonging to Huang Xi are, Li Tianlan's consciousness still occupies the dominant position after all. The memories that have begun to revive can allow him to formalize the relationship between himself and the two Qin Weibai, but again, because the revived memories are too Young, the disability is too serious. His feelings towards the two Qin Weibai are mainly about the love-hate entanglement in this space.

Regarding this point, the current Qin Weibai is actually much better, because in Li Tianlan's eyes, even though he is now in reality, Qin Weibai is still the Bai Xiaobai who has accompanied him through all the joys and sorrows again and again, and is the long-lasting Bai Xiaobai. Bai Xiaobai in the dream, the two of them were able to go from breakup to reconciliation mainly because of that dream.

And what about the current Palace Master of Samsara?

The entanglement of grudges in the previous time and space, the sword that finally penetrated the heart, the reincarnation palace in this time and space, the so-called well-intentioned deception, the sacrifice after the eternal sword, her dedication and escape, and the most amazing first time in Huating. See...

There is some confusion, some heartache, some pity, and also anger and even resentment after being deceived for a long time...

All of this seemed to not exist when the Lord of the Palace of Reincarnation did not wake up.

But as the reincarnation palace master awakened, all the memories and emotions began to stir up in Li Tianlan's consciousness, and then mixed with a few memories between Huang Xi and Xi Bai...

This kind of taste is not complicated at all

It is impossible to describe that Li Tianlan didn't know how to face the Lord of Samsara Palace. The so-called love, the so-called distress, the so-called resentment, all kinds of emotions, finally turned into a kind of irritation that was so aggrieved that he could not vent.

Play breakup again?

Li Tianlan really couldn't do this. First of all, he couldn't face his heart.

No breakup, no fun of cold violence with each other?

What's the point?

Regardless of what Li Tianlan thinks, once he does this, his indifference will have no meaning with the methods of the reincarnation palace master.

She and Qin Weibai had an exchange of memories, and when they broke up, Qin Weibai gave the reincarnation palace master a try. Facts have proved that Li Tianlan's indifference was of no use at all.

Qin Weibai was able to stalk him, and now that the Lord of Samsara Palace had an example to follow, he would only be more skillful than Qin Weibai if he played again.

We can’t break up, we can’t ignore each other, are we going to make peace as before?

Li Tianlan really thought like this in his heart. He wanted to reconcile, let everything before him become a thing of the past, no longer care about it, and then he would have two Qin Weibais, hugging him on the left and on the right, one above the other, and they could be stacked together. Happy...

But Li Tianlan was a little unwilling to reconcile like this.

So when Qin Weibai released the consciousness of the Palace Master of Samsara, and the moment when the Palace Master of Samsara's eyelashes trembled and was about to open her eyes, Li Tianlan's mind was filled with thoughts that were so confusing that it was difficult to describe.

His thinking speed is too fast now. In one second, or even half a second, hundreds, thousands or even more thoughts appear, and then he eliminates them one by one.

Just before he could decide whether to pull the Lord of Samsara Palace over and give him a good spanking, or to let it dry with a cold face, or

When nothing happened, the reincarnation palace master had already opened his eyes.

The two looked at each other for a moment.

Then Li Tianlan looked at the Master of Samsara Palace with a confused expression and closed his eyes again.

Her breathing quickly calmed down, and her heartbeat stabilized again after a short period of rapidity, as if she had fallen asleep again.

Li Tianlan almost laughed out loud at being shown off. She had seen Qin Weibai who was as cold and cold as the moon in the snowy clouds on the horizon. She had seen Qin Weibai who was strong, decisive and even cold-blooded. She had seen Qin Weibai who was as gentle as water. He has seen the charming and charming Qin Weibai, who is as charming as silk and passionate, and he has also seen Qin Weibai who is stalking and acting coquettishly. Today, he has gained a lot of experience. He has also seen the Qin Weibai who is determined to cheat and cheat. Qin Weibai.

Li Tianlan subconsciously stretched out his hand to pinch the face of the Lord of Samsara Palace, but he put his hand down halfway and looked at the other party motionless, pretending to be asleep. Li Tianlan didn't know why, but glared at Qin Weibai who looked aggrieved. One glance.

They are all the same person anyway, and they glare the same at everyone.

Qin Weibai, who originally looked aggrieved, suddenly became a little annoyed: "She's just pretending, why are you staring at me?!"

Li Tianlan coughed dryly and hesitated.

Qin Weibai walked directly to the Lord of Samsara Palace and shook her shoulders: "Get up, your man is breaking up with you, and you are still pretending. If you keep pretending, he will not want you anymore. Believe it or not? If you don't get up, I will keep you there forever." Go to sleep!"

The Lord of Samsara Palace made up his mind and remained motionless.

At this time, she was browsing all the things that had happened in the past by relying on the memory connection with Qin Weibai.

For her, the period of deep sleep was actually a state of confusion.

She vaguely remembered the dream-like experience during her deep sleep, but because her authority was sealed, those experiences had become somewhat illusory.

Her most authentic and clear memory is actually the eternal sword in the sky above Moormans. It is the moment when Xuanyuan Feng's huge sword cut off Jiuzhou Han and penetrated Wang Tianzong's chest.

Na's consciousness was extremely bright at that moment, and then there was endless darkness. Time flew by in the darkness. When she opened her eyes again, she saw Li Tianlan sitting in front of her.

What happened in the blank period of time is what the Lord of Samsara Palace urgently wants to know.

Countless memories began to surge, and through Qin Weibai, everything that Qin Weibai remembered poured into the mind of the Palace Master of Samsara.

The game of Middle-earth.

The pattern of the dark world.

The current size of the East Palace.

The breakup of Qin Weibai and Li Tianlan.

Li Tianlan's indifference.

Xuanyuan Wushang and Xingtian.

Mental authority...

The end is coming, authority, life, Taihao, seal...

This is everything that happened from Qin Weibai's perspective, including some of Qin Weibai's choices, decisions, and thoughts at the time.

A large number of memories are impacting the mind of the Palace Master of Samsara.

For her, this is not reading other people's memories at all, so it doesn't feel like reading a story, because Qin Weibai in the memory becomes herself in the eyes of the Palace Master of Samsara, and all her emotions, All the feelings, all the sadness, grievance, anxiety, happiness and despair are all experienced by the Lord of Samsara himself.

The Lord of Samsara Palace was even more panicked.

Because of Li Tianlan’s decisive attitude when they broke up, it was also

Because he had ravaged Li Tianlan unconsciously.

More and more memories are flooding into my brain.

The Lord of Samsara Palace did not dare to open her eyes. She could only let Qin Weibai shake her body, close her eyes tightly, and remain motionless.

Because she didn't know how to face Li Tianlan for the time being.

It would be nice if Tianlan wasn't here.

Instinctively, an idea flashed through her mind.

At the moment when this thought flashed across his mind, Qin Weibai's shaking of her body suddenly stopped.


The Lord of Samsara Palace panicked again, and then became a little proud.

Sure enough, Qin Weibai started to complain to Li Tianlan in a panic: "She said she doesn't want to see you, and she won't open her eyes until you're not here."

Her panic came from the Palace Master of Samsara, while the undertone in her eyes was one of pride. The two completely different emotions of panic and pride were perfectly displayed on Qin Weibai's face at this moment, which fully demonstrated that the two people were different and different. Same sentiment.

The Palace Master of Samsara, who was pretending to be dead with her eyes closed, subconsciously wanted to refute, but she endured it again and again, and finally decided to deceive herself and pretend that she didn't hear anything.

"I'll deal with you later..."

Uncontrollably, another thought came to her mind.

Qin Weibai started to complain again, with a complex expression of shame, anger, but pride: "She also said she would deal with you later."

As she spoke, she pushed the reincarnation palace master from lying on his back to lying on his side, looked at Li Tianlan and said, "You still won't teach her a lesson?"

Li Tianlan, who was annoyed and dumbfounded, almost without hesitation, raised his palm and slapped the Lord of Samsara Palace's **** hard.

Li Tianlan was often brought to tears by Qin Weibai when things like this happened.

He had complained because his hand was neither light nor heavy. It was a real slap and it hurt. Li Tianlan slapped him hard. He could clearly see that he was still pretending to sleep. The Lord of Samsara Palace gritted his teeth because of the pain.

Qin Weibai, who was originally looking proud, suddenly exclaimed, covered his **** and took a step back, and began to glare at Li Tianlan fiercely.

Feel the same...

This slap fell on the Palace Master of Samsara, which was no different from the slap on Qin Weibai. The Palace Master of the Samsara Palace didn't want to wake up, so he endured it, while Qin Weibai, who was slapped twice in a short period of time, was about to cry. .


Li Tianlan was a little embarrassed: "Do you believe me when I say I didn't mean it?"

In fact, this is not a question of intentionality at all. Although he knows in his heart that the two Qin Weibais are the same person, when the two individuals are standing in front of them, even Li Tianlan and even Qin Weibai himself will subconsciously ignore this. Only when the slap falls can you wake up, but it is obviously too late.

Qin Weibai turned his head and ignored Li Tianlan.

Li Tianlan smiled, leaned down slightly, pinched the face of the Palace Master of Samsara, sighed and said: "Stop pretending to be asleep, get up and let's talk."

The Lord of Samsara Palace still had no reaction.

The panic in her heart made her instinctively avoid contact with Li Tianlan now, and she needed at least some mental preparation.

"If you can't get up..."

Li Tianlan narrowed his eyes and raised his palm again.

As soon as he raised his hand, Qin Weibai rushed over, held his hand in his arms, and said warily: "What are you going to do?"

Li Tianlan mouth

His horn twitched, not knowing what to say.

Qin Weibai thought for a moment and said, "In this case, you go out first, and I'll talk to her first..."

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